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Цитаты гитлера на немецком с переводом. Немецкие крылатые выражения в русском языке

По одной из них, данная фраза была в письме Гитлера главе берлинского отделения СС Курту Далюге. Der Fuerer ist gefallen-Сообщение немецкого радио о смерти Адольфа Гитлера 1 мая 1945 года. и другие mp3 песни этого артиста и похожие треки. This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (February 2011).

Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года

Обращение Адольфа Гитлера к германскому народу 22 июня 1941 Речь рейхсканцлера А. Гитлера в Рейхстаге 1 сентября 1939
Хайль Гитлер Смотреть онлайн или скачать видео Adolf Hitler: Speech at Krupp Factory in Germany (1935) | British Pathé в MP3, 3GP, WebM, MP4 в HD 720, Full HD 1080, Ultra HD 4K и даже Ultra HD 8К качестве со звуком с YouTube бесплатно по прямой ссылке на компьютер, телефон или планшет без.
Речь Гитлера после воссоединения Австрии с Германией Воззвание Фюрера к Германскому Народу и Нота Министерства Иностранных Дел Германии Советскому Правительству с приложениями.
Речь Гитлера после воссоединения Австрии с Германией Adolf Hitler beeinflusste die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts auf schreckliche Weise. Doch wie wurde er zum Diktator, der die Welt mit einem verheerenden Krieg und dem Holocaust in eine Katastrophe stürzte?
Цитаты гитлера на немецком Цитаты Гитлера Представляю вам цитаты Гитлера.

Adolf Hitler: Speech at Krupp Factory in Germany (1935) | British Pathé

Ничего в мире так не заразительно, как смех и хорошее настроение. Тяжелее разрушить предвзятое мнение, чем расщепить атом. Sitzt man jedoch eine Minute auf einem heissen Ofen, meint man, es waren zwei Stunden. Das ist Relativitat. Если сидеть два часа рядом с , кажется, это прошла минута. Если же посидеть минуту на горячей плите, покажется, что прошло два часа. Это и есть относительность. Лучшие вещи в - это не те, которые можно получить за. Paul Thomas Mann Религия — это благоговение — в первую очередь перед тайной, которую представляет собой человек. Пауль Томас Манн Wenn man jemandem alles verziehen hat, ist man mit ihm fertig.

Если ты простил человеку все, значит с ним покончено. В тот момент, когда человек сомневается в и ценности , он болен. Мы больше стремимся к тому, чтобы избегать боли, нежели к тому, чтобы ощущать радость.

As far as Germany itself is concerned, let there be no doubts on the following points: — 1 We look on Bolshevism as a world peril for which there must be no toleration. It is in accordance with this attitude of ours that we should avoid close contact with the carriers of these poisonous bacilli. And that is also the reason why we do not want to have any closer relations with them beyond the necessary political and commercial relations; for if we went beyond these we might thereby run the risk of closing the eyes of our people to the danger itself. I consider Bolshevism the most malignant poison that can be given to a people. And therefore I do not want my own people to come into contact with this teaching.

As a citizen of this nation I myself shall not do what I should have to condemn my fellow-citizens for doing. I demand from every German workman that he shall not have any relations with these international mischief-makers and he shall never see me clinking glasses or rubbing shoulders with them. Moreover, any further treaty connections with the present Bolshevic Russia would be completely worthless for us. It is out of the question to think that National Socialist Germany should ever be bound to protect Bolshevism or that we, on our side, should ever agree to accept the assistance of a Bolshevic State. For I fear that the moment any nation should agree to accept such assistance, it would thereby seal its own doom. I must also say here that I do not accept the opinion which holds that in the moment of peril the League of nations could come to the rescue of the member States and hold them up by the arms, as it were. Eden stated in his last address that deeds and not speeches are what matters. On that point I should like to call attention to the fact that up to now the outstanding feature of the League of Nations has been talk rather than action.

There was one exception and in that case it would probably have been better to have been content with talk. In this one case, as might have been foreseen, action was fruitless. Hence, just as I have been forced by economic circumstances to depend on our own resources principally for the maintenance of my people, so also I have been forced in the political sphere. And we ourselves are not to blame for that. Three times I have made concrete offers for armament restriction or at least armament limitation. These offers were rejected. In this connection I may recall the fact that the greatest offer which I then made was that Germany and France together should reduce their standing armies to 300,000 men; that Germany, Great Britain and France, should bring down their air force to parity and that Germany and Great Britain should conclude a naval agreement. Only the last offer was accepted and it was the only contribution in the world to a real limitation of armaments.

The other German proposals were either flatly refused or were answered by the conclusion of those alliances which gave Central Europe to Soviet Russia as the field of play for its gigantic forces. Eden speaks of German armaments and expects a limitation of these armaments. We ourselves proposed this limitation long ago. But it had no effect because, instead of accepting our proposal, treaties were made whereby the greatest military power in the world was, according to the terms of the treaties and in fact, introduced into Central Europe. In speaking of armaments it would be well to mention in the first instance the armaments possessed by that Power which sets the standard for the armaments of all others. Eden believes that in the future all States should possess only the armament which is necessary for their de fence. I do not know whether and how far Mr. Eden has sounded Moscow on the question of carrying that excellent idea into effect, and I do not know what assurances they have given from that quarter.

I think however that I ought to put forward one point in this connection. Each nation has the right to judge this for itself, and it alone has the right. If therefore Great Britain today decides for herself on the extent of her armaments everybody in Germany will understand her action; for we can only think of London alone as being competent to decide on what is necessary for the protection of the British Empire. On the other hand I should like to insist that the estimate of our protective needs, and thus of the armament that is necessary for the de fence of our people, is within our own competency and can be decided only in Berlin. I believe that the general recognition of these principles will not render conditions more difficult but will help to release tension. Anyhow Germany is pleased at having found friends in Italy and Japan who hold the same views as ourselves and we should be still more pleased if these convictions were widespread in Europe. Therefore nobody welcomed more cordially than we did the manifest lessening of tension in the Mediterranean, brought about by the Anglo-Italian agreement. We believe that this will first of all lead to an understanding which may put a stop to, or at least limit, the catastrophe from which poor Spain is suffering.

Germany has no interests in that country except the care of those commercial relations which Mr. Eden himself declares to be so important and useful. Our sympathies with General Franco and his Government are in the first place of a general nature and, secondly, they arise from a hope that the consolidation of a real National Spain may lead to a strengthening of economic possibilities in Europe. We are ready to do everything which in any way may contribute towards the restoration of order in Spain. But I think that the following considerations should not be left out of account: — During the last hundred years a number of new nations have been created in Europe which formerly, because of their disunion and weakness, were of only small economic importance and of no political importance at all. Through the establishment of these new States new tensions have naturally arisen. True statesmanship however must face realities and not shirk them. The Italian nation and the new Italian State are realities.

The German nation and the German Reich are likewise realities. And for my my own fellow citizens I should like to state that the Polish nation and the Polish State have also become realities. Also in the Balkans nations have reawakened and have built their own States. The people who belong to those States want to live and they will live. The unreasonable division of the world into nations that have and nations that have not will not remove or solve that problem, no more than the internal social problems of the nations can be simply solved through more or less clever phrases. For thousands of years the nations asserted their vital claims by the use of power. If in our time some other institution is to take the place of this power for the purpose or regulating relations between the peoples, then it must take account of natural vital claims and decide accordingly. It is the task of the League of Nations only to guarantee the existing state of the world and to safeguard it for all time, then we might just as well entrust it with the task of regulating the ebb and flow of the tides or directing the Gulf Stream into a definite course for the future.

But the League of Nations will not be able to do the one or the other. The continuance of its existence will in the long run depend on the extent to which it realize that the necessary reforms which concern international relations must be carefully considered and put into practice. The German people once built up a colonial Empire without robbing anyone and without violating any treaty. And they did so without any war. That colonial Empire was taken away from us. And the grounds on which it was sought to excuse this act are not tenable. First: It was said that the natives did not want to belong to Germany. Who asked them if they wished to belong to some other Power?

And when were these natives ever asked if they had been contented with the Power that formerly ruled them? Second: It is stated that the colonies were not administered properly by the Germans. Now, Germany had these colonies only for a few decades. Great sacrifices were made in building them up and they were in a process of development which would have led to quite different results than in 1914. But anyhow the colonies had been so developed by us that other people considered it worth while to engage in a sanguinary struggle for the purpose of taking them from us. Third: It is said that they are of no real value. If that is the case then they can be of no value to other States also. And so it is difficult to see why they keep them.

Moreover, Germany has never demanded colonies for military purposes, but exclusively for economic purposes. It is obvious that in times of general prosperity the value of certain territories may decrease, but it is just as evident that in times of distress such value increases. Today Germany lives in a time of difficult struggle for foodstuffs and raw materials. Sufficient imports are conceivable only if there be a continued and lasting increase in our exports. Therefore, as a matter of course, our demand for colonies for our densely populated country will be put forward again and again. In concluding my remarks on this subject I should like to note a few points concerning the possible ways which may lead to a general pacification of Europe, which might also be extended outside Europe. They are the most important conditions for lasting and solid economic and political relations between the peoples. A few weeks ago we saw how an organized band of international war mongers spread a mass of lies which almost succeeded in raising mistrust between two nations and might easily have led to worse consequences than actually followed.

I greatly regret that the British Foreign Secretary did not categorically state that there was not one word of truth in those calumnies about Morocco which had been spread by these international war mongers. Thanks to the loyalty of a foreign diplomat and his Government, it was possible to clear up this extraordinary situation immediately. Supposing another case arose in which it turned out impossible to establish the truth so readily, what then would happen? Germany is hoping to have close and friendly relations with Italy. May we succeed in paving the way for such relations with other European countries. The German Reich will watch over its security and honor with its strong army. On the other hand, convinced that there can be no greater treasure for Europe than peace, it will always be a reasonable supporter of those European ideals of peace and will be always conscious of its responsibilities. This would lead to a decisive lessening of tension between the nations who are forced to live side by side, and whose State frontiers are not identical with the ethnical frontiers.

In concluding these remarks I should like to deal with the document which the British Government addressed to the German Government on the occasion of the occupation of the Rhineland. I should like first to state that we believe and are convinced that the British Government at that time did everything to avoid an increase of tension in the European crisis, and that the document in question owes its origin entirely to the desire to make a contribution towards disentangling the situation of those days. Nevertheless, it was not possible for the German Government, for reasons which the Government of Great Britain will appreciate, to reply to those questions. We preferred to settle some of those questions in the most natural way by the practical building up of our relations with our neighbors. I believe that this statement will be understood by all. Moreover, with all my heart I hope that the intelligence and goodwill of responsible European Governments will succeed, despite all opposition, in preserving peace for Europe. Peace is our dearest treasure. Whatever contributions Germany can make towards preserving it, these she will make.

Before concluding my address today I should like to give a short sketch of the tasks that lie ahead of us. In the carrying out of the Four Years Plan lies our first task. It will call for gigantic efforts but eventually it will turn out a great blessing for our people. Its purpose is to strengthen our national economic system in all its branches. The execution of it is guaranteed. All those great works which have been started apart from this plan will be continued. Their purpose is to promote the health of the nation and make life more pleasant. Building extensions will be systematically carried out in some of our large cities, as an externalization of the spirit that actuates this great plan.

And that order will be based on such spacious plans as will be worthy of the National Socialist Movement and also of the German metropolis. We have allotted a period of twenty years for the carrying out of this plan. May the Almighty God grant us a time of peace in which to bring this gigantic work to completion. But this work will only be the counterpart of a general cultural development which we wish to see taking place in Germany, as the crowning achievement to the restoration of our internal and external freedom. And, finally, it will be one of our future tasks to give the German people a Constitution which will be in harmony with the real life of our people, as that life has developed politically. This Constitution will place its seal on this life for all time to come and will be an imperishable and fundamental law for all Germans. As I look back on the great work that has been done during the past four years you will understand quite well that my first feeling is simply one of thankfulness to our Almighty God for having allowed me to bring this work to success. He has blessed our lab ours and has enabled our people to come through all the obstacles which encompassed them on their way.

I have had three extraordinary friends in my life. In my youth it was Poverty, which was my companion for many years. When the Great War came to a close it was the profound anguish that I felt over the downfall of our people. This anguish seized me and determined the path I had to follow. Since January 30th. From that time this anxiety has never left my side and will probably remain a faithful companion until the end of my days. But how could a man bear the burden of this anxiety were it not for the faith he has in his mission and which enables him to trust that He who is above us all sanctions my work. Destiny has often decreed that men who have a special mission to fulfil must be lonely and deserted.

But here I wish to return thanks to Providence for having given me a group of faithful comrades who linked their lives with mine and have ever since fought at my side for the resurrection of our people. It is a great happiness for me that I did not have to walk among the German people as a man alone, but that at my side there was always a group of men whose names will endure in the history of Germany. At this point I wish to thank my old fighting comrades who have stood by my side throughout all these years and who give me their help today either as Cabinet Ministers, Reichsstatthalter, Gauleiter, or in other positions under the Party or the State. During these days a tragedy is being enacted in Moscow which shows how highly we ought to value that loyalty which binds the leaders of a nation to one another. I further wish to express my sincere gratitude to all those who did not belong to the ranks of the Party but who in these recent years have been loyal assistants and comrades in governmental work and in other work for the nation. All of them belong to us, even though they may not wear the external insignia of our party community. I thank all those men and women who have assisted in building up our party organizations and working in them with success. But above all I have to thank the chiefs of our armed forces.

They have enabled us to provide the National Socialist State with a National Socialist defence force, without placing any difficulties whatsoever in the way. Thus the Party and the defence forces are now the guarantors sworn to devote themselves to the preservation of our national existence. But we know that all our efforts would have been in vain if we did not have the loyal cooperation of hundreds of thousands of political leaders, innumerable officials and countless soldiers and officers, who did their work under the inspiration of the ideal of our national resurgence. And above all we must acknowledge that our success could not have been attained if we were not backed up by the united front of the whole people. On this historic occasion I must once again thank all those millions of unknown Germans, from every class and caste, profession and trade and from all the farmsteads, who have given their hearts, their lives and their sacrifices, for the new Reich. And all of us, gentlemen and members of the Reichstag, hereby join together in tendering our thanks to the women of Germany, to the millions of those German mothers who have given their children to the Third Reich. During these four years every mother who has presented a child to the nation has contributed by her pain and her joy to the happiness of the whole people. When I think of that healthy youth which belongs to our nation, then my faith in the future becomes a joyful certainty.

And it is with a profund [sic] feeling that I realize the significance of the simple word which Ulrich von Huten wrote when he picked up his pen for the last time — Deutschland. Go to the 1933-1945 Page.

These proletarian-minded persons are some Jewish billionaires, and we know very well that behind 2 or 3 proletarians ultimately stands another organization which is outside of the state: the Alliance Israelite and their grandiose propaganda organization and the organization of Freemasonry. Loud applause and clapping of hands And in all these things we must understand that there are no good or evil Jews. Here everyone works exactly according to the instincts of his race, because the race, or should we say, the nation and its character, as the Jew himself explains, lies in blood, and this blood is forcing everyone to act according to these principles, whether he is the leading mind in a party that calls itself democratic, or calls itself socialist, or a man of science, literature, or just an ordinary exploiter. The political organization And when we see, for example, in these Jewish magazines, that it is specified that every Jew everywhere is obligated to fight against any antisemite, wherever and whoever he is, then it follows by deduction that every German, wherever and whoever he is, will become an antisemite.

Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal social justice, and so we have joined forces with this knowledge and when we finally united, there was only one big question: How should we actually baptize ourselves? A party? A bad name! When I hear that word I go mad. Economic organizing only — here lies the salvation and the future. Stormy applause Since it is clear that scientific knowledge is worthless as long as this knowledge is not a basis for an organization of the masses for the implementation of what we consider necessary, and it is further clear that for this organization only the broad masses of our people can be considered. Loud applaus.

The salvation can never come from above, it can and will only come from the masses, from the bottom up. Applause And as we came to this realization and decided to form a party, a political party that wants to enter into the ruthless political struggle for the future, then we heard a voice: Do you believe that you few can do it, do you really believe that a couple of guys can do it? Because we understood that we had an immense battle ahead of us but also that anything created by men can be destroyed by other men. And another conviction has arisen within us, that this can not be a matter of whether we think we can do it, but only a question of whether we believe that it is right and that it is necessary, and if it is right and necessary, then it is no longer a question of whether we want to, but rather it is our duty to do what we feel is necessary. We did not ask after money and supporters, but we decided to go forth. And while others are working a whole generation, perhaps in order to get a small house or to have a carefree retirement, we put our lives at stake and have begun this difficult struggle. If we win, and we are convinced we will, though we may die penniless we will have helped create the biggest movement which will now extend over all Europe and the whole world.

Loud applause The first three principles were clear, and they are inseparable from each other. And we were aware that in this fight we can rely on no one but our own people. We are convinced that socialism in the right sense will only be possible in nations and races that are Aryan, and there in the first place we hope for our own people and are convinced that socialism is inseparable from nationalism. Loud applause To be nationalist does not mean for us to belong to one party or another, but to show with every action that one benefits the people; it means love for all the people without exception. From this point of view we will realize that it is necessary to preserve the most precious thing a people has, the sum of all active creative powers of its workers, to keep it healthy in body and soul. Cheers And this view of nationalism compels us to immediately form a front against its opposite, the Semitic conception of the idea of people Volk , and especially against the Semitic concept of work. Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be antisemites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism.

And when today the Jew still runs into our factories and says: How can you be a socialist antisemite? Are not you ashamed? Hear, hear There comes a time when it will be obvious that socialism can only be carried out accompanied by nationalism and antisemitism. The three concepts are inseparably connected. They are the foundations of our program and therefore we call ourselves National Socialists. Cheers How to proceed Finally, we know how great the social reforms must be so that Germany may recover. We know that one will have to cut deep.

We will not be able to come around the national problem and the issue of land reform, and the problem of care for all those who, day after day, are working for the community and in their old age this care must not be a pittance, but they have a right to have their old days be still worth living. If we wish to make these social reforms, this must go hand in hand with the fight against the enemy of every social institution: Jewry. Here too we know that scientific knowledge can only be the groundwork, but that behind this knowledge must stand an organization which one day will be able to go over into action. And in this action we will remain adamant, which means: removal of Jews from amongst our people Loud and long sustained applause and clapping , not because we begrudge them their existence — we congratulate the rest of the world on account of their visits great hilarity — but because we value the existence of our own people a thousand times higher than that of an alien race. And since we are convinced that this scientific antisemitism that clearly recognizes the terrible danger of this race for any people can only be a guide, and the masses will always perceive them emotionally — for they know the Jew first and foremost as the man in daily life who always and everywhere sticks out — our concern must be to arouse in our people the instinct against Jewry and whip it up and stir, until they come to the decision to join the movement which is willing to take the consequences. Bravo and applause. Some people tell us: Whether you succeed depends eventually on whether you have the sufficient money and so on.

To this, I think I can say the following: Even the power of money is somehow limited; there is a certain limit beyond which, eventually, not the money rules but the truth. And we do not despair if we maybe still stand alone, if we today, wherever we go, do see potential supporters but nowhere the courage to join the organization. That should not lead us astray; we have accepted the fight and we must win it. I could predict it back then because I knew that the courage and the will to act were absent everywhere. We have proclaimed as our election platform only one thing: Let the others go to the polls today, to the Reichstag, to the parliaments and loll in their club chairs; we want to climb up the beer tables and pull the masses with us. Tirelessly and constantly, as long as we have a spark of strength and a breath in the lungs, we will come out and call all our people; and always tell the truth until we can begin to hope that this truth will prevail. Till the day finally comes when our words fall silent and action begins.

Pause and discussion Closing remarks of the speaker Hitler: Ladies and gentlemen! We are not as dreadful as our primary enemy and we cannot shatter Jewry by ourselves; we do not imagine it is so easy. However, we have decided not to come with any buts and ifs. But once the matter comes to the solution, it will be done, and done thoroughly. Then a gentleman said that our movement would mean a battle into which the working class would be drawn. Yes, and we the social democrats and communists? That mistake we will not make.

We do not promise any Heaven but the one thing, that if you are determined to carry out this program in Germany, maybe once again the time will come in which you will be able to have a life. If you carry out the glorious reform which these gentlemen here wish, you will in an even shorter time face the need to embellish this life with the very same decrees which their leaders Trotsky and Lenin issue now: Those who are not willing to fight for the blessings of that State, die. Finally, he said that they opposed any capitalism. My esteemed audience! The communists have so far merely been fighting industrial capital and have only hung industrial capitalists. But name me one Jewish capitalist whom they have hung. The Soviet Government itself admits this now.

Among those 300,000 is not a single Jew! Is that persecution of Jews or rather, in the truest sense of the word, persecution of Christians? Hear, hear Then you said you fought against both the loan capital and industrial capital. But you have so far combated neither the one nor the other. You cannot fight the industrial capital, at most destroy it, and then you must again start with a 12-hour working day to rebuild it. This one is paying you. Thunderous applause and clapping of hands Then the second speaker stated the cause of the revolution should be looked for in poverty.

We prefer to put it this way: Poverty has made Germany ripe for those who wanted the revolution. You can read the piece written by their Lord and Master who was then ruling Germany, Rathenau, where he explained precisely that the revolution had a real and deliberate purpose: Displacement of the feudal system and its replacement by plutocracy. These men have been the financiersof this glorious movement. Loud applause Then you said further: Before the war one has not heard anything of Jews. That is a sad fact that we have heard so little. This does not mean, however, that he was not there. But above all, it is not true, because this movement did not begin after the war but has been there just as long as there are Jews.

If you go back and read in Jewish history, the Jews gradually exterminated the original tribes in Palestine by the sword, so you can imagine that there has been antisemitism as a logical reaction. And it existed the whole time till this day, and the pharaohs in Egypt were probably just as antisemitic as we are today. If you had, before the war, not only read their famous writers Moritz, Salomon, and others — I do not even mention newspapers which, a priori, carry the stamp of approval of the Alliance Israelite- you would have heard that in Austria there was a huge anti-Semitic movement, but also the Russia people constantly attempted to rise up against the Jewish bloodsuckers. That in Galicia, the Poles groaned and no longer worked, and sometimes rose in despair against those crazy idealists who were hell-bound to send the people to their early graves. Unfortunately, too late we have begun to understand this there, but you say: Before the war, one has not heard of it. But really deplorable are only those who hear it now and still cannot get the courage to answer our call. We are grateful that at least you admit that your pope has made mistakes.

Laughter But then you declare you would not make these mistakes. For one thing, when 300,000 people are hanged in Germany and when our whole economy is shattered after their pattern, then your statement that you would not make the same mistakes is not enough. You seem to have a poor idea of what the Bolshevik system really means. It will not improve the situation, but it is put there in order to destroy the races with these errors. Hear, hear. Finally, you explain, since the loan capital is international, we cannot fight it nationally, otherwise the international world will shut us off. These are the consequences of relying on international solidarity!

Loud applause. Had you not made us so powerless, we could not have cared less if the other world is happy with us or not. But when you yourself admit that this International, which practically dominates Britain, France and North America, is able to shut us off, do you believe then that the fight against Capital is being fought over there? So long as this Earth exists, nations have never been freed by the will and the deed of other nations, but either by their own force or they remained in bondage. Laughter And you explain that, because of a peculiar conformity of Bible and our Party program, I am a Communist.

A people that did not get its war-prisoners back, even after the armistice and peace-treaty had been signed! A people that was not given food, even after it was defenseless! A people that was now repeatedly coerced,-if one carefully studies those times-from whom re-subjection was again and again demanded, extorted by some new repression. When one reflects upon this even today, one falls even now into a state of burning hatred and rancor against a world in which anything like this is possible. Well, it was at that time, my racial comrades, when everything was broken up, when the upper leadership had faithlessly fled abroad, when others were surrendering, when the Wehrmacht had to give up its weapons, when the people disarmed themselves voluntarily,-it was at that time, when the agitation? It was such a mad determination in the eyes of those others, that my closest friends did not understand me. I found the strength for this determination only from my knowledge of the people. If, at that time, I had only known the upper ten thousand, believe me, my German people-I would not stand before you today, I would never have found courage for this thought which is capable of revolutionizing a people. I knew at that time first and all the people itself; I knew... I could not abandon that, for it would have been to betray my own comrades, who were just as badly... I have come to know the great mass of the German people, ladies and gentlemen, from living with them. And these masses have not only upheld my belief in the people, but have restored it, and constantly strengthened it through all the years since then, in the face of contrary circumstances, or when any misfortune seemed to threaten the realization of my plans. It was clear to me that this whole development, just as in the last 20 years or 30 years before the war, could lead only to collapse. But I had already formed the resolve to declare war on this whole development. That is not merely to declare: "I will get a German Wehrmacht, I will get an army or an air-force"; it was clear to me that the inner structure of the social order must be altered, so that in the dead body of our people the blood would flow again, and that society should hold firmly... I have always looked upon this undertaking as possible, as within the power of the country. But I was of the conviction that strength could only be given to a body in which the sight and the essence of the new condition was already incorporated. Therefore, I was resolved to build up a small movement, beginning with those people who should already have within themselves that which appeared later as really essential to the whole of society. And this was perhaps not so hard as I thought, inasmuch as I was already on guard against the danger of unworthy place-seekers or selfish persons joining my ranks. For whoever joined this movement in those years from 1919-23 had to be a boundless idealist. Any other kind of man would only say: "He is an utter fool. The man is mad. And I can say that of all my followers, all of them who at that time and later supported me: they had nothing to win, and everything to lose. And how much have they all lost for my sake. I have now begun this battle, first against stupidity, stupidity and inertia, under the so-called higher strata; I have begun it against the cowardice which spreads caste far and wide, the cowardice which always pretended to be cleverness and came around and said: "We must submit; we must be patient"; or, as Herr Erzberger said, "We must sign everything, we must sign everything they put before us; then they will forgive us; then it will be all right again. Often we have experienced... And we were not quiet. I then formed the program: "The German language belongs to the German. And I had at that time to fight on further against selfish? The man of the Left said to me: "You are going against my interests" or "You are going against my interests. My interests are class interests. And these class interests oblige me to slay the other fellow. We have the interests of station, we too have our interests,... Do not come in here! And above the interests which seemed to be found in station or in class, stood sic the interests which lie in the folk, in that community which cannot be torn apart, all this appears today to be so obvious a thing to get all these... One group did not want to accept this idea,... We want our old filth... Eventually you will even demand of me that I should add one... To me also it is obvious, we want... All that was thus not so simple, slowly to draw one thing after another out of this people, and how many have quite simply run away from it. It was not, indeed, my national comrades, as if every one who came to me at that time, on that account also remained with me. Many a time I had to bring fifty or sixty somewhere... All the others were gone again. And one had to begin again. I made a calculation at that time. If I win a hundred over, and have only ten remain to me, and the other ninety always leave me, then gradually they will become a hundred if I win a thousand. If I win ten thousand, they will be a thousand, and gradually the number of those who remain will grow ever larger. And if one had departed for the second or third time, perhaps, then perhaps he will be embarrassed to go the fifth time, and then he too will remain. And thus, with unbelievable patience and with perseverance and persistence I will slowly build up a group that is a majority in the German Reich itself. The others may laugh or mock as much as they wish. It does not matter. They may go against us. That does not matter; then we will defend ourselves. We will not capitulate. We will not get off the street, we will not give up our places until we... The feeling of the National Socialist is today obvious to us. However at that time, these were new ideas, new learnings, which were neither understood, nor of course, accepted by many. And another thing was added to this, a cursed tradition, in which every single... It was a fight against traditions, and also, naturally, against the elements of cultural up-bringing. Some said,... One is studied, taught, hammered in, in God knows how many homework hours, and the other is innate born and will always come to the fore, and will know how to find a following among his natural and necessary talents of leadership. It was a struggle against almost all of the things which we were accustomed to in life. Besides this, there was a fight against certain natural interests. For some, because. I do not know what is more evil, a bodily threat rather than a spiritual suppression which can perhaps break down a person even faster than a physical threat. There have been heroes who have come forward at that time. And I should like to explain something about that: These heroes have in reality continued the war of 1914-1918. One sees them yet so displayed as if they were soldiers in my eyes and their party, no, that the soldiers have been once, and indeed the best soldiers. They were the best soldiers that have ever been, who would not and could not bear the acquiescence, thus we recognize it today, that a really good National Socialist will also be always the best soldier. And now came the organized opponents also. They were first of all approximately 46 or 47 parties, who hesitated accordingly to unite together the bicyclists, or the small gardeners, or cottagers, or other people. But there were some 48 parties. An Allied Opposition. And here above all the party secretaries, their functionaries,. For where, after all, was a... You are fighting here for something that can be of no use to anyone. You will both have to get off your high horse. In the long run you cannot do without each other. And as an example he says, or he makes rejoinders, which... Where, then, do the trade-union secretaries and the syndics get? And most of all, where then do the dear Jews get, who had, indeed, their interests so much in both camps, who on the one hand directed capital, even, and on the other hand led the anti-capitalists, and often, indeed, as one family with two brothers in both camps. My dear national comrades! When at that time I began this fight, I knew very well that it was a fight against an entire condition of things, and how hard it was only my fellow-fighters can know, who realized that for me the last war had offered clear... I continued to fight when I could speak again, and I have gone up and down the country, and from city to city, and have spoken and labored again and again, always with the single thought to loose the German people from this bond, to deliver them from their lethargy, and voice is fading. Not only have I found comrades in arms, but also countless people in the course of these years, who have now helped us, women and men, who have given all, for whom the Party, in particular, was everything. The other wretched bourgeois, especially, cannot understand that. Only those can understand who belong to National Socialism, for whom the movement means everything, so that they have thought of their movement the whole day, so that they have risked all, and have offered every sacrifice. Now the whole nation understands it; what was then counted not even a thousand, today totals millions of fellow countrymen, who are going to the gathering places, and are giving, for the National Socialist Union, their last fur and pullover. This good fortune, to be able to give... How great the good fortune was only those can measure, apparently, who today can say of themselves: "I am doing everything for my people, everything for our soldiers, so that they may stand fast. Slowly, it is true, but it was well so; it needed time, but it came into existence. This movement exists today; it was not an uninterrupted growth, but there were then again also days of the most severe distress and of doubt, dark days. I need only remember the year 1923. The enemy stood in the Ruhr district, Germany was in inflation, the whole German people ruined, and seemed to be going under in unparalleled misery, several words unintelligible and they profited by our misfortune. And then I tried at that time to get in my hand the power to bring misfortune to a stop. And at the moment when I might believe that I would get the power, then fate struck me down, and I came, instead of into power, into prison. And then, at this time, then the movement had to be on guard, and of course, I myself, also. And I may now say that at this moment, when I had yet scarcely come to my senses, I did not lose my head for a minute, but had soon recovered my faith. One sentence unintelligible one needed to have no further hesitation about it, one no longer needed even to choose, National Socialism fading. After 13 months I came back again and began again from the beginning. And then Providence freed the whole volume? Years of waiting. Then after the first hard blow I got great increases in the movement. What that cost in work is known only to those who were there then. But I kept then also my boundless faith, faith in my own person, too, Remainder of sentence unintelligible-Hitler is screaming. I took to heart then the saying of a German philosopher: "The blow of an old. At this time the rest of the world took no notice at all of us. These diplomats sent wonderful reports to their governments, in which they depicted the... They treated the Germany of that day as though there never would exist, or never had existed a National Socialism. And how they treated this Germany! Their Germany, their democratic Germany. The child which they had... This freak of parliamentary democracy, constitution of Weimar and body of laws from Versailles! How they mishandled this monster-child, oppressed it, wrung it out. If today they act as though they are against us National Socialists, or turn against National Socialist Germany, still, did they not... Only there is one difference: they cannot... To us it makes no difference what their opinion of us is: I have never, even to the slightest degree, counted on having foreign countries... If it should come to pass that my enemies should praise me, then the German nation can send me to the devil. They were refused every human right, but they should have had the right, now and then, to participate in an international conference, or even to preside there. The disarmament: If today it is said, that our Germany, this National Socialist Germany, forced us to arm, putting aside the fact that... There was once a Germany which had no arms at all. They could have done it, or does anyone believe that perhaps Stresemann or Marx, or any one of these men, Wirth, Bauer, Eberth, Scheidemann, would have declared the might of war? Well, that cannot be told anyone. That is when they should have disarmed.

Полный текст обращения Гитлера к немецкому народу 22 июня 1941 года

Фразы Гитлера на немецком языке имеют большое значение, потому что они отражают его идеологию и политические убеждения. Речь рейхсканцлера А. Гитлера в Рейхстаге 1 сентября 1939 Meine Ehre heißt Treue! — (нем. Моя честь называется верность, другой возможный перевод Верность — моя честь) девиз на клинках Кинжалов СС (нем.

Адольф Гитлер цитаты и высказывания.

Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года: glavbuhdudin — LiveJournal Из анализа публикуемой речи Гитлера хорошо видно, что нападение на СССР воспринималось немцами в контексте войны с Англией, и Сталин рассматривался как английский союзник, достигшей с главным противником Германии большой степени кооперации.
Цитаты гитлера на немецком Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера на немецком кричит.
Высказывания адольфа гитлера. Цитаты на немецком языке с переводом September 1, 1939, justifying the German invasion of Poland. Short video clip excerpt.

Адольф Гитлер Фразы На Немецком Скачать mp3

Von funk. Karl Lueger und dem Komponisten Richard Wagner. Im Jahr darauf bekam er als ihr neuer Vorsitzender umfassende Machtbefugnisse — sein politischer Weg zur Machtergreifung begann. Hitler sah den richtigen Zeitpunkt gekommen, um die Macht zu ergreifen. Am Abend des 8. Schon Ende 1924 wurde er vorzeitig aus der Haft entlassen.

Am 13. April erhielt er 36,8 Prozent.

Впереди вас ждет много чего интересного и полезного. Начните свою жизнь - по новому и с чистого листа. Желаю всем удачи и только добра. Показать больше.

Народы ислама к нам будут всегда намного ближе, чем например, Франция. Зачем нам национализировать банки, заводы? Мы национализируем людей.

Высшей целью человечества является ни в коем случае не сохранение данной государственной формы или тем более данного правительства, а сохранение народного начала. Воспитать широкие массы народа в национальном духе можно только на путях поднятия их социального уровня. Движению нашему не смогли повредить никакие преследования его вождей, никакая клевета, никакая напраслина.

Из всех преследований оно выходило все более и более сильным, потому что идеи наши верны, цели наши чисты и готовность наших сторонников к самопожертвованию — вне всякого сомнения. О власти Лишь та государственная власть имеет право на уважение и на поддержку, которая выражает стремления и чувства народа или по крайней мере не приносит ему вреда. Страх — величайшее оружие государства.

Когда люди боятся, они подчиняются. Как дети, которые следуют за вами, если пообещать им защиту. Когда правительственная власть все те средства, какими она располагает, употребляет на то, чтобы вести целый народ к гибели, тогда не только правом, но и обязанностью каждого сына народа является бунт.

Никогда ещё в истории ни одно государство не было создано мирной хозяйственной деятельностью. Чтобы излечить какую-либо болезнь, надо сначала понять, каковы её возбудители. То же самое относится и к лечению политических болезней.

Учиться истории означает уметь искать и находить факторы и силы, обусловившие те или другие события, которые мы потом должны были признать историческими событиями. Необходимо сделать так, чтобы кара за преступления следовала сразу же после его совершения, если хочешь добиться положительного эффекта. На государстве лежит прямой долг систематически и планомерно выискивать во всей массе народа наиболее способных и одаренных людей и ставить этих людей на службу обществу.

Надо положить конец и тому предрассудку, будто вопросы физического воспитания являются частным делом каждого отдельного человека. О жизненной этике Выбрал свой путь — иди по нему до конца. Победителя никто не спросит, правду он говорил или нет.

Перед лицом великой цели никакие жертвы не покажутся слишком большими. Совести нет. Совесть придумали евреи.

Поосторожней с людьми, они непредсказуемы. В последнем счёте всегда побеждает только инстинкт самосохранения. Под давлением этого инстинкта вся так называемая человечность, являющаяся только выражением чего-то среднего между глупостью, трусостью и самомнением, тает как снег на весеннем солнце.

На свете живут всемогущие люди и немощные, бедные и богатые, но их трупы воняют одинаково! Даже если вы тысячу раз признаете нас виновными, вечный суд истории оправдает нас и со смехом выбросит вердикт вашего суда. Об оккупации СССР Единственное, что должно быть хорошо организовано на оккупированных русских территориях,— это транспорт.

Ибо бесперебойная работа транспорта в стране есть одно из основных предварительных условий для установления над ней контроля и использования ее экономических ресурсов. Необходимо свести славян до языка жестов. Никакой гигиены, никаких прививок.

Только водка и табак. Если русские, украинцы, киргизы и пр. Ибо таким образом более способные туземцы смогут приобщиться к некоторым историческим знаниям, а значит, и усвоят политические идеи, которые в любом случае хоть как-то будут направлены против нас.

Обе эти территории по их культурному развитию принадлежат исключительно германскому народу. Данциг был отнят у нас, Коридор был аннексирован Польшей. Как и на других германских территориях на востоке, со всеми немецким населением, проживающим там, обращались всё хуже и хуже.

Более чем миллион немцев в 1919-20 годах были отрезаны от их родины. Как всегда, я пытался мирным путём добиться пересмотра, изменения этого невыносимого положения. Это — ложь, когда либеральный мир говорит, что мы хотим добиться перемен силой.

По свой собственной инициативе я неоднократно предлагал пересмотреть эти невыносимые условия. Все эти предложения, как вы знаете, были отклонены — предложения об ограничении вооружений и, если необходимо, разоружении, предложения об ограничении военного производства, предложения о запрещении некоторых видов современного вооружения.

служба утерянных цитат - 9

Вождь Рейха Адольф Гитлер имеет полную единодушную поддержку всего немецкого народа: какая еще демократия нужна демагогам Запада?». Цитаты Гитлера на немецком языке напоминают о трагических событиях и важности мира. Adolf Hitler said in a speech: Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa! If international. I would like to find all Hitler speeches in original German, but the more I look, the less I find. Sure there are a few here and there, but his complete speeches in German are nowhere to find. I did find a full text on , (linked to also in this answer) but sadly that is only in English. Also the search. Вождь Рейха Адольф Гитлер имеет полную единодушную поддержку всего немецкого народа: какая еще демократия нужна демагогам Запада?». Адольф Гитлер (1889-1945) был диктатором Германии с 1933 по 1945 годы и является одним из ключевых персонажей Второй мировой войны.

Adolf Hitler: Rede vor dem Reichstag am 1. September 1939

Афоризмы, цитаты, высказывания знаменитых людей в переводе с немецкого на русский язык. В первую очередь из-за знаменитой фразы Гитлера в 1936 году, когда он наперекор всем приказал войти в демилитаризованную Рейнскую о6ласть. On September 12, 1938, Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of the Reich, addressed the German Reichstag. That morning, The German Reich had crossed the German-Czech frontier, thus initiating the Invasion of Czechoslovakia. Delegates, Men of the German Reichstag! For months we have been suffering under. Meine Ehre heißt Treue! — (нем. Моя честь называется верность, другой возможный перевод Верность — моя честь) девиз на клинках Кинжалов СС (нем. Адольф Гитлер — немецкий политик и оратор, основоположник и центральная фигура. Звук с фразой "Гитлер капут" на немецком языке (мужской голос).

Адольф Гитлер знаменитые цитаты

  • Хайль Гитлер
  • Смотрите также
  • Звуки с голосами немецкой речи скачать и слушать онлайн
  • Адольф Гитлер Цитаты о мужчинах
  • Adolf Hitler Speeches : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
  • Adolf Hitler: Speech at Krupp Factory in Germany (1935) | British Pathé

Полный текст обращения Гитлера к немецкому народу 22 июня 1941 года

Знаменитые слова гитлера на немецком Журналистка немецкого телеканала опозорилась на весь мир, использовав термин, который был в ходу во времена Гитлера.
Telegram: Contact @ntsp2 Я объявляю немецкому народу и всему миру, что Адольф Гитлер вступил как фюрер и рейхсканцлер теперь в замок старой столицы империи, хранительницы короны империи.
Известные фразы гитлера. Цитаты на немецком языке с переводом I would like to find all Hitler speeches in original German, but the more I look, the less I find. Sure there are a few here and there, but his complete speeches in German are nowhere to find. I did find a full text on , (linked to also in this answer) but sadly that is only in English. Also the search.
Цитаты Гитлера на немецком с переводом на русский Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера про евреев.
Известные фразы гитлера. Цитаты на немецком языке с переводом Главная» Новости» Цитаты гитлера на немецком.

Адольф Гитлер Фразы На Немецком Скачать mp3

Reichstag Speech, May 21, 1935. "We recognize, with the understanding and the heartfelt friendship of true Nationalists, the Polish State as the home of a great, nationally-conscious people." "The German Reich and, in particular, the present German Government, have no other wish than to live on friendly. text of Hitler s. По одной из них, данная фраза была в письме Гитлера главе берлинского отделения СС Курту Далюге. О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. Я объявляю немецкому народу и всему миру, что Адольф Гитлер вступил как фюрер и рейхсканцлер теперь в замок старой столицы империи, хранительницы короны империи. Представляю вам подборку цитат лидера нацистской Германии Адольфа Гитлера (1889 — 1945).

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