Новости драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов

2024 NHL entry draft – draftpro’s first glance at the OHL. Четверо россиян вошли в десятку международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ), сообщается на странице пресс-службы НХЛ в соцсети X. Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом: 1. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в международном рейтинге драфта НХЛ в 2024 году, сообщает Центральное скаутское бюро лиги.

The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024

Cristall was considered a high-risk player that many public rankings were high on due to his eye-popping totals and package of skills, but he fell in the draft because front offices are more risk-averse. A few players who appear on this list will likely be further down or off of various team lists. The job of the model and a public ranking is not to assess intangibles and predict what will happen in the draft; that is reserved for the mock draft. For this reason, the mock draft will look quite a bit different from the rankings because conversations with scouts, teams and people around the game will be more heavily weighted to determine which team has Player X or Player Y rated differently. Top 32 draft rankings, March 1. Petersburg MHL 3.

Полевые игроки были разделены на тех, кто выступает в Северной Америке и за ее пределами. Первое место в рейтинге проспектов из Северной Америки занял канадский нападающий Маклин Селебрини, на второй строчке оказался белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов.

Он хорошо катается, обладает хорошей подвижностью в четырех направлениях. Хотя он был немного «зеленым» в оборонительном плане, когда приехал в USHL, он быстро прогрессировал и действительно разобрался с этим в этом году. Он умело пасует и владеет шайбой, может с комфортом руководить выходами из своей зоны и входами в чужую зону. Он умело ходит по линии и хорошо контролирует игру.

Physically, he is very raw. His confidence and hockey sense allow him to make up for his below-average puck skills. He manages gaps well and positions himself correctly more often than not. This combined with his smooth skating and willingness to engage physically gives him a solid foundation as a defensive defenseman. Sennecke is really creative and will try just about anything to make a play.

Sennecke is a very competitive player on the forecheck. He could have a big finish to his season if things start to click for him. A reliable and towering presence on the backend, Emery has shown great aptitude for being a shutdown defenseman; especially when it comes to defending the rush, his anticipation combined with his superior speed and size make him a tough wall to climb. But what sets him apart from the similarly styled members of his team is his play on the puck. He also has flashes of skill that indicate there may be more offence to show, but his lack of ice time so far leaves them as flashes. A lot of his points have come off of one-touch plays off the cycle, but the occasional off-the-boards play while protecting the puck shows the potential for more, especially with his 6-foot-2, almost 200-pound frame. A rifle of a shot and a knack for finding soft ice away from the puck allow Greentree to make the most out of his scoring chances. His playmaking shows up in flashes which follow his inconsistent scanning, and the skating holds him back from being able to jump into offensive zone transitions consistently, but the upside as a middle-six scoring winger with power-forward elements will likely see him go higher on draft day than we have him. An exceptional skater who consistently explodes out of the defensive zone with the puck on his stick, Basha has been getting more and more comfortable jumpstarting those breakout opportunities with defensive mapping, anticipating play well and positioning himself proactively in his own zone.

On the puck, there are some limiting factors. The upside if he can get his hands up to speed is interesting, but his versatility could see him become a bottom-six transition force with or without progression in that area. He shows flashes of a strong offensive defenseman, especially with his good hands and shot. Time will tell what kind of prospect Mews can be. If he puts everything together, he projects as an average-sized two-way defenseman who can play on a power play. He can play a fairly linear style, rarely using lateral movement and lane switches to create off the rush, preferring to delegate the bulk of the work in transition to his linemates while he crashes the slot. His snapshot is a good tool, especially on the powerplay. While there may not be any top 6 upside in Beaudoin, we see a projectable and valuable potential bottom six-piece in Beaudoin, with PP and PK value. Hemming can be a lethal scoring threat as he excels at finding soft spots where he can utilize his shot.

What sets Hemming apart from the top forward prospects right now is the lack of variety in his game in the offensive zone. He consistently opts for a shot in every situation, allowing opponents to anticipate his moves. He could elevate his offensive game to the next level by starting to pass the puck more and making his game a bit more unpredictable. He could also develop his game by exploring deceptive plays, as his current tendency to skate predictably between the blue line and right circle makes it easier for opponents to read his intentions and optimize their defensive approach. The decision-making, however, keeps him out of our first round for the moment. Yakemchuck loves to activate in transition, often carrying the puck and relying on short and efficient passes to move the puck down the ice. His above-average skating is evident in the way he can move around the offensive zone, in particular on the powerplay, where he strives. That being said, with the good comes the bad with Yakemchuk. There have been a lot of inconsistencies in his game and tends to get tunnel vision when carrying the puck.

In sustained pressure situations in the offensive zone, he often will shoot from all areas regardless of the quality of shot offered by his opponents. Furthermore, his defensive game as a whole needs quite a bit of refinement. Yakemchuk has some gap control issues and gets away with his inefficient pivot mechanics by using his reach to break up plays. More often than not Hage can be found cheating for offence, falling behind on plays and struggling to think on his feet. However, the moments where things click are usually spectacular. Hage is an insanely talented dual-threat who has 1v5 jaw-dropping skill, but to stay in the first-round conversation, he will need to figure out how to tap into that skill more consistently. Not possessing an explosive stride, powerful shot, or dynamic style, Caswell makes his living as a shifty playmaker. He was among the most impressive defensive players not just forwards at the Hlinka-Gretzky in our viewings and has kept it up in league play in Finland. He has the makings of a future bottom-six and PK winger if his development trajectory continues at its current pace.

With the puck on his stick, Sahlin Wallenius makes quick decisions under single-variable pressure and uses his mobility, handling, and anticipation to solve problems. He has good situational awareness which has allowed him regular Liiga minutes as a defenseman which is always noteworthy for a draft eligible. His best tools are his shot and creativity in the offensive zone, especially during sustained pressure situations.

2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Mid-November Top 40

Louis in exchange for this pick. Louis Blues as the result of a trade December 8, 2023, that sent Robert Bortuzzo to New York in exchange for this pick. They are listed below with round, teams, condition itself and further notes, e.

Importantly, there are no adjustments made for off-ice "intangibles" that are often discussed in team scouting meetings. Philosophically, a public ranking differs immensely from a team list. Teams must consider a variety of factors when building a team and culture. Teams move players around, or take them off the list completely, for various reasons that may come from the executives. Public rankings serve to provide insight into who the best players may be without considering how they will fit a certain team, the overall strategy based on the number of selections a particular team owns, and most importantly, whether a scouting director is willing to select players with a higher risk factor. The latter is believed to be a lock to play NHL minutes on the blue line while having a lower ceiling than Michkov, who fell due to factors unrelated to his on-ice play.

He could very well end up as a solid second line centre. Kiviharju is excellent in transition, given his incredible hockey IQ and high-level skating and puck skills. He has one goal and two points through seven games in the Liiga this season, which is a goal more and a point less than he managed through 22 games in his rookie season last year. Kiviharju has the potential to be a top-pair, top power play defenceman, but it is also possible he settles in as a top-four power play quarterback.

Either way, I see him running a top power play unit. He has excellent hockey IQ and a high-level vision and playmaking allow him to find open teammates and rack up assists while still being a threat to score. Helenius has five goals and 10 points in 17 games this season, which is just a point shy of his total through 33 games last season. So, what does this mean for Adam?

Absolutely nothing! Remember Fedor Fedorov? Joel Lundqvist? Steve Kariya?

Jiricek is a mobile two-way defenceman who has good poise for his age, very good vision, and loves to shoot from the blue line.

Louis in exchange for this pick. Louis Blues as the result of a trade December 8, 2023, that sent Robert Bortuzzo to New York in exchange for this pick. They are listed below with round, teams, condition itself and further notes, e.

Sportsnet's 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings: December Edition

Драфт претендентов в НХЛ 2024 года станет 62-м драфтом претендентов в НХЛ. Ahead of that, Sam Cosentino shares his latest top 32 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft. Белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов занимает шестую позицию в рейтинге лучших проспектов драфта НХЛ-2024 по версии портала Elite Prospects. РУВИКИ: Интернет-энциклопедия — 62-й Драфт НХЛ пройдёт с 28 по 29 июня 2024 года в Парадайсе, штат Невада, США. Лента новостей. Национальная хоккейная лига (НХЛ, NHL) – профессиональная хоккейная лига Северной Америки, в которой выступают 32 команды из США и Канады.

The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024

Также сообщается, что российский вратарь Михаил Егоров, выступающий за «Омаху», возглавил рейтинг голкиперов, выступающих в Северной Америке. Добавим, что лучшим среди полевых игроков, выступающих в Северной Америки, стал канадец Маклин Селебрини. Кроме того, двукратная чемпионка мира Екатерина Гамова отреагировала на гневный пост «Динамо», адресованный калининградскому «Локомотиву».

Минимум трое россиян могут рассчитывать на выбор в первом раунде драфта Национальной хоккейной лиги НХЛ 2024 года. Овечкин возобновит погоню за Гретцки. Стартует очередной сезон НХЛ Драфт пройдет в июне следующего года, точные сроки и место события пока не определены. Клубы НХЛ будут выбирать игроков, родившихся между 1 января 2004 года и 15 сентября 2006 года. В драфте могут принять участие и хоккеисты не из Северной Америки, родившиеся в 2003 году.

Игроки, которые были задрафтованы в 2022 году, но не подписали с клубами контракт и родившиеся после 30 июня 2004 года, также могут принять участие в драфте. Окончательные рейтинги центрального скаутского бюро хоккеистов, выступающих в Северной Америке и Европе, будут опубликованы только в апреле. Пока появляются предварительные рейтинги, одним из них стал список 16 лучших молодых игроков, составленный в середине сентября известным аналитиком канадского портала TSN Бобом Маккензи. Этот рейтинг сформирован по итогам голосования 10 скаутов клубов НХЛ. Первым номером прошедшего в этом году в Нэшвилле драфта НХЛ был двукратный чемпион мира среди молодежных команд канадец Коннор Бедард, и никто этот выбор "Чикаго" не оспаривал. Отмечается, что Селебрини может повторить путь Бедарда, так как имеет потенциал добавить во всех компонентах: катании, владении шайбой, видении площадки, голевом чутье. Интересно, что оба родились в агломерации Ванкувера.

Вторым в рейтинге стоит крайний нападающий Коул Эйзерман, который, как и многие американские игроки, является участником программы Ассоциации хоккея США по развитию игроков до 18 лет. Эксперты отмечают его бросок, из-за которого канадский аналитик, специализирующийся на выявлении хоккейных талантов, Крэйг Баттон сравнил Эйзермана с нападающим "Вашингтона" Александром Овечкиным.

Slipping — These prospects have not carried over their initial performances that earned them higher rankings or have been overtaken by prospects who are rising in our eyes. Clarke Caswell, C, Swift Current Broncos — Continues to slide down our board after an initial impressive World Under-17 Hockey Challenge performance for Canada even though he flashes some strong playmaking. Justin Poirier, RW, Baie-Comeau Drakkar — The small but highly skilled forward can take over a game but only when he wants to and so far there have been too many lazy looking shifts to start the season. He takes many useless shots and he lacks some hockey IQ with awareness.

Still a good prospect, just not as high as we once were on him.

With a December birthday, Demidov is on the older side of first-year-eligible draft prospects. That said, the wait could be worth it as he could end up being a top-line scorer at the NHL level. NCAA Artyom Levshunov ranks anywhere in the four to six range, but I like him at the high end of that range, right after the big three. He skates well, can move the puck, and his shot is a real scoring threat. Levshunov currently has three goals and seven points through eight games. His skill set and ability to adapt could help him become a top-pair two-way defenceman at the NHL level. Last season he scored 23 goals and 55 points in 63 games, and so far this season, he has seven goals and 18 points through 12 games. Catton reads plays at a high level, has great speed, has the hands to play in tight spaces, and is reliable on the defensive side of the puck.

Dickinson is up to three goals and 10 points through 12 contests this year, which is nearly half of the totals he put up through 62 games last season nine and 23 respectively. His floor could end up being a reliable top-four defenceman in the NHL who sees some powerplay time. Lindstrom has 22 points in 14 games which leads his team and is good for eighth in the WHL. His 13 goals also lead his team and have him tied for fourth in the WHL. He could very well end up as a solid second line centre.

Sportsnet's 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings: December Edition

Четыре российских хоккеиста вошли в топ‑10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ 2024 года Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Кори Пронман опубликовал свои собственные предварительные рейтинги лучших проспектов для ярмарок талантов 2024 и 2025 годов.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings - NHL Rumors Четверо россиян вошли в топ-10 международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) по итогам половины сезона.

Россияне Силаев и Демидов возглавили рейтинг драфта НХЛ-2024

Центральное скаутское бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги НХЛ представило промежуточный рейтинг драфта 2024 года. Полевые игроки были разделены на тех, кто выступает в Северной Америке и за ее пределами.

He looks just like his brother, in both good and bad ways. A high-end puck-mover, Hutson can electrify with some of his moves to get himself out of trouble on the attack.

He brings a competitive spirit to every game and he leaves nothing on the table when going for a hit. At his core, Elick has the makings of a shutdown defenseman that, as long as he keeps his offensive game simple, should have no issue adjusting to the pro game. He sometimes relies a bit too much on his creativity, which could hurt him in the pro ranks.

While Hutson is more of the point-producer, Emery helps get the play started by retrieving the puck and then playing a more passive game. And he does it quickly, with one scout comparing him to the Road Runner in how he gets where he needs to be so swiftly. Sennecke is leading the charge and is coming off a handful of three-point performance.

He put up good numbers but was prone to make some crazy miscues while dishing the puck out. But when Mews is on his game, he commands attention like very few across the OHL. Still, he looked great at the Hlinka Gretzky, showing solid two-way ability and quick hands.

Howe started off spectacularly with six points in his first three games but has quieted down to a pace closer to his 85-point output last year. He made a splash with 45 points last year, displaying his powerful release against unsuspecting goalies. At 6-foot-2 and 198 pounds, he has size, and he skates well enough for his frame, too.

His ice time dwindled as time went on, but his play against U-20 players has been impressive. He can tend to follow the game too often, so he needs to get out of his comfort zone and attack more.

Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом: 1. Маклин Селебрини.

This is our April update to our patented quintessential spreadsheet format, composed by the incomparable Chief of Scouting, E-Mac. There are too many cool features to list; explore yourself! We now have in depth scouting profiles from our scout Sandman linked within the rankings spreadsheet under the second column "UH" - simply click on that to be taken to that respective profile.

For optimal viewing, you can open up the spreadsheet rankings to a separate page by clicking the icon in the upper right-hand corner. Please enjoy and, as always, we appreciate any feedback from all of you Upsiders. Join us on the Upside.

This is our February update to our patented quintessential spreadsheet format, composed by the incomparable Chief of Scouting, E-Mac.


Spencer Rattler enters 2024 NFL Draft as one of its biggest enigmas. An early look at the 2024 NHL Draft class with the top 12 ranked prospects, including Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Ivan Demidov, and more. Хотя до ближайшего драфта НХЛ ещё довольно далеко, уже можно изучать рейтинги проспектов, составляемые авторитетными изданиями и скаутами. The 2024 NHL draft does not have an abundance of Centers with clear 1C upside, but Helenius is certainly on that short list. With some showcase tournaments out of the way, here’s a look at Daily Faceoff’s 40 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft for November.

2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Mid-November Top 40

NHL Inside | Обзоры НХЛ. 7 апр 2023. Пожаловаться. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Скотт Уилер представил предварительный рейтинг лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Первое место в данном рейтинге досталось канадцу Маклину Селебрини. The 2024 NHL draft will be held at The Sphere in Las Vegas on Friday, June 28th, and Saturday, June 29th. Четверо россиян вошли в топ-10 международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) по итогам половины сезона. An early look at the 2024 NHL Draft class with the top 12 ranked prospects, including Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Ivan Demidov, and more. An early look at the 2024 NHL Draft class with the top 12 ranked prospects, including Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Ivan Demidov, and more.

The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024

With some showcase tournaments out of the way, here’s a look at Daily Faceoff’s 40 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft for November. 62-й драфт НХЛ пройдёт с 28 по 29 июня 2024 года в Парадайсе, штат Невада, США. Ожидается, что драфт пройдёт на музыкально-развлекательной арене «Сфера». Проект Б. Рейтинг, позиция и перспективы Рейтинг: Проект Б занимает не менее важное место в списке рейтинга проспектов НХЛ 2024 года. With some showcase tournaments out of the way, here’s a look at Daily Faceoff’s 40 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft for November. Похожие новости.

Белорус Артем Левшунов — в топ-3 главных проспектов драфта НХЛ-2024 по версии The Athletic

Главная Новости СобытиеЭксперт Sportsnet Cэм Косентино включил Артема Левшунова в топ-3 рейтинга проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024. Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 проспекты. Журналист The Athletic поставил Левшунова на второе место в рейтинга драфта-2024 НХЛ. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев возглавил рейтинг игроков не из Северной Америки перед драфтом НХЛ 2024 года.

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