Новости 2006 на английском

2006 (year): two thousand and six (1) two thousand six (2) twenty o six (3) Hello! How do you read this year?

World News for Students of English

Многие водители грузовиков и автомобилей не смогли вовремя увернуться и врезались в перевернутое транспортное средство, вызвав большое нагромождение машин. Некоторые стальные прутья сорвались с грузовика через разделительную полосу на южную полосу дороги, которая была закрыта для одностороннего движения из-за ремонта и смены покрытия, что привело к ряду мелких аварий. Поврежденные машины и машины скорой помощи имели значительные трудности из-за тумана при прибытии на место аварии. На месте было очень тесно, и мигающие сигнальные были включены большую часть ночи. Пока не поступало сообщений о сколько-нибудь серьезно пострадавших в аварии. Это происшествие, четвертое по числу столкнувшихся транспортных средств за последний месяц, произошло как раз накануне первой Национальной Конференции по использованию дорог. На церемонии открытия прошлым вечером в Лондоне сэр Джон Стоун, советник по дорожному движению области Метрополитэн, раскритиковал стандарты дорожного движения страны. Он сказал, что очевидным стало то, что британские водители еще должны выучить многие из основных правил дорожного движения. Дорожная дисциплина в стране намного хуже чем в Америке, и особенно опасна манера водителей обгонять.

Начинать обгон без соответствующего сигнала слишком опасно, и у водителей наблюдается настолько же рискованная тенденция вклиниваться в ряд после обгона. Однако, пожалуй, самой распространенной формой нарушения явилось нежелание водителей частных автомобилей сворачивать на внутреннюю полосу движения, если имеется такая возможность. Сэр Джон сказал, что слишком многие вынуждены оставаться на средней или даже на внешней полосе, несмотря на состояние дорожного движения, следствием чего является нетерпение водителей, намеревающихся обогнать и пытающихся встать слишком близко вслед впереди стоящему транспортному средству, тем самым увеличивая вероятность аварии. Конференция продолжается.

As of late February 2010, the death toll is expected to rise. Three million people were made homeless. Posted by.

На ежегодном фестивале он получил оглушительные аплодисменты от аудитории, насчитывающей больше 6000 человек. After announcing the plan to bring the two superheroes together, Snyder issued a statement via Warner Bros saying the two would be fighting each other, and conceded this might surprise some. Nolan will serve as executive producer to the sequel, Warner Bros said. Нолан будет выполнять роль исполнительного продюсера в сиквеле, объявили в Warner Bros.

No arrest has yet been made in the case. David Murphy was the brother of Greg Murphy, who was indicted in 2000 for the murder of an 8-year-old boy in Del Ray. Greg Murphy has been found incompetent to stand trial, and police suspect that a David Murphy may have been targeted. On Dec. Sims, 22, was shot to death in the 800 block of Montgomery Street. He was transported to the Inova Alexandria Hospital, where he was pronounced dead a short time later. There is no suspect description, and police have yet to determine a motive for the murder. City Helps Katrina Victims In the days after the Hurricane Katrina, the City of Alexandria sent firemen, police officers and city workers to assist in the rescue and recovery operation. Now, months after the initial devastation, the city still has several employees working in the Gulf Cost region. A team of eight police officers traveled to Picayune, Miss. Two teams of 23 firefighters traveled to Hancock County, Miss. The New Orleans Emergency Management Center has several residents helping operations run smoothly, including two firefighters, two Information Technology professionals and one Parks and Recreation employee. In November, City Councilman Ludwig Gaines presented a proclamation honoring those employees who helped during the crisis. Housing Bubble? The real estate market may be slowing.

News, sport, celebrities and gossip | The Sun

Russ listened to the song consecutively for 24 hours, reaching 324 listens. Just days after the campaign, the painting was found by the Norwegian Police. Skiing is one of the fastest non-motorized sports on land. Skiers can ski faster than a car and this was proven by Simone Origone in 2006 that set a world speed skiing record at 156. The song Year 3000 was originally released in 2003 by the English pop-punk band Busted, and was covered by the Jonas Brothers in 2006 for their first album. The first Youtuber was Peter Oakley, known as Geriatric1927, he was the most subscribed youtube account in 2006. On his channel, he talked about his life experiences, such as growing up in the UK during WW2 and experiencing the British inter-war school system.

He passed away in 2014 at the age of 86.

Reading Read two news articles every day. Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words. Listening Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time. Listen to the news from today without reading the text.

The New York Times Флагман мировой журналистики. Издание, которое до сих пор задает стандарты работы для журналистов по всему миру. Много внимания уделяется американской и международной политике. Но статьи на общие темы написаны вполне доступно.

Есть приложение, с которого удобно читать статьи, даже когда нет интернета. Единственный минус — газета платная. Минимальная стоимость — 9 долларов в месяц. Бесплатно можно читать до 4 статей в месяц. Но если скачать приложение, то ежедневно будут присылать 2-3 бесплатные статьи в виде пуш-уведомлений. The Washington Post Еще одна легенда американской журналистики, из-за расследования которой в свое время ушел в отставку Ричард Никсон, также предлагает своим читателям многообразие качественных и объемных материалов. Минус — платная подписка от 6 долларов за 4 недели. Есть приложение. Для тех, кому интересно углубиться в реалии американской жизни, подойдет национальная газета USA Today.

Reuters Крупнейшее мировое новостное агентство. В отличие от своего главного конкурента Associated Press выкладывает в открытый доступ большое количество материалов самой разной направленности. Несмотря на экономическую специализацию публикует новости и статьи по общей тематике. Кроме того, есть бесплатное приложение. Новости структурированы, написаны в строгом информационном стиле. Для изучающих язык такая подача помогает понять суть события и без словаря, а также изучить массу полезных выражений. Минус — несколько сухой стиль изложения, деловая направленность. Часть контента они выкладывают на сайт, остальное доступно по подписке.

Short Thriller So many of us depend on 24 hour news channels for all the information we need to get on with our lives... Just consider for a moment... What if you lost this "connection"?!

2006 History, Fun Facts and Trivia

A landslide buried an entire village in the Philippines in February, and tens of thousands were evacuated amid the erupting Mayon volcano in the Philippines in August. Back home, cyclone Larry smashed the far north Queensland coast in March, with its destructive core flattening Innisfail, south of Cairns. As the most bushfire prone place in the world , authorities feared the worst bushfire season yet for south-eastern Australia. Firefighters have already tasted what may be in store for the tough bushfire season ahead , as they battled massive blazes in Victoria and Tasmania during December. Commissioner Terence Cole recommended a task force be established to look into possible charges against several former AWB executives.

The Stern report on global warming released in the UK in October put the effect of climate change in economic terms, making governments around the world stand up and take notice. The nuclear energy debate intensified after a report by Dr Ziggy Switkowski recommended a rethink on uranium mining and alternative energy industries. Scientists rejoiced as Federal Parliament passed a controversial Bill lifting the ban on stem cell research. New industrial relations laws took hold in March, as unions joined the Federal Opposition and state governments in a vow to fight implementing the legislation.

As Prime Minister John Howard celebrated 10 years in office in March, he disappointed Treasurer Peter Costello who said the Prime Minister promised him 12 years ago to hand over the leadership crown to him before two terms were up. Business In the second-biggest share offer in Australian history behind the T2 sale seven years ago, the Federal Government finally gave the green light for the third sell-off of Telstra shares. T3 shares began trading on the Australian Stock Exchange in November. The Government parked the remaining 17 per cent of Telstra stock into the Future Fund to sell down over time.

Минус — статьи ориентированы на читателей, живущих в Великобритании. Обе газеты предлагают приложения, а The Independent даже два — ежедневное и еженедельное. The Daily Mail Популярные британские таблоиды еще называют чтивом домохозяек. Слоган одного из них — News, sport, celebrities and gossip — точно отражает суть таких газет. Не стоит искать там серьезных новостей, аналитики и статей об искусстве. Что там есть, так это легкий и живой язык с многочисленными фразеологизмами и даже сленгом, подробности скандалов из мира политики и шоу-бизнеса, слухи из жизни британской королевской семьи. Минусы — всплывающие периодически шокирующие снимки жертв преступлений, жутких болячек или людей-мутантов из индийских деревень.

Плюсы — понятное изложение и полностью бесплатный контент, включая приложения. Есть даже раздел о России. Все статьи — довольно объемные и перенасыщены фотографиями, видео и виджетами соцсетей, но каждую предваряет анонс из списка коротких и понятных фраз, описывающих суть и самые эффектные факты материала. Euronews О событиях в странах Евросоюза можно почитать на сайте телеканала Euronews. Статьи и видеосюжеты рассортированы по традиционным новостным разделам Europe, World, Business, Sport, Culture. Под видеосюжетами есть расшифровки. У немецкой радиостанции Deuche Welle есть сайт на английском языке.

В проект Locals входят 9 англоязычных сайтов, каждый из которых освещает события в соответствующей европейской стране. Если интересует конкретная страна, то можно пойти в Википедию, найти раздел СМИ страна и выбрать из списка газет и изданий то, которое больше понравится. Например, для Ирландии эта страничка выглядит вот так. А если при чтении зарубежных газет будет не хватать новостей о России, загляните на англоязычные версии российских СМИ. Небольшой минус — большинство статей написаны не носителями языка, а представляют собой перевод с русского. Но это не значит, что такие статьи не интересны изучающим английский — есть чему поучиться. На Puzzle English мы регулярно делаем подкасты, разборы новостных заметок и ТВ-шоу.

The Stern report on global warming released in the UK in October put the effect of climate change in economic terms, making governments around the world stand up and take notice. The nuclear energy debate intensified after a report by Dr Ziggy Switkowski recommended a rethink on uranium mining and alternative energy industries. Scientists rejoiced as Federal Parliament passed a controversial Bill lifting the ban on stem cell research. New industrial relations laws took hold in March, as unions joined the Federal Opposition and state governments in a vow to fight implementing the legislation. As Prime Minister John Howard celebrated 10 years in office in March, he disappointed Treasurer Peter Costello who said the Prime Minister promised him 12 years ago to hand over the leadership crown to him before two terms were up. Business In the second-biggest share offer in Australian history behind the T2 sale seven years ago, the Federal Government finally gave the green light for the third sell-off of Telstra shares. T3 shares began trading on the Australian Stock Exchange in November.

The Government parked the remaining 17 per cent of Telstra stock into the Future Fund to sell down over time. Many Australians felt the pinch of three interest rate rises during this year, with the final Reserve Bank decision for 2006 setting the financial climate at 6. Farewells Australia reeled with shock as it lost two icons in the same week in September - conservationist and self-proclaimed "wildlife warrior" Steve Irwin and motor racing legend "king of the mountain" Peter Brock. Celebrities, friends and family mourned the death of actress Belinda Emmett , wife of entertainer Rove McManus, who lost her long battle against cancer in November. Courage Australians marvelled at the incredible survival of two miners, Todd Russell and Brant Webb, trapped for 14 days in May in a steel cage after a mine collapse in Beaconsfield in northern Tasmania. But the rescue was tinged with sadness by the death of third miner, Larry Knight.

Her death is reported to be suspicious and police launch a murder inquiry. There are also concerns about another Ipswich prostitute, 19-year-old Tania Nicol, who went missing on 30 October.

He is named as Tom Stephens, a 37-year-old Tesco supermarket worker.

Выпуск новостей на английском языке

The latest UK and world news, business, sport and comment from The Times and The Sunday Time. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson attends a news conference at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month. To download the Annual Traffic Census 2006# (15.9 MB) (Printable Version) (Note: The file "" is about 15.9Mb in size. Find latest news from every corner of the globe at , your online source for breaking international news coverage.

2006 in England

2006 Prices including Wages, Houses, Food and Gas, Events include Google Buys YouTube, Sago Mine Disaster, Terrorists bombings, Easter Week Midwest Tornado Outbreak, California heat wave. Get the latest breaking news, analysis and opinion from NZ and around the world, including politics, business, sport, entertainment, travel and more. In light of this news, someone asks Nasypany what to do with the fighters—the two F-15s from Otis Air National Guard Base—which have now just blasted off for New York at full afterburner to find American 11.

2006 Newspapers

A corrected version will immediately follow this advisory. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Duwaik is a member of Hamas. BBC About 800 South Korean Christians left Afghanistan after their planned "peace festival" was called off due to concerns that their presence could spark violence.

Yahoo News August 7, 2006 2006-08-07 Monday.

Just consider for a moment... What if you lost this "connection"?! What if there was...

Of the passengers and crew, 49 of 50 are confirmed dead in the hours following the crash. President George W. This effort is often regarded as the first event in the Mexican Drug War. The death toll of all flooding is at least 118, with over 400,000 people displaced.

The county also lost a pioneer in Helen Foote, who moved to Frisco in 1946. Previously, the highest number of deaths recorded was 54 in 1993. Through just nine months of 2006, Richardson worked 57 cases. On Dec. The year in the courtsAs always, local courts were the scene for some of the most newsworthy events all year. One of the highest profile cases in years reached a conclusion in mid-July, when a federal judge sided with local police officers in a civil suit stemming from a botched meth raid carried out in a Frisco condo in 2004. The case, brought by former Frisco residents Kathryn Rhodes and Joshua Brudwick, asserted various search and seizure violations, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, and other charges. But the judge in the case decided law enforcement acted properly, despite cops finding no conclusive evidence of methamphetamine in the condominium. The 2002 beating death of Cody Weiland was still making news in local courts in 2006, as two of the people convicted in the crime won adjustments to their sentences. Robbins will be either be re-sentenced or face a trial sometime in 2007. Referenda and local questions dominate November election ballotThe ballot local voters interfaced with on Election Day this year was notable mostly for the number of specific questions they were asked to decide. The Colorado state election ballot was the longest and most involved in history. Aside from state questions dealing with gay marriage, immigration law, campaign finance, the minimum wage, as well as decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana, Summit County voters faced a number of critical questions.

News, sport, celebrities and gossip | The Sun

After announcing the plan to bring the two superheroes together, Snyder issued a statement via Warner Bros saying the two would be fighting each other, and conceded this might surprise some. Nolan will serve as executive producer to the sequel, Warner Bros said. Нолан будет выполнять роль исполнительного продюсера в сиквеле, объявили в Warner Bros. Вместе с Ноланом в качестве исполнительного продюсера, как ходят слухи, Бэтмен и Супермен вскоре могут появиться на экране вместе.

The profound sentiments of the musician laid bare in his very human letters 2. We began our conversation for Traces with this new appointment. A conversation with the Custodian of the Holy Land.

It was also a year scarred with increasing conflict as more Australian defence forces were deployed to troubled regions across the world.

But there were great stories of courage and compassion as Australians rose to the call to help as natural disasters ravaged neighbouring countries. As the conflict in Iraq continued, ousted dictator Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death after being found guilty of crimes against humanity. He was executed by hanging on December 30. The war itself spiralled into a quagmire teetering on the brink of civil war. A damning report called for the US to revise its troop strategy in Iraq and address the "grave and deteriorating" situation in the country. Australia recorded its first death in the Iraq conflict after soldier Private Jake Kovco died in an accidental shooting. His grieving family also expressed their disbelief and outrage after an inquiry found Pte Kovco was responsible for his own death.

It was a year where conflict continued to plague the Middle East , which reached a new boiling point as Lebanese and Israeli tensions exploded in July. Hundreds of Australians were urgently evacuated of from the region. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continued to rumble. It was exacerbated by Hamas winning control of the Palestinian Parliament in February. Subsequent factional violence among the Palestinians themselves intensified the crisis in the region.

This lecture commemorates the Brown v.

Board of Education decision of the U. Tate, Ph.

Wednesday December 06, 2006: on this day

All the latest news about comedy and comedians: stand-up, TV sitcoms and sketch shows, comedy movies, etc. был успешно завершен в 2006 году. 2006 videos and latest news articles; your source for the latest news on 2006. William Shatner sold one of his kidney stones for $25,000 in 2006.

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