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Другими словами, бонус мастерства мультиклассового персонажа точно такой же, как и у персонажа одного класса того же общего уровня. Однако навыки, которые вы получите от выбора класса, будут различаться. Хотя вы получаете все навыки, которые вы обычно получаете от класса, с которого начинается ваш персонаж, другие классы, которые вы выбираете, дадут вам только определенные навыки из их списка. Например, персонаж, который переходит в мультикласс в Разбойника, получает только один навык из списка навыков класса, а не четыре навыка, которые обычно выбираются. Наконец, особенности класса, включая божественность канала, дополнительную атаку и небронированную защиту, не суммируются. Если у вас уже есть эта функция из другого класса, ее повторное получение не даст вам возможности использовать ее еще раз. Вы по-прежнему совершаете только две атаки с дополнительной атакой, как обычно.
Как рассчитать слоты для мультиклассовых заклинаний Мультиклассовые персонажи сами определяют, какие заклинания им доступны, и могут подготовиться как обычно для каждого класса.
Similarly, a spellcasting focus, such as a holy symbol, can be used only for the spells from the class associated with that focus. Spell Slots. You determine your available spell slots by adding together all your levels in the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, and wizard classes, and half your levels rounded down in the paladin and ranger classes. Use this total to determine your spell slots by consulting the Multiclass Spellcaster table.
If you have more than one spellcasting class, this table might give you spell slots of a level that is higher than the spells you know or can prepare. You can use those slots, but only to cast your lower-level spells.
Что бы не придумывать лишний раз велосипед, возьмем за основу другую расу ааракокр. Представляют они из себя полулюдей-полуптиц и имеют а арсенале скорость полета равную 50 фт. Эту скорость полета мы и даем нашему человеку-пауку, но со следующими ограничениями. Свой ход он должен закончить на земле, в пределах 50 фт.
Второе это перемещение по стенам и потолку. Тут мы банально даем нашему классу скорость лазания, равную скорости перемещения ааракора, то есть 25 фт.
Лайков: 1 Июль 22, 2020, 11:43п. Давайте объединим всех латников, тряпочников, кольчужников и кожников в 4 изначальных класса, которые по мере прокачки смогут открывать ветви развития своего персонажа по тому или иному пути, чтобы игрок сам решал что ему нужно по мере кача. Июль 22, 2020, 11:57п. То есть это жирная турель, которая станет еще быстрой, со стелсом и еще большим самохилом. Лайков: 1 Июль 23, 2020, 12:43д.
DnD 5e Multiclassing: A Practical Guide – RPGBOT
To counter this increased incoming damage, you have your Rage, which is now expanded to halve all forms of damage except psychic. This is enough to lock many characters out of this otherwise great dip, but for those who fit the bill, I would highly recommend considering this 3 level inclusion. In another article , I explained how the Divine Soul is miles ahead of any other sorcerer subclass, and that holds true for multiclassing as well. This includes little things like Haste, Fireball, and Spirit Guardians. Well, notice the qualification I made when talking about sorcerer. Even better, unlike other classes that are often used to grant heavy armor , this cleric dip can be made at any time, as heavy armor is granted as a class feature and is not subject to the reduced proficiency table that governs multiclassing. This makes cleric a very flexible 1 level dip that a huge number of builds can take advantage of, beating out the more powerful but less widely applicable sorcerer.
This dip is a great 2 to 3 level investment that means your party will never have to worry about out-of-combat healing again. This turns each casting of Goodberry from restoring 10 hit points to 40. There is so much to love when taking your starting level in fighter. This flexible dip has made its way into many of my builds, from Bladesinger wizards to WrestleMania bards, and the fighter dip always pays off. Always the dip and never the main: the warlock. This class is by far the strongest multiclass dip in 5E.
If none of those features interest you, then the Fiend patron offers a renewable source of temporary hit points whenever you kill something.
Вы можете взять этот навык на 8-ом уровне как воин, но если вы мультиклассируете, вы должны будет подождать, по крайней мере, до 9-ого уровня, потому что никакой другой класс не получает дополнительный навык на 8-ом уровне. Как говорилось, мультиклассирование - мечта «оптимизаторов». Комбинируя лучшие способности двух или более классов, вы можете создать чрезвычайно мощных и способных персонажей. Конечно, это требует времени - вы не можете достигнуть хороших особенностей в двух или более классах, пока ваш персонаж не будет, по крайней мере, 5-ого или 6-ого общего уровня. Однако, более эффективным, всё таки, придерживаться первичного класса вашего персонажа, и только немного углубиться в другой класс на уровень-другой.
Dreadful Aspect is decent crowd control, but again spellcasters can do the same thing much better. Ranger A single level in the Ranger gets you the same proficiencies as multiclassing into the Fighter, plus an additional skill proficiency.
However, you can get similar benefits from other classes like the Fighter or the Rogue, so the Ranger is rarely a go-to multiclass option. Deft Explorer is Expertise in one skill and two free languages, which helps close the skill gap between the Ranger and the Rogue. The benefits of your ranger archetype will vary. Fey Wanderer An interesting choice for high-Wisdom characters who want to play a Face. Clerics and Druids are the most likely choices, but characters with high scores in both Wisdom and Charisma can achieve truly incredible bonuses with their Face skills. The extra skill is nice, and adding Wisdom to your Charisma checks allows a high-Wisdom character to easily function as a Face. The bonus applies to all Charisma checks, so spellcasters like the Bard will also be able to use the bonus on things like Charisma checks made with Counterspell and Dispel Magic. However, generally characters will care more about using the bonus with skills.
While the bonus is nice, a level of Rogue to get Expertise is much less costly unless you already wanted the benefits of ranger levels. Gloom Stalker Fantastic for any character planning to spend a great deal of time fighting in the dark or in places where artificial light is necessary. Dread Ambusher is great for any martial character, but Umbral Sight is just absolutely incomparable. Horizon Walker Nothing that you need to have. If you are very stealthy and very good at sneaking up on enemies, you can give yourself a huge advantage before combat starts. Maybe a monk? Or a fighter with high Wisdom? Cunning Action: Versatile and reliable, many other classes can benefit from the tactical options offered by Cunning Action.
Spellcasters who like spell attacks ignoring Eldritch Blast and Scorching Ray will find this an easy substitute for True Strike. Expertise: You probably already covered your favorite proficiencies, but more Expertise is never bad. Arcane Trickster If you just want wizard spellcasting, there are much better options elsewhere. Assassin Perfect for any ambush predator build. Assassinate is a great tactical option even without a lot of Sneak Attack damage. Inquisitive Not a great choice for multiclass builds. Mastermind There are better ways to get all of the benefits of the Mastermind. Master of Intrigue, Master of Tactics: Master of Tactics is neat, but if your party just needs someone to provide the Help action in combat a familiar will suffice.
Phantom Too dependent on advancing your Sneak Attack damage. Skirmisher, Survivalist: Skirmisher is a good option for ranged combatants of all kinds. Survivalist is Expertise in two more skills, which is always welcome even if Survival is only rarely useful. Psionic Power: Your pool of dice grows with your Proficiency Bonus, so it will grow as you gain levels. The benefits of both effects are good, if you never improve your die size, and Psi-Bolstered Knack only consumes the die if you succeed so you can roll your d6 for every applicable ability check without risk of wasting a die. Swashbuckler A great option for any melee build. Fancy Footwork, Rakish Audacity: Fancy Footwork is the ultimate hit-and-run ability, and Rakish Audacity makes Sneak Attack an easy option for any melee build, not to mention the bonus to Initiative. This is a great level for any melee build.
Not only do you get more cantrips than most classes and access to several fantastic 1st-level options, but as you gain level Font of Magic and Metamagic offer a ton of utility to any spellcaster. Sorcerers also get more cantrips than most spellcasters, including great multiclass options like Green-Flame Blade, and they get their subclass at first level so you have a lot of flexibility even with a 1-level class dip. Font of Magic: Font of Magic is great, and it works for any class that depends on casting spells. Metamagic: Metamagic is one of the best reasons to multiclass into the Sorcerer. Even warlocks can benefit significantly, especially if you use your sorcerer spell slots for nothing but sorcery points. Sorcerous Origin Feature: Varies. Psionic Spells, Telepathic Speech: Psionic Spells is huge for the Sorcerer because it expands your tiny pool of spells known. Psychic Defenses is good, but if you want those benefits you can get them from your race instead of committing six levels to get them.
Clockwork Soul Without advancing as a sorcerer, you lose what makes the Clockwork Soul powerful. Clockwork Magic, Restore Balance: Restore Balance is a welcome addition to parties which frequently find themselves on the wrong side of Advantage. You can use it to mitigate things like Reckless Attack, making it a useful support option. Bastion of Law: Eats too many Sorcery Points. Divine Soul Want access to the cleric spell list and the sorcerer spell list at the same time? This is how you get it. Favored of the Gods is just an incredible bonus on top of the already exceptionally good spellcasting benefits. Divine Magic, Favored by the Gods: Divine Magic offers access to the cleric spell list, meaning that you can get options like Guidance and Booming Blade in the same place.
Disciple of Life is much better. The AC will exceed any light armor without spending a spell slot on Mage Armor. You also get one extra hit point per sorcerer level, putting your hit points in line with classes with d8 hit points, which can help for melee builds dipping into sorcerer. You can also spend a Sorcery Point to get damage resistance based on your Dragon Ancestor for an hour, which is a great trade. Hound of Ill Omen: Spectacular for any spellcaster, especially if you like save-or-suck spells. Wind Speaker, Tempestuous Magic: Tempestuous magic allows you to quickly and safely move out of melee range, which is tempting for many spellcasters. Wind Speaker is neat, but only situationally useful. But Wild Magic Surge only occurs if you cast a sorcerer spell.
Conversely, Tides of Chaos allows you to give yourself Advantage at least once per day whenever you need it, which is hard to pass up. Your DM can throw a Wild Magic Surge at you any time after that to reset Tides of Chaos, so if you signed up for some extra chaos your DM gets to throw it at you whenever they want. Bend Luck: Expensive, but very powerful. Warlock A spectacular class dip for any martial character that can feasibly be built around Charisma. Pact Boon: The Pact Boon options have a lot to offer, and you can retrain one of your invocations to take advantage of your choice of Pact Boon. If you took Pact of the Tome, you could retrain your 2nd-level invocation to get Book of Ancient Secrets and get some ritual casting without spending a feat. Pact of the Tome has some additional utility for Charisma-based spellcasters like the Bard and the Sorcerer. Shillelagh is obsolete due to the Hexblade, but spells like Sacred Flame, Vicious Mockery, and Word of Radiance, are great options for warlocks to borrow.
Otherworldly Patron Feature: Varies. The Archfey The Archfey is a hard choice for multiclassing. Adding Faerie Fire to your warlock spell list may be the best you can get from a class dip into the Archfey. The Celestial Other classes offer similar but more effective options. Radiant Soul: Neat, but not worth 6 levels. The Fathomless A solid 1-level dip, especially in an aquatic campaign. The uses per day scale with your Proficiency Bonus, which makes it an easy option for a class dip. Oceanic Soul, Guardian Coil: If you want cold resistance, cast a spell or play a race that gets it.
If you want to speak to creatures with swim speeds, play a triton. Guardian Coul is great, but not worth six levels. This can easily turn a failed save into a successful one. Elemental Gift: Permanent damage resistance is nice, and the flight is absolutely fantastic. Entropic Ward: Great for front-line martial builds, especially if you benefit a lot from Advantage like rogues do. The Hexblade So effective that it single-handedly reset the character optimization meta. A 1-level dip into Hexblade can dramatically improve bards, paladins, and potentially even sorcerers. Hex Warrior gives you medium armor, shields, martial weapons, and you can use one weapon to fight with your Charisma modifier in place of Strength or Dexterity, solving the MAD problem for bards, paladins, and sorcerers who want to fight with weapons.
Accursed Specter: Nowhere near good enough to even consider 6 levels. The Undead An excellent option for a single-level class dip for martial characters, but the Undead needs to compete for space with the Hexblade. Form of Dread: In its initial form, Form of Dread is a decent combat buff which works for any class, and adds a powerful and effective status debuff on top of any attacks which a character might make. This is a great option for martial characters, especially those with numerous attacks fights, monks and those who are unusually accurate Archery fighting style or easy access to Advantage. However, since the save DC for the fear effect uses your warlock spellcasting DC, low Charisma may make it unreliable. The number of uses per day is tied to your Proficiency Bonus, so a single level in warlock gets you a lot of usage. A character using a greataxe might enjoy the additional damage die, but other sources of additional damage are likely less costly. The Undying Almost nothing worth having, and what little there is can be found elsewhere.
Consider the Grave Domain Cleric instead. Arcane Recovery, Spellcasting: Wizard spellcasting is really good, and includes ritual casting and a ton of 1st-level rituals including crucial options like Detect Magic. Arcane Tradition: Varies. Cantrip Formulas: The ability to change your wizard cantrips daily can be a great way to tailor your capabilities to expected challenges. Pile Intelligence on top of all of your important martial combat stats, and add it to your saves for Concentration so that you can maintain other powerful buffs. Chronurgy Magic Not actually bad, but School of Divination is better. Order of Scribes Order of Scribes is good at being a wizard, but the features do nearly nothing that works beyond your wizard spells. Wizardly Quill, Awakened Spellbook: The benefits of both features only matter for wizard spells.
School of Abjuration Too dependent on class level and wizard spells. School of Conjuration Not worth the levels. School of Divination Portent: This is a spectacular ability on any character. School of Enchantment Hard to use, but maybe effective on a close-range caster build? Hypnotic Gaze: This is hard for many characters to use because you need to get within 5 ft. School of Evocation The Sorcerer and the Wizard generally make the best Blasters, and the Sorcerer gets comparable metamagic. Maybe the Artillerist Artificer could use this? Sculpt Spell: Helpful for blasters, but giving up two levels may be hard compared to advancing your class two more levels and getting higher-level spells is usually more effective.
Bladesinging and School of Enchantment may both be better. Improved Minor Illusion: 2 levels to be a little better at one cantrip. Not worth it. School of Necromancy Tempting for a high-damage offensive spellcaster, but not defining or essential in any build. But those are the exact same characters that line up well for Bladesinging, and Bladesinging tends to get more attention. But there are still some standout builds where War Magic shines. By comparison, War Magic works as long as you have your Reaction so you can negate attacks and shrug off saving throws all day long. Tactical Wit is a great Initiative bonus, too.
Example Quick Multiclass Builds All the stuff above was… well, it was a lot. I get it. Character optimization can be complicated, and those complications increase exponentially when you bring multiclassing into the equation. This section details several examples of multiclass options which appeal to specific classes.
Gloom Stalker Fantastic for any character planning to spend a great deal of time fighting in the dark or in places where artificial light is necessary. Dread Ambusher is great for any martial character, but Umbral Sight is just absolutely incomparable.
Horizon Walker Nothing that you need to have. If you are very stealthy and very good at sneaking up on enemies, you can give yourself a huge advantage before combat starts. Maybe a monk? Or a fighter with high Wisdom? Cunning Action: Versatile and reliable, many other classes can benefit from the tactical options offered by Cunning Action. Spellcasters who like spell attacks ignoring Eldritch Blast and Scorching Ray will find this an easy substitute for True Strike.
Expertise: You probably already covered your favorite proficiencies, but more Expertise is never bad. Arcane Trickster If you just want wizard spellcasting, there are much better options elsewhere. Assassin Perfect for any ambush predator build. Assassinate is a great tactical option even without a lot of Sneak Attack damage. Inquisitive Not a great choice for multiclass builds. Mastermind There are better ways to get all of the benefits of the Mastermind.
Master of Intrigue, Master of Tactics: Master of Tactics is neat, but if your party just needs someone to provide the Help action in combat a familiar will suffice. Phantom Too dependent on advancing your Sneak Attack damage. Skirmisher, Survivalist: Skirmisher is a good option for ranged combatants of all kinds. Survivalist is Expertise in two more skills, which is always welcome even if Survival is only rarely useful. Psionic Power: Your pool of dice grows with your Proficiency Bonus, so it will grow as you gain levels. The benefits of both effects are good, if you never improve your die size, and Psi-Bolstered Knack only consumes the die if you succeed so you can roll your d6 for every applicable ability check without risk of wasting a die.
Swashbuckler A great option for any melee build. Fancy Footwork, Rakish Audacity: Fancy Footwork is the ultimate hit-and-run ability, and Rakish Audacity makes Sneak Attack an easy option for any melee build, not to mention the bonus to Initiative. This is a great level for any melee build. Not only do you get more cantrips than most classes and access to several fantastic 1st-level options, but as you gain level Font of Magic and Metamagic offer a ton of utility to any spellcaster. Sorcerers also get more cantrips than most spellcasters, including great multiclass options like Green-Flame Blade, and they get their subclass at first level so you have a lot of flexibility even with a 1-level class dip. Font of Magic: Font of Magic is great, and it works for any class that depends on casting spells.
Metamagic: Metamagic is one of the best reasons to multiclass into the Sorcerer. Even warlocks can benefit significantly, especially if you use your sorcerer spell slots for nothing but sorcery points. Sorcerous Origin Feature: Varies. Psionic Spells, Telepathic Speech: Psionic Spells is huge for the Sorcerer because it expands your tiny pool of spells known. Psychic Defenses is good, but if you want those benefits you can get them from your race instead of committing six levels to get them. Clockwork Soul Without advancing as a sorcerer, you lose what makes the Clockwork Soul powerful.
Clockwork Magic, Restore Balance: Restore Balance is a welcome addition to parties which frequently find themselves on the wrong side of Advantage. You can use it to mitigate things like Reckless Attack, making it a useful support option. Bastion of Law: Eats too many Sorcery Points. Divine Soul Want access to the cleric spell list and the sorcerer spell list at the same time? This is how you get it. Favored of the Gods is just an incredible bonus on top of the already exceptionally good spellcasting benefits.
Divine Magic, Favored by the Gods: Divine Magic offers access to the cleric spell list, meaning that you can get options like Guidance and Booming Blade in the same place. Disciple of Life is much better. The AC will exceed any light armor without spending a spell slot on Mage Armor. You also get one extra hit point per sorcerer level, putting your hit points in line with classes with d8 hit points, which can help for melee builds dipping into sorcerer. You can also spend a Sorcery Point to get damage resistance based on your Dragon Ancestor for an hour, which is a great trade. Hound of Ill Omen: Spectacular for any spellcaster, especially if you like save-or-suck spells.
Wind Speaker, Tempestuous Magic: Tempestuous magic allows you to quickly and safely move out of melee range, which is tempting for many spellcasters. Wind Speaker is neat, but only situationally useful. But Wild Magic Surge only occurs if you cast a sorcerer spell. Conversely, Tides of Chaos allows you to give yourself Advantage at least once per day whenever you need it, which is hard to pass up. Your DM can throw a Wild Magic Surge at you any time after that to reset Tides of Chaos, so if you signed up for some extra chaos your DM gets to throw it at you whenever they want. Bend Luck: Expensive, but very powerful.
Warlock A spectacular class dip for any martial character that can feasibly be built around Charisma. Pact Boon: The Pact Boon options have a lot to offer, and you can retrain one of your invocations to take advantage of your choice of Pact Boon. If you took Pact of the Tome, you could retrain your 2nd-level invocation to get Book of Ancient Secrets and get some ritual casting without spending a feat. Pact of the Tome has some additional utility for Charisma-based spellcasters like the Bard and the Sorcerer. Shillelagh is obsolete due to the Hexblade, but spells like Sacred Flame, Vicious Mockery, and Word of Radiance, are great options for warlocks to borrow. Otherworldly Patron Feature: Varies.
The Archfey The Archfey is a hard choice for multiclassing. Adding Faerie Fire to your warlock spell list may be the best you can get from a class dip into the Archfey. The Celestial Other classes offer similar but more effective options. Radiant Soul: Neat, but not worth 6 levels. The Fathomless A solid 1-level dip, especially in an aquatic campaign. The uses per day scale with your Proficiency Bonus, which makes it an easy option for a class dip.
Oceanic Soul, Guardian Coil: If you want cold resistance, cast a spell or play a race that gets it. If you want to speak to creatures with swim speeds, play a triton. Guardian Coul is great, but not worth six levels. This can easily turn a failed save into a successful one. Elemental Gift: Permanent damage resistance is nice, and the flight is absolutely fantastic. Entropic Ward: Great for front-line martial builds, especially if you benefit a lot from Advantage like rogues do.
The Hexblade So effective that it single-handedly reset the character optimization meta. A 1-level dip into Hexblade can dramatically improve bards, paladins, and potentially even sorcerers. Hex Warrior gives you medium armor, shields, martial weapons, and you can use one weapon to fight with your Charisma modifier in place of Strength or Dexterity, solving the MAD problem for bards, paladins, and sorcerers who want to fight with weapons. Accursed Specter: Nowhere near good enough to even consider 6 levels. The Undead An excellent option for a single-level class dip for martial characters, but the Undead needs to compete for space with the Hexblade. Form of Dread: In its initial form, Form of Dread is a decent combat buff which works for any class, and adds a powerful and effective status debuff on top of any attacks which a character might make.
This is a great option for martial characters, especially those with numerous attacks fights, monks and those who are unusually accurate Archery fighting style or easy access to Advantage. However, since the save DC for the fear effect uses your warlock spellcasting DC, low Charisma may make it unreliable. The number of uses per day is tied to your Proficiency Bonus, so a single level in warlock gets you a lot of usage. A character using a greataxe might enjoy the additional damage die, but other sources of additional damage are likely less costly. The Undying Almost nothing worth having, and what little there is can be found elsewhere. Consider the Grave Domain Cleric instead.
Arcane Recovery, Spellcasting: Wizard spellcasting is really good, and includes ritual casting and a ton of 1st-level rituals including crucial options like Detect Magic. Arcane Tradition: Varies. Cantrip Formulas: The ability to change your wizard cantrips daily can be a great way to tailor your capabilities to expected challenges. Pile Intelligence on top of all of your important martial combat stats, and add it to your saves for Concentration so that you can maintain other powerful buffs. Chronurgy Magic Not actually bad, but School of Divination is better. Order of Scribes Order of Scribes is good at being a wizard, but the features do nearly nothing that works beyond your wizard spells.
Wizardly Quill, Awakened Spellbook: The benefits of both features only matter for wizard spells. School of Abjuration Too dependent on class level and wizard spells. School of Conjuration Not worth the levels. School of Divination Portent: This is a spectacular ability on any character. School of Enchantment Hard to use, but maybe effective on a close-range caster build? Hypnotic Gaze: This is hard for many characters to use because you need to get within 5 ft.
School of Evocation The Sorcerer and the Wizard generally make the best Blasters, and the Sorcerer gets comparable metamagic. Maybe the Artillerist Artificer could use this? Sculpt Spell: Helpful for blasters, but giving up two levels may be hard compared to advancing your class two more levels and getting higher-level spells is usually more effective. Bladesinging and School of Enchantment may both be better. Improved Minor Illusion: 2 levels to be a little better at one cantrip. Not worth it.
School of Necromancy Tempting for a high-damage offensive spellcaster, but not defining or essential in any build. But those are the exact same characters that line up well for Bladesinging, and Bladesinging tends to get more attention. But there are still some standout builds where War Magic shines. By comparison, War Magic works as long as you have your Reaction so you can negate attacks and shrug off saving throws all day long. Tactical Wit is a great Initiative bonus, too. Example Quick Multiclass Builds All the stuff above was… well, it was a lot.
I get it. Character optimization can be complicated, and those complications increase exponentially when you bring multiclassing into the equation. This section details several examples of multiclass options which appeal to specific classes. Of course you do! On top of Expertise, three levels in rogue thief can get you Fast Hands, allowing you to take the Use an Object action as a Bonus Action. The overlap in spellcasting ability means that the spells gained from sorcerer levels will remain effective as you advance.
Access to medium armor and shields removes the need to pursue College of Valor, and cantrips like Booming Blade will close the damage gap between single attacks and Extra Attack. However, that second or third level means trading some spellcasting for more martial capabilities, so you need to decide what balance you want to strike with your character. Wizard offers access to either Portent or Chronal Shift depending on which of the two schools you pick, allowing you to change the outcome of two rolls per day. The remainder of your levels go into bard primarily for Bardic Inspiration. To go even further, add Halfling for the Lucky racial trait, and consider the Bountiful Luck feat. You can add the Lucky feat regardless of your race, too.
You can add a level of Wild Magic Sorcerer to gain Tides of Chaos, but that only applies to yourself and adding a third class adds a lot of complexity to your character especially your spell list for little benefit. Instead of a smite bot, this build abuses Armor of Agathys to turn yourself and your steed into a roving nuisance built around automatic damage.
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В сочетании с правильным оружием и всплеском действий на более поздних уровнях, в общей сложности шесть атак, сделают вас абсолютно разрушительным. Если каким-то образом ваша несчастная цель переживет этот первоначальный натиск, у нее не останется много что предложить в плане сопротивления, это точно. Варвар-истребитель Пересечение двух классов, которые воплощают физическое доминирование в ближнем бою, является очевидной, но эффективной комбинацией. Мультиклассируя в бойца, персонаж может получить ценный всплеск действия, стиль боя и выбор между маневрами или повышенным шансом критического удара. Решение добавить бойца к своему варвару добавляет немного полезности персонажу.
Ролевая составляющая также может изменить направление развития традиционного варварского персонажа. В то время как варвары - все о ярости и необузданной ярости, прохождение уровней в классе бойцов может быть символом времени, проведенного с другими культурами, где они взаимодействуют со стратегическими, уравновешенными ветеранами-бойцами. Как бы вы ни объяснили это, сочетание классов обеспечит лучшего из наполненного яростью варвара здравым, осторожным умом тактика. Как и смесь Fighter-Rogue, убийство может привести к разрушительной атаке с расстояния.
Кроме того, есть возможность избежать боя в ближнем бою, и роль, которую играет скрытный атакующий, легко получить.
However, you can work around these restrictions with things like mounts, other forms of speed increases such as from certain races that offset the penalty, or by playing a Dwarf, which are exceptions to the rule. Initiative In most turn-based games, going first is highly advantageous, and this is also the case for 5E. Going first means you can pick off high priority targets before they move, apply debuffs to groups of enemies and deny even more turns, or simply set up key defenses and get to cover. This is why despite the 1 lower AC, half plate and a shield with 14 Dexterity 19 AC is often more desirable than plate armor and a shield with 15 Strength 20 AC. Certain class and subclass features can grant initiative boosting features at a low level. Level By Level Progression Even if you spot a very appealing combo, consider how your resulting build will pan out level by level. Think of when your different synergies come together, and what you get to pick up on the way there. The eldritch blast package comes at level 3 as a valuable active option. You have an uneventful level 4, but 5th level has web, 2 beams for Repelling Blast to synergize with it, as well as some metamagic options.
If your game is more fast-paced and you can rely more on allies to make your control spells worthwhile, you might want to gain access to web earlier, and delay the second level of Warlock to 5th instead of 3rd level. Access to higher level spells means access to more devastating and powerful ways to exert your will on the battlefield. On the other hand, martial damage tends to stay fairly consistent across levels with the exception of specific jumps, such as when martials get Extra Attack. This discrepancy leads to two distinct although not entirely different in principle mindsets when optimizing multiclass builds for spellcasters and martials. As such, martial characters tend towards much more even level splits while multiclassing, while full caster characters tend to focus more on small dips that specifically target weaknesses such as Armor Class or saving throw proficiencies. Martial Multiclassing There are 3 primary reasons for a martial to consider multiclassing: 1. On the other hand, martial classes only have class or subclass features to look forward to, and class features are, unfortunately, not all created equal. In contrast, the early levels of classes tend to have highly useful, class-defining features, which can make dipping levels into other classes much more appealing. If casters generally make small dips to address specific weaknesses, martials are generally making larger dips to accumulate as many high-impact features as they can. For example: Frank, who is playing Knarf, a 6th level Zealot Human Variant Barbarian who took Polearm Master at level 1 and Great Weapon Master at level 4, is playing in a campaign that is planned to go up to 10th level.
He multiclasses his next four levels into Battle Master Fighter, giving him some useful maneuvers that increase his damage Precision Strike and access to a nova, which he lacked before Action Surge. The tradeoff is well worth it compared to the suite of lackluster base Barbarian class features from level 7 to 10 save for a select few subclasses. By knowing when to dip out of a class, you can manage to keep a better progression, that also brings more toys to the table that hopefully can turn what could have been dead levels into something more interesting. This approach also benefits heavily from knowing what level range your campaign will take place in. A campaign that ends at level 8 for a Fighter versus level 15 are quite different as far as the usefulness of upcoming class features go when considering whether or not you should multiclass at level 6. Obtaining spellcasting. Alternatively, the half-caster classes that get Extra Attack such as Ranger and Battle Smith Artificers often function as martials but can be better served supplementing the party by taking full caster levels after a certain point, typically level 5. Synergistic Interactions Another dominant reason for martial multiclassing is the more exciting one—searching for synergistic interactions between abilities. To accomplish this, she takes 3 to 4 levels of Battle Master Fighter, as the interaction between Action Surge and Dread Ambusher allows for a 7 attack nova at level 7. To top it off, she gets some nice maneuvers to help her hit her Sharpshooter shots and add additional effects to her attacks.
After that, she goes for yet another interaction-based dip: one level into Life Cleric! The interaction between Disciple of Life and goodberry popularly known as Lifeberry makes her into an effective combat medic too. Something we make great use out of in our Flagship Shepherd Druid. After that, she just goes back to leveling up in Ranger, since there are still useful class features at later levels left to get a 5 foot increase in speed, Wisdom save proficiency, spells. His idea is to go 3 levels into Ancestral Guardian Barbarian starting from now, and use the interaction between the Echo and Ancestral Protector to slap disadvantage on a creature from a distance. This setup is not overwhelmingly powerful, due to the numerous caveats needed to operate maximally, such as the limited number of uses Rage has, the fact that Sentinel can only affect one creature per round, and the drop-off in damage output from opting to select Sentinel over Polearm Master, but it illustrates a point of interaction-based multiclasses: making use of interesting interactions that facilitate more diverse play patterns. General Principles for Martial Multiclassing 1. Consider the consequences of delaying Extra Attack. If you start your martial character as a class that gets Extra Attack at 5th level and you should , you probably want to wait to multiclass out until after you get Extra Attack, as being behind an attack vs. In very fast-paced or long-running campaigns, long-term survivability and utility might justify the tradeoff of delaying Extra Attack for 1 level, but these situations are generally rare when considering the general state of play in 5E.
You should take into account whether you want to play in melee or at range. However, if you are playing a Paladin and your party is playing at range, you should absolutely dip two levels into Warlock to have a good at will ranged option. Meanwhile, if most of your party is playing in melee, a straight Paladin or a single level dip into Hexblade Warlock suffices as staying in melee guarantees your party is in your aura, which is your main schtick. Mobility options. Being able to move around and bypass obstacles is good, and for melee characters, having the option to do damage at all is even more vital. Ranged characters can afford a mount, or be Small sized for even more mount options. The Mobile feat , however, is simply not worth the cost, both because of its rather low impact, and the already tight feat tax martials need for their damage dealing capabilities. In a campaign that only runs to level 10, lacking Extra Attack for one whole level is a significant chunk of your campaign. On the other hand, complete 1 to 20 campaigns might see delaying Extra Attack for one level as a worthwhile tradeoff given the benefits. Ancestral Guardian, Berserker, Wild Magic, and Zealot Barbarians all get subclass features at level 6 that are reasonably useful.
Barbarian base class features from 7 to 14 are largely low-value and low-impact. Persistent Rage at level 15 is a game-changer, but comes far too late for the average campaign. Fighter: Level 6 or 7; Level 12. Fighters get an additional ASI at 6, which can be a great boon and can help the tempo of your build. Extra Attack x2 is a notable power increase that no other martials get, so in campaigns that will run deep into tier 4, getting to level 11 in Fighter is imperative, which is why we list level 12 as a good level to multiclass into something else. Monk: Level 6 or 7. Monks get a small incremental benefit for every level up in that their Ki pool increases by 1 every level. Getting to level 5 is key for Monks because it unlocks not just Extra Attack but also Stunning Strike an overrated but still useful ability with great benefits when it lands and Focused Aim, an underrated and under-discussed ability that lets certain Monk builds reach Crossbow Expert Sharpshooter Archery levels of consistent damage.
Все мультиклассовые заклинатели используют эту таблицу, чтобы определить доступные им ячейки заклинаний. В зависимости от классов, в которые вы вошли в мультикласс, вы будете по-разному рассчитывать свой уровень мультиклассового заклинателя.
Правила расчета уровня мультиклассового заклинателя следующие: Если у вас есть уровни Барда, Клирика, Друида, Колдуна или Волшебника, посчитайте их все при определении вашего общего уровня мультиклассового заклинателя. Если у вас есть уровни Паладина или Рейнджера, считайте половину своих уровней, округляя в меньшую сторону. Если у вас есть уровни Жуткого рыцаря-воина или Чародейского обманщика-разбойника, посчитайте треть своих уровнейокруглено в меньшую сторону. Мультиклассы чернокнижников, имеющие доступ к Магии Договора, могут использовать ячейки заклинаний Магии Договора более высокого уровня для произнесения заклинаний другого класса. Кроме того, они также могут использовать ячейки заклинаний более низкого уровня, которые у них есть от другого класса, для произнесения заклинаний Чернокнижника. Проще говоря, вы можете использовать доступные ячейки заклинаний для произнесения любых известных вам заклинаний, независимо от того, какого они класса.
Some class features have special exceptions as well. Is Multiclassing Worth it in DnD? Should you multiclass in DnD? Is it worth it? In my opinion, you should multiclass for roleplaying purposes if you want to complete a character concept, or if your character has flaws that need fixing. For example, if you have terrible AC, or if you need new spells to be effective, you should consider multiclassing. This is only my opinion, but that opinion is shared by many DMs.
12 необычных и мощных мультиклассовых комбинаций D&D
Мультиклассирование позволяет получить уровни в нескольких классах. Мультиклассирование позволяет получить уровни в нескольких классах. Кадр 1 из видео Гайд По Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, Часть 10: Мультиклассирование. Теперь мультиклассирование должно быть правильным. сайт, посвященный DnD 5-й редакции. Заклинания, магические предметы и бестиарий, статьи и руководства - все в одном месте в удобном формате.
Паладин. Способности. Мультикласс
Маяк надежды – в днд как правило противники наносят урона больше, чем лекари успевают вылечить. Follow the /r/DnD Mission Statement and the reddit content policy, including the provisions on unwelcome content and prohibited behavior. Перефразируя: два класса D&D, которые допускают мультиклассирование для произнесения заклинаний, являются сложной задачей по нескольким причинам. Сколько участников в одной DnD-команде? Woodchucks with Nunchucks Monks are adept warriors of discipline and skill who have trained and honed themselves into perfected instruments. Druids are masters of nature and primeval magics. это круто!Подробнее.
Как работают мультиклассовые слоты заклинаний в DND
Вы можете взять этот навык на 8-ом уровне как воин, но если вы мультиклассируете, вы должны будет подождать, по крайней мере, до 9-ого уровня, потому что никакой другой класс не получает дополнительный навык на 8-ом уровне. Как говорилось, мультиклассирование - мечта «оптимизаторов». Комбинируя лучшие способности двух или более классов, вы можете создать чрезвычайно мощных и способных персонажей. Конечно, это требует времени - вы не можете достигнуть хороших особенностей в двух или более классах, пока ваш персонаж не будет, по крайней мере, 5-ого или 6-ого общего уровня. Однако, более эффективным, всё таки, придерживаться первичного класса вашего персонажа, и только немного углубиться в другой класс на уровень-другой.
Часто перекликается с предыдущим пунктом. Предыстория — то что дает повод быть в приключении и частью команды, оправдывать и объяснять свои действия.
Не нужно уже написанного романа, приключение только началось. Я люблю длину в 1 лист максимум, все что больше не прочитают и будет стремится к чрезмерной эпике. Ригидность предыстории. Когда пишите предысторию, не высекайте ее слова в камне. В мире уже есть места и лор. Не будьте настолько самонадеянными, чтоб прописывать себе в квенту все самому.
Типо того. Потом с ДМом заполните пустые места. Найдите общие смыслы и пусть ДМ поможет нормально вписать вашего персонажа в его мир. Некоторые детали возможно придется изменить, это норма. Вашему персонажу нужен некоторый уровень сдержанности Мой худший опыт был, когда игрок принес ко мне на игру персонажа — чрезмерно агрессивного хуя, который дрался со всеми, кого партия встречала. Люди которые шли в харизму и стелс быстро загорелись задницами, всем стало понятно, что у группы будет только один тип социального взаимодействия.
Представляйте и продвигайте мирную точку зрения и решения проблем. Но помогайте своим друзьям, когда все схватились за оружие. Ловушка плохо оптимизированных субклассов и стилей игры. Оу милахи, спускаемся в кожаный клуб. Следующие пункты более спорные. Однако некоторые подклассы реально ловушки для новичков.
Они либо слишком сложные, либо просто плохие. Я сказал. Либо сложные, либо скатывают игру, либо просто плохо написаны. Подклассы и стили, которые нуждаются в хоумбрушных баффах. Пышные PHB — Рейнджер бистмастер, монах элементалист и варвар берсерк [Beastmaster ranger, four elements monk, and beserker barbarian] имеют фундаментальные проблемы, которые делают их очень далекими от оптимального выбора тут нужно вспомнить о тоне, и уровне оптимизации из первых пунктов. Бой двумя оружиями плох для многих подклассов и билдов.
Еще есть пара ловушек, например в фитах, но это уже детали. Можете вспомнить любые примеры их видеоигр, некоторым сборкам нужны прямые руки, некоторые сборки играют только у единиц. Чемпион файтер из рыцарей пурпурных драконов [purple dragon knight fighters] прост до боли. Они ревнуют ребятам с крутыми фишками. Я видел это много раз. Серьезно подумайте, прежде чем выбрать самый простой подкласс в игре, ведь у него не так много крутых фишек, по сравнению с другими ребятами.
У других сборок противоположные проблемы. Суммонер на некроманте или друид пастырь действительно замедляют игру, требуют тонны подготовки со стороны игрока, и ДМа который готов играть с тоннами твоих миньонов [в варгейм. Мистик из Арканы поломен и сложен, до смешного. А может не соответствовать тону игры. Подкласс сильно зависит от прихоти ДМа и таблицам дикой магии, по которым он бросает, сначала спросите у него, ведь если он никогда не попросит бросок дикой магии, у вас по сути не будет подкласса. У этого много проблем, вы слишком привязываетесь, сложнее не метагеймить.
Это, например, встречается, когда класс подразумевает существенную часть образа персонажа. Другая проблема мультиклассирования — в системах, где важен баланс возможностей, мультикласс резко увеличивает требования к распределению по уровням способностей классов, чтобы не возникало проблемы пустых уровней или, наоборот, персонаж не мог получить ключевые преимущества класса сразу же. Одно дело — сопоставлять возможности чистых классов и, возможно, вариантов развития внутри них , другое — учитывать, что возможна любая их комбинация. Ключевыми особенностями эльфов и дварфов была способность развиваться не в одном классе, а в нескольких, сочетая при этом их ограничения. Это, в частности, означало, что волшебник - воин , таская на себе доспехи воина, не мог колдовать как волшебник из-за проблем практиков тайной магии с доспехами. Набор опыта персонажами-мультиклассами поначалу шёл независимо то есть опыт воина-мага распределялся отдельно для воинской и магической прогрессии, а воина-мага- вора аж по трём «копилкам»; так как долго прогрессия уровней не была унифицирована, а также существовали ситуации и предметы, дающие опыт строго магу или строго воину, то уровни в классах могли отличаться, иногда существенно.
Ограничителем на мультикласс служили, помимо расовых требований и ограничений, значения характеристик — чтобы иметь возможность войти в класс, персонаж должен иметь определённое значение характеристики выше среднего, иногда ощутимо. Тем не менее, мультиклассовый персонаж оказывался в среднем скорее сильнее узкого специалиста, если не брать ситуации, когда отставание по уровню задерживало получение важной особенности — из-за того, что с каждым уровнем требовалось набирать всё больше и больше опыта для повышения, обычно мультикласс отставал от чистого класса где-то на уровень; когда этот уровень давал ключевую черту дополнительную атаку для воина , доступ к знаковому заклинанию для волшебника разница могла быть ощутимой, если же нет — мультикласс почти не уступал чистому классу и при этом был более гибок. Тем не менее, из-за меньшей ориентированности ранних редакций на сбалансированность энкаунтеров , это не было столь существенно.
Очень мало классов выглядят столь же хорошо на 1-ом уровне как ваш волшебник на 5-ом, 7-ом или 9-ом, потому что на этих уровнях, ваш волшебник получает доступ к новым уровням заклинаний. Вы можете, также загнать себя в угол, делая почти невозможным достижение важных целей. Вы можете взять этот навык на 8-ом уровне как воин, но если вы мультиклассируете, вы должны будет подождать, по крайней мере, до 9-ого уровня, потому что никакой другой класс не получает дополнительный навык на 8-ом уровне.
Как говорилось, мультиклассирование - мечта «оптимизаторов». Комбинируя лучшие способности двух или более классов, вы можете создать чрезвычайно мощных и способных персонажей.
Паладин. Способности. Мультикласс
В книге всего 4 расы и 4 класса с небольшим число опций мультиклассирования. Министатья ДНД. f09fa493 «Мультиклассирование и с чем его едят» или «И жнец и жрец и на дуде игрец». Хотя ответ на этот вопрос часто зависит от того, какие классы объединяются, есть несколько основных правил, которые следует соблюдать при мультиклассировании. Паладин сам по себе очень сильный и поэтому не требует мультиклассирования. [моё] Dungeons & Dragons DnD 5 Ролевые игры Настольные игры Настольные ролевые игры Видео. В зависимости от того, что должен изображать класс, мультиклассирование может вообще быть недоступно идеологически, на уровне системы.
В этой статье на самом деле рассказывается не столько о том, как проводить мультиклассификацию, сколько о том, что такое мультиклассирование. Пожалуй, классы являются самым сложным аспектом DnD 5e, поскольку для полного понимания их механик нужно усвоить огромное количество информации. Маяк надежды – в днд как правило противники наносят урона больше, чем лекари успевают вылечить. Но всегда остается соблазн превратить DnD в скайрим с огнестрелом, что бы такого не допускать есть несколько рекомендаций. Однако мультиклассирование открывает двери для всевозможных вариантов. Есть гораздо менее традиционные мультиклассы D&D, которые все еще могут сиять. К тому же, они переносят новости из города в город, включая отчёты о ситуации, которые могут вызвать интерес у искателей приключений.