С ментального тофу я сдохла, поэтому +3 с ооогроомной натяжкой к скарамучче равнодушна но просто захотелось пройти, для первого теста неплохо,я бы даже фф написала. Скарамуччу перестает лихорадить, и свет проливается в их мрачную холостяцкую берлогу. Read the most popular скарамучча stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Приветик)Фанфик Скарамучча и моя фантазия, приятного чтения.
казуха и скарамучча
What does their anger look like? Very, very easy to piss off. You often do it so unintentionally, without even knowing that the action is something that will set him off, that the reactions catch you off-guard. He brings it up over, and over, and over, like an actual child that wants to wallow in bitterness and make you feel sorry for him. You cower, but he grabs you by the hair, shirt, chin, anything, and his voice gets lower and lower, the smile slowly drops, until he just explodes, furiously snarling at you and pulls your hair, backhands you a few times, shoves you to the ground, before dragging you away by the hair or the shirt to go over your real punishment. He gets mad easily. Quiet and calm. It makes him completely blind with rage. And, the unspoken aspect of it, is that if someone is genuinely after you, the idea of you being killed or taken away terrifies him because he needs you, deep down. This rare rage, again, seemingly calm and quiet, is very straightforward.
And then, well, tortured to death. Give you choices. What would you like to see go first, a finger or the tongue? Grabs at the edge of the table with trembly hands, breaks writing utensils in half, pulls at his hair and digs his fingernails into his arms. So they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them? What do you think? You are important because he has deemed you important. And other people, he has deemed unimportant, worthless. And, well, as you can imagine, this attitude is very much reflected in his behavior.
And, one way or another, itwill be reflected in your behavior, too. How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you? You might be surprised, but he actually… does try. The first few times, he quickly shoves away the thought, but it starts popping into his head every now and then. Maybe the worship would be a lot better if you had adoration in your eyes instead of fear and tears. And he can think of a way to make it happen. You need help.
So, mindbreak it is. The way to do this is to make you terrified of everything else, and present himself as a protection from that. The second tactic is to make himself seem better than your alternatives. And that one only feeds their pet once a week, you get to eat normal meals every day. He finds ways to make it believable, maybe even get the others to support his claims they gotta help each other out, you know? You start to feel like maybe you should be a little more grateful. A word of praise here or there. You feel like you want more. To put up a fight, to resist it?
What good does that do, really? Yes, if you let it happen, maybe you will finally be at ease. Resistance just makes things worse. So maybe acceptance will make things better. Maybe if you start working for the niceness and avoiding the meanness, trying to be good, trying to earn the niceness… maybe it would make you… happy. Maybe you really can love him. Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes? This is where we get into the idea of sadism as love. The natural reaction to the feeling of fondness is to hurt the object of that fondness.
When he becomes fond of a person, he wants to harm them. He thinks you look pretty when you cry. It makes him feel powerful. Well, he likes to inflict both actually, preferably at the same time. To truly, completely own you means to be your whole world — responsible for every bit of pleasure, pain, happiness, misery, he wants to be the cause of all of those things. Other people hurting you and making you cry makes him just as mad as other people making you smile or feel happy. How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality? It changes gradually with time.
At first, surprisingly somewhat reserved, and even more easily embarrassed, gets red in the face and shifts uncomfortably over certain topics.
In a perpetual effort to degrade you as much as possible, he also expects you to respond to whistles and tongue-clicking, you know, the sound you make to call dogs and horses? Another thing is that from the get-go, you get collared.
People will turn a blind eye. All day. But he insists on you being with him.
And likewise, the clinginess continues even in living quarters. How… sweet. How likely are they to kidnap their darling?
How quickly will they do so? In fact, he already had some other underlings go to your residence and move some of your things. If you should resist, well, you know your family information is on your employment records, right?
Would be such a shame if anything happened to them. Thankfully, there is a useful alternative. You come willingly.
Sure, he might… feel the urge to, but again, he has an image to maintain, you know. Going to fetch his new pet is a task delegated to underlings. If you showed up with bruises or cuts, who knows what could happen to them if they marred and defiled his toy with their disgusting hands.
Maybe you can talk him out of it, and save both of you! Because, well, how could you forget him? Maybe interrogation?
He feigns apathy. An annoyance. Whichever word you like best.
You protest? Sound good? Then why bother saying anything?
You should have known that was the alternative. So… have fun. How difficult is it to escape from them?
How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? Given his position, he can easily persuade anyone to let him bring you with him to whatever work he has to do.
He keeps you collared and tethered to the desk, most of the time. Most of said guards value their lives and know the man well enough to know they had better keep a very good eye on you. How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
But I mean, really, the question is more… is it really worth the risk? Lying or any kind of deception is a very severe offense on his internal ranking. He actually gets mad if you try that sort of thing.
Any exchange like that, you see, gives you a semblance of some sort of power, which is unacceptable. Why give you an inch of your way when he can just brutalize his way into getting you to do whatever he wants? How lenient are they?
What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied? Books, paper and pencils, anything that works if you give him some peace and quiet. As far as roaming, though, absolutely not.
Really, he gets upset even if you move around the room too much, prefers you stay still. What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
Rules are simple actually, because a simple rule encompasses a lot. Stay within his sight at all times. Most importantly.
Expect a lot of simple beatings — slapped in the face, some hair pulled out, a combination of both is common, where he just grabs you by the hair and smacks you around. Spits in your face. Chokes you on the collar, chokes you with his hand until you black out.
As aforementioned, escape attempts are a high-ranking offense, but not quite worth severely broken bones to him. However, this changes if they become repetitive. However, the actual worst offense is trying to harm him or yourself.
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Мучча Геншин. Скарамучча Еншин. Genshin Impact Скарамуччи. Странник Геншин Импакт. Скарамучча Геншин редизайн. Странник Импакт персонаж.
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Хэйдзо Геншин. Геншин шиппы. Дилюк и Венти Геншин. Чжун Сяо Геншин. Кецлайн Геншин. Сакамурача Геншин. Сиканоин Геншин. Heizou Геншин. Скарамуш Геншин Импакт арты. Скарамуш Геншин полный рост. Скарамучча Геншин Импакт сзади. Альбедо Геншин. Скарамучча и альбедо. Альбедо Геншин референс. Гендербенд Геншин. Сяо Венти Джун ли. Розария Геншин оружие. Геншин мечница. Аниме персонажи с холодным оружием. Девушки аниме с оружием с мечом. Kazuha and Heizou. Секанаин Хейдзо. Хэйдзо Геншин яой. Хэйдзо и итер. Скамаручи Геншин. Скрамуча Геншин. Иль Дотторе Геншин Импакт. Дотторе фатуи. Дотторе и Скарамуш. Каэнриах Геншин. Гайа Геншин. Кадзухиро Геншин. Муратан Геншин. Фан персонажи Геншин Импакт. Геншин ОС персонажи. Геншин Импакт одежда персонажей. Геншин Импакт ОС персонажи. Скарамучча аниме в хорошем качестве HD. Скарамучча арты с авторами. Скарамучча Wallpaper engine. Скамаруча Геншин. Genshin Impact ММД. Скарамуш Геншин ММД. Сакарамучча Геншин. Геншин импактскарамучча. Скамурача Геншин. Эль Дотторе Геншин. Мона Геншин Импакт арты. Сара Куджо Genshin Impact. Kazuhagenshin обои. Геншин друг Кадзухи Томо арт. Кадзуха и Томо арты. Кадзума Геншин. Калзуха Геншин. Кацуха Геншин.
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Шип Скарамучча и Сяо
Пэйринг и персонажи: Камисато Аято, ОЖП, Камисато Аято/ОЖП, Тома,Камисато Аяка, ОМП. Размер: планируется миди. Статья автора «Фанфики, Истории, рассказы» в Дзене: __Скарамучча/ожп__ 2 часть По середине комнаты стоял письменный стол,в углу комнаты находился камин, перед которым стояли два кресла. эксклюзивный контент от Маруся Озвучка, подпишись и получи доступ первым! На главную Новости Фанфики Геншин Импакт на Фикбук.
Госпожа Камисато
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Genshin Impact (сборник драбблов ОЖП)
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Genshin Impact (сборник драбблов ОЖП)
Главная» Каталог» Manga» Магическая битва» Том 16 Глава 138. Кадзуха и скарамучча фанфики. Kazuha and Scaramouche. Скарамучча x Казуха. Это АУ моего фанфика про короля Скарамуччу и служанку Люмин, где Люмин НЕ СБЕЖАЛА вместе с Казухой от Скарамуччи, а осталась (Метки и название могут быть изменены). Почему шипперят Скарамуччу и Сяо из Геншин импакт (основные причины)? Начинаются уроки, и Скарамушу уже скучно, половину времени он делает заметки, уставившись в пространство, он проводит рукой по своему новому сердцу. Мона и скарамучча фф 18. Фф мона и скарамучча для тебя другой.
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И никой я не сальноволосый, они блестящие! Так, исходя из канона, мамуля уже за Гранью, папуля туда же скоро отправится. В общем дома меня никто не ждет! Порывшись в вещах я обнаружила мешочек с галлеонами. Насчитала пятьсот. Нужно купить нормальной одежды и привести в порядок дом и здоровье, а то голова раскалывается и желудок режет. Красиво и сказочно.
Еще бы народ не толпился как в СССР за молоком, вообще бы зашибись. Ну ладно где наша не пропадала! Северус к слову умел аппарировать и это никак не отслеживалось. Ибо сложно и непродуктивно. Поэтому уйдя с платформы под пожирающий взгляд Эйвери, я аппарировал. Паучий Тупик встретил меня… Хотя какого я обманываю, это он меня послал скорее, а не встретил!
Дома грязно, пыльно, затхло. Ну ничего! Я в общаге жила, в Саранске. Уберемся, не такое вывозили! И да, поскольку колдовать вне Хогвартса нельзя, будем в ручную. Первым делом я пошла в лабораторию, что в подвале.
В ней как ни странно было чисто аккуратно. На полочках ингредиенты и книги, на столе оборудование. Что ж, восстановительный курс зелий начнем прямо сейчас! Сняв с запястья резинку и собрав волосы в низкий хвост и закатав рукава я приступила к делу. В голове что-то запульсировало, будто я забыла кое-что. Заклинание для сохранности шевелюры!
Сева сам изобрел, оно было на полях в учебнике по зельям. Немного пугало, что я помнила все и запоминала со скоростью метеорита. Пугало, но восхищало. Зажигая огонь я прокручивала в голове необходимые рецепты и остановилась на одном, очень действенном и сложном. Но я же будущий мастер, чего мне бояться? В лаборатории я провела в общей сложности часа три.
Но результатом была довольна! На полочке под стазисом стояли пятнадцать флаконов с идеально сваренным восстанавливающим зельем. Оно заживляло болячки, хронические заболевания, даже магию стабилизировали. Вспомнив про то, что я не святым духом питаюсь, моя тушка направилась на кухню. В холодильнике, как ни странно, нашлись яйца с сыром. Пожарив их на сковородке, я с удовольствием это употребил.
Моя посуду, я думала о своей прошлой жизни, наверное, это неизбежно.
Across your stomach. On your chest.
Speaking of not going to deep, notably, he will never actually do anything that puts your life at risk, or impacts your… health? How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them?
Will they kill them themselves, or find another way? Because by now anyone should know better. And to be fair, he might actually be wrong.
He will, simply, kill them. He feigns irritation at best, rolls his eyes, but inside it actually sets him off like nothing else. Eats him alive inside.
To his face? Still, this is one of those times he wishes for it. Gets childishly pouty to anyone else interacting with him, in a bad mood all day because how dare you have someone else you care about.
He wants you to show that kind of concern for him. It warms your heart. Maybe he has, you know, the capacity for empathy after all.
A gift, in a box and everything. Go on, open it. He got it just for you.
Oh, but sit down first. You might pass out from excitement. This way you just slump over and drop the box when you black out.
You got blood on the floor when you drop it, but it was worth seeing the look on your face. Alright, well, you got what you wanted, you got to see him. How easy is it to make them mad?
What does their anger look like? Very, very easy to piss off. You often do it so unintentionally, without even knowing that the action is something that will set him off, that the reactions catch you off-guard.
He brings it up over, and over, and over, like an actual child that wants to wallow in bitterness and make you feel sorry for him. You cower, but he grabs you by the hair, shirt, chin, anything, and his voice gets lower and lower, the smile slowly drops, until he just explodes, furiously snarling at you and pulls your hair, backhands you a few times, shoves you to the ground, before dragging you away by the hair or the shirt to go over your real punishment. He gets mad easily.
Quiet and calm. It makes him completely blind with rage. And, the unspoken aspect of it, is that if someone is genuinely after you, the idea of you being killed or taken away terrifies him because he needs you, deep down.
This rare rage, again, seemingly calm and quiet, is very straightforward. And then, well, tortured to death. Give you choices.
What would you like to see go first, a finger or the tongue? Grabs at the edge of the table with trembly hands, breaks writing utensils in half, pulls at his hair and digs his fingernails into his arms. So they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
What do you think? You are important because he has deemed you important. And other people, he has deemed unimportant, worthless.
And, well, as you can imagine, this attitude is very much reflected in his behavior. And, one way or another, itwill be reflected in your behavior, too. How determined are they for you to love them?
How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you? You might be surprised, but he actually… does try.
The first few times, he quickly shoves away the thought, but it starts popping into his head every now and then. Maybe the worship would be a lot better if you had adoration in your eyes instead of fear and tears. And he can think of a way to make it happen.
You need help. So, mindbreak it is. The way to do this is to make you terrified of everything else, and present himself as a protection from that.
Чайльд и Чжун ли. Карамона Геншин. Геншин Импакт Мона и Скарамуш.
Скарамучча Геншин Art. Фан персонажи Геншин Импакт. Геншин ОС персонажи.
Геншин Импакт одежда персонажей. Геншин Импакт ОС персонажи. Скамаруш Геншин.
Скарамуш Геншин Импакт. Сакарамуччи Геншин. Скарамуш Геншин.
Скарамуша Геншин Импакт. Скарамучча Генгин. Скарамуш Genshin Impact арт.
Скарамуш тарт Алья Геншин. Скарамучча из Геншин. Scaramouche Геншин.
Скарамуч Геншин Импакт. Скарамучча Genshin. Касуми Геншин.
Genshin Impact persona 5. Genshin persona 5. Scaramouche Tartaglia.
Скарамучча Геншин комиксы. Байонетта 2 платье. Байонетта 2 арт костюмы.
Bayonetta 2 в платье. Байонетта 2 персонажи. Дендро Архонт Геншин.
Архонты Геншин Импакт. Хайдзо Геншин боссы. Нихада Геншин.
Юн Цзинь Геншин. Чжун ли и Сяо Геншин. Сяо торс Геншин.
Скарамуччи Геншин Импакт. Scaramouche Геншин Импакт. Рост Скарамуччи Геншин Импакт.
Геншин саракамучи. Мона Геншин. Мона Геншин Импакт.
Мона Геншин арт. Мона мегистус Genshin. Асмодея Геншин.
Асмодей Геншин Импакт. Гуань Юй Геншин Импакт. Асмодей Геншин богиня.
Скарамуш комедия дель арте. Скарамучча маска дель арте. Дель арте персонажи Скарамучча.
Дель арте персонаж Скарамуш. Дотторе Геншин. Мона Геншин горничная.
Скарамучча Геншин горничная. Сакурамуча Геншин. Скарамуш Геншин Импакт арт.
Скарамучча и ИТЭР.
He left behind only flowers " Ханахаки. Мальчик посмотрел на землю, дядя выбросил на землю несколько лепестков роз. Акутагава открыл рот, и из него посыпались лепестки роз,а в горле виднелась ножка с шипами. Мафиози закрыл рот и начал сжимать место в области груди, вскоре он опустился на землю и стал выплевывать целые цветки.
Акутагава посмеялся, и они вместе с мальчиком пошли к тому самому месту, куда им следовало идти. Перед глазами открылся вид на высокий заброшенный дом, его крышу подпирали четыре белые резные колонны с золотыми полосами в некоторых местах, сам дом был бежевым и прекрасным, таким, что было сложно оторвать взгляд. Акутагава поднялся по ступеням, а за ним побежал мальчишка. Он робко перебирал ногами и в миг оказался рядом со своим дядей перед большой деревянной дверью. Чёрные лезвия распахнули дверь, Акутагава вновь покашлял, но в этот раз просто кровью с шипами, мальчик ступил во тьму гостиной.
Акутагава застучал своей обувью и, согнувшись словно старушка, поплелся обратно в город.
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