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Илья Yatoro Мулярчук стал самым популярным игроком на Dotabuff

Dotabuff streams live on Twitch! Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community. General Discussion Thoughts On Dazzle Mid DOTABUFF Dota 2 Stats. Dotabuff может получить данные о ваших матчах только если параметр «Предоставлять данные матча» включен в клиенте Dota 2 игры. Dotabuff is one of the most popular web-based logistical statistics and community sites for Dota 2. It was created specifically for Dota 2. It is a site. Dota 2 Pro Immortal Mid Timbersaw Gameplay. Статистический инструмент под названием Dotabuff большая помощь здесь, она просто покрывает недостающие знания, а также полезную информацию, которая может помочь вам.

Илья Yatoro Мулярчук стал самым популярным игроком на Dotabuff

Dota 2 News Dotabuff Acquires Trackdota Gosugamers – Otosection DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats.
The top Dota 2 heroes dominating the meta in 7.35b - Если проверить, то Вы узнаете, что например Earthshaker в каждой десятой игре на 5к ММР стоит на хардлайне, а Lina в 7% случаев играет через мид в играх 4к рейтинга.
D2BY | Bestyolo – Home Dota 2 Team Rankings: Dive into the most up-to-date rankings, stats, and insights on team performance, player achievements, leaderboards and more, exclusively on GosuGamers.

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Dotabuff was first, or at least got popular first and reached the majority of all Dota 2 players in the first years. On top of that, Dotabuff is a bit easier to use compared to OpenDota. The profile and the analytics are straight forward, even if OpenDota has a few more extensive details. Why are some not listed Dota 2 matches available in Dotabuff? You might have experienced that Dota 2 does not record some of the matches that are not counted or abandoned. However, the algorithm Dotabuff uses to track matches is quite different. Hence, the matches that are not even recorded by Valve can be saved by Dotabuff. How to watch Dota 2 tournaments on Dotabuff? Dotabuff has an amazing E-sports feature that updates almost every day. It includes all the running tournament matches along with the live matches. Moreover, the schedules, pro player information , team information and scores are available.

The best part is, in E-sports a new sub-feature has been added called Dotabuff Clips. This feature includes all the amazing scenes of recent tournament matches. It is a great way to watch your favorite time frames. Top Features of Dotabuff: Dotabuff has tons of features, here are the ones that were super useful for me over a long time frame: True Sight Feature of Dotabuff: True Sight is the most prominent and major sub-feature of Dotabuff Plus.

TrueSight immediately analyzes all tournament matches that happen on Dota 2 as well as matches that have one or more verified players. TrueSight analysis is also publicly available for all the tournament matches that are on Dota 2. How Long Does It Take? Normally, this should take only a few minutes, with longer times being due to network difficulties in Dota 2. However, it requires more work than usual.

There are currently plans, however, to add more public features based on the data that was gained from TrueSight, examples of which are new categories of detailed aggregate statistics. This means that in addition to a Personal Profile, they are also allowed the ability to see more detailed data on their matches and performance. It also helps players set personal goals on how they wish to improve in the game. How Does This Work? Each of the heroes on Dota 2 has its ranking list. This Ranking list has all the qualifying players that use said hero constantly.

However, when it comes to grinding out MMR, a few heroes have risen to the top of the win rate charts. Abbadon is owning the new meta Core Abbadon has always been a rogue pick, but the recent changes to Curse of Avernus make him insanely strong. The combination of Harpoon and Manta Style let him proc Curse almost instantly. Arc Warden is one of the best mid heroes of 7.

He can be played as a carry or mid with both roles seeing success in pro play.

Undying has a low cooldown on most of his spells, making them spammable and ensuring he can teamfight at any point in time. He is highly relevant right from the laning phase with his Decay ability which steals enemy strength.

His Tombstone allows him to fight without any hassle, and slow his opponents while dealing high damage to them all at the same time. Items to buy on Undying Force Staff - Pushes Undying or the targetted unit in the direction they are facing. It can be used both offensively or defensively depending on the situation.

Solar Crest - Provides the caster and the targetted friendly unit with 6 bonus armor for 12 seconds along with increased movement and attack speed. In the case of an enemy, the bonuses are reversed. Guardian Greaves - Mekansm along with Arcane Boots are further upgraded into Guardian Greaves at 25 minutes into the game.

Upon usage, it heals Undying and his allies in an AoE, replenishing their HP and mana, while also removing negative debuffs from Undying s the caster. Glimmer Cape - Upon cast, it provides invisibility to Undying and can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on their enemies. Spectre - Spectre must chase for kills and relies on movement speed for mobility in fights, and has no way to counter the Tombstone zombies.

Not only is he known to heal allies, but he can also deal AoE damage to his foes. The spirits can be prioritized and maxed first, this can prove to be useful in the late game. You also have minor mobility with Icarus Dive, which also deals damage to enemies nearby!

In the early game, Phoenix can use his abilities to harass and zone out enemies in the lane while also providing sustenance to his allies. As the game progresses, Phoenix can transition into a powerful team fight presence, providing crucial slows, debuffs, and heals to turn the tide of battles. What makes Phoenix a powerful support?

You gain charges if you kill enemies or if they die in an AoE near you. It also offers passive evasion and stats from Sange for Phoenix. It is an ideal item if you are facing hard-hitting physical damage the enemy carries.

Veil of Discord - Upon usage, it amplifies the spell damage done to enemies in an AoE. It is not a common item on support heroes like Phoenix, but it is an ideal item against the heroes Force Staff - Pushes Phoenix or the targetted unit in the direction they are facing. It allows him to chase enemies or escape a sticky fight.

Bloodseeker - His Rupture can turn Icarus Dive into a suicide option, and it cannot be dispelled, meaning even if Phoenix completes a Supernova, choosing to Dive may just cut its health back down. Crystal Maiden Crystal Maiden is the perfect support hero regardless of the meta. She can be picked in tandem with any carry hero and nine out of the ten times their lane combo will be victorious.

She has all the spells that her enemies hate! Everything from decent AoE damage to lockdown, there are ways to dominate the low magic-resistant heroes. Often, laning is a nightmare for her opponents as they are subjected to constant harassment, shoving them out of the lane.

Crystal Maiden does her best when she has levels, making her more relevant as she can participate in teamfights. Crystal Maiden is by far, one of the least complex support heroes in the game, which explains her high pick rate, she can easily catch her enemies off-guard with her Frost Bite and unleash her Frost Nova on them. She is an exceptional laner, a dominant fighter, and all in all a great way to counter multiple heroes at once with her intense AoE damage.

Her toolkit is highly lethal, it does not fall off no matter how late you are in the game. All it takes is one spell to catch unsuspecting enemies off-guard. What makes Crystal Maiden a powerful support?

Impressive spells can be used to lock enemies down and deal damage right from the laning phase. Her passive provides global mana regeneration, helping all her allied heroes with their mana regardless of their position on the map. Ultimate can be used in tandem with any ally who has crowd control abilities, allowing her to neutralize multiple enemies at once.

This allows her to either escape from her foes or initiate on them, depending upon the scenario. Glimmer Cape - Upon cast, it provides invisibility, and can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on her enemies. Ghost Scepter - Upon usage, it makes Crystal Maiden immune to physical attacks while making her unable to attack at the same time.

She also takes increased magical damage under its duration. Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity, making her invulnerable in the fight, immune to any spells that silence her. It can be used in tandem with her ultimate, Freezing Field.

It also applies a basic dispel upon reaching the said threshold. Crystal Maiden is strong against: Terrorblade - While Terrorblade can kill Crystal Maiden due to her low durability with Reflection and Metamorphosis, Crystal Maiden can do the same to him if he is not careful. Crystal Maiden is weak against: Doom - Doom alone can easily pick off Crystal Maiden since she is fairly fragile, even with using only basic attacks, Infernal Blade, and Scorched Earth.

Since she is low health support, she generally stays behind in teamfights, but Earth Spirit can easily close the distance. Chen Chen is criminally underrated, as most players fear understanding his true potential. As overwhelming as it may sound, Chen is one of the best fighters and early-game pushers present in the game.

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Как зарегистрироваться на сайте DotaBuff? Для регистрации на DotaBuff нужно перейти на главную страницу сайта и нажать на кнопку «Sign Up», затем следовать инструкциям. Можно зарегистрироваться через аккаунт Steam или ввести свои данные вручную. После регистрации нужно авторизоваться на сайте, чтобы получить доступ к профилям игроков Dota 2. Как добавить свой профиль Dota 2 в DotaBuff?

Чтобы добавить свой профиль Dota 2 в DotaBuff, нужно зайти на сайт, авторизоваться и нажать на кнопку «Add a Player». После этого нужно ввести никнейм своего персонажа в Dota 2 и нажать на кнопку «Lookup». Если профиль успешно найден, то нужно подтвердить его добавление. В течение некоторого времени все данные по профилю будут загружены на сайт.

Как просмотреть статистику игрока в DotaBuff? Для просмотра статистики игрока в DotaBuff нужно зайти на сайт, найти его профиль, выбрать раздел «Матчи» и перейти на страницу статистики. Здесь можно увидеть все матчи игрока, его показатели по героям, суммарную статистику за все игры и многое другое. Какие ещё функции есть на сайте DotaBuff?

На сайте DotaBuff есть много функций, помимо просмотра статистики игроков в Dota 2.

It is definitely a good thing, as some long-forgotten heroes are now starting to see play. At the same time, once players figured out how good heroes like Treant Protector are, they started trying to get away with even greedier and even squishier carries, ultimately ending up with Lina, Shadow Fiend, Drow Ranger and Sniper as the biggest trendsetters. Only one of them is not like the others. Lina is the number one carry of the patch and it is not even close. Great laning stage, high farming speed, impressive scaling and flexible builds make her a little bit too strong in the current patch. Strong, but not unbeatable and today we would like to talk about how to deal with Lina. Today we are going to look at each position individually and tell you what hero tends to perform the best in it. There is a huge difference between giving unconventional carries a try and doing the same with supports, especially in ranked matchmaking.

Supports are typically picked first and as such, they usually need to be very flexible, straightforward and fit multiple different strategies. Supports we are going to discuss today are not necessarily the best idea in your everyday solo pubs, but given their popularity and success in the professional scene, they are worth giving a try in a party. Dota roles can be very flexible and one of the recent trends is a showcase of that. A lot of professional teams are currently experimenting with somewhat unconventional position one heroes with great success. Today we want to have a look at how and why that works so well. We provide news and updates about the most talked-about influencers in the esports, gaming, and entertainment scenes like no other. We help new DOTA players learn how to play, or help any player pick up a new hero! Our portal has everything from the latest news, to Dota 2 guides, arcana giveaways, VODs — all things Dota2. I will be sharing guides and builds of hero and also focusing on various concepts which are important in Dota 2.

Это третья победа команды подряд 36 минут назад Nix: «Ramzes по скиллу лучше, чем Daxak. Он тот игрок, который в состоянии выиграть игру» Sqreen: «Monaspa — слабейшая команда дивизиона. Ooredo — оказались крепкими среднячками» Entity получила штраф на драфт в матче с Liquid за отсутствие веб-камеры у Ватсона в прошлой игре Adekvat: «У Entity наблюдается спад, а Liquid не показывает крутую игру, которая была в прошлом сезоне» XinQ хочет возобновить карьеру и ищет новую команду.

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[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Support Heroes (7.33b)

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