Новости синдра билд

Best Syndra Builds, items, runes, skills, guides and counters. Learn how to play Syndra, how to climb with Syndra and analyze Syndra win rates in the meta. Прежде чем двигаться дальше, сначала важно предоставить список всех изменений, которые Синдра получает в своем наборе, а также промежуточные обновления в League of Legends. Everything about playing SYNDRA for LoL Wild Rift. Build Guide Items Builds for SYNDRA: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. League of Legends Wiki Guide - IGN.

Синдра Билд

During team fight, although its best to use your ultimate on a squishy carry, doing so might put you in a bad position. Using R on the enemy front line and E after, which will result in a team wide stun. E over W because increasing the width of your stun at max E makes landing stuns way easier. It also decreases the cooldown for more stuns. When your mana is above 60 to 70 percent, or when blue buff is acquired, spam Q whenever it is ready. While spamming Qs camping for a kill, use W on the ball disappearing soon.

This way you will get additional damage for your R as more Qs are available. Credit: Riot Games 5. Roam for your team, but beware of assassin counters Syndra is a godlike roamer once you have your ultimate. Push hard with Qs in lane to get lane priority. After that, roam to side lanes bot is preferred.

In addition to these factors, if she plays a less combative and more useful role, she can use her ultimatum to position herself with the Dark Sphere in front of her and establish a simple massive stun that will strike the majority of enemies. S Tempest has undergone some changes to improve her ability to do more damage, but it is not enough to put her as the best mythical object for Syndra as a whole above the other options. Horizon Focus is an item designed for long-range mages like Xerath, Zoe, and Caps, and works well with Syndra. The best Syndra rune is on the primary path and on the secondary path. An interesting selection of items for caps that you can buy in Horizon Focus is the Syndra.

Caps in season 11 can perform a Syndra teleport blitz in their game. As the match progresses, it is best to get the maximum out of it and have a strong ability to build a lead and dominate your opponent. It unfolds its full cataclysmic power and sends 3 dark spheres into orbit around it, 4 of which create an enemy champion. As a child, Syndra disturbed the village elders because she was ruthless and wild with magic. The firstborn daughter of an old man and a young woman.

Using dominance runes, skills, and burst damage, this item builder combines the burst style of Syndra build 1.

Syndra wants to start building Lunden Tempest, its mythical object. How to find the best items and runes for Syndra has been determined by calculations of thousands of League of Legends and Plat games. Big overhauls affect champions and force players to learn new builds for most of the champions in the game, and Syndra is one of them.

Graduating with the Archangel Staff gives Syndra enough mana early in the game to focus on building damage. Syndra Builds ranks 11. If you are looking for the best rune builds for Syndra, we have something for you. In terms of jugglers and bruises, Syndra is considered a champion who dances early in the game, has access to great sustain, and minimizes his methods of exerting pressure and poking enemies.

For example, there are champions who surpass Syndra in most games, such as Azir, Vladimir and Kassadin. Ask him for his input on the strengths and weaknesses of Syndras and what we should play if it is good. Is an option if Syndra wants to do heavy snowball battles early in the game, or if she has to carry an enemy with one shot. In addition to these factors, if she plays a less combative and more useful role, she can use her ultimatum to position herself with the Dark Sphere in front of her and establish a simple massive stun that will strike the majority of enemies.

Scatter the Weak has a long cooldown, you can attack her now. Refrain from letting Syndra put you down before a team fight breaks out. She intends to annoy as many people as she can before trying to find a pick.

Обновленный Бренд! Гайд на Бренда на мид линии против Синдры / Brand Guide vs Syndra

Syndra physical/magical/true damage repartition. Syndra, known as the Dark Sovereign, is a mage that hails from Ionia. Smite's best source for player profiles, god stats, smite matches, elo rankings, smite guides.

Syndra Build

New League of Legends Syndra Splash Art Revealed - And it looks amazing byGameort - November 24, 2023 0 Riot Games has finally revealed the updated Syndra splash art, and fans are thrilled to see the new appearance of one of the more experienced characters. As League of Legends moves into its fourteenth season in 2024, we will be receiving additional skins for all 166 characters. But not all the 165 champions—only Syndra—are mentioned in this post. Additionally, they affirmed that in 2024, Lee Sin and Teemo will get updates along these lines. It might be updated splash art or visual effects.

Old champions have received fresh splashes. Riot updated the splash artwork for Rugged Garen along with Hecarim. And now they have shared an updated LoL Syndra splash art. The new splash art, which also features amazing art direction, has given her the confidence she has always had. The amazing attention to detail in the textures and hues makes this splash art a step above the last one.

Finally, Scorch is exceptional for Syndra because of how important her poking is to her lane success. Adding extra damage to her poke every ten seconds can add up quickly and again, make her laning that much more potent. In terms of the secondary tree, summoners should look to take Inspiration tree with points in Biscuit Delivery, and Cosmic Insight. Considering it is common to have 1-2 active items, and how important Flash is to staying alive, Cosmic Insight is essential.

I think Phase Rush is definitely the best, just because she is a very low mobility champion, and if her E Scatter the Weak is down, then she becomes very vulnerable to anyone who jumps on her. So having the extra movement speed will be really good for escaping those situations. But there is some room for some other Keystones. You could argue Comet could be good in certain situations and I think Electrocute can be played as well, but I think in general the best Keystone should be Phase Rush on her.

I take teleport and flash because they are the best for mid lane right now in pro play. Electrocute is an option when Syndra is looking for heavy snowballing in the early game, or if she is only needed to one-shot an enemy carry. Otherwise, if Syndra is against a team that has little engage or dive, Comet is an option to give her more potent poking in lane. In terms of Summoner Spells, Flash is obviously a must, and Teleport allows her to match side waves or roams.

Itemization Like any mid lane champion, it is important to have the build that suits the playstyle. Syndra is no different. Although she has options to choose from, the best options depend again, on what situation Syndra is in. The choice of mythic item is definitely the most important to get right.

Otherwise, Syndra should be looking to build her Mythic item to cover her weaknesses, not add to her strengths. Considering their prevalence in the meta, this will likely be the most common mythic built for her in premade games. Otherwise, as tanks are less common in Solo Queue, Syndra will be looking to build Everfrost. But in Solo Queue, when you see a lot more squishy champions, like assassins for example, then I think Everfrost is also a very good buy on Syndra.

After that, I think the build path will be pretty much similar every single game.

Затем используйте свой ульт, чтобы бросить им в лицо пять орбов. Причина, по которой я приберегаю шестую сферу на время после ульта, заключается в том, что я могу поместить ее точно в нужное место перед тем, как нанести огромное АоЕ-оглушение с помощью E. Однако если вы ошибетесь и поставите сферу в неправильное положение для оглушения, вы всегда можете использовать W, чтобы переместить ее и выстроить идеальный удар. Есть ли какие-нибудь особо опасные каунтеры для чемпионов? Я не чувствовал себя слишком подавленным ни в одной из моих игр, но был Talon, который доставил мне много проблем. Его комбинация из телепортации поверх меня и скрытности не позволяла мне приземлить на него орбы с задержкой взрыва или броски миньонов.

Какая-нибудь сверхсекретная информация? Многие крипы в джунглях погибли, чтобы предоставить вам эту информацию. Броски крипов джунглей, которые дают баффы, вызывают некоторые бонусные эффекты. Когда Синдра бросает синего голема с баффом, она восстанавливает 10 единиц маны, а кулдаун W обновляется на одну секунду быстрее.


Начинаем год с яркого обновления 5.0! Нас ждут Синдра, новые образы и предметы, изменения карты и игровых. This is the main Syndra Wild Rift Build which focuses on increasing her burst damage, mana regeneration, and poking capabilities. Syndra is champion who have ability grabs the nearest enemy and flings them towards the farthest enemy. Syndra is getting a League of Legends rework 10 years after release, with her mid-scope update adding a new passive and an ultimate execute. Гайд по Syndra Лига Легенд, билды.

Syndra TFT Build Set 11: Items & Comps Guide

Поток маны — та самая руна, которая очень поможет вам, как только вы немного потесните своего врага на линии, поскольку она дает вам больше максимальной маны каждый раз, когда вы наносите урон вражескому чемпиону. Используйте умения столько, сколько сможете. Будьте осторожны, чтобы не пропустить много, иначе это сделает вас уязвимыми. Превосходство для Синдры очень полезно из-за того, что, если вы не используете Ultimate Hunter, у вас всегда будет запасная способность для ваших способностей.

Так же можно попробовать альтернативные руны. Можно заменить Казнь электричеством на Призыв пушинки или Магическую комету. Теперь нужно выбрать Поток маны, Полная сосредоточенность и Ожог.

Вы будете постоянно наносить врагу дополнительный урон от Пушинки или Магической кометы, Absolute Focus и Ожог и вашему противнику на линии нужно будет постоянно уклоняться от ваших способностей, в результате чего они будут заблокированы от волн фарм-миньонов, а также использовать способности для уклонения от ваших скиллшотов. Это помогает вам продержаться на линии еще дольше и позволяет вам чаще выгонять своих врагов Предметы Буря Людена — ядро всех предметов AP mid laner. Это дает огромный AP, много маны и 20-кратную скорость.

Пассивка также помогает с waveclear хотя у Синдры уже достаточно и уроном по вашему врагу. Обувь волшебника — это те ботинки, которые вы хотите купить, поскольку они помогут вам увеличить урон. Если вам нужно дополнительное магическое проникновение, сочетание их с Бурей вашего Людена с уроном в начале игры, поскольку проникновение плоской магии чрезвычайно хорошо в начале-середине игры Если вы получили Слезу Богини во время фазы лайнинга, у вас должно быть максимальное количество стеков к тому времени, когда вы начнете собирать компоненты для Посоха Архангела.

Опять же, этот предмет имеет решающее значение для Синдры, если вы еще не купили Сумрачное пламя, поскольку он дает ей все ее основные характеристики. Это позволит вам использовать все эффекты Shadowflame. Смертельная шляпа Рабадона — это самый сильный предмет в середине и конце игры для магов.

Посох Бездны — этот предмет предназначен для противодействия сопротивлению магии, поэтому, если вы видите, что вражеская команда покупает MR, купите его как можно скорее. Опять же, этот предмет в основном будет строиться либо 3-м, либо 4-м, в зависимости от того, как скоро враг приобретет MR, если он вообще будет. Так же нужно отметить, что по мере игры, могут понадобиться ситуационные предметы.

With a blend of damage, sustain, and survivability, the Pro Syndra Builds are optimized for victory. Health Potion x2 : Provides Syndra with the necessary sustain in the early laning phase. Situational Items Void Staff: Ideal when facing teams with high magic resist, ensuring her spells pierce through defenses. In our Syndra Guide, we delve into the specific runes preferred by the pros.

They also turn their heads in the Q ability animation. This prestige skin is a true masterpiece, nonetheless. I would enjoy playing with this skin just for its cute factor.

Early Game In the early game, Syndra does really well at clearing minion waves with her Dark Spheres. She can also use her Spheres to poke enemy champions early on giving her an early advantage in the lane. In the laning phase, you always want to look to try and use her Scatter the Weak with Dark Spheres on the enemies to stun them and follow it up with her other abilities, if you can hit this simple combo you can proc First Strike and deal extra damage. Late Game Syndra is a very versatile champion in the late game because she can fill multiple roles. She can sit in bushes and catch enemies off guard with her Scatter the Weak and combo that with other abilities to deal a lot of damage, or she can group with her team and start a teamfight.

Syndra TFT Builds, Items and Stats

Splinters of Wrath enhance Syndra and her abilities. There was previously a very small amount of time units could die while being picked up which has been removed.

Killing a large minion grants 1 Splinter. Cooldown increased to 7 seconds from 4. New Effect: Collecting 40 Splinters of Wrath now stores 2 charges of the ability, with a 1.

For secondary runes, run Sorcery.

Take Transcendence and Gathering Storm. Credit: Riot Games 2. Teleport is chosen mostly because Syndra is shines after purchasing her first big item. Having Teleport lets you get past the laning phrase easily, and covers any mistakes that were made. Ignite is a good choice if your jungler is a agressive one and wants to skirmish a lot! Cleanse is good against mid laners and jungler who have lots of crowd control.

If the enemy team has many engage champions, Banshee and Zhonya are useful as second items. If enemies start stacking magic resist early, Void staff is a good second item to go for. Know your combos and lane smartly When it comes to harassing your opponent in lane, spamming your combos will get your mana dry very quickly. Many Syndra players love to use Dark Sphere Q and Scatter the Weak E combo in lane to try to get ahead, but by doing so you burn your mana fast and if you do miss you spells, you will end up losing the laning phase.

Телеграм: t. Я играю и делаю гайды по Лиге Легенд с самого первого сезона.

Если вы хотите поднять ранг и научиться играть лучше, то вы зашли по адресу.

Syndra Probuilds: Unleashing the Dark Sovereign's Full Potential

That reduction in weight just might help shave off those fractions of a second that can make the difference between clutch or crushed. So use that to harass them consistently, and at level 6 you should be able to threaten an all-in, and if not, you should be able to just freely push the wave and move around the map and threaten your one-shot with your ultimate on anyone. The most important thing, as previously mentioned, is obviously utilizing her low cooldown, high range, and high damage ability Dark Sphere, to poke enemies out of lane and develop pressure and priority. It is not even that problematic to miss every Q in lane, because Syndra can easily pick up the Dark Sphere and throw it again with her W Force of Will or threaten a stun with her E Scatter the Weak. As long as Syndra has a Dark Sphere out in the lane, she is applying pressure and should be respected for it. The only way to really punish Syndra is to be agile enough to avoid all of her abilities, or wait for her to use all of them before pursuing a trade or all-in. With that in mind, good Syndra players will predominantly be using Q in lane, and not her W or E to have that constant threat of its use to apply pressure and generate leads. In order to play the mid game correctly, it is important to keep that in mind. That is why her build and rune choices are so important to creating options to keep herself safe in this stage of the game when she is weakest, but at the same time the most impactful. Syndra is best at getting picks on rotations and around objectives by initiating with her abilities, or at least following up and dealing the finishing blow with her ultimate.

Her problem, however, is that she must stay ahead of the curve in terms of income to make sure she is as impactful at this stage of the game as possible. The best way to do that consistently is with CSing in the side lanes. In the side lanes, Syndra must be extremely careful because of her lack of mobility. When she cannot easily match an enemy side laner, Syndra will likely only be punished for moving to the side lanes to catch waves, and so instead, should be looking to setup plays for picks in the jungle, and only move to side lanes when it is safest to do so. For competitive, side laning is a bit harder compared to solo queue. Syndra is perhaps one of the champions that is so dependent on this awareness that it really makes-or-breaks her gameplay. Positioning around her Dark Spheres to play aggressively is one thing, but also positioning to minimize her chances of getting killed at the same time, is a whole different challenge. I think the most important things during teamfights are, making sure that: 1. You have balls stacked up before the fight starts in order to get the maximum number of balls for your ultimate.

As well as: 2. Setting up just potential balls for you to look for stuns off of.

Гайды 111 20 сентября 2022 года разработчики League of Legends представили первый официальный обзор обновлений Syndra среднего масштаба. Эти обновления внесут множество изменений в комплект Синдры, особенно в ее пассивное умение. Следовательно, все изменения, которые Синдра должна получить, а также ее промежуточные обновления, подробно описаны в этой статье. Разработчики заявляют, что с помощью этих изменений они хотят улучшить ее пассивный навык и дать игрокам ощущение масштабирования силы при сохранении ее основного игрового процесса.

Syndra could no longer control her emotions. All her anger erupted from deep within her, in the form of darkly shining magical orbs, heavy with the weight of her anguish. This powerful ability had been dormant until now. It flared with volatile strength, the orbs like pearls of negativity that leached the spirit magic from the world around her, draining the ghost-willow of its life essence.

Evard and his friends backed away in horror as the ancient tree twisted, its bark withering to a tarry black. Forced to move on in search of a new home, all had become fearful of her magic. After months of travel, they reached the coast and encountered a hermit-priest named Konigen. Young Syndra climbed the steps to a cliffside temple, crafted long ago from dark stone, and overlooking the sea. However, Syndra grew frustrated as, instead of gaining more control, over the years her magic seemed to weaken. Konigen now locked himself away each morning, meditating in solitude rather than teaching her anything new, and so she confronted him. His teeth gritted with exhaustion, he confessed that he was deliberately dampening her power, for her own safety.

Через уничтожение, много хасты и мастери. Тока Клив синдры в кеях практичней будет, но не стоит забывать не все киберкотлеты и максимум из синдры не выжмут, по сим её эффективность падает по сравнению с уничтожением или на крайняк с покровой! Так же щас практикуется билд Ярость ледяного змея. Играть через Легу ярости ледяного змея и уничтожение или покрову. Январь 10, 2022, 11:56д.

Синдра League of Legends

Syndra Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips Синдра – это чемпион, который атакует прокастами (всеми 3-4 умениями за короткий промежуток времени), а это значит, что как раз эти прокасты и надо усовершенствовать.
Syndra Build Guide for Season 13 Syndra’s R: Unleashed Power. Middle Syndra build with the highest win rate. Runes, items, and skill build recommendations and guides for Emerald + in Patch 14.08.
Latest Syndra News So we’re looking at all of Syndra’s skins and ranking them based on both what they offer, and the amount of cash you’ll have to turn into RP for each one.

Why is Syndra getting a visual update?

  • Syndra Build: How to play Syndra (Step by Step Guide) | lolvvv
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  • League of Legends: гайд по Синдре

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including Win Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate and much more! Синдра — чемпионка, которая превосходно владеет дальним боем и может начать бой практически на расстоянии экрана с помощью своего комбо QE. Get the optimal builds for Syndra, view Syndra guides written by other players or create your own guides. Довольно стандартный AP билд.

Latest Syndra News

Syndra rework, buffs to off-meta builds such as Fighter Blitzcrank and Crit Garen, and more on the League of Legends Patch 12.19 Notes. Syndra is an angel who was expelled from heaven to help humans. Her compassion turned to hate, transformed her physically and psychologically. У Синдры интересно с ней взаимодействует ульта, каждый шар ульты выдает по проку мураманы, а это очень больно. Других билдов собственно и нет.

Syndra Build Guide for Season 13

statistically derived tier list, win rates and frequency. Data on the best items and builds on Syndra. League of Legends Wiki Guide - IGN. New Innate: Syndra collects up to 120 Splinters of Wrath, enhancing each of her abilities based on the number collected and updating their ability icons. Синдра — чемпионка, которая превосходно владеет дальним боем и может начать бой практически на расстоянии экрана с помощью своего комбо QE. Звездная Защитница Синдра (престижка) League of Legends, Syndra, Star Guardian, Косплей.

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