Новости билд аурелион сол

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Aurelion Sol Wild Rift Build Recommendation

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Играйте за Аурелиона Сола, как игроки Challenger — руководство по середине Аурелиона Сола

Finally, he is going to be reworked. What does that even mean, and why was Aurelion Sol chosen for this update? Finally, ASol is getting some much-needed love from Riot. First, we have to check out what a CGU even is.

При этом Аурелион Сол получает звездную материю, количество которой зависит от типа погибшего врага. Звездная материя увеличивает размер черной дыры включая область в центре и повышает порог казни. На землю падает звезда, которая наносит пораженным врагам магический урон и оглушает их. Аурелион Сол получает звездную материю за каждого задетого вражеского чемпиона. Звездная материя увеличивает область поражения умения. Когда Аурелион Сол накапливает 75 единиц звездной материи, его следующая Падающая звезда превращается в Обрушение небес. Обрушение небес. Аурелион Сол обрушивает на землю огромную звезду со значительно увеличенной областью поражения. Она наносит больше урона и вместо оглушения подбрасывает врагов. Затем из области поражения распространяется ударная волна, которая наносит пораженным чемпионам урон и замедляет их.

Consent Use limited data to select advertising Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are or have been interacting with for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you. Consent Create profiles for personalised advertising Information about your activity on this service such as forms you submit, content you look at can be stored and combined with other information about you for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you that might include possible interests and personal aspects. Your profile can be used also later to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities. Consent Use profiles to select personalised advertising Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps like the forms you submit, content you look at , possible interests and personal aspects. Consent Create profiles to personalise content Information about your activity on this service for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at can be stored and combined with other information about you such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects.

It is important to keep up to date. Buying the right item can make the difference between winning and losing as Aurelion Sol. The order of items is also very important. Especially in early game, it is imperative to make the right decision on what to buy. You need to know the right starter item and starter trinket. But you also need to know what your final items will be. Your opponent like Corki or Malzahar can also influence your buying decisions.

Aurelion Sol ARAM Build - Best Guide and Runes for Aurelion Sol on Patch 14.8

Аурелион Сол отправляет свои звезды на Внешнюю орбиту, увеличивая их урон и скорость. Руководство по прокачке Aurelion Sol в зависимости от стиля игры, общие советы и рекомендации. Для билда (развития персонажа) Аурелиона Сола, как и для другого Чемпиона Лиги Легенд, необходимо правильно выбрать руны и артефакты. Aurelion Sol takes off flying for a long distance. Aurelion Sol Patch 14.8 builds including Runes, Items, Skill Order, and Summoner Spells.

Aurelion Sol Builds

As devs explained on a recent champion roadmap, Aurelion Sols game rate has been terrible over his time, but Champion Surveys has painted Aurelion Sol as one of themost well-rendered characters in the game -- as such, he is kept his model, theme, and narrative, but has been given anentirely new set of mechanics. Aurelion Sol cannot be turned around once he is established a course, and enemy damage sends Aurelion Sol crashing back downto Earth, rebuilding its orbiting star. Aurelion Sols immense strength was funneled to immortal God-warriors in defense ofRuneterras seemingly unimportant world -- now, yearning to reclaim his cosmic mastery, Aurelion Sol will pull a very star outof the sky, if it has to, in order to restore his freedom. His sheer menace will often frighten opponents in the lanes to thesafety of their own lanes, giving Aurelion Sol the perfect opportunity to cast his Celestial expansions and increase hisCyclic Damage. The opposing jungler will either need to evade cycling stars, like he does with Starsurge, or otherwise stand stunned,watching empty-handed, while his own snipes successfully at his wings targets. If the enemy team stays together, they dietogether; if they split... Star Forgers stars will keep orbiting it, even as it probes thehidden depths of River Kings digestive system, meaning that everyones favorite catfish-frog-thing can merrily speed its waythrough its own, using Thick Skin to soak up an enemy teams beatings, withering its targets under repeated rounds of Star-based grief.

Q — Дыхание солнца В течение нескольких секунд Аурелион Сол дышит огнем в направлении курсора, нанося урон первому пораженному врагу, а также меньшее количество урона другим противникам поблизости. Каждый раз, когда цель поражается огнем 1 секунду суммарно, происходит взрыв, который наносит дополнительный урон. Взрывы, затронувшие вражеских чемпионов, дают Солу звёздную материю. Дыхание солнца наносит больше урона чемпионам. Дальность действия зависит от уровня Аурелиона Сола. Звёздная материя увеличивает урон от взрывов. W — Космический полёт Аурелион Сол летит в выбранное место сквозь элементы ландшафта. При этом он виден врагам поблизости даже из тумана войны.

The opposing jungler will either need to evade cycling stars, like he does with Starsurge, or otherwise stand stunned,watching empty-handed, while his own snipes successfully at his wings targets. If the enemy team stays together, they dietogether; if they split... Star Forgers stars will keep orbiting it, even as it probes thehidden depths of River Kings digestive system, meaning that everyones favorite catfish-frog-thing can merrily speed its waythrough its own, using Thick Skin to soak up an enemy teams beatings, withering its targets under repeated rounds of Star-based grief. The way that League of Legends nerfs work is based around how they are measured against pick rates, since less playersplaying the champion means that win rates are inflated with a single-use. These types of updates would be done to champions that have either game-breaking issues that cannot be fixed simply bychanging a few abilities, or champions that are playing games that are not living up to the fan-fiction. With more than 150champions in League of Legends, it is not surprising that Riot Games has had to constantly revamp and upgrade oldercharacters. Over the last couple years, the champions team at Riot Games has allowed fans to vote for seven differentchampions, five each year, with a few recurring choices as to which will receive the most complete overhaul.

If you are one of those who are considering to main the Star Forger, consider these things before queuing up. Riot Games decided to spice it up a bit more. Adding the empowering effects on his passive is a massive change. Slap some percentage or health bonus damage, and you get a real champion for climbing. Late game scaling- With all of this in mind, Aurelion Sol only gets stronger the longer the game goes. Previously, this might have been true only for Veigar, Nasus, and Kindred. But now, nearly every champion that has a stacking mechanic is a late game carry. Unique gameplay- We already went over the abilities the reworked Aurelion Sol has. They are very innovative and powerful but manage to stay true to his identity. When playing Aurelion Sol, you are a space dragon breathing fire. And you feel like it. The power to combine your abilities, combined with reset and execution mechanics, makes the Star Forger feel like a season 13 champion. Great team fight potential- All of these factors add up to create one of the best mid lane champions. The damage output and scaling prowess make him a force to be reckoned with as the game goes on. Neutral objectives and team fights is where the new version of Aurelion Sol is able to thrive. His mix of crowd control and damage over a large area, makes the game unplayable for the enemy team. Cons of playing reworked Aurelion Sol in season 13 Weak early game- But not everything can be perfect and smooth sailing all the way. To make up for his potential, Riot has made his early game very weak. He has low base damage on his abilities and long cooldowns. Most of his potential is tied to his passive ability, so make sure you properly farm those minions in the early game. High mana costs- This represents a challenge on its own, considering his mana costs. The way channeled abilities are balanced is through the mana pool. This can be fixed with a combination of items and runes we will discuss later on. But the most important thing you need to learn is how to farm minions without losing your entire mana bar. Weak against mobility and crowd control- This also depends on your matchup, and some of them can be quite unfavorable. Especially if you are a new Aurelion Sol player. This champion is unique, and not the easiest to master. Getting used to his abilities and matchups will take time. You just need to alter your approach depending on what your opponent throws at you. New Aurelion Sol is coming sometime this week At worse next week , so guess its time to say goodbye to this interaction. There are two rune pages currently being used, and they depend mostly on the matchups. Most often we see the First Strike rune page. Once some time has passed, players will become more proficient at playing Aurelion Sol. The abilities Aurelion Sol has, enable him to dictate the pace of the lane in most cases. Their long range and low damage mean that he can make good use of First Strike. Harassing the enemy, generating some gold to advance your item purchases and getting bonus true damage.


Локации. Билды. Aurelion Sol’s damaging abilities break down enemies into stacks of Stardust, which permanently improves each of his abilities. The longer Aurelion Sol will stay on the board the more value he will generate, and leveling him up is almost an instant game-winner. Presently, Aurelion Sol shines at S tier with a 0.8% pick rate.

Возьмите Лигу с собой

Лучшие сборки, руны и порядок умений для чемпиона Аурелион Сол на основе миллионов игр, которые мы анализируем каждый день. The Star Forger by CKibe on DeviantArt. Aurelion Sol graced the dullness and emptiness of the great celestial realm with wonders of his very own devising. Aurelion Sol cannot be turned around once he is established a course, and enemy damage sends Aurelion Sol crashing back downto Earth, rebuilding its orbiting star.

Aurelion Sol Skins

The Skies Descend: Aurelion Sol drags a giant star down from the heavens with an increased impact zone and increased damage, knocking up enemies rather than stunning them. A shockwave then spreads from the edge of the impact zone, which damages and slows the enemies it hits. Abilities Analysis Innate: Cosmic Creator As Aurelion Sol hits enemies with his abilities, Cosmic Creator will have a stack, increasing the area of effect, damage, and execution threshold. You have to stack as much as possible, as this is his bread and butter when heading into the late game. Your abilities will decimate any enemy, given that this passive has a massive stack. Q 1st: Breath of Light This ability charges to release a Starfire beam that he can direct in the desired direction for up to 3. Enemies hit will then have a stack that deals enormous damage when filled. Additionally, when you cast his second ability, Astral Flight, its cooldown will be refreshed. This way, you can deal huge damage again with his Q.

W 2nd: Astral Flight Aurelion Sol will take flight, going through structures and walls. This ability can help him roam like no other champion. Aurelion Sol can potentially catch enemies off-guard, especially with his deadly combo that will leave enemies on gray screen. However, you must cast it carefully and not venture to the map without vision, as it will have a huge cooldown. E 3rd: Singularity Aurelion Sol will cast a black hole, pulling enemies towards the middle of the ability. This ability can decimate and displace enemies, especially in team fights. It makes Aurelion Sol valuable in team fights, picking off key targets like enemy mid-laner and marksman. Aurelion Sol will bring a star down to its target location in an area of effect.

Кредиты изображений бунт игры После закрытия трех основных предметов вы должны оценить, нужны ли вам защитные характеристики или вы можете увеличить силу способностей, чтобы уничтожить врагов. Смертельная шапка Рабадона, Пламя Тьмы и Посох Бездны — отличный выбор: Пламя Тьмы обычно является наиболее сбалансированным, поскольку оно дает как силу способностей, так и проникновение магии. Вместо защитных предметов вы обычно хотите получить Песочные часы Жони. В целом, это обычная сборка, встречающаяся в большинстве игр Aurelion Sol: Жезл веков.

Аурелион Сол получает звёздную материю за каждого задетого вражеского чемпиона. Звёздная материя увеличивает область поражения умения. Когда Аурелион Сол накапливает 75 единиц звёздной материи, его следующая Падающая звезда превращается в Обрушение небес.

Обрушение небес. Аурелион Сол обрушивает на землю огромную звезду со значительно увеличенной областью поражения. Она наносит больше урона и вместо оглушения подбрасывает врагов. Затем из области поражения распространяется ударная волна, которая наносит пораженным чемпионам урон и замедляет их.

Эта дерзость все еще будет там.

Итак, это все, что мы знаем о переработке League of Legends Аурелиона Сола. Хотите быть в курсе всех событий LoL? Обязательно посетите нашу специальную главную страницу. Поделиться с друзьями: Вам также может быть интересно.

Аурелион Сол: сборка

While flying, Breath of Light has no cooldown and its damage increases by 112. Recast: Ends the flight early. The black hole drags enemies toward the center of the black hole for 5 seconds.

Each takedown you acquire reduces this timer by 120 seconds.

Stopwatch that can be used for a one time 2. The amount you can borrow increases over time. Minion Dematerializers are on cooldown for the first 180s of the game.

Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your mana cap by 40.

The amount you can borrow increases over time. Minion Dematerializers are on cooldown for the first 180s of the game. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your mana cap by 40. Minion Dematerializer Start the game with 3 Minion Dematerializers that kill and absorb lane minions instantly.

It stacks up to 5 times. When fully stacked, deals bonus adaptive damage to and champion. Sweet Tooth Honey fruit, Gold Increases honey fruit healing by 25. Whenever you and your nearby ally eat a honey fruit gain 20 gold.


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  • Why Aurelion Sol For the CGU?
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Гайд по герою Аурелион Сол в League of Legends: Wild Rift

Aurelion Sol’s damaging abilities break down enemies into stacks of Stardust, which permanently improves each of his abilities. Detailed League of Legends Aurelion Sol ARAM Build including spell order, summoner spells, the most important items as well as runes. Для билда (развития персонажа) Аурелиона Сола, как и для другого Чемпиона Лиги Легенд, необходимо правильно выбрать руны и артефакты. Статья автора «League of legends actual» в Дзене: РУНЫ САМОНЕРКИ СБОРКИ ПРОКАЧКА УМЕНИЙ. Get the best Aurelion Sol builds, based on analysis of 10000+ matches in all regions and ranks. Climb in patch 14.8 with Aurelion Sol builds provided by Mobalytics!

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Flash is used to teleport your champion forward for any aimed direction. Cooldown: 150 seconds Ignite Ignites target enemy champion, dealing 60-410 true damage based on the champion level over 5 seconds and inflicting them with grievous wounds. For example, if you are playing against an assassin champion like Zed or Akali, then building items that give Armor and health early would be a great choice.

Несмотря на своей красивой внешностью и обаятельным умом Аурелион Сол не смог завоевать доверие игроков LoL. Переработка LoL Aurelion Sol: новые способности Хотя мы мало что знаем о том, как будет выглядеть эта новая и улучшенная версия Аурелиона Сола, Riot отмечают: «Мы хотим подчеркнуть его фантазию о драконе, поскольку мы не думаем, что в настоящее время он очень хорошо справляется с этой частью своего образа». Получит ли Аурелион Сол визуальную переделку? Нет, Riot не планирует менять внешний вид нашего потрясающего космического дракона.

Объясняя, что «цель CGU — обновить игровой процесс», Riot «создаст форму чемпиона с нуля с той же моделью, темой и повествованием».

Умения, наносящие урон, дают Аурелиону Солу звездную материю, которая навсегда улучшает весь его арсенал. Q Дыхание солнца В течение нескольких секунд Аурелион Сол дышит огнем, нанося урон первому пораженному врагу, а также меньшее количество урона другим противникам поблизости. Каждый раз, когда цель поражается огнем 1 секунду суммарно, она получает дополнительный урон в зависимости от количества собранной звездной материи.

Эффекты контроля и получение урона останавливают дракона. Голос света Персонаж запускает мощный поток энергии, отталкивая и нанося серьезные повреждения пораженным врагам. Сборка Аурелиона Сола Аурелион Сол является одним из сложнейших героев в League of Legends Wild Rift, однако ему собирают базовые предметы и руны агрессивного мидера, независимо от вражеского пика.

Даже на профессиональной арене редко создают нестандартные билды, потому что у Сола примерно одинаковая тактика в любых сражениях. Руны Завоеватель Нанося урон героям, Аурелион получает по одному заряду способности, которые повышают АП на 2-12. Второе дыхание Каждые 5 секунд здоровье пополняется на 5 ХП. Умения призывателя Аурелиону Солу, как и всем другим героям, обязательно берут Скачок, так как это лучшая способность суммонера. Второй слот чаще всего занимает Барьер. Дракон имеет слишком мало здоровья, чтобы спокойно сражаться на расстоянии полета звезд Центра вселенной, поэтому стоит взять именно Барьер, а не Воспламенение или Изнурение, хотя они увеличивают шансы добить противника. Порядок прокачки умений Предметы Согласно билду с самым высоким винрейтом на профессиональной арене, вам нужно купить: Жезл веков.

Каждые 30 секунд итем получает один заряд, увеличивающий ХП и силу умений владельца. Старайтесь купить жезл в первой половине матча, так как он станет максимально полезным только через 5 минут. Хрустальный скипетр Рилай. Благодаря скипетру и кружащимся звездам враги будут постоянно замедлены. Ботинки стремительности. Итем повышает скорость передвижения героя и снижают эффективность замедляющих скиллов. Мучения Лиандри.

Когда герой будет поражен любым вашим умением, то жертва получит эффект Страшные раны, блокирующие часть получаемого лечения. Он сохраняется в течение 3 секунд.

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