Новости топ 500 аниме

самая большая база аниме в русской озвучке и хорошем качестве. Though anime has bubbled up in pop culture over the last two decades, many of these Fresh-rated films still need reviews to cross the Certified Fresh threshold. Anime like Demon Slayer and Attack on Titan left big impacts on pop culture and the anime community. Крутые и интересные тайтлы с честным рейтингом на YummyAnime | Ями Аниме.

What’s the Most Popular Anime Around the World?

Красный сад: Мертвые барышни 486. Любой желающий может принять участие, оценивая свои любимые и не очень аниме в своём профиле на сайте. Как рассчитывается рейтинг объясняется в самом низу. Вступай в клуб. Установи плагин для того чтобы видеть рейтинг от юзеров Шикимори!

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Топ 100 аниме сериалов — коллекция историй из страны восходящего солнца, которые придутся по душе взрослым любителям манги, ранобэ, компьютерных игр, да и просто яркой картинки и насыщенного действия. Наша тематическая подборка поможет каждому присоединиться к армии фанатов жанра, покорившего весь мир.

В этой коллекции собраны лучшие аниме-сериалы на основании рейтинга IMDb. Коллекция регулярно дополняется, добавьте в закладки и будьте в курсе обновлений.

The quick-thinking teen used the wire of his headphones to make a quick tourniquet, stopping the invader from getting to his brain. It took over his right hand instead he ends up calling it Migi, meaning "right" in Japanese , with each retaining their own sentience and personalities.

By 2022 it was the best-selling manga series on the market, and the anime adaptation from MAPPA has proven to be just as popular. The story unfolds in a world where evil spiritual beings called Curses seek to bring harm to humanity. This is where Jujutsu Sorcerers — who can control the flow of Cursed Energy, which is what leads to the creation of new Curses — come in. The set up is very shonen, and the earnest, big-hearted Yuji is very much your typical shonen protagonist, but after the first few episodes the show starts to play with genre tropes. Despite her initial hesitance, Lain is soon sucked into the world of The Wired and her new life begins to take over her old one. Written by Chiaki J. Konaka and directed by Ryutaro Nakamura who would later collaborate on the similarly themed "Ghost Hound" , this avant-garde anime was eerily accurate in its predictions about a more connected world: Remember, it dropped in 1998, when social media websites were still a niche idea and people were just starting to get their heads around how much the internet would change the world.

The Ringer called the show "terrifyingly prescient" on its 20th anniversary. It starts out innocently enough, but once the action moves into the Abyss the giant hole that the town of Orth is built around , things start getting dark. We follow an orphan named Riko, whose mother was a well-known Cave Raider, people who venture into the Abyss hoping to unlock its secrets. Strange creatures dwell within, and those who make it out alive are rarely the same — spending too much time down there leads to a condition that has been dubbed "the curse of the Abyss. Ignoring all the warnings, she takes a trip down into the Abyss, exploring the higher, safer levels first. Those who study the Mushi are referred to as Mushishi meaning "Mushi masters" , though even their knowledge of these ethereal beings is limited. For reasons unknown to us and to him, the Mushi are attached to Ginko.

He suspects that they hold the secrets to the meaning of life itself, but the answers remain just out of reach. Psycho-Pass Production I. It all relies on the Sibyl System, a biomechatronic computer network that scans the brains of citizens to determine how likely they are to break the law. If your Crime Coefficient index number goes over a certain threshold, you become a target for the Inspectors. This intelligent crime thriller will keep you guessing and the action is top-notch, as is to be expected with a Production I. The first season of the show, which aired between 2012 and 2013, is the best-rated, with an impressive score of 8. The most recent season sees Inspectors Kei Mikhail Ignatov and Arata Shindou dealing with a shipwreck involving immigrants that they quickly discover was no accident.

Violet was abandoned as a child and still bears the emotional scars. She came to the attention of the military after killing a group of soldiers who tried to take advantage of her. When the Great War ends, Violet — who lost both of her arms in a grenade explosion and had them replaced with high-tech prosthetic ones — gets a job at an agency that writes love letters for those who are unable to find the words themselves. Her motive is straightforward: The last thing that her mentor and guardian Major Gilbert the first person to treat the deadly orphan as human said to her was "I love you," and she wants to understand what he meant by that. This is an anime that explores everything from PTSD to feminism in unexpected ways, blending steampunk themes with revisionist history to brilliant effect. Luffy and his crew, who search the Grand Line an ocean route filled with danger and mystery for a legendary treasure known as One Piece. It was once owned by the Pirate King, Gol D.

Roger, who challenged other pirates to locate it just before his execution at the hands of the World Government. On top of his loyal crew, he has the ability to launch attacks from a great distance using his stretchy limbs. See, as a child, he accidentally ate a Gum-Gum Fruit one of the supernatural Devil Fruits in the "One Piece" world , which gave his body rubbery properties. These giant creatures were awakened during an experiment gone wrong, after a team of scientists led by Dr. With a Third Impact looming, humans "pilot" the Evangelions they enter the cyborg beings via a cockpit-like opening to stop the Angels. He bottles up his emotions out of fear that his immense powers will cause great damage to those around him — becoming too angry or too sad or, essentially, too much of any emotion is dangerous. Of course, there are plenty of bumps in the road.

The third and final season of this addictive anime dropped to rave reviews in 2022, going out on a real high. While "Devilman" was very much a shonen manga, "Devilman Crybaby" is brutal and absolutely heartbreaking at the same time. The title of the show refers to Akira Fudo, a sensitive teen who gets transformed into a demon during a crazy night out in Tokyo. How does that happen exactly? He becomes Devilman, a half-demon who uses his powers to defend humankind. His relationship with Ryo quickly disintegrates when he realizes that his friend knows a lot more than he initially let on. It takes place in an alternative version of Edo era Japan that blends the traditional elements of the period with hip-hop culture.

We follow an unlikely trio as they make their way in this visually striking world: A ronin named Jin, an outlaw named Mugen, and a tea house worker named Fuu. The marriage of ancient Japan with hip-hop is something that works a lot better than it has any right to. The music from the series produced by Shinji "Tsutchie" Tsuchida of Shakkazombie, Fat Jon, Force of Nature, and the late Nujabes, who has become known as one of the pioneers of lofi hip-hop is as iconic as the show itself, and it still hits as hard today as it did when "Samurai Champloo" dropped on Fuji TV in 2004. Protagonist Rintaro Okabe runs the Future Gadget Laboratory, which — while it sounds impressive — is essentially a rundown apartment where he and his oddball mates, Mayuri Shiina and Itaru Hashida, hang out and conduct experiments. Rintaro is shocked when he stumbles across the dead body of renowned neuroscientist Kurisu Makise after attending a time travel conference one day. He sends a text message to his friends about what he saw — only to discover that they received his message before he actually sent it. Grateful and fascinated, Kurisu decides to join their ragtag team, and together, they figure out how to send memories back, essentially achieving time travel.

It takes place in a world where humanity has been reduced to living inside walled cities to stay safe from the Titans, monstrous humanoid beasts with a penchant for destruction and a taste for human flesh. I think people overcoming that fear is relatable to the audience. The Titans successfully breach the walls of Shiganshina, and a boy named Eren Yeager watches his mother get eaten alive.

ТОП-100 лучших фильмов и сериалов аниме

Постер к аниме Синий экзорцист: Сага об «Иллюминатах» Симанэ 7.0. While anime as an animated and storytelling medium is fun and entertaining, we gotta admit that not all anime are created equal. Это легендарное аниме заслуживает место в топ-10 аниме всех времён! The list of the top rated anime you must watch. List 2023 updated with more than 40+ famous anime series.

В топ-20 сериалов в России сразу пять аниме. Смотрели какие-то из них?

Боевые искусства Вампиры Гарем Демоны Детектив Дзёсей Драма Игры Исекай Исторический Киберпанк Комедия Магия Меха Мистика Музыка Пародия Повседневность Приключения Психологическое Романтика Сверхъестественное Сёдзе Сёдзе-ай Сейнен Сёнен Сёнен-ай. Apr 1 Anime Boston 2024: HIDIVE Presents Working in the Japanese Anime Industry. Apr 1 Anime Boston 2024: Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night Anime Premiere. The list of the top rated anime you must watch. List 2023 updated with more than 40+ famous anime series.

30 Best Anime of All Time

Постер к аниме Синий экзорцист: Сага об «Иллюминатах» Симанэ 7.0. Аниме, мультфильм, драма. Режиссер: Мари Окада, Тосиаки Кидокоро. В ролях: Дзюнъя Эноки, Рэина Уэда, Мисаки Куно и др. Описание. Фантазия о первой любви, в которой молодые люди сталкиваются с неопределённостью мира и борются с судьбой при помощи любви. Предлагаем к просмотру ТОП популярных аниме сериалов всех времен!

Топ 500 аниме которые стоит посмотреть :innocent:

Опрос проходил на Cybersport. Всего в голосовании поучаствовало более 25 тыс. На втором месте с 17,4 тыс.

I wanted to find the most watched anime in every country around the world so I could then compare popularity and interest. Taking inspiration from our previous worldwide study , I knew exactly how to approach this and present it in an interesting and easy to consume manner. I conducted way too much anime research and analysis whilst putting this together, which I then put into visual graphics that you can see below. Check out our anime popularity findings below.

Click to enlarge each image. However, the anime statistics get a lot more interesting as take a closer look at each of the seven continents alone.

Достаточно сказать, что фанаты определенно рады видеть, что еще они сделают в будущем. МАППА Вот еще одна молодая студия, которая быстро стала популярной благодаря быстрому выпуску потрясающих аниме. MAPPA началась в 2011 году, когда 70-летний соучредитель Madhouse решил открыть собственную анимационную студию. У него было тяжелое начало из-за проблем с производством первого анимационного фильма, но теперь он оправился от них. Или есть?

Известно, что студия производит множество шоу за такой короткий промежуток времени, что ее расписание и культура работы подвергались критике и считались изнурительными для ее артистов. Тем не менее, несмотря на эти проблемы, нельзя игнорировать тот факт, что студия проделала блестящую работу. Мы надеемся, что их артисты продолжат получать надлежащее лечение и компенсацию! В конце концов, аниме лучше всего нравится, когда мы знаем, что к художникам, стоящим за ним, относятся хорошо. Студийный триггер Покинув Gainax, Хироюки Имаиси решил основать собственную аниме-студию, взяв с собой уникальный стиль и визуальный юмор видел в своей предыдущей работе Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Так родилась Studio Trigger. Мы надеемся, что в будущем мы увидим больше их дурацкого и уникального стиля!

На момент основания Sunrise в 1972 году многие крупные и известные студии уже доминировали в индустрии адаптации аниме. Так что же сделал Sunrise, чтобы стать известным в и без того плотной индустрии?

Deviman Crybaby 83. DevilMan Crybaby is considered one of the best anime netflix original released. The plot of Devilman Crybaby focuses on Akira Fudo, a weak and unassuming teenagers who is exposed by his childhood friend Ryo Asuka to the exixtence of the demons. In a reckless attempt to save his best friend, Akira unwittingly merges with the devil Amon and becomes a Devilman, gaining an immense power. Devilman Crybaby offers a pessimistic view of the world governed by chaos and purseud by the violence of the humans. For more readings about animes Netflix original which deserve a watch check this article: the best 7 anime Netflix original to watch. Check our articles about Psycho-Pass here.

Review: Overall, Inuyasha is very enjoyable. The art is brilliant although in the movies the art does slip because Rumiko Takahashi the mangaka helps with the drawings. The storyline is basic and very easy to follow, however the story does seem to drag on, so if you have patience with animes this could be for you. The characters are pure genius, each with their own running joke. Each character with the exception of Kagome has a dark and kind of upsetting past often including the death of a loved one. My favourite is Miroku by far. He is a perverted womanising monk who flirts with pretty much any girl. However, some characters, like Shippo an adorable fox demon , have a minor role with little or no fight scenes. Kakegurui — Compulsive Gambler 82.

A second season, Kakegurui xx has been aired in 2019 for a comprehensive of 24 episodes of the two seasons. The show focuses on Yumeko Jabami, a new student who gambles for the fun of it and is really good at it. Her actions end up disrupting the student hierarchy of Hyakkaou Academy, causing the Student Council to come up with ways to stop her. Black Lagoon 82. During the botched deal, he falls hostage to the Lagoon Company—a band of ruthless pirate mercenaries. Left to the whims of his captors after his managers refuse to pay his ransom, Rokurou does the unthinkable: instead of begging for his life, he joins the very crew who kidnapped him. Now a member of the group, Rokurou must adjust to his new residence in the dissolute hellscape known as Roanapur, a city where corruption and crime run rampant, and even the smallest slipup could cost him his life. If not for one of the many crime syndicates on the island, Rokurou also constantly finds himself at odds with his brash, gunslinging colleague, Revy. Beastars 82.

The series takes its name from the in-universe rank of Beastar, an individual of great talent and notoriety. The anime series consists of 24 episodes 12 episodes each season with the second season of Beastars scheduled to be premiered on July 2021. Despite we were skeptical about the CGI and 3D visuals we were thoroughly impressed and astonished by its brilliant imagery. Guilty Crown 82. Guilty Crown follows the action-packed story of a young high school student who is dragged into a war, possessing an ability that will help him uncover the secrets of the GHQ, Funeral Parlor, and Lost Christmas. However, he will soon learn that the truth comes at a far greater price than he could have ever imagined. A lot of effort was put into Guilty Crown. This is evident in the overall quality of art and sound. However, what it lacks is a coherent story that can fully engage a wide range of viewers.

Dororo 82. He is accompanied by a troublesome orphan thief called Dororo during his travel. From there the duo roamed around various countries, hunting for ghouls and demons. Our review about Dororo: There a lot of things to like about Dororo. For starters this show is very dark both visually and narratively. The most darkest period for Japan. The dark nature of Dororo is only enchanted with the show asking us the viewer various deep questions what makes us human and what defines a machine and what makes a monster. Banana Fish 82. B: The Beginning 82.

The anime series is composed by two season B: The Beginning and B: The Beginning succession for a total of 16 episodes with the last season aired since March 2021. Another sequel and anime renewal is expected to complete the story. B: The Beginning is a crime-supernatural story set on the fictional European archipelago nation of Cremona. He believes they may be connected to a series of killings by a man the local police have named Killer B. For more information check our post about Anime Netflix original best chart. Re: Creators 82. One day, while watching anime for inspiration, he is briefly transported into a fierce fight scene. Before long, other fictional characters appear in the world, carrying the hopes and scars of their home. With powerful forces at play, the once clear line between reality and imagination continues to blur, leading to a fateful meeting between creators and those they created.

Review: This series really does deserve more love. The ways that these characters interact with both the world and the reality that their creators, the literal gods of their worlds, really is an incredible experience. The protagonist, Ken Kaneki found himself to be a ghoul after a surgery to save his life. You can find our analysis of Tokyo Ghoul here. After witnessing an explosion in the square, she is confronted by Shirou Ogami, a seemingly indestructible wolf and sworn protector of all Beastmen. As they pursue the criminals behind the bombing, the two discover that Michiru is anything but an ordinary Beastman, and look to investigate her mysterious past and uncanny abilities. Could she turn out to be the missing link between Humans and Beastmen?

Аниме 2024 года

Смотрите новые аниме 2024 сразу после выхода в хорошем качестве без регистрации. Ждут новые герои, неожиданные повороты и продолжения сериалов. Не знаете, что посмотреть бесплатно? Ищите топ аниме сериалов онлайн по количеству просмотров. Выберите картину на любой вкус, будь то "Мастера меча онлайн" или драматические шедевры.

Смело говорим: многие картины по зрелищности не уступают кассовым голливудским фильмам. Острые социальные темы и философские вопросы также стали частью японских картин. Добавим, что японская озвучка — такая же важная составляющая, как содержание и стиль анимации: настолько красочных интонаций не встретить ни в одном языке. Чтобы погрузиться в атмосферу, попробуйте смотреть в оригинале с субтитрами.

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Именно для удовлетворения потребностей посетителей и создан наш сайт. Смотрите аниме онлайн с хорошем качестве без каких-либо ограничений.

Однако быстро выясняется, что добиться его расположения в реальной жизни намного сложнее, чем выбить лут в любимой игре. Хотя у нас намного больше известен фильм, в котором неуверенный в себе музыкант влюбляется в таинственную незнакомку и пытается победить семь злых бывших парней девушки на пути к любви. Экранизация, повторяющая сюжет легендарного экшена с Майклом Серой и Мэри Элизабет, вышла не шедевральной, но довольно достойной — как повод еще раз вспомнить классную картину из конца 2010-х. Адский рай Продолжительность: 13 эпизодов 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Мультсериал с необычной манерой повествования.

Проект вызвал много споров в сообществе, основную суть которых можно свести к одному — любители жанра «сенен» считают «Адский рай» чем-то гениальным, а хейтеры — проклинают тайтл. Допускаем, что у возрастной аудитории сериал может быстро вызвать отторжение, но хотя бы попробовать вникнуть в историю о приговоренных к смерти, блуждающих по незнакомому миру в поисках секрета бессмертия, стоит. Реинкарнация безработного 2 сезон Продолжительность: вышло 12 эпизодов 2 часть в апреле Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Крепкое продолжение истории о мужчине, который переродился в фэнтези-мире с сохранившимися знаниями и памятью. Казалось, что после повторного взросления персонажа наблюдать за этим будет не так скучно. Но зрители ошиблись, и первая половина второго сезона вышла интересной. Продолжение — уже весной.

Блич: Тысячелетняя кровавая война часть 2 Продолжительность: вышло 13 эпизодов Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Культовый сериал второй половины «нулевых» вернулся с новой аркой, и оказалось, что он до сих пор актуален и интересен. Конфликт между мирами разгорается с новой силой, а персонажи и вызывают ностальгию, и раскрываются заново. Рисовку тоже осовременили, так что следить за перезапуском — одно удовольствие. Ребенок идола Продолжительность: 11 эпизодов по 30 минут Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Мистический сериал, который сфокусирован на сеттинге шоу-бизнеса. Дети популярной певицы знакомы со славой и всеобщим вниманием с детства, что дает о себе знать.

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