Новости годжо или сукуна кто сильнее

Годжо — считается сильнейшим магом настоящего времени, работает учителем в Столичной технической школе магии, параллельно расправляясь с проклятиями.

Годжо против Сукуны Битва столетия

But, when the chapter started with Suguru Geto greeting Gojo, everyone believed it to be a flashback, but as the chapter went on, the conversation between them moved, and it became clear what it was. Gojo had been defeated, and this was his final moment, where Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Haibara came to meet him. The chapter then showed Gojo lying on the floor with blood gushing from his mouth. The community, especially Gojo fans, were devastated and could not believe what author Gege Akutami had done. Meanwhile, there are some parts of the chapter that feel confusing, which has given some hope for his comeback.

Также неизвестно, как именно способности Махораги будут взаимодействовать с техникой Шести Глаз Годжо. При этом дзюдзюцу кайсенфанаты, кажется, в основном согласны с тем, что это будет плохо только для Годжо, поскольку даст Сукуне больше возможностей для победы. Как минимум, это ограничило бы его время реакции в бою, дав Сукуне еще одно небольшое преимущество. Есть также вопрос о соответствующих расширениях доменов Годзё и Сукуны, которые, по сути, создали бы тупиковую ситуацию друг с другом, учитывая природу каждого из них. Теоретически прирученный и управляемый Махорага даст Сукуне преимущество в этой битве.

Тем не менее, приведенные выше спецификации, касающиеся взаимодействия Махораги с бесконечной Проклятой Энергией Годзё, по-прежнему применимы. Подводя итог, можно сказать, что самые большие преимущества Сукуны в борьбе с Годзё проистекают из того, что он контролирует тело Мегуми Фушигуро. Однако ничто не гарантировано против Сатору Годзё, и любая победа Сукуны будет нелегкой.

If none of this is enough to convince you that Sukuna is a stronger character than Gojo, then maybe his own words will. In the same chapter, when Gojo is shown in the afterlife, he finally acknowledges that the King of Curses is stronger than him, and admits he is thankful to have died at the hands of a more powerful opponent.

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The blood is able to travel at the speed of sound. Unnamed Fire-based Cursed Technique: Another example of Sukuna using a technique that is clearly not his innate Cursed Technique is a fire-based attack in which he shoots a flaming arrow toward his target. The flames and the power behind the shot are intense enough to burn a Special Grade Cursed Spirit like Jogo. Sukuna can use his Cursed Technique on anyone within these 200 meters.

After exorcizing Divine General Mahoraga in Shinjuku, Sukuna becomes the only curse user to be able to summon Mahoraga. Strengths Sukuna was the strongest jujutsu sorcerer a thousand years ago and is currently the strongest Cursed Spirit in the world. He is almost back to his full strength with 19 fingers. Thanks to the Reverse Cursed Technique, he can heal any injury on himself.

His Domain Expansion, Malevolent Shrine, has no barrier but a sure-hit effect. He can merge various Shikigami together to create a stronger Shikigami. Sukuna can also use the Cursed Techniques of certain other curse users. In the case of a Domain as strong as Unlimited Void, if Gojo opens his Domain even a millisecond earlier than Sukuna opens Malevolent Shrine, then Sukuna is susceptible to being affected by the sure-hit effect of Unlimited Void.

Gojo vs. They dominate the fight against anyone else. At first glance, their fight seems pretty even, with Gojo using his Limitless and Infinity, and Sukuna countering his attacks with his skilled hand-to-hand combat and his cleaving techniques. But as the fight goes on, it becomes pretty apparent that both have plenty of hidden skills and innovative ideas up their sleeves that can completely change the tide of winning.

As of yet, there have been numerous occasions where it felt like the fight was over, only to be revealed another ace to counter that conclusion. Sukuna is in no condition to fight anymore while Gojo is completely healed now. So, unless Sukuna ends up doing something very shocking to turn the tide, which is very likely, Gojo is the winner of the decisive Shinjuku showdown. Conclusion To conclude this Gojo vs.

However, Sukuna can very possibly have something secret up his sleeve that can change the direction of this fight at the last moment. So, whether Sukuna uses some last-minute surprise to defeat Gojo or not, it remains true that Gojo is stronger in the Gojo vs. Sukuna fight.

Gojo vs Sukuna: Battle of the Strongest – Jujutsu Kaisen

Они снова вступают в рукопашный бой, в то время как здание позади них начинает падать. Сукуна бьет Годжо; однако последний уклоняется от атаки, используя свою бесконечность. Затем он очень ловко отключает свою бесконечность и хватается за удар Сукуны, но здание позади падает на них. Битва продолжается внутри здания, и они помещают между собой дверь, а затем готовятся к атаке.

Тем временем здание, в котором они сражались, наконец рушится и превращается в пыль. В конце главы Годжо и Сукуна выходят из дыма, улыбаясь. Годжо комментирует, что собирается обвинить его во всех разрушениях, и Сукуна отвечает: «Посмотрите, кто говорит».

Ultimately, it is a matter of personal opinion and cannot be definitively answered. Can Madara beat Gojo Satoru? No, it is highly unlikely that Madara could beat Gojo Satoru in a fight. Gojo is incredibly powerful, a master of all Jujutsu techniques, and has powers that surpassed those of even the most powerful Jujutsu sorcerers.

He has a wide variety of curses that he can use to control his opponents and can manipulate his own body to near-invulnerable levels. Additionally, Madara does not have any magical abilities like Gojo does, so it is tremendously difficult to imagine how Madara could stand a chance against Gojo Satoru. Even if Madara were to use his Sharingan, it is still unlikely he could best Gojo Satoru. So, to answer the question, it is very unlikely that Madara could beat Gojo Satoru in a fight.

Who is stronger Gojo or Itachi? It is difficult to compare Gojo and Itachi to determine who is stronger because there is not enough information known about their abilities. He has a variety of techniques and abilities, including the Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan, that can help him defeat an opponent in battle. It is also known that Itachi had trained extensively throughout his life to hone and develop his skills.

Neither Gojo nor Itachi has been directly compared to one another in a battle setting, so it is impossible to definitively determine who is stronger. Generally, however, Itachi is considered to be more powerful due to his diverse arsenal of skills and the incredible amount of training he underwent in order to perfect them. It can therefore be assumed that if the two were to face each other in a fight, Itachi is more likely to emerge the victor. Who all can surpass Gojo?

Gojo is a powerful character and he is widely considered to be one of the strongest characters in both the anime and manga series Jujutsu Kaisen. However, there are some characters who are capable of surpassing Gojo. Additionally, the main antagonist of the series Megumi Fushigur, who controls the Forbidden Box, is another potential character to surpass Gojo. He also has access to a powerful forbidden technique that allows him to control the dead and use them as his agent.

Finally, Sora, the most powerful character of the Jujutsu Kaisen franchise, is an individual who could potentially surpass Gojo.

Насколько сильна Сукуна с 20 пальцами? В настоящее время он является носителем Шести глаз и Безграничного, что делает его практически непобедимым. Он считается самым сильным из ныне живущих чародеев дзюдзюцу те, кто жил в Золотой век волшебства дзюдзюцу, считаются более сильными. Он освоил Технику Обратного Проклятия, чтобы исцелить себя. Посмотреть полный ответ на jujutsu-kaisen. После смерти он стал проклятым духом, и его проклятие было слишком сильным, чтобы его тело могло быть полностью уничтожено.

Напротив, большинство магов могут использовать его только один раз. Сможет ли Юджи превзойти Годжо? Основываясь на том, что мы уже знаем, мы не можем сказать, что Юдзи может превзойти Годжо Как упоминалось выше, Юдзи еще многому предстоит научиться, и даже если он достиг своего максимального потенциала, мы не узнаем, сможет ли он превзойти Годжо. Это по-прежнему будет зависеть от Гэгэ Акутами, создателя сериала. Сукуна самая сильная? Каждым появлением Сукуна доказывал, что он безусловно, самый сильный проклятый дух из когда-либо созданных Он серьезно ранил Махито, когда рассердился, без особых проблем победил Джого, победил Махорагу, что-то вроде ни один пользователь Техники Десяти Теней и даже член Семьи Годжо с Шестью Глазами этого не сделали.

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Meanwhile, there are some parts of the chapter that feel confusing, which has given some hope for his comeback. The second was his mention of his father, saying that there were some unfinished things, and now Shoko would get them done. Third was him saying goodbye to his dead friend; this is one of the major points for his revival, as after death one would bid farewell to people who are alive. Bidding farewell to his already-dead friends may be a sign of him coming back from death.

This is also not very far-fetched, as he has done this before against Toji.

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Это дает ему преимущество в магической битве. Во-вторых, Сатору обладает высокой скоростью и способностью телепортации, что позволяет ему быстро перемещаться по полю боя. В-третьих, у Сатору есть множество техник, которые он может использовать в любой момент, что делает его еще более опасным для противника.

В целом, Сатору достоен звания сильнейшего мага в мире Jujutsu Kaisen. Полезные советы и выводы Понимание того, кто может победить Годжо Сатору в магической битве, зависит от многих факторов, включая способности персонажей, окружающие обстоятельства и стратегию битвы. Хотя Сатору сильнее Сукуны, Сукуна все же имеет свои уникальные способности и может противостоять ему в битве. Важно помнить, что Сатору не сам по себе — у него есть друзья и союзники, которые сильны и готовы поддержать его в битве.

As students, both Geto and Gojo were considered the strongest, with Gojo eventually beating Geto after learning his true powers. Is Sukuna the strongest? In every appearance, Sukuna has shown that he is the strongest cursed spirit ever.

Could 20 finger Sukuna beat Gojo? The only hits that will be landed by Gojo will not be a problem for Sukuna. Even if he is touched by any techniques, his regeneration abilities are one of the best in the world.

Годжо умирает джудздзюцу Кайсен?

Is Sukuna more powerful than Gojo? Since Sukuna is not a human, he is stronger than Gojo when it comes to physical strength and speed. В то время как Годжо, как обычно, уверен в своей победе, Сукуна прибегнул к закулисным средствам, чтобы победить сильнейшего живого колдуна. ПРЕДЕЛ СИЛЬНЕЙШИХСУКУНА ПРОТИВ ГОДЖОМАХАРАГА ВСТУПАЕТ В БОЙМАГИЧЕСКАЯ БИТВА 229. Sukuna’s incredible speeds have been taken into notice and acknowledged even by the likes of powerful sorcerers such as Gojo.

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Хотя кажется, что Годжо сильнее, чем Сукуна на поверхности, на самом деле они почти равномерно соответствуют! Jujutsu Kaisen has two unbelievably powerful characters Gojo and Sukuna, so we've attempted to answer the question, who is the strongest? Is Sukuna more powerful than Gojo? Since Sukuna is not a human, he is stronger than Gojo when it comes to physical strength and speed.

Gojo vs. Sukuna: Who Will Win in Jujutsu Kaisen?

With that said, Gojo really enjoys the fight. And seeing him in a battle is really a magical moment that other sorcerers would love to have. But there is only one word to describe this battle: destruction. Gojo completely destroys Jogo with his power. Take note, Jogo is not weak. He is equal to 8-9 Sukuna fingers and really a tough enemy with other sorcerers. Jojo has high cursed energy and is able to use Domain Expansion — a high-level technique that only a few individuals could do.

But in front of Gojo, everything Jogo wanted to do was useless. In reverse, Gojo enjoyed the fight. He smiled throughout the battle and even took Yuji by his side to teach Yuji about the Domain Expansion. And when he saw people were attacked, he cast Domain Expansion in just 0-2 seconds. Next, he saved all people and killed 1000 transfigured humans while doing that! Gojo vs Toji And even in the near-death experience after Gojo got stabbed through the neck in the fight with Toji, he still really enjoyed that moment with a big smile.

His birth is an imbalance in the Jujutsu world. Once again — that idea is repeated again in this blog. Because right after Gojo was sealed in Shibuya, many sorcerers began fighting each other, and curse users started appearing from the shadows. He has a barrier called Infinity which stops everything targeting him. He could create a ball of destruction to destroy everything in its path. He has the strongest Domain Expansion.

Incredible physical strength and speed. And more!

Акутами Гэгэ рассказал о новой главе Художник получает угрозы смерти после убийства Сатору Годжо в 236 главе манги «Магическая Битва». Акутами Гэгэ прокомментировал события. Многие мангаки делятся мыслями в журнале «Weekly Shonen Jump». Фанаты заметили странность в манге. Битва не произошла, но, внезапно, Годжо лежит без признаков жизни. Акутами Гэгэ пропустил одну главу. Несмотря на то, что художник оставил шутливый комментарий, фанаты отметили, что забыть такую важную главу — глупо. Предположительно мангака выпустит главу на этой неделе.

Yuuji and his friends manage to free Gojo from the Prison Realm, but he does not appear in front of his students. Instead, he instantly embarks to find Kenjaku to confront him for the better of the world of sorcerers. Gojo confronting Kenjaku. Gojo vs Sukuna: Round One! In chapter 224, the battle between Gojo and Sukuna begins. Although the fight had a plodding and rough start, it certainly changed the pace multiple times. The fight begins with both taunting each other and heading to an intense battle. Gojo takes the lead by landing multiple punches on Sukuna while he tries to run.

Sukuna manages to block a boulder of a building thrown by Gojo and later uses his dismantle ability. Fortunately, Gojo can dodge it. Sukuna dodged the boulder. Following, Gojo and Sukuna use their domain expansions at the same time. But, because Sukuna is much closer to Gojo, he uses the domain expansion inside his infinity, manages to cancel it out, and lands a fatal hit. Going on one again with fists, Gojo uses his domain expansion the second time, but yet again, Sukuna manages to cancel it out, which damages him severely. Gojo, being persistent, does it again after healing himself, but this time, he makes his barrier 100 times smaller, which worries every other sorcerer watching their battle. The 100 times smaller barrier.

In there, Gojo and Sukuna are fighting. The barrier again collapses, but something is different; Gojo lands a hit on Sukuna, causing him to bleed, and then instantly follows up to their major fight. The first round of the fight ends with Sukuna revealing his trump card, Mahoraga. While Gojo is about to kill Sukuna with his Domain Expansion, Sukuna immediately summons his trump card, the Mahoraga. Mahoraga, a. If you are unfamiliar, Mahoraga is the most potent Shikigami in history, which has never been tamed before, even by the likes of the Zenin clan.

He is basically the main character of Dragon Ball with Soo many transformations, overpowered techniques and abilities. After coming to earth, he started training and gathered inhuman techniques, abilities and transforms that were known as legend. It multiplies user power, and there are many transformations that Goku has achieved. An energy beam from Super Saiyan is more than enough to blow up the whole planet into dusts. There are many more techniques that Goku can use during fight but these are the two highlighted abilities. First off all, let me clear something. That allows him to manipulate and distort space at will. Goku Blitzing damaging or beating Gojo is not possible because Gojo can make a barrier that stops before him that make people touch infinity that exist between him.


В то время как Годжо, как обычно, уверен в своей победе, Сукуна прибегнул к закулисным средствам, чтобы победить сильнейшего живого колдуна. У Годжо нет шансов против Сукуны в полную силу, если у него нет секретного козыря или, что наиболее важно, какого-либо способа противодействовать расширению домена Сукуны. Смотрите видео на тему «кто сильнее годжо или сукуна» в TikTok (тикток). • В итоге, Сукуна побеждает в битве сильнейших шаманов и становится победителем. После феолетового годжо был в относительном порядке, лечил себя обраткой и переместился с небес на землю вместе с сукуной. • В итоге, Сукуна побеждает в битве сильнейших шаманов и становится победителем.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Who Wins Between Gojo vs Sukuna?

Хотя кажется, что Годжо сильнее, чем Сукуна на поверхности, на самом деле они почти равномерно соответствуют! Источник изображения: Crunchyroll, MAPPA Если коротко и понятно, то да, в настоящее время Годжо сильнее Сукуны, но только на его базовом уровне. Смотрите видео на тему «кто сильнее годжо или сукуна» в TikTok (тикток). Сатору Годжо и Сукуна являются двумя из самых мощных существ в мире "Jujutsu Kaisen". Download on ZEDGE™ | 2389.

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