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Игровые механики. Новости. картинка: Экономика в ДнД: торговля, народное хозяйство, рабство / DnD Lore. The Druid has an impressive list of spells that allow them to change the numbers in a fight and change their own role to fit. Информация Новости Контакт Род занятий.

Best DPR Builds 5e DnD: Deal massive damage every round!

Эльф Следопыт ДНД (Много фото) - картинка: Экономика в ДнД: торговля, народное хозяйство, рабство / DnD Lore.
Paladin 5e – DnD Class Guide Главная/Каталог/Настольные ролевые игры (НРИ)/Приключения в Средиземье (Adventures in MIddle Earth), для DnD 5-ой редакции/Трекеры/05PB062 Набор трекеров персонажей DnD 5-е, 5 штук в наборе.
Лучшие подклассы D&D, представленные в Dungeons & Dragons 5e Например, WizardoftheCoast, нынешний владелец DnD, вообще не локализует адд-оны, а перевод 5-й редакции правил – всецело заслуга самоотверженных добровольцев.

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05PB062 Набор трекеров персонажей DnD 5-е, 5 штук в наборе

Жаль, что такой урон можно дать только раз за бой, но тем не менее, показатель хорош. Выбираем следующее: Точная атака. При плохой кубовке будем корректировать наши атаки для лучшего попадания. Так как дальше мы будем использовать черту Меткий стрелок, этот прием самый важный для нас; Обезоруживающая атака удобно заставить мага выронить свою фокусировку ; Атака с маневром еще добираем урон 1d8 к нашим атакам ; Плотницкие инструменты, чтоб в путешествиях мы могли самостоятельно ремонтировать и изготавливать себе стрелы обговорите это с мастером! Начинаем идти в разнос — берем Меткий стрелок. И мы получаем Дополнительную атаку. Теперь мы можем выстрелить 3 раза за ход 5 раз при всплеске действий.

Конечно, в реальной игре такой показатель маловероятен. Я привел его для понимания потенциала персонажа.

Which subclass should I choose? Oaths tend to form a large part of the ideals for your paladin, so a paladin seeking to make restitution for past crimes might take the oath of redemption while paladins seeking to exact righteous judgement on their foes might take the oath of vengeance. Oath of Devotion Description: Holy warriors, devoted to their cause. Good for: Archetypal paladins with a broad mix of abilities. Oath of the Ancients Description: Paladins that seek to wage war against darkness for a love of light and life. Good for: Paladins that want to be a bit more like a ranger. Good for: Paladins that want to exact as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible.

Good for: Paladins that have broken their oaths. Good for: Paladins that want to go big on protecting their allies. Oath of Conquest Description: A paladin sworn to conquer and bring about victory. Good for: Paladins that want to deal more damage and handle crowds better. Oath of Redemption Description: Paladins that believe anyone can be redeemed and will inflict death only as a last resort. Good for: Paladins that prefer to talk first and punch later. Oath of Glory Description: A paladin that has made an oath to win at all costs and have their name etched into legends. Good for: Paladins that like to throw themselves into combat. Oath of the Watchers Description: A paladin that watches for and protects from the unnatural and alien forces of the universe.

Good for: Paladins that want to deal with extra-planar threats. How to optimise a paladin Optimising a character properly can be tricky. Options to avoid: Intelligence and wisdom. Only invest in one of strength and dexterity usually strength. Innate spellcasting options can work nicely as you can make repeat uses. Races that grant you resistances, increased damage and mobility are also great Think Warforged with their resistances and extra AC or Shadar-Kai with their misty step plus damage ability. Backgrounds Recommended options: City watch, courtier, faceless, faction agent, gambler, smuggler, soldier Options to avoid: Archaeologist, fisher, folk hero, inheritor, ruined Considerations: Primarily, you want your background to beef out your skills you only get 2 skill proficiencies with your class. Skills Recommended options: Athletics, insight, intimidation, persuasion Options to avoid: Medicine, religion Considerations: Persuasion is going to be your most important face skill but intimidation can be great too.

Атака по возможности когда вы отходите от противника, он может нанести по вам удар , которая есть в DnD, тут тоже работает, но намного реже и зависит от существа и черт специализации в бою. Поэтому все боевые столкновения в Pathfinder проходят быстро передаю привет нашей первой записи на Ютубе , с большим шансом на криты и частыми перемещениями.

Все основные действия, доступные любому классу открывайте в новой вкладке Вкачали Запугивание? Вы можете действием Деморализовать прокинуть свой навык и одним действием из трех наложить на врага Cтрах! Вкачали Обман? Вы можете броском Обмана использовать Финт 1 действие что бы ослабить защиту врага наложив на него статус -2 КБ, а после Финта ударить! И помните про криты из первой статьи? Вы можете просто на все 3 действия наносить удары по врагу без дебаффов, скорее всего получив 1-2 попадания и промахнувшись 3-им или даже крит. А крит в лицо может быть особенно болезненным, если у вас еще и оружие на это заточено. Думаете, Дипломатия бесполезна в бою? А нет! Вы можете оскорбить мамку противника и дать ему дебафф на спасброски по Воле, тем самым позволяя легче его запугать или дать вашему союзному кастеру жестко жахнуть ему чем-то ментальным, пока он отвлечен.

Во 2 редакции Pathfinder очень много таких связок и возможностей, тоже все не перечислишь. Илияс Мырзаханов Скрытность в Pathfinder тоже работает иначе: Вы не можете спрятаться посреди пустой комнаты, вам обязательно надо найти какое-то укрытие, даже если это ваш сопартиец прятаться за мелкими сопартийцами гномами особенно весело. Перемещение в скрытности нужно тоже планировать, так как закончив перемещение не в укрытии, вы автоматически становитесь видимы.

All of this works for almost all the builds in this list. But there are still some great ones you can get.

Polymorph can also be very useful when used creatively, allowing you to transform yourself or others into beasts. Wrath of Nature can also be an excellent option to slow down enemies and cause damage. In the 5th level pick the Multiattack Defence again and at the 11th the Volley feature to shoot arrows at any creatures within 10 feet of a point you can see in your weapon range.

Best Utility Cantrips in DnD 5e, Ranked

Возраст: от 13 лет. Кроме колоды набор содержит вкладыш по стратегии, руководство по основам игры и 2 бустера. Это Очевидно! Условия победы или поражения и дополнительные задания позволяют сделать каждую партию уникальной. Количество игроков: от 3 до 6. Возраст: от 8 лет.

Исчезновение Начиная с 14 уровня вы можете использовать в свой ход действие Засада бонусным действием. Кроме того, вы не можете быть выслежены немагическими способом, если вы не оставите след намеренно. Дикие чувства На 18 уровне вы получаете сверхъестественные чувства, которые помогут вам сражаться с существами, которых вы не можете увидеть. Когда вы атакуете существо, которое не видите, ваша неспособность видеть не накладывает помеху броскам атаки по нему. Вы также знаете о местоположении любого невидимого существа в пределах 30 футов от вас, при условии, что существо не скрыто от вас, и вы не ослеплены или оглушены. Убийца врагов На 20 уровне вы становитесь беспрецедентным охотником на своих врагов.

Один раз в каждом своём ходу вы можете добавить модификатор Мудрости к броску атаки или урона по существу из списка ваших избранных врагов. Вы можете использовать это умение до или после броска, но до того, как эффекты броска вступят в силу. Архетипы следопыта Идеалы следопыта имеют два классических проявления: Охотник и Хозяин Зверей Охотник Подражание архетипу охотника означает принятие своего места в качестве оплота между цивилизацией и ужасами дикой природы. Архетип охотника означает признание своего места в качестве оплота между цивилизацией и ужасами диких земель. Если вы пошли по пути охотника, вы обучаетесь специализированным техникам ведения боя с угрозами, встречаемыми вами, начиная неистовыми ограми и ордами орков, и заканчивая возвышающимися великанами и ужасающими драконами. Добыча охотника На 3 уровне вы получаете одно из следующих умений на свой выбор: Убийца Колоссов.

Ваше упорство может измотать самых сильных врагов. Когда вы поражаете существо с помощью атаки оружием, существо получает дополнительный урон 1к8, если его хиты меньше максимума. Вы можете нанести этот дополнительный урон только один раз за ход. Оборонительная тактика На 7 уровне вы получаете одно из следующих умений на свой на выбор: Побег от орды. Провоцированные атаки по вам совершаются с помехой. Стальная Воля.

У вас есть преимущество на спасброски против страха. Мультиатака На 11 уровне вы получаете одно из следующих умений на свой выбор: Залп.

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Note: As it is not stated, when you halve your Paladin level for this feature, you should round down. Emissary of Redemption 3 — Unfortunately, this is a mixed bag, whilst it fulfills the goal of the subclass and provides great benefits, using a lot of your core class features would negate this benefit entirely. This is best for support Paladins who focus on buffs and healing, or who are content with dealing with minions whilst other party members deal with the heavy-hitting enemies. Glory You thought Conquest was a different spin for a Paladin? Glory focuses on propelling you and your companions to legendary status by focusing on honing their body and skill and putting them to use through acts of courage. Inspiring Smite [CD] 2 — Whilst you can in theory apply these temporary hit points to as many creatures as you have temp hp, realistically for this ability to be worth anything you need to keep the number of creatures to one or two.

The use of your bonus action feels a little clunky and makes the activation of this ability dependent on not only multiple factors, but spending an entirely separate resource. This would have easily been a 3 if you could activate it as a bonus action independently. The range should have been at least 10 feet to start with to make the ability more feasible. This still warrants a 2, as a self-speed bump of 10ft can be useful to a melee character in particular. Glorious Defense 3 — This can be a very potent defensive and retribution ability, however, it is held back by requiring the party to stay tightly clustered together in melee range of the enemy and tying the number of uses to your Charisma modifier for some reason. Watchers Sworn to protect the world from extraplanar threats, this subclass is dedicated to being the ever-vigilant sentry against the threats who seek to invade from beyond our own world. Interestingly these Paladins are said to create and maintain a network of spies and informants, in order to keep an eye on any cult activity. Notably, they get access to typically more arcane magic, including Alarm and Counterspell.

Oath Spells 3 — A thematic list, with a lot of utility in it. It would have been nice to see some better combat-relevant entries. Mortal Bulwark 4 — This is a very powerful ability, mixing general combat effectiveness with the ability to potentially just end an encounter. This only warrants a 4 because it covers a lot of creature types, but not all of them, and a capstone should ideally not be this niche. Guidance [Cantrip] — Applicable if you chose the Blessed Warrior Fighting Style, this is a very useful cantrip to pick up to help your party pass the skill checks which really matter. Bless [1st level Spell] — Not only great for support Paladins, this spell, unfortunately, takes your entire action, but rewards the party with a significant boost to their accuracy and save defense. Cure Wounds [1st level Spell] — Whilst you have Lay on Hands, it never hurts to have another option for healing yourself and your party. This can be especially useful if you need to use your Lay on Hands to cure a disease or neutralize a poison, rather than heal hit point damage.

Divine Favor [1st level Spell] — A damage boosting alternative to Divine Smite, this is a great spell for longer fights, or if you need to spread radiant damage, such as shutting down the regeneration of vampire spawn. Protection from Evil and Good [1st level Spell] — A great defensive buff that works against a large enough number of creature types to be relevant frequently enough to keep on hand. Aid [2nd level Spell] — Not to be confused with temporary hit points, this spell increases your actual hit point maximum, meaning you can heal these newfound points. This is a great durability buff for your party and is especially useful for lower hit dice characters like Wizards. Find Steed [2nd level Spell] — Being able to summon your own mount, enhanced with a telepathic and magical link, is a very useful means of transportation. Small-sized Paladins can actually ride their mastiffs into those places! Here are some examples of strong race choices for a Paladin: Dragonborn 4 — Great stats, a damage resistance, and a breath weapon! Goblin 5 — A perfect Dexadin, bringing additional nova damage in the form of Fury of the Small, whilst giving you the ability to skirmish with Nimble Escape.

Half-Elf 5 — You can boost your Charisma, Constitution, and the physical stat of your choice, whilst getting skills and some other nice ribbons. A great Paladin, regardless your primary stat, and potentially frees up an ASI for a feat. Combat-orientated feats are generally better for Paladins, however, feats which provide additional spellcasting can be valuable for the half casting class, especially support Paladins, and this will be reflected in their rating and description. Here are some examples of strong feat choices for a Paladin: Great Weapon Master 5 — A potential damage boost and source of bonus action attacks, for Paladins using great weapons this is a great feat. This is particularly useful for Vengeance and Conquest Paladins, as they both have accuracy-increasing Channel Divinity options. Sentinel 5 — Excellent tanking feat, this will allow you to make reaction attacks more often and give you the ability to lock down the battlefield. Dragon Fear [Dragonborn] 4 — You can round out your choice of three different stats, all great for Paladins, and gain a good debuff that synergizes well with a Conquest Paladin. Slasher 5 — If you favor slashing weapons like longswords, scimitars, and great axes this feat gives you a great way to hinder the mobility of your enemies and adds a nasty debuff when you crit, to add insult to smite-based injury.

The ratings take multiclassing prerequisites into consideration; if a multiclass will require you to have a 13 in a stat other than Str or Cha, it will likely receive a lower score unless the stat is one you would already have at 13 or higher, for example, Dexterity on a Dexadin. General multiclass tips for the Paladin: The multiclass prerequisites for a Paladin are Str and Cha scores of 13 or higher, this means multiclassing is easier for a Strength-based Paladin than a Dexadin. Multiclassing a Dexadin is still viable, but it will make you more MAD and require an investment in Strength you may not really use otherwise. If your primary interest in Paladin is using Divine Smite taking levels in any fullcaster class will give you a much faster spell slot progression to fuel those smites. Some popular jumping points for the Paladin class are 2nd level when you have Divine Smite and Spellcasting, 5th level when you have Extra Attack, and 6th level when you have all of those features and your Aura of Protection. However, requiring an Int of 13 is a steep cost for a MAD character and you would have to go two levels in to gain Infusions, making this a very niche combination. Note: The Artificer has a unique spellcasting progression that increases your spellcasting level by 1 when you take a level in it, despite having similar spellcasting to a half caster like the Paladin. This means the spell slot gain is the same with a level of Artificer as it would be with a level of Cleric, Wizard, etc.

If you take this class to third level, Armorer, specifically the Guardian form, is recommended for the temporary HP and Thunder Gauntlets. Barbarian 4 — Excellent for those looking to make a durable Paladin or a grappling Paladin, the small damage boost is a nice bump, but minor overall. If you choose to go three levels in, Totem Bear is a huge durability boost, Zealot gives you a damage boost, and Path of the Beast offers a mix of defense and offense with the tail and claws. Bard 3 — Best for support Paladins who focus on Charisma, this class will allow any Paladin to perform as a competent skill monkey with access to an additional skill, Jack of All Trades, and Expertise depending on how many levels you take in the class. If you choose to gain a subclass from this multiclass the recommended options for combat are the College of Swords, which gives you maneuver style uses for your Bardic Inspiration dice, and a second Fighting Style, or the College of Whispers which gives you a Divine Smite-like use for the same dice. If you want to further your side job as a skill monkey or want access to certain spells, the College of Lore grants you unrestricted spell choices and additional Expertise. Cleric 3 — Whilst MAD, Wisdom is a good tertiary stat to have some investment in, and gaining a subclass at Cleric level 1 and Channel Divinity the following level makes this a potent, front-loaded dip. The subclass you choose is important here and should be dictated by what role you are trying to strengthen; a dip into Life Cleric will make you a very potent healer when combined with Lay on Hands, choosing the War Domain can allow you to do more nova damage with bonus action attacks, and the Forge Domain allows you to create your own magic weapon.

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это один из классических персонажей в ролевой игре Dungeons & Dragons (ДнД). Смотреть видео онлайн ОТ и ДО про класс Следопыта ДнД 5е. Embark on a mystical journey with our Tiefling Ranger Guide (DND 5E), unlocking potent abilities and spells for your next adventure. Эльф ДНД 5. Лесной Эльф Следопыт ДНД. Черты характера ДНД 5. Опыт ДНД 5. DND 5 character Sheet. You will get the following features for the Ranger 5e in DnD Classes.

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The fighter has very consistent Damage Per Round in 5e DnD and has many options to go with so combat does not get stale. Deadly Poisoner Builds in DnD 5e. Embark on a mystical journey with our Tiefling Ranger Guide (DND 5E), unlocking potent abilities and spells for your next adventure. Ranger - A warrior who combats threats on the edges of civilization Hit Die: d10 Primary Ability.

Best Utility Cantrips in DnD 5e, Ranked

In this Paladin DnD 5E guide, we’ll train you on your options as a Paladin, as well as supportive choices you can make to build your character to achieve what you want. Всем привет е поговорим про класс следопыта. Я попытался рассказать про него так чтобы было полезно и тем кто только с ним знакомился и по. Следопыт 6 / Жрец – следопыты скучновато развиваются после 6го уровня. Я помню, как наш Жрец чуть ли не плакал, когда нашел жезл +2 В памяти еще осталось, как Следопыт нашел магический лук и спал с ним в обнимку.

Dungeons & Dragons. Карты заклинаний: Следопыт

Oath of Devotion Description: Holy warriors, devoted to their cause. Good for: Archetypal paladins with a broad mix of abilities. Oath of the Ancients Description: Paladins that seek to wage war against darkness for a love of light and life. Good for: Paladins that want to be a bit more like a ranger. Good for: Paladins that want to exact as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible. Good for: Paladins that have broken their oaths. Good for: Paladins that want to go big on protecting their allies. Oath of Conquest Description: A paladin sworn to conquer and bring about victory.

Good for: Paladins that want to deal more damage and handle crowds better. Oath of Redemption Description: Paladins that believe anyone can be redeemed and will inflict death only as a last resort. Good for: Paladins that prefer to talk first and punch later. Oath of Glory Description: A paladin that has made an oath to win at all costs and have their name etched into legends. Good for: Paladins that like to throw themselves into combat. Oath of the Watchers Description: A paladin that watches for and protects from the unnatural and alien forces of the universe. Good for: Paladins that want to deal with extra-planar threats.

How to optimise a paladin Optimising a character properly can be tricky. Options to avoid: Intelligence and wisdom. Only invest in one of strength and dexterity usually strength. Innate spellcasting options can work nicely as you can make repeat uses. Races that grant you resistances, increased damage and mobility are also great Think Warforged with their resistances and extra AC or Shadar-Kai with their misty step plus damage ability. Backgrounds Recommended options: City watch, courtier, faceless, faction agent, gambler, smuggler, soldier Options to avoid: Archaeologist, fisher, folk hero, inheritor, ruined Considerations: Primarily, you want your background to beef out your skills you only get 2 skill proficiencies with your class. Skills Recommended options: Athletics, insight, intimidation, persuasion Options to avoid: Medicine, religion Considerations: Persuasion is going to be your most important face skill but intimidation can be great too.

Feats Recommended options: Gift of the Chromatic dragon, great weapon master, heavy armor master, inspiring leader, lucky, polearm master, resilient, sentinel, slasher Options to avoid: Grappler, healer, keen mind, martial adept, observant, ritual caster, sharpshooter, skulker Considerations: Any feats that make you tougher like heavy armor master , better in combat like great weapon master , use your charisma like inspiring leader or that keep your enemies engaged in combat with you like sentinel. Considerations: Polearms can be really effective for paladins giving them a greater presence on the battlefield.

Using it in conjunction with your channel divinity will allow you to chase enemies down and cause psychic damage to them, get an extra attack, and also take your normal attack.

Animal Handling: Nature paladins and those who engage in mounted combat should grab this skill when available. Arcana: Divine casters usually take Religion over Arcana. Athletics: Strength is one of your main stats.

Deception: Paladins are straight-talking Lawful Good guys, but they do have Charisma as a main stat… History: Not terribly important Insight: The one Wisdom skill you should concern yourself with. Intimidation: Another great Charisma skill for you. Investigation: Not your strong suit.

Perception: Spot enemies sneaking up on you. Performance: Not your job. Persuasion: This is your most important skill.

Sweet talk your way out of or into anywhere. Stealth: Not another Dexterity skill… Survival: Nature paladins only. Backgrounds Acolyte: Thematically this might make sense, as you get two skills off the paladin skill list, but neither are very useful given your ability score priorities.

Versatile, but not ideal. Criminals are evil. Entertainer: bad skills for a heavily armored tank.

Faction AgentSCAG: A fantastic choice, given the versatility in skill selection, and two bonus languages along with 15 GP, which happens to be the most of any background. Though they do make you more balanced. FisherGoS: Neither skill provided by this background is terribly relevant for Paladins.

However, there are better backgrounds for that particular archetype. Hermit: Medicine and Religion are your two most useful class skills. MarineGoS: In a sea-faring campaign, this is the perfect background.

Vehicle proficiency helps you contribute to the crew. Two great skills off your list, vehicle proficiency, and a feature that helps advance the plot if your DM is clever about it. Noble: History is less useful than religion for you specifically, but persuasion is your main skill.

Sage: Not relevant for a Paladin. Sailor: Athletics and Perception is a solid combination. Proficiencies with water vehicles and free passage to new places opens up avenues of exploration.

ShipwrightGoS: The vehicle proficiency is the only things of value from this background. SmugglerGoS: Evil and antihero Paladins look no further! Deception and Athletics are two great skills for your archetype.

Soldier: Athletics and Intimidation are both in your wheelhouse, and land vehicle proficiency will help on your travels. Urchin: Not relevant for a Paladin. You can use your single-cast 1st level spell for a smite.

Athlete: Not useful for Paladin. Actor: Not useful for Paladin. Crossbow Expert: Not useful for Paladin.

However, there are still better feat options available for you. Dungeon Delver: Not useful for Paladin. Elemental Adept: Not useful for Paladin.

Heavily Armored: Redundant. Heavy Armor Master: A solid feat, especially at low levels. Inspiring Leader: Using this during every short rest will send the party into your next encounter with a decent reserve of temporary hit points.

Keen Mind: Not useful for Paladin. Lightly Armored: Irrelevant. Linguist: Take the time to get tongues on an item or lean on other party members.

Lucky: An all-around great feat for any class. Mage Slayer: Casters are typically squishy enough for you to take them out with damage without needing too much help. Martial Adept: This feat is really only good for Fighters.

Medium Armor Master: You should be using heavy armor. Moderately Armored: Irrelevant. Mounted Combat: This feat is mediocre as written, but if your DM allows you to get creative with it, and what mount you have, you can really shine as a cavalier.

Observant: Not useful for Paladin. Polearm Master: Gaining the extra abilities with reach weapons is amazing for Paladins. All your abilities, smites specifically, can be used in a greater area around you.

Ritual Caster: Not useful for Paladin. The math is not favorable. You should just take Lucky instead.

Sentinel: An excellent combination with Polearm Master. Keep in mind that this has some overlap with the Protection combat style. Sharpshooter: Not useful for Paladin.

You can push people around as a bonus action, you get a situational boost to Dexterity saves, and gain Evasion as a reaction. Skulker: Not useful for Paladin. Spell Sniper: Not useful for Paladin.

Tavern Brawler: Not the most efficient use of a feat, but if you really want it, make sure your Strength and Athletics are high. Weapon Master: Irrelevant. Fighting with a longsword and a shield is best to have high AC and make use of the duelist fighting style.

The math is more favorable for great sword than great axe. A reach weapon is the best option for a paladin, especially if you take the Polearm Master feat as soon as you can.

С более чем сотней подклассов, доступных в 5e, любой игрок сможет найти что-то, что пробуждает его творчество или желание играть. Несколькоподклассы стали доступны в основных книгах, доступных при выпуске DnD5e, причем большинство из них появилось в Руководстве игрока, а пара — в Подземелье. Руководство для мастеров. С тех пор дополнительные возможности стали доступны через книги дополнений, в частности, Руководство Ксанатара по всему и Котел всего Таши,добавление большого количества подклассов в список. Хотя избыток подклассов отлично подходит для свободы игрока, он также может затруднить поиск самых сильных вариантов. Изучение лучших подклассов, которые предлагает DnD 5e, помогает выявить наиболее интересные пути, по которым могут пойти игроки DnD.

Заклинание «Очарование человека», доступное на 1-м уровне, и «Увлекательное исполнение» на 3-м уровне дают Коллегии бардов гламура возможность подчинить себе различных неигровых персонажей, облегчая установление связей или получение информации. Этот подкласс также не промахнется в бою, со способностями, которые позволяют бардам использовать команду или предоставлять временные очки жизни союзникам в качестве бонусных действий. При грамотной игре Бард Коллегии Гламура может оставаться очень занятым как в бою, так и в мирных DnD 5e столкновениях и приносить значительные преимущества группе. Эхо-рыцари-бойцы в DnD могут призывать свое Эхо и использовать различные связанные способности в бою, а способность 18-го уровня даже удваивает это до двух Эхо.

This is very, very good on allies who require movement to fight effectively e. Gives a creature you touch resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for up to 1 hour concentration permitting , at the cost of a 100 gp diamond, which the spell consumes. After all, preventing damage is always more efficient than restoring it with healing effects. Each creature who fails a Dexterity saving throw in a 40-foot radius 20 feet high takes 8d8 36 average damage, or half as much on a successful save. With a massive 150-range and a huge 40-foot radius effect, this is the ultimate area-of-effect damage spell that Rangers get in DnD 5e. Steel Wind Strike. Make 5 melee spell attacks against up to 5 creatures within 30 feet of you; they each take 6d10 33 average damage on hit. At the end, you can teleport to a space within 5 feet of a target you attacked. Potentially bigger damage than Conjure Volley, albeit at a smaller range and area of effect, and no half-damage on a missed attack.

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