Новости ревит 2024

Autodesk Revit 2024 — программа для проектирования и строительства зданий и сооружений. Autodesk Revit основан на технологии информационного моделирования сооружений и.

Чем грозит уход Autodesk из России. Архитекторы и инженеры срочно ищут альтернативы

Используйте механизм преобразования проекта в документацию Revit, чтобы сэкономить время и повысить качество проектирования при моделировании ландшафта и условий на стройплощадке. Экономьте время на детализации бетона. Инженеры-конструкторы и специалисты по детализации арматуры получили новые возможности для создания, планирования и документирования арматуры. Используйте новые детали для гибки прутков, чтобы: Создайте чертежи и графики усиления с подробными инструкциями по изготовлению. С помощью этого нового инструмента в Revit, когда модель меняется, детали адаптируются вместе с ней. Добавляйте и настраивайте детали гибки арматуры таким образом, чтобы ваши виды и листы соответствовали вашей обычной практике.

Так что новинка как мёртвому припарка, всё равно нужно отдельно моделировать такие решения как и раньше. Допили немного так сказать Добавили возможность сделать выему под смоделированным элементом перекрытием, фундаментой плитой и т. А сразу так нельзя было сделать?

Но и здесь не без проблем — выемку делает, а насыпь нет. Так что ещё надо допиливать. Для меня так же важно что теперь при редактировании вершин отображаются горизонтали! Теперь хоть работать с топотелом можно. Добавили ещё возможность создавать топотела по Форме, как крыши и перекрытия ХЗ зачем , кнопку упростить топотело не тестировал продолжает ли он упрощать сам при создании по точкам , и переключение отображения сглаженного рельефа и «гранённого» 9. Редактор материалов Говорят ускорили отрисовку миниатюр, засекать и сравнивать не стал, ну может немного быстрее стало. И добавили возможность с шифтом выделить несколько материалов и скопом их удалить, при чистке проекта или семейства полезно. Автоматическое соединение и блокировка стен при создании Добавили соответствующую галочку.

Улучшено поведение очистки Personal Accelerator при отслеживании большого количества моделей. Повышена устойчивость при создании потолка на плане потолка. Повышена стабильность при перетаскивании или переворачивании элементов управления соединителями семейства MEP. Повышена стабильность за счет отключения пользовательской модификации значения расхода воздухораспределителя, когда параметр расхода определен в формуле.

Повышена производительность и стабильность расчетов расхода и падения давления в моделях изготовления, содержащих множество сетей. Повышена стабильность работы, когда некоторые системы воздуховодов и труб были удалены после операции определения размеров.

It shows the appearance asset texture but without global lighting, so the materials are a consistent color on all surfaces and at all angles.

It is possible to have ambient and sun shadows on in this mode, as shown in the example below ambient shadows are on. Previously, the only way to see the texture was to turn on Realistic, which is way too slow, and that is what we have Enscape for! The site tools represent the most significant change for architects!

We now have a toposolid command rather than a toposurface. As the name change implies, the ground is now represented by solid geometry rather than a 2D surface. Missing from the ribbon below is the Building Pad command.

Instead, users will now create an in-place mass element that can have sloped edges or define a tunnel, and then use the Cut Geometry tool against it and the toposolid. One great thing about this for Enscape users is that slabs and walls must be cut from the toposolid. This means that there will never be grass inside the building coming through a floor slab or coming through a sidewalk again in Enscape.

There are also opportunities to sweep profiles along the surface to create curbs, for example. Here is an in-place mass with a sloped edge. The old building pad option only resulted in vertical edges.

Here is an in-place mass creating a tunnel within the toposolid. This was not possible in previous versions of Revit. Cut geometry enhancement With the advent of the toposolid feature, there have been enhancements to what kind of elements can be used to cut other elements.

Feature Highlights

Sheet, Revision and View updates Building on the updates from the previous releases, Autodesk are making working with sheets a little easier. In Revit 2024 we can now move views between sheets and keep alignments and positions. The best feature is being able to add a revision to multiple sheets. Multiple views can now be moved to other sheets either by selecting the views or simply dragging and dropping from the project browser.

Revision clouds can now be scheduled which, again, has been a long-standing request from users. The revision schedule can be created in a similar way to any other schedule. However, we now can schedule fields from the Revision, Sheet, View and the Project Information which is useful when issuing sheets.

Structural Updates As in the previous release, the focus remains on the workflows and toolsets with the analytical modeling process. Also, we see some strengthening of the reinforcement tools with the addition of bending details and alignment control when using freeform rebar. I will also look at the update from Revit 2023.

Loads have been overhauled and the older non hosted loads have been replaced with parametric, intelligent Point, Line and Area loads. These new tools are easier to use and increase accuracy and predictability when creating loads in Revit. Reinforcement Let us begin with the new features and updates with reinforcement.

I will begin with the Bending Details which will be especially useful for non-standard rebar shapes. Here in the UK United Kingdom we only tend to detail non-standard shapes and only show these details in the bending schedule, but I know that other countries have a requirement for bending details on all rebar. Bending Details are created as true vector geometry and, as such, will update and change automatically if the host rebar is amended.

Bending details can be placed in views by selecting the reinforcement bar and then selecting the Bending Detail command from the context ribbon. The detail can then be placed in a free location, or you can use the Align to Bar command to keep the detail orthogonal. The Bending Detail is driven by standard Revit Type properties and, as such, you can have multiple types that you can use in different situations.

The Bending Details also make use of Revit dimension styles so you will need to setup a couple of dimension styles to support the Bending Detail tools. You can also configure the amount of detail that is displayed within the bending detail. For example, you could simply show the segment length dimensions or recover all the dimensions and angles for each segment as well as hooks and linear dimensions.

There are also a few options around the unfolding or offsetting of Bending Details.

Due to the settings and loaded families required by specific commands and workflows, some tools in Revit would not work correctly depending on which template you started from. With the new all-discipline template, this problem can be avoided. Figure 5. The new imperial template supporting all disciplines. New Sample Model There is a new robust set of sample models which can be used to explore Revit features and model organization. It includes seven linked models and contains phasing and design options. There is even a point cloud file that can be downloaded separately.

One slight downside related to this is that the old sample models are no longer included. So, while this new sample model is a great new resource for those learning Revit, I will miss the easy access to the lightweight residential sample model to open quickly for troubleshooting. Of course, the older versions of these files can still be downloaded per this post I wrote on my blog: Templates and Families Not Installed. Figure 6. The new sample project has seven linked models. Figure 7. Platform There are several new features in Revit 2024 that are not discipline specific. User Interface The user interface has a number of changes.

Most of the icons have been refreshed in support of a new dark theme option. The project browser is also completely updated and now includes a search option at the top. Figure 8. Most icons have been refreshed and the project browser is completely updated. Dark Theme Revit 2024 now has a more legitimate dark theme feature. This new feature can be set to follow the operating system setting. When first used, the canvas area is also set to a dark theme. This can be adjusted back to a light color while still in the dark theme if desired.

Figure 9. The new dark theme for the UI and palettes. Figure 10. The option to adjust the canvas color in dark theme mode. Revit Macro Security Macros are now disabled by default for enhanced security, as shown in the Revit Options dialog below. Any individual or company can change these by deployment or manually if desired. Figure 11. Macros are disabled by default in Revit 2024.

Resize All Schedule Rows When a schedule on a sheet is selected, there are now a few options in the Properties Palette to control the row height and rotation on the sheet. Selection of All for Resize Rows makes the row height consistent. Figure 12. New options in in the Properties Palette for schedules placed on sheets. Schedule Revision Clouds Revision clouds can now be scheduled. This includes the ability to schedule related information such as the sheet or view name that the cloud is placed on. Figure 13. Revision clouds can now be scheduled.

Open Sheet Directly from View If a view is placed on a sheet, that sheet can now be opened quickly via right-clicking within the view and selecting Open Sheet as shown here. Figure 14. Right-click in a view to open the sheet it is placed on quickly. Place Multiple Views and Schedules Multiple selected views and schedules can be dragged from the Project Browser onto a sheet. These are spaced out sufficiently so they do not overlap, but they likely require manual adjustment once placed. It is also possible to drag views from one sheet to another within the Project Browser as shown in Figure 16, in which case the views are positioned in the same location. Figure 15. Placing multiple views onto a sheet.

Then, you can modify the Sub Elements in a similar way to Roofs and Floors. Add points at specific heights to create the slopes. The points contextual menu is a bit different from the standard floors and roofs you are used to. This new menu has actually been available since Revit 2023. When adding a point, you can either pick Along Surface or Absolute Height. This tool now works with concave site shapes. Again, the new toposolid tool is similar to floors. You can modify the structure with materials of various thicknesses. That means you can create fun site elements such as lakes without using floors. When selecting a toposurface, use Generate Toposolid to convert to the new tool.

To be safe, you can keep it in the archives. There are a few quirks here. When generating a toposolid, building pads are ignored completely. Also, subregions will be converted into subdivisions. In Revit 2024: Subregions has been replaced by Sub-Divide. The base idea is the same: draw boundaries over the toposolid. Similarly to sub-regions, you can extend the boundaries beyond the limit of the toposolid without receiving a warning. Sub-Divisions are placed on top of the toposolid. You can then pick a material and set a thickness in the instance properties. Sub-Division have a thickness instance parameter.

Improved concrete detailing tools Structural engineers and rebar detailers have new capabilities for creating, scheduling, and documenting rebar. Use the new bar bending details to: Create reinforcement drawings and schedules with detailed fabrication instructions. With this new tool in Revit, when the model changes, the details adapt along with it. Add and customize rebar bending details so that your views and sheets respect your typical practice. Reduce errors and omissions in your document sets. For those of us who used to work in AutoCAD, not having a dark theme in Revit always took a while to get used to. We finally have a dark theme in Revit and it does very much seem worth the wait.

It has several options to really customize it.

Revit 2024 – Best New Features

And you can do this in Revit versions 2020 and up!!! Seamless integration of the new Toposolid category — The Topography Tools dialog integrates the new Toposolid category as if it were always there, including: A special switcher that lets you easily switch between Toposolids and Toposurfaces. A drop-down list for selecting a Type when creating or editing a Toposolid Toposolids are Type-based elements. See your contour lines as you work — Improving site design precision and accuracy, you can now view contour lines as you make changes to your surface. Smart extrapolation — And one more. This is a real game-changer when designing sites with irregular shapes and boundaries.

For more details about the Topography Tools for Toposolid read this post. We also added the option to customize your Assembly Tag family while editing the parameter settings. You can add specific elements or Assemblies to a Planting Region, and you can use the command to update existing Planting Regions.

Enable Floor Based Element on Toposolid 12. New ribbon icons 14. But Revit 2024 has created Toposolids, which take advantage of all of the System Family capabilities.

You can now add layers with thickness and materials - just like other system families. In addition to that, there are also new Contour Display options. One thing to note: right now you need to use voids to cut out sections of the Toposolids. There will hopefully be a new tool in the future to be able to handle cuts in Toposolids in a better way. Our team is certainly looking forward to being able to host families on toposolids. Revit has made it so floor-based families and railings are able to be hosted onto them, which is definitely something that can be used in a variety of projects.

Both of these buttons have an arrow for additional options. These options have been available in a project file for annotation items and work the same as they do in the. We will definitely be using this feature to arrange the annotation files when creating families. It might take a while to get the hang of how it works but it seems like a good addition. For those of us who used to work in AutoCAD, not having a dark theme in Revit always took a while to get used to. We finally have a dark theme in Revit and it does very much seem worth the wait.

It has several options to really customize it. To turn it on, you will need to navigate to the File tab in the upper right and then select the Options button. There is a new tab in this property box named Colors.

Расширенные возможности для устойчивого проектирования: Revit 2024 предлагает дополнительные инструменты для оценки экологического воздействия и энергоэффективности зданий, что становится всё более актуальным в современном мире. Оптимизированный интерфейс пользователя: Интерфейс стал более интуитивно понятным и адаптируемым, позволяя пользователям настраивать рабочее пространство под свои конкретные задачи и предпочтения. Улучшения в области визуализации и рендеринга: Revit 2024 предлагает более мощные инструменты для визуализации, обеспечивая создание высококачественных изображений и анимаций с улучшенной детализацией и реализмом. Эти улучшения делают Autodesk Revit 2024 не только более мощным инструментом в сравнении с предыдущей версией, но и более подходящим для современных требований архитектурного и инженерного проектирования. Заключение Autodesk Revit 2024 предлагает не просто улучшения существующих функций, но и открывает новые возможности для архитекторов, инженеров и дизайнеров.

Thus, real-time rendering provided by D5 Render comes in handy for an instant preview of design projects. It has a livesync plugin to connect with Revit 2024 so that designers can see their projects rendered on the fly.

Animation: Walkthrough animations provide a virtual tour of the building, allowing viewers to experience the space from a first-person perspective and get a sense of its scale, layout, and functionality. Revit designers can easily make an animation for their projects, delivering design ideas more effectively to clients.

New Features Autodesk Revit 2024

Ревит с нами | 2013-2024 Материалы опубликованы под лицензией CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike. Revit 2024 features new site tools, modernized user interface, and other enhancements requested from the community. Ревит с нами | 2013-2024 Материалы опубликованы под лицензией CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike. Revit 2024 features new site tools, modernized user interface, and other enhancements requested from the community. In Revit 2024: The templates have been reworked to include more “best practice” features. В Revit 2024 появилась более законная функция темной темы.

Чем грозит уход Autodesk из России. Архитекторы и инженеры срочно ищут альтернативы

Well, Autodesk Revit 2024 is already here. And while 2023 certainly is not "old & busted," 2024 is already making waves in the community for some of the cool, new features is has to show. Вышел новый Revit 2025, и я тут же установил его, чтоб потыкать палочкой и посмотреть на ответную реакцию. Вышел новый Revit 2025, и я тут же установил его, чтоб потыкать палочкой и посмотреть на ответную реакцию. Revit 2024 has several non-architectural product enhancements that are listed below.

What's New in Autodesk Revit 2024

Dark mode applies to all primary UI elements, such as ribbons, palettes, dialogs, and main menus. The canvas viewport background will also be automatically set to a dark or light color based on your UI selection. But not really, because the dark theme does not cover the secondary menus yet. Hopefully this will be fixed in one of the next hotfixes for this release. I find that the new icons and the dark mode make the interface a lot clearer and easier to use. The TopoSolid tool allows you to create site elements that have depth and thickness, unlike the TopoSurface tool, which only created flat surfaces. The TopoSolid tool works similarly to the floor tool. You first sketch an extrusion boundary with magenta lines, then you can modify the sub-elements by adding points at specific heights to create slopes. There are six site solids to choose from in the type selector. I added a floor, slab edges, and then a section box , which allowed me to create the detailed view below.

Nothing overlapped, YES! You can also change the structure and material of TopoSolids, allowing you to create more complex site elements such as lakes, hills, roads, and more.

Смотрите наш новый урок и открывайте новые возможности для своих проектов! Выступаем на конференциях, проводим лекции, преподаём в нескольких школах и университетах, помогаем с трудоустройством.

Присоединяйтесь к нам, делитесь мнением, задавайте вопросы, получайте новые знания - растите и развивайтесь!

Архитектурные изменения: 7. Так что новинка как мёртвому припарка, всё равно нужно отдельно моделировать такие решения как и раньше. Допили немного так сказать Добавили возможность сделать выему под смоделированным элементом перекрытием, фундаментой плитой и т. А сразу так нельзя было сделать?

Но и здесь не без проблем — выемку делает, а насыпь нет. Так что ещё надо допиливать. Для меня так же важно что теперь при редактировании вершин отображаются горизонтали! Теперь хоть работать с топотелом можно. Добавили ещё возможность создавать топотела по Форме, как крыши и перекрытия ХЗ зачем , кнопку упростить топотело не тестировал продолжает ли он упрощать сам при создании по точкам , и переключение отображения сглаженного рельефа и «гранённого» 9.

Редактор материалов Говорят ускорили отрисовку миниатюр, засекать и сравнивать не стал, ну может немного быстрее стало. И добавили возможность с шифтом выделить несколько материалов и скопом их удалить, при чистке проекта или семейства полезно.

Add Multiple Views and Schedules You have always been able to drag one view from Project Browser to a Sheet, but now Revit has added the ability to do multiple at a time. Once you have all the views selected, you can drag them into the sheet. You can also do this from the View tab by selecting the View icon, which will open a window that will also allow you to select multiple views at a time. Both of these buttons have an arrow for additional options. These options have been available in a project file for annotation items and work the same as they do in the. This is a great feature for those who are having to manage Revit and IFC exports. Once the mapping for the components is set up, there is an option in IFC Export to select the entities to export.

To navigate to it you will need to select Modify Setup and then the Advance tab.

Revit 2024 Upgrades Site Design, Environment for Revit® 11.0 Takes it Skyward

Well, Autodesk Revit 2024 is already here. And while 2023 certainly is not "old & busted," 2024 is already making waves in the community for some of the cool, new features is has to show. D5 Render for Revit 2024 builds the best design experience for architecture and landscape designers. Autodesk Revit 2024 для проектирования зданий и сооружений. Скачать Autodesk Revit 2024 торрент Repack с активацией можно на нашем сайте бесплатно. В Revit 2023 в настройке фильтров спецификаций добавилась опция фильтрации данных для элементов, которые расположены на листе со спецификацией. Revit 2024 features new site tools, modernized user interface, and other enhancements requested from the community. Чат внутри программы Revit 2024 имеет встроенный чат, который позволяет участникам команды общаться между собой без необходимости использования внешних мессенджеров или почты.

Revit-2024: что нового для инженеров

In Revit 2024: The templates have been reworked to include more “best practice” features. Revit 2024 features new site tools, modernized user interface, and other enhancements requested from the community. Another feature introduced in Revit 2024 is a true dark theme, in the past only the view background could be set as dark, now Revit options has a true dark theme profile. Ревит с нами | 2013-2024 Материалы опубликованы под лицензией CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike. В данной статье рассмотрим новинки Autodesk Revit 2024, которые полезны для архитекторов и дизайнеров при работе в программе!

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