Infj, Personalidad Infp, Intp, Entj, Infp, Mbti, Trauma, Enfp, Entp. Эксклюзивный контент BTS (то, чего не будет на Ютюбе): Озвучиваю фанфики: BOOSTY ПРОСТО СЛУШАЙ JKUB Помощь автору (донат): https. MBTI Lab (MBTI 연구소; also known as MBTI Yeonguso) is a two-episodes variety web series by BTS, released since May 6, 2022 until May 13, 2022 on YouTube.
List of Most Common Mistypes
- Читать фанфики в электронной библиотеке
- mbti intuitives when they’re lost in the forest
- 85 лучших телеграм каналов про фанфики
- Как бы выглядели типы личности по MBTI в реальной жизни. Персонажи от нейросети похожи на моделей
- Фандомные боли. Что побуждает студенток вузов читать фанфики
Типы MBTI для вымышленных персонажей
Feanor then leads his seven sons in swearing a rash oath that calls down everlasting darkness upon them if they ever stop pursuing the Silmarils. When the Teleri, the Sea Elves, refuse to let Feanor take their ships to follow Morgoth to Middle Earth, Feanor attacks his kindred, slaughters them, and takes the ships. To make matters even worse, Feanor burns the ships once he lands in Middle Earth. Finally, his wrath drives him to forge his way ahead of his army during his first great battle in Middle Earth, and he is isolated and killed by Balrogs.
They may even enjoy putting other people down, making sarcastic jabs, or otherwise belittling them. They consider themselves above others, more enlightened or intelligent than the rest of humanity. They believe their vision and forecast of the future is always right, and they stubbornly hold to their perception without opening their mind to other viewpoints. They are agitated and vindictive with anyone who critiques or gives another view that contradicts their own. Destructive INTJs may seclude themselves from the rest of the world because they are so disappointed in their fellow man. If they have a corrupt vision, they may be swift and terrifyingly effective at creating plans that are disastrous for the good of humanity. The healthy INTJ is visionary, innovative, and intensely logical.
They balance their strong sense of reason with an inner moral code and integrity that keeps them honest, loyal, and considerate. They believe in following their vision for the future, but also following their conscience, and improving systems and the world. Above all, they seek to fulfill their vision for the future. They will go to any lengths to reach this vision, even if it means deceit, underhanded deals, and trickery. They live in their own subjective fantasy world and stop attributing value to human interactions. People are to be used to reach their end goal. The healthy INFJ is empathetic, contemplative, and visionary. They believe in treating everyone around them with kindness and respect and they long to change the world for the better. They have uncanny insights into how things will play out in the future and have a knack for seeing patterns and trends. They care deeply about the betterment of society.
They may lie, trick, or steal from individuals in an effort to get what they need to achieve their next goal. They may also enjoy toying with people just to see what happens. They are unreliable and undependable, abandoning loved ones as they follow after their ever-changing whims. To the person who shows interest in their plans, the ENTP is a charming and good-hearted friend. However, the minute that person rejects an idea the ENTP may discriminate, mock, or bully this same person. The healthy ENTP is innovative, objective, and imaginative. They are endlessly creative, coming up with idea after idea that they want to see achieved. They balance this creativity with a strong sense of logic and reason. They have big ideas and dreams not just for themselves, but for the world as a whole. They are friendly and enjoy solving problems for their friends and loved ones.
They believe the world revolves around them and their interests and ideas. They only care about others in terms of how much they can get out of them. They jump from one idea or relationship to the next, flaking on plans and shirking responsibilities without a second thought. Inspiration and stimulation become everything to unhealthy ENFPs, and they will try to attain it by any means, even if it means deceit or immoral acts. They are so sure of their own visions that they lash out at anyone who opposes them or questions their abilities. The healthy ENFP is empathetic, imaginative, and innovative. They enjoy inspiring people and showing them all the amazing possibilities the world can provide. They are responsible for their relationships and selfless in their concern for others. They enjoy sticking up for people who are hurting, and they want to find innovative ways to improve the future for the next generation. They are friendly, open-minded, and enthusiastic.
Это помогает ему эффективнее усваивать информацию. Также для человека важна новизна и спонтанность, во всех сферах жизни он отличается наблюдательностью и хорошими адаптивными способностями. Интровертное ощущение Si Человек опирается на свой прошлый опыт. Для него важна рутина, традиции, правила, предсказуемость. В работе это очень ответственный и надежный человек, но ему больше подходят задачи, которые нужно выполнять по инструкциям. Человек с этой функцией скорее деятель, чем творец. Экстравертное мышление Te Человек опирается на логику, рациональное и аналитическое мышление.
В речи и поведении он прямолинеен, доносит свои мысли четко, без лишних слов. Способен подобрать подходящие и сильные аргументы, умеет убеждать. Настойчивый, уверенно идет к целям и способен повести за собой других людей. Видеть людей насквозь Telegram Интровертное мышление Ti Человек этого типа много рефлексирует.
Their personalities, combined with their individual talents, create a harmonious blend that resonates with fans worldwide. Written by Naveen Mehta Naveen is a book enthusiast by day and an anime junkie by night. Dive into his world, but be prepared for some spirited blogs!
Фанфики БТС ОЖП и т/и: Imagine with BTS
Extensive, research-backed profiles of 16 personality types: learn how different personalities approach romantic relationships, career choices, friendships, parenthood, and more. Could you try to type someone's mbti from a list of personality traits? PARTY PARTY YEAH Новости BTS, фанфики, подборки, тематические посты, онлайн-квартирники, игры, интерактивы и прочий развлекательный движ! MBTI Type: INFJ. Lucilla’s father laments that she was not born a man, for what a Caesar she would have made; it’s true, she is a strategic thinker, always focused on the future. Предложенные новости. Тип MBTI Сынмина ни для кого не стал неожиданностью, так как в прошлом он уже получал ESFJ.
MBTI Mistype
This type possesses the unique ability to set long-term plans into motion that are both highly practical and thoroughly analytical in nature. At their best, this type makes for an effective leader who is able to integrate their long-term plans with the day-to-day concerns of their environments and the people around them. They have let go of anxiety and the need for complete control, and can enact plans that are both effective and adaptable to change. ISFJ An ISFJ at their best is constantly learning and perfecting their particular skill set, which they then use to help nurture their loved ones or immediate community. This type of ISFJ has found a happy balance between maintaining a lifestyle that allows them to feel secure, and caring for the people they love in a tangible way. They have let go of resentment, judgments and anxiety and are comfortable applying creative methods of problem-solving to their own decisions. They are able to find a happy medium between doing what is best for the group and doing what is best for themselves in the long-term. This type of ESFJ is highly invested in their community or their loved ones and feels as though they are making a significant difference in whichever way is most important to them. A thriving ESFJ has let go of guilt, anxiety and judgments of others, and is internally motivated to make the best impact they can personally make on the people and the world that surrounds them. They have let go of self-doubt and self-criticism and are comfortable sharing their gifts and their insights with others in an open and vulnerable way. This type of ESFP enjoys socializing with others but is able to make important decisions for themselves.
They readily welcome new people into their lives but are more than capable of supporting and providing for themselves. ESTP An ESTP at their best is an adventurous, entrepreneurial thinker who takes concrete action on their goals, which they are able to see through to completion.
And guess what? Their diverse personalities are the secret behind this magnetic attraction. He loves exploring new ideas and solving complex puzzles in his mind. With a keen eye for precision and accuracy, Jungkook seems to excel in everything he tries, which is no surprise given the traits of an INTP personality type. His remarkable talent and unique approach to life make him an absolute gem in the world of BTS. INTP personality types like Jin are like brilliant puzzle solvers, and Jin fits this description perfectly.
When he feels that his power is threatened, Feanor draws his sword and threatens the life of his half-brother, committing the first assault in Aman the equivalent of Paradise. He becomes obsessed with the Silmarils, the magical gems he crafted. He refuses to sacrifice these gems, even though using the light of the gems is the only way to restore the light of the dying Trees that illuminated the world. When the villain Morgoth steals the Silmarils, Feanor gives an impassioned speech and persuades the rest of the elves to rebel against the benevolent Valar and leave the Undying Lands to take revenge on Morgoth.
Я, как автор, конечно же люблю все свои работы, но сюжет конкретно этой у меня в самом сердечке, на заключительных главах даже я не смогла сдержать слёз, хотя работа и с хэппи эндом. К сожалению, таких работ катастрофически мало, а для меня это второй любимый пейринг после Чигу. Люблю писать с приглушенным светом и в полной тишине. На каждого автора найдётся своя аудитория.
The MBTI Soulmate: Who Is Your Best Match in the MBTI?
пишите под любым постом, я постараюсь сделать всё возможное, чтобы вы снова могли им насладиться. пишите под любым постом, я постараюсь сделать всё возможное, чтобы вы снова могли им насладиться. However, taking one (or several) conventional personality tests online easily leads to mistypes, typically caused by the increasing mix-up of MBTI and. Смотрите видео на тему «Фанфики Новые Про Bts И Ти» в TikTok.
UPDATED BTS members' MBTI Types in 2024!
it's more likely to happen than you think. mbti. The MBTI is built on the foundation of Carl Jung's theory of psychological types, which suggests that there are distinct patterns in how people perceive and engage with the world around them. Просмотрите доску «мой шипы по 16 мбти» пользователя Hey it's me в Pinterest.
Очень точный тест на определение типа личности по MBTI
ESTJs prefer to represent a group and be more of a guardian of that group. But we must look at the most common behavior they exhibit as well as how these behaviors manifest. Though they are open to new ways of doing things because of Ni, their Te still makes them rigid. Also they can get stuck in their personal Ni being the only true way of seeing something. An ESTJ though typically for preservation can also be a catalyst for change.
Thanks for listening to my rant. We can all be the mentor, we can all be philosophers, architects, poets, etc. How we approach tasks is where our personality types come into play. She takes the role of representative and enjoys all the detailed work of paper work and getting the movement off the ground.
ESTJs love detailed work, they do! She can easily leads but has a tendency to micromanage and take over every tasks. She rarely trusts others to do as good of a job as she does. That is the Si kicking in.
You are trying to embrace yourself, not trying to become a different type. Although personality does change, this happens naturally and not by force. Some enthusiasts believe your type is in-grained at birth and that changes are just different phases of development.
You can overcome your weaknesses but not rewire your brain. Try using MBTI to understand other people. Some have even said that MBTI saved their relationship.
In the MBTI community, you may find terms seldom used elsewhere. Here is a list of common MBTI slang and vocabulary. Preferences or dichotomies.
Function name dom indicates a type with that function in their dominant slot e. Some people will write their type with an "x" to signify they are not sure of their type or that they consider themselves both types. Psychology Types is a book written by Carl Jung describing the functions.
Socionics is another personality system that was birthed from MBTI.
Feanor then leads his seven sons in swearing a rash oath that calls down everlasting darkness upon them if they ever stop pursuing the Silmarils. When the Teleri, the Sea Elves, refuse to let Feanor take their ships to follow Morgoth to Middle Earth, Feanor attacks his kindred, slaughters them, and takes the ships. To make matters even worse, Feanor burns the ships once he lands in Middle Earth. Finally, his wrath drives him to forge his way ahead of his army during his first great battle in Middle Earth, and he is isolated and killed by Balrogs.
To that, high Ni users tend to make little pauses in the middle of a sentence while speaking. And they will often avoid eye contact when they are talking. They just repeat the first sounds at the beginning of a word or phrase. And then they speed up and squish hundreds of uhms in a little sentence. Like they really belong in this world.
Fascinates me every time. Do you remember? It was raining and we went in that little cafe and you had a blueberry muffin that looked delicious and there were crumbs all over the table and I loved the red jumper you were wearing. I really miss that moment. Or when they get you a special kind of cookies because they remembered you saying aeons ago that you loved those.
Результаты поиска по запросу «BTS фанфики»
Просмотрите доску «mbti мемы» пользователя лохотрон в Pinterest. To celebrate the holidays, Animated MBTI is giving you a post all about classic holiday favorite characters and type. Here are 100+ MBTI anime characters, categorized into the 16 personality types. Get To Know The MBTI Personality Types Of TXT Members.
Бесплатный тест на тип личности
- мой шипы по 16 мбти
- mbti intuitives when they’re lost in the forest
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- The Book Addict's Guide to MBTI: – Literary, Historical & Fictional MBTI
85 лучших телеграм каналов про фанфики
PG-13 значит, что в произведении есть романтические моменты на уровне поцелуев. По размеру произведения можно ранжировать на три категории. Это мини объём до 20 страниц , миди 20—70 страниц , макси от 70 страниц. Демография великих читательниц Исследовательницы провели онлайн-опрос московских студенток в возрасте от 18 до 25 лет итоговая выборка — 178 читательниц фанфиков. Ссылка на опрос распространялась в группах о фанфикшн в социальной сети «ВКонтакте». Выяснилось, что среди респонденток преобладали 20-летние девушки. Респондентки читают много.
Работы такого объёма обычно разбиты на главы, которые можно читать несколько дней. В плане рейтингов наиболее популярны тексты NC-17 , дающие острые ощущения. В их числе: обсуждение фанфиков и подписка на автора в соцсетях, желание писать фанфикшн, опытность пользования сайтами с фанфикшн, подписка на автора на сайте фанфикшн-работ, поддержка авторов под прочитанными работами и пр. По всем факторам уровень вовлечённости участниц опроса оказался низким. С развитием воображения и навыков написания фанфикшн — картина похожая. Иными словами, фанфики воспринимают прежде всего как хобби и развлечение.
Авторы работы также выявили мотивы, не отражённые в предыдущих классификациях. Среди новых причин внимания к фанфикам оказались: чтение фанфикшн как самостоятельных текстов, в отрыве от оригинала; мотив, связанный со специфическими признаками фанфикшн — это «лёгкое чтиво», которое позволяет расслабиться; неспособность художественной литературы удовлетворить ряд потребностей читателей, например, она малоинтересна, или писатель предлагает печальный финал; поддержка друзей, пишущих фанфики; эстетическое удовольствие от стиля фанфикшн — «красивый слог написанных историй»; чтение иноязычных текстов как способ улучшить знание языка. Были обнаружены и мотивы, которые можно считать подпунктами отраженных в классификации. Для эмоциональных мотивов — это получение эмоций, недостающих в реальной жизни, и поднятие настроения. Для мотива развития воображения — это сравнение собственного писательского стиля с другими. Для мотивов, связанных с участием в фандоме, — это одержимость любимыми персонажами, развитие конкретных идей о событиях, раскрытие сюжетных веток и персонажей, желание читать конкретный пейринг англ.
В поисках корреляций По результатам исследования выяснилось, что возраст студенток не связан с частотой чтения фанфиков, наличие работы — тоже. А уровень вовлечённости в фанфикшн-сообщество не связан с направлением обучения. Корреляций между возрастом и мотивами, связанными с фандомом, «хобби и развлечением», мотивом развития воображения — нет. Однако есть слабая положительная связь между эмоциональными мотивами и возрастными группами. То есть, чем старше читательница, тем больше ей присущи эмоциональные мотивы.
To celebrate the holidays, Animated MBTI is giving you a post all about classic holiday favorite characters and type. Enjoy, and Happy Holidays to everyone! Though hurt by the rejection, Rudolph learns to embrace his glowing red differentness and when he does, his strength is fully appreciated.
She is a protector, not willing to stand aside when someone she loves could be in danger. A playful character who would much rather read and practice something that is interesting and challenging to him than enjoy the usual activities of his peers, Hermey decides he can fit in as a misfit and embarks on an independent journey.
Psychology Types is a book written by Carl Jung describing the functions. Socionics is another personality system that was birthed from MBTI. This letter was added by the site 16 Personalities. You can find many MBTI memes, comedy sketches, and other things online. Try typing some of your favorite characters or celebrities. It can give you some typing practice and a fun activity. This article is only a starting point.
If you want to learn more about MBTI, try reading some blogs, joining a forum, or something else. MBTI is a rich field with many differing ideologies. Whether or not the function stacks are set in stone. Shadow-function theory. Do we use four or eight functions? Whether or not type is lifelong.
Tertiary functions in types that share dominant and inferior functions can look really similar and be hard to differentiate.
It is why it should probably not be a starting off point when trying to type a character. Both ETJs use Se or Ne to enforce their Te when unhealthy and when healthy use these functions to let go and have fun. Some tips once you get to this point: -Ne deals in possibilities. For an ESTJ experiencing negative Ne, this means they are seeing only all the negative possibilities in the world around them. They feel pushed to react and change this externally. Again, Monica is a great example of this as she does this a lot with Rachel. This is most seen in the episode where Monica becomes all too ready to take Rachel up on her deal to make decisions for Rachel.
Instead of just doing it themselves because they love the work, it becomes a distrust in the abilities of others. You can seem them try to repress this part of them when it comes out if they are unhealthy. Regina is a great example of this as she struggles to live in the moment. Whenever she does and feels a bit of happiness from it, she shuts the scenario down. This is most evident when she is taken to the tavern by Tinkerbell to meet her true love, Robin.
Aespa’s Latest MBTI Results
MBTI Lab (MBTI 연구소; also known as MBTI Yeonguso) is a two-episodes variety web series by BTS, released since May 6, 2022 until May 13, 2022 on YouTube. 10 Best MBTI Blogs ⋅ 1. Truity Blog ⋅ 2. The Myers-Briggs Company's Blog ⋅ 3. Personality Hacker Blog ⋅ 4. Psychology Junkie Blog ⋅ 5. MBTIonline ⋅ 6. Stellar Maze ⋅ 7. Better Future Blog. Type Development Guide @mbti-notes [click here for pure text without blog theme]. mbti intuitives when they’re lost in the forest. Enneagram 8 + MBTI. 9: The Need to Avoid.
Фандомные боли. Что побуждает студенток вузов читать фанфики
This blog mostly focuses on INFP related content. Of course, anyone can enjoy this blog if they want! Not just INFPs! Why did I create this blog? I think my main goal was just to create fun content for myself and others to enjoy. I see a lot of people using typology to dictate their entire views on themselves and other people, and while I have a huge interest in psychology, using mbti to form your opinions on other is no better than using astrology to do so. Mbti is a pseudoscience anyway, so this blog is really just meant to be fun!
Impossible: Type 1, Type 4 and Type 5. Usual: Type 3 and Type 6. Rare: Type 1 and Type 9. Impossible: Type 4, Type 5, Type 7 and Type 8. Usual: Type 1 and Type 3. Rare: Type 2, Type 5, Type 6 and Type 7. Impossible: Type 4 and Type 9. Most tests will only focus on the cautious and security side, and not on the defiant and rebellious side. Most tests does measure this way and I will consider type 6 only on this side. Type 9 sometimes looks more like a zen philosophy than a type on its own. World-wide, it is likely that more than half of this enneagram is composed by ESFJ type. Type 9: Very diverse. To determinate which combos are impossible, I simply decided to swap letters. Type 9 is way too diverse, Type 1 and 5 only got two letters so basically any type can be these types if they have the proper borderline while type 7 although got 2 letters, got a very clear pattern of EXXP.
Three important points for raising Si awareness are: 1 Reflection and Inner Awareness: Without enough reflection and awareness of what is happening within, you will be much more prone to stretching yourself too thin and too far to the point of self-sabotage because of losing sight of the important things in life or taking things for granted. People with underdeveloped Si often shun solitary reflection, easily bored with themselves, which leads to them constantly seeking excitement and even getting addicted to chasing mental stimulation. Powerful Si is always keeping tabs on what is going on within by making sure that experiences do not disorient or destabilize life, knowing to value the familiar and stable aspects of life in order to ensure that one does not move too quickly or take too big of a risk and lose everything important. Looking before leaping is necessary for preserving your past gains, so Si treads very carefully whenever possible. Thus, to develop Si: Reflect on your physical and practical needs and whether you do enough to satisfy them properly. Reflect on your wants and desires, why you have them and whether they are reasonable and promote contentment. Powerful Si knows that details determine whether you sink or swim, so Si carefully sorts through and resolves details to ensure that every necessary step is accounted for, every precaution taken, every loose end is tied, every i dotted and t crossed. Powerful Si understands that the prerequisite for doing anything successfully is to have a good foundation of knowledge that informs every action, thus granting you self-assuredness when you act as well as a comforting touchstone for when you get lost. The devil is always in the details and Si is always right on top of them, methodically fortifying past knowledge with new knowledge to create a stable and reliable knowledge base. Learn from your mistakes by examining the minute details of what went wrong so that you do not repeat them. Heed feedback or criticism that you receive about how to be more careful and methodical. People with underdeveloped Si often have poor self-control, unable to focus well or determine which tasks should be handled first, easily getting carried away by their own imaginings or fanciful ideas without realizing how much time is being wasted on frivolous pursuits. Powerful Si combats aimlessness and impulsiveness by building good habits and routines for maintaining physical health and psychological well-being, thereby cultivating the focus and self-control that is necessary for peak performance. Powerful Si is in touch with daily bodily rhythms and honors them, knowing the right times to rest or work, to reflect or act. Thus, to develop Si: Respect and honor your physical needs and rhythms so that you take better care of your health and well-being. Take time regularly to enjoy simple physical pleasures that put you back in touch with your body and its needs. Learn better time management skills and strategies if you have difficulty with planning, organization, or efficiency. Break up your learning or tasks into clearly defined incremental steps to ensure continuous and consistent progress over time. Cognitively, Ni encourages you to reflect on implications and how they impact the meaning and direction of your life. Work on understanding why Ni is important and what benefits it can bring you. Three important points for raising Ni awareness are: 1 Accurate Interpretation of Implications: Without observing patterns and spending time to interpret what they mean, you will not understand how past, present, and future are connected and then be more prone to choosing the wrong paths. Powerful Ni connects ideas, delving into the underlying interrelationships between things that seem unrelated on the surface, thereby able to visualize multiple possibilities for how events might evolve. Powerful Ni understands implied meaning and knows how to use past knowledge to fill in the blanks of new situations. To understand the world is to realize that there are often multiple factors that have led up to the events of today, so Ni seeks to understand what they are in order to achieve an accurate vision of what is to come. Practice your speculative ability by trying to visualize what will happen next, e. Reflect on how the past motivates your behaviors today and whether those behaviors will lead you into a positive future. Heed feedback or criticism that you receive about being more thoughtful, introspective, and prudent. People with underdeveloped Ni often have difficulty visualizing a better life for themselves, so they do not realize how much more they could be capable of if only they changed or improved some of their thoughts, habits, or behaviors. Powerful Ni attends to longer term outcomes in visualizing good goals or ideals to strive for such that higher potential is realized in due time. Ni secures a better future by visualizing it and moving resolutely towards it. Thus, to develop Ni: Reflect on the trajectory of your life and whether you are headed in a direction that allows you to better yourself and your conditions. Reflect on what you can do to create a better life for yourself and seek out those opportunities. People with underdeveloped Ni do not know how to examine themselves closely, to look deeper into their own motivations, to gather multiple possibilities about how to live life, so their decisions are often too focused on immediate gratification or material rewards while neglecting the spiritual side of life. Powerful Ni sees the value of spiritual fulfillment even when it is hard to define, even when it seems out of reach, even when feeling lost in life. Powerful Ni always feels as though there is a higher purpose for oneself and seeks to understand what it is, and while it seeks and investigates every nook and cranny of the world, it will slowly accumulate the knowledge and experience necessary for making the best decisions possible. The wisdom of life is found through the journey of life, so Ni never stops moving forward, never stops seeking for the best self that one can be, never stops visualizing how things might be better. Thus, to develop Ni: Journal about your deepest desires, hopes, dreams, and aspirations to see where they take you. Try to look at things from multiple angles in order to deepen your appreciation of them. Make sure that you hear every side of an argument by taking time to consider minority, taboo, or unconventional opinions. Take time to fill in gaps in your knowledge, especially if those gaps affect your ability to live life well. Engage in creative or artistic activities that take your mind to a higher or deeper level of insight. Reflect on how to bring all the fragments of your life together into one unified vision of who you want to be in this world and what legacy you want to leave behind. Cognitively, Se encourages you to interact directly with everything of interest in the world as soon as possible. Work on understanding why Se is important and what benefits it can bring you. Three important points for raising Se awareness are: 1 Flexibility for Engagement: Without flexibility to engage with life, you cannot be open to adventure or live life to the fullest. People with underdeveloped Se often limit themselves to spectating or speculating or imagining, sitting on the sidelines, making assumptions about how the world works without fact checking, talking themselves out of action, and never getting to see or feel firsthand what the world really has to offer and just what they are capable of achieving. Powerful Se combats apathy, impracticality, and mental detachment by forcing you to confront the world directly and experience everything fully so that you never get trapped in your own head. Variety is the spice of life and Se seeks to gather it and savor its flavors. Thus, to develop Se: DO more, move more, engage more, initiate more, participate more. Look for interesting activities or opportunities to learn through hands on experience. Have fun with learning by trial-and-error or, even more exciting, trial-by-fire. Apply your ideas in real-life situations and accept objective feedback. Learn to enjoy the excitement of experiencing surprises or causing change. Heed feedback or criticism that you receive about being more realistic, proactive, open, fun, or easygoing. Powerful Se combats inertia and boredom by keeping you in touch with how short, fleeting, and unpredictable life really is, filling you with a greater urgency and motivation to pursue your goals and desires, always ready to pounce on new details. Powerful Se pays attention to change, alert and ready to move, able to accept things exactly as they come instead of getting stuck on what they might mean or could be or should be or would be if only… yadda yadda yadda, easily letting go of old baggage to have the presence of mind to grasp new opportunities.
Feanor consistently refuses to listen to good advice, instead following his own desires. When he feels that his power is threatened, Feanor draws his sword and threatens the life of his half-brother, committing the first assault in Aman the equivalent of Paradise. He becomes obsessed with the Silmarils, the magical gems he crafted. He refuses to sacrifice these gems, even though using the light of the gems is the only way to restore the light of the dying Trees that illuminated the world.