Речи гитлера Речи гитлера на немецком языке. Тэги: гитлер, речь, 1933, берлин Канцлер Германии Адольф Гитлер в своем рабочем кабинете. скачать mp3, слушать музыку онлайн Речь гитлера текст на немецком с переводом Скачать песню Речь – Гитлера на телефон (рингтон на звонок), либо слушать mp3 в.
Речь гитлера на немецком языке текст
Es gibt kein Gewissen. Das Gewissen haben die Juden erfunden. Совесть придумали евреи. Alle kreativen Ideen einer Person erscheinen im Allgemeinen bereits in seiner Jugend. Das Volk und das Vaterland sind das einzige. Bolschewismus, das uneheliche Kind des Christentums.
Seien Sie vorsichtig mit Menschen, sie sind unberechenbar.
И так на рубеже столетия она начала окружение тогдашней Германской империи, а в 1914 году — мировую войну. Только из-за отсутствия внутреннего единства Германия потерпела поражение в 1918 году. Последствия были ужасны.
После того, как первоначально было лицемерно объявлено, что борьба ведется только против кайзера и его режима, когда немецкая армия сложила оружие, началось планомерное уничтожение Германской империи. В то время, как казалось, дословно сбывается пророчество одного французского государственного деятеля, что в Германии 20 миллионов лишних людей, то есть их нужно устранить с помощью голода, болезней или эмиграции, национал-социалистическое движение начало свою работу по объединению немецкого народа и тем самым положило путь к возрождению Империи. Этот новый подъем нашего народа из нужды, нищеты и позорного неуважения к нему проходил под знаком чисто внутреннего воздержания. Англию, в частности, это никак не затрагивало и ничего ей не угрожало.
Несмотря на это, моментально возобновилась вдохновляемая ненавистью политика окружения Германии. Изнутри и извне плелся известный нам заговор евреев и демократов, большевиков и реакционеров с единственной целью помешать созданию нового национального государства и снова погрузить Рейх в пучину бессилия и нищеты. Кроме нас, ненависть этого международного всемирного заговора была обращена против тех народов, которым тоже не повезло, и они были вынуждены зарабатывать хлеб насущный в самой жестокой борьбе за существование. Прежде вcего, оспаривалось и даже формально запрещалось право Италии и Японии, как и Германии, на свою долю в богатствах этого мира.
Союз этих наций был поэтому лишь актом самообороны против угрожавшей им эгоистической всемирной коалиции богатства и власти. Ещё в 1936 году Черчилль заявил, по словам американского генерала Вуда, перед комитетом Палаты представителей США, что Германия снова становится слишком сильной и поэтому ее нужно уничтожить. Летом 1939 года Англии показалось, что настал момент начать это вновь задуманное уничтожение с повторения широкомасштабной политики окружения Германии. Систематическая кампания лжи, которая была организована с этой целью, была направлена на то, чтобы убедить другие народы, будто над ними нависла угроза, поймать их сначала в ловушку английских гарантий и обещаний поддержки, а потом, как накануне мировой войны, заставить их воевать против Германии.
Так Англии удалось с мая по август 1939 года распространить в мире утверждение, будто Германия непосредственно угрожает Литве, Эстонии, Латвии, Финляндии, Бессарабии, а также Украине. Часть этих стран с помощью подобных утверждений отклонили обещанные гарантии и они тем самым сделались частью фронта окружения Германии. При этих обстоятельствах я, сознавая свою ответственность перед своей совестью и перед историей немецкого народа, счел возможным не только заверить эти страны и их правительства в лживости британских утверждений, но и, кроме того, специально успокоить самую сильную державу Востока с помощью торжественных заявлений о границах сфер наших интересов. Вы все, конечно, чувствовали тогда, что этот шаг был для меня горьким и трудным.
Никогда немецкий народ не испытывал враждебных чувств к народам России. Только на протяжении двух последних десятилетий еврейско-большевистские правители Москвы старались поджечь не только Германию, но и всю Европу. Не Германия пыталась перенести свое националистическое мировоззрение в Россию, а еврейско-большевистские правители в Москве неуклонно предпринимали попытки навязать нашему и другим европейским народам свое господство, притом не только духовное, но, прежде всего, военное. Но результатами деятельности этого режима во всех странах были только хаос, нищета и голод.
В противовес этому я два десятилетия старался при минимальном вмешательстве и без разрушения нашего производства построить в Германии новый социалистический порядок, который не только ликвидировал безработицу, но и обеспечил благодаря повышению оплаты труда постоянный приток людей в сферу созидания. Успехи этой политики новых экономических и социальных отношений в нашем народе, которые, планомерно преодолевая сословные и классовые противоречия, имеют своей конечной целью создание подлинного народного сообщества, уникальны во всем мире. Поэтому в августе 1939 года для меня было таким трудным решение послать моего министра в Москву, чтобы попытаться там оказать противодействие британской политике окружения Германии. Я сделал это не только осознавая свою ответственность перед немецким народом, но, прежде всего, в надежде достичь в конечном счете продолжительной разрядки, которая могла бы уменьшить жертвы, которые потребовались бы от нас в противном случае.
После того как Германия в Москве торжественно признала указанные в договоре области и страны— за исключением Литвы — находящимися вне сферы каких бы то ни было германских политических интересов, было заключено еще особое соглашение на тот случай, если бы Англии действительно удалось подтолкнуть Польшу к войне против Германии. Но и в этом случае имело место ограничение немецких притязаний, которое никоим образом не соответствовало успехам немецкого оружия. Последствия этого договора, которого я сам хотел и который заключил в интересах немецкого народа, были особенно тяжелыми для немцев, живших в затронутых им странах. Более полумиллиона наших соплеменников — сплошь мелкие крестьяне, ремесленники и рабочие — были вынуждены чуть ли не за одну ночь покинуть свою бывшую родину, спасаясь от нового режима, который грозил им сначала беспредельной нищетой, а рано или поздно — полным истреблением.
Несмотря на это, тысячи немцев исчезли! Было невозможно узнать что-либо об их судьбе или хотя бы местонахождении. Среди них было более 160 граждан Рейха. Я молчал обо всем этом, потому что должен был молчать, потому что моим главным желанием было достичь окончательной разрядки и, если возможно, — длительного баланса интересов с этим государством.
Но еще во время наступления наших войск в Польше советские правители внезапно, вопреки договору, выдвинули притязания также на Литву. Германский Рейх никогда не имел намерения оккупировать Литву и не только не предъявлял никаких подобных требований литовскому правительству, но, наоборот, отклонил просьбу тогдашнего литовского правительства послать в Литву немецкие войска, поскольку это не соответствовало целям германской политики. Несмотря на это, я согласился и на это новое русское требование. Но это было лишь началом непрерывной череды все новых и новых вымогательств.
Победа в Польше, достигнутая исключительно силами немецкой армии, побудила меня снова обратиться к западным державам с мирным предложением. Оно было отклонено международными и еврейскими поджигателями войны. Но причина его отклонения уже тогда заключалась в том, что Англия все еще надеялась, что ей удастся мобилизовать против Германии европейскую коалицию, включая балканские страны и Советскую Россию. В Лондоне решили направить послом в Москву мистера Криппса.
Он получил четкое задание при любых обстоятельствах восстановить отношения между Англией и Советской Россией и развивать их в английских интересах. О прогрессе этой миссии сообщала английская пресса, если тактические соображения не вынуждали ее к молчанию. Осенью 1939 года и весной 1940 года первые последствия стали свершившимися фактами. Приступив к подчинению военной силой не только Финляндии, но и прибалтийских государств, Россия внезапно стала мотивировать эти действия столь же лживыми, как и смехотворным утверждением, будто эти страны нужно защищать от угрозы извне или предупредить ее.
Но при этом могла иметься в виду только Германия, так как ни одна другая держава вообще не могла ни проникнуть в зону Балтийского моря, ни вести там войну. Несмотря на это, я опять смолчал. Но правители в Кремле сразу же пошли дальше. В то время, как Германия войной 1940 года в соответствии с т.
Немецкие диктаторские текста. Рансхофен на карте в 1889. Адольф Гитлер голос. Adolf Hitler 1933 Speech. Hitler Speech 1933. Русские должны умереть, чтобы жили мы немцы. Мы обязаны истреблять население.
Гитлер заявил мы обязаны истребить населения. Мы обязаны истребить население низшей расы. Заявление ТАСС 14. Июня 1941г. Сообщение ТАСС 1941. Правда 22 июня 1941. Поздравления Сталина Гитлеру со взятием Парижа.
Поздравления Гитлера в советских газетах. Сообщение агентства Гавас. Майн кампф на немецком. Цитаты из книги моя борьба. Страницы майн кампф. Mein Kampf текст. Гитлер выступает в Рейхстаге.
Речь Гитлера перед Рейхстагом. Речь Гитлера 13 июля 1934 года в Рейхстаге. Немецкие оккупационные газеты. Фашистская газета. Газеты нацистской Германии. Газеты второй мировой войны. Речь Гитлера 30 января 1940 года.
Речь Гитлера от 30 января. Коммунофашизм убеждения. Крупп финансировал Гитлера. Экономика Гитлера. Речь Гитлера на заводе Крупп текст. Молотов речь 22 июня 1941. Обращение Молотова 22 июня 1941 года текст.
Текст выступления Молотова 22 июня 1941 года. Выступление по радио Молотова 22 июня 1941 года. Гитлер с русскими. Гитлер в Москве. Гитлер был хорошим. Гитлер был русским. Документы Сталинград.
Сталинградская битва документы. Немецкие документы Сталинградская битва. Немецкие листовки Сталинград. Речь Гитлера mp3. Выступление Гитлера без перевода видео. Речь Гитлера мп3. Голос Гитлера на перевод.
It is not Germany who is responsible for them, however, but rather the jugglers of Versailles, who either in their maliciousness or their thoughtlessness placed 100 powder barrels round about in Europe, all equipped with hardly extinguishable lighted fuses. These problems cannot be solved according to old-fashioned ideas; I think, rather, that we should adopt new methods. Their importance is exclusively psychological and economic. To accord military importance to a traffic route of this kind, would be to show oneself completely ignorant of military affairs. Consequently, I have had the following proposal submitted to the Polish Government:- 1 Danzig returns as a Free State into the framework of the German Reich. In return, Germany is prepared:- 1 To recognise all Polish economic rights in Danzig.
The Polish Government have rejected my offer and have only declared that they are prepared 1 to negotiate concerning the question of a substitute for the Commissioner of the League of Nations and 2 to consider facilities for the transit traffic through the Corridor. I have regretted greatly this incomprehensible attitude of the Polish Government, but that alone is not the decisive fact, the worst is that now Poland, like Czecho-Slovakia a year ago, believes, under the pressure of a lying international campaign, that it must call up troops, although Germany on her part has not called up a single man and had not thought of proceeding in any way against Poland. As I have said, this is in itself very regrettable and posterity will one day decide whether it was really right to refuse this suggestion made this once by me. This-as I have said-was an endeavour on my part to solve a question which intimately affects the German people by a truly unique compromise, and to solve it to the advantage of both countries. According to my conviction Poland was not a giving party in this solution at all but only a receiving party, because it should be beyond all doubt that Danzig will never become Polish. The intention to attack on the part of Germany, which was merely invented by the international press, led as you know to the so-called guarantee offer and to an obligation on the part of the Polish Government for mutual assistance, which would also, under certain circumstances, compel Poland to take military action against Germany in the event of a conflict between Germany and any other Power and in which England, in her turn, would be involved.
This obligation is contradictory to the agreement which I made with Marshal Pilsudski some time ago, seeing that in this agreement reference is made exclusively to existing obligations, that is at that time, namely, to the obligations of Poland towards France of which we were aware. To extend these obligations subsequently is contrary to the terms of the German-Polish non-aggression pact. Under these circumstances I should not have entered into this pact at that time, because what sense can non-aggression pacts have if in practice leaves open an enormous number of one partner exceptions. There is either collective security, that is collective insecurity and continuous danger of war, or clear agreements which, however, exclude fundamentally any use of arms between the contracting parties. I therefore look upon the agreement which Marshal Pilsudski and I at one time concluded as having been unilaterally infringed by Poland and thereby no longer in existence! I have sent a communication to this effect to the Polish Government.
Речь Гитлера на съезде НСДАП 1934
Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера на немецком текст. Речь Гитлера текст. Выступление Гитлера на немецком. Выступление гитлера на немецком текст. Выступление гитлера на немецком текст. О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. (русский текст внизу) Russland hat eine Rede Adolf Hitlers freigegeben, nota bene mit russischen Untertiteln versehen. Die Botschaft an die Machthaber weltweit und an die "Elite" in Amerika kann deutlicher nicht sein: Was AH damals sagte, es trifft exakt auf heute zu. Es mag traurig sein, es ist wahr.
Речь гитлера на немецком текст
Hence we will abolish everything arisen through coercion up to now. But still it would have been wonderful if England had led the way to the rest of the world in its abhorrence of war in this manner, that it would have liberated the fruits of its own wars, that is, that it would have placed them again at the disposition of the rest of the world. If England had done that, if it had therefore declared: "We abhor war. Therefore, we will immediately return South Africa; because we won it through war. We hate war. Therefore, we will return the East Indies; we also won those in a war. For instance, we hate war. Therefore, we will also leave Egypt; because this also we have subjugated through force. We shall also retire from the entire Near East; because this also became ours through force. However, the struggle against war meant something entirely different in England; namely, this war against war was interpreted to mean every possibility of making good the injustices already existing in this world;... It is about the same as the attitude we recognize also in domestic policy, when people say: "We want no change in the social order.
He who is rich is to stay rich; he who is poor must stay poor. As things are, so are they willed; and as they are willed, so they are to remain; for man should not rise against that which is once willed, because it is so. We see in each state and at each moment of this world the evidence of a never interrupted process of life; and it is impossible to say at a certain moment, "Here ceases this evolutionary process. It lies, on the contrary, in the essence of Nature, that ever and again... That means therefore that from the domestic life of peoples the... And so the talk of war on war has been proved quite false. The best proof for that is that the moment the war was over, the conditions for a new war could by no means be avoided, nor the instruments for waging the new war, either. It would have been a wonderful gesture if after the disarmament of Germany, as it... We suggested it to them often, begged them to at the time of the Weimar Republic, and still later demanded that they do it. They considered it not at all.
On the contrary, the wars went on. Only the defeated people, the German people, lost every prospect ever in this world to change its condition once more for the better. The methods which they used in the first World War were like those with which they are fighting today. At first the war from outside, and war in the form of creating coalitions. Then he himself admits that they were never in a position to fight alone. But they guaranteed the Baltic states; they guaranteed the Balkans. They went on around: Every state in the world, they declared, needs a guarantee. Great Britain will put her whole strength behind them and will protect them. Today this same arch-liar says: "But we were really never in a position to carry on the war alone. Therefore they cooked up a coalition against us of world-wide extent.
The methods have likewise remained the same. Promises to all those of little faith, the credulous, or stupid, who wanted to trust these promises, moreover, the attempt to allow their own interests to be represented with as much other blood as possible. This truth is connected with the second British method, that is, with the method of division. In that time that the British Empire had its origin, Germany tore herself apart. There were at that time modes of thought that we no longer understand, modes of thought of a religious kind, that unfortunately were fought out only with the sword, modes of thought that became horrible among the people, that seem insufficient to us in their inner being. Only these grievous internal struggles, that cost the German people endless blood, gave England the opportunity in this same period, to raise up a world claim, that never belonged to her either in number or in significance. Then I must always point out that it is not true that we Germans are like upstarts, but if one wants to talk about upstarts, then it is unconditionally the English and not ourselves! We have an older history, and in a time when Europe had a powerful German Empire, England was a quite insignificant, small, green island. In the last World War the possibilities of this splitting up lay in another sphere. Afterwards the religious problems did not provoke any more bloodshed, especially since the priests themselves would not have been ready any more to sacrifice their lives for these causes.
We lived through it then. The parties of the right and the parties of the left, which further broke up in a dozen bourgeois aspects, in a half dozen proletarian aspects, and ever split up some more, and having begun with these parties, from the bourgeoisie of the bourgeois center up to the KPD Communist Party of Germany , succeeded this refers back to the parties of the right and left in undermining and breaking down the German people slowly from within. In spite of that, the course of the war was a glorious one. The years 1914-1918-they proved it: in which not even the opponents triumphed. A low, common revolt was plotted by Marxian-demoralizing-Liberal-Capitalistic subjects-behind all of it as a driving force was the eternal Jew. They brought Germany to its collapse at that time. Only the cowardice of the then rulers, their indecision, their halfway measures, their own uncertainty brought it on. And so the First World War could not alone be lost by the merit of our opponents, but exclusively by our own fault. The consequences of this collapse in November were not that world democracy stretched out open arms to Germany, were not the concern of others to free the German people from its burdens and to lift the German people to a higher standard of culture. For that they could have no concern at all, for they themselves had a much lower one.
But the consequence was just their collapse, the most frightful one, politically and economically, that a people has ever experienced. At that time there came to us a man who has done the German people immeasurable harm, Woodrow Wilson, the man who lied with a straight face. If Germany would lay down her arms, then she would get a compassionate, an understanding peace! Then she would not lose her colonies! But the colonial problems were fixed up, all right! The man lyingly promised us that there would be a general disarmament, that we would then be accepted on equal terms among nations, peoples, etc. He lyingly promised us that then secret diplomacy would be done away with, and that we too would then enter into a new age of peace, of equality, of reason, etc.! Screams the last sentence. He was his right hand. Our German folk believed this man then.
They had no idea that they were dealing here with an American President, that is, with a man who has no regard for truths; who, for example, can calmly say before an election: "I shall vote against war," and after the election can say: "I vote for war. So there came the hour then the German people got its disappointment at the moment when the German subordinate emissaries entered the car in the Compiegne forest, now known to us for the second time. And there right away came the rude question: "What are you gentlemen doing here? They said: "He who says that the intention is to take from Germany her... They said beforehand: "He who says that we want to take away part of the German people is inciting the people! They had broken all their promises! In a few months the German people sank into a state of unimaginably deep despair and despondency-starving people without hope any longer. A people that did not get its war-prisoners back, even after the armistice and peace-treaty had been signed! A people that was not given food, even after it was defenseless! A people that was now repeatedly coerced,-if one carefully studies those times-from whom re-subjection was again and again demanded, extorted by some new repression.
When one reflects upon this even today, one falls even now into a state of burning hatred and rancor against a world in which anything like this is possible. Well, it was at that time, my racial comrades, when everything was broken up, when the upper leadership had faithlessly fled abroad, when others were surrendering, when the Wehrmacht had to give up its weapons, when the people disarmed themselves voluntarily,-it was at that time, when the agitation? It was such a mad determination in the eyes of those others, that my closest friends did not understand me. I found the strength for this determination only from my knowledge of the people. If, at that time, I had only known the upper ten thousand, believe me, my German people-I would not stand before you today, I would never have found courage for this thought which is capable of revolutionizing a people. I knew at that time first and all the people itself; I knew... I could not abandon that, for it would have been to betray my own comrades, who were just as badly... I have come to know the great mass of the German people, ladies and gentlemen, from living with them. And these masses have not only upheld my belief in the people, but have restored it, and constantly strengthened it through all the years since then, in the face of contrary circumstances, or when any misfortune seemed to threaten the realization of my plans. It was clear to me that this whole development, just as in the last 20 years or 30 years before the war, could lead only to collapse.
But I had already formed the resolve to declare war on this whole development. That is not merely to declare: "I will get a German Wehrmacht, I will get an army or an air-force"; it was clear to me that the inner structure of the social order must be altered, so that in the dead body of our people the blood would flow again, and that society should hold firmly... I have always looked upon this undertaking as possible, as within the power of the country. But I was of the conviction that strength could only be given to a body in which the sight and the essence of the new condition was already incorporated. Therefore, I was resolved to build up a small movement, beginning with those people who should already have within themselves that which appeared later as really essential to the whole of society. And this was perhaps not so hard as I thought, inasmuch as I was already on guard against the danger of unworthy place-seekers or selfish persons joining my ranks. For whoever joined this movement in those years from 1919-23 had to be a boundless idealist. Any other kind of man would only say: "He is an utter fool. The man is mad. And I can say that of all my followers, all of them who at that time and later supported me: they had nothing to win, and everything to lose.
And how much have they all lost for my sake. I have now begun this battle, first against stupidity, stupidity and inertia, under the so-called higher strata; I have begun it against the cowardice which spreads caste far and wide, the cowardice which always pretended to be cleverness and came around and said: "We must submit; we must be patient"; or, as Herr Erzberger said, "We must sign everything, we must sign everything they put before us; then they will forgive us; then it will be all right again. Often we have experienced... And we were not quiet. I then formed the program: "The German language belongs to the German. And I had at that time to fight on further against selfish? The man of the Left said to me: "You are going against my interests" or "You are going against my interests. My interests are class interests. And these class interests oblige me to slay the other fellow. We have the interests of station, we too have our interests,...
Do not come in here! And above the interests which seemed to be found in station or in class, stood sic the interests which lie in the folk, in that community which cannot be torn apart, all this appears today to be so obvious a thing to get all these... One group did not want to accept this idea,... We want our old filth... Eventually you will even demand of me that I should add one... To me also it is obvious, we want... All that was thus not so simple, slowly to draw one thing after another out of this people, and how many have quite simply run away from it. It was not, indeed, my national comrades, as if every one who came to me at that time, on that account also remained with me. Many a time I had to bring fifty or sixty somewhere... All the others were gone again.
And one had to begin again. I made a calculation at that time. If I win a hundred over, and have only ten remain to me, and the other ninety always leave me, then gradually they will become a hundred if I win a thousand. If I win ten thousand, they will be a thousand, and gradually the number of those who remain will grow ever larger. And if one had departed for the second or third time, perhaps, then perhaps he will be embarrassed to go the fifth time, and then he too will remain. And thus, with unbelievable patience and with perseverance and persistence I will slowly build up a group that is a majority in the German Reich itself. The others may laugh or mock as much as they wish. It does not matter. They may go against us. That does not matter; then we will defend ourselves.
We will not capitulate. We will not get off the street, we will not give up our places until we... The feeling of the National Socialist is today obvious to us.
I made one more final effort to accept a proposal for mediation... For two whole days I sat with my Government and waited to see whether it was convenient for the Polish Government to send a plenipotentiary or not... Deputies, if the German Government and its Leader patiently endured such treatment Germany would deserve only to disappear from the political stage. But I am wrongly judged if my love of peace and my patience are mistaken for weakness or even cowardice... These proposals for mediation have failed...
Hitler then spoke of the Molotov—Ribbentrop Pact , which had been signed just ten days before, on August 23. I no longer see any reason why [Germany and Russia] should still oppose one another.... We have, therefore, resolved to conclude a pact which rules out for ever any use of violence between us...
Вопреки нашим принципам и обычаям я в ответ на настоятельную просьбу тогдашнего румынского правительства, которое само было повинно в таком развитии событий, дал совет ради мира уступить советскому шантажу и отдать Бессарабию. Но румынское правительство считало, что сможет оправдать этот шаг перед своим народом лишь при том условий, если Германия и Италия в порядке возмещения ущерба, дадут как минимум гарантию нерушимости границ оставшейся части Румынии. Я сделал это с тяжелым сердцем. Причина понятна: если Германский Рейх дает гарантию, это означает, что он за нее ручается. Мы не англичане и не евреи.
Я верил до последнего часа, что послужу делу мира в этом регионе, даже если приму на себя тяжелые обязательства. Но чтобы окончательно решить эти проблемы и уяснить русскую позицию по отношению к Рейху, испытывая давление постоянно усиливающейся мобилизации на наших восточных границах, я пригласил господина Молотова в Берлин. Советский министр иностранных дел потребовал прояснения позиции или согласия Германии по следующим 4 вопросам: 1-й вопрос Молотова: Будет ли германская гарантия Румынии в случае нападения Советской России на Румынию направлена также против Советской России? Германская гарантия имеет общий и обязательный для нас характер. Россия никогда не заявляла нам, что, кроме Бессарабии, у нее вообще есть в Румынии еще какие-то интересы. Оккупация Северной Буковины уже была нарушением этого заверения. Поэтому я не думаю, что Россия теперь вдруг вознамерилась предпринять какие-то дальнейшие действия против Румынии. Готова ли Германия не оказывать Финляндии поддержки и, прежде всего, немедленно отвести назад немецкие войска, которые продвигаются к Киркенесу на смену прежним?
Германия по-прежнему не имеет в Финляндии никаких политических интересов, однако правительство Германского рейха не могло бы терпимо отнестись к новой войне России против маленького финского народа, тем более мы никогда не могли поверить в угрозу России со стороны Финляндии. Мы вообще не хотели бы, чтобы Балтийское море опять стало театром военных действий. Болгария — суверенное государство, и мне неизвестно, обращалась ли вообще Болгария к Советской России с просьбой о гарантии подобно тому, как Румыния обратилась к Германии. Кроме того, я должен обсудить этот вопрос с моими союзниками. Согласится с этим Германия или нет? Германия готова в любой момент дать свое согласие на изменение статуса проливов, определенного соглашением в Монтрё в пользу черноморских государств, но Германия не готова согласиться на создание русских военных баз в проливах. Я занял в данном вопросе позицию, которую только и мог занять как ответственный вождь Германского рейха и как сознающий свою ответственность представитель европейской культуры и цивилизации. Результатом стало усиление советской деятельности, направленной против Рейха, прежде всего, немедленно был начат подкоп под новое румынское государство, усилились и попытки с помощью пропаганды свергнуть болгарское правительство.
С помощью запутавшихся, незрелых людей из румынского Легиона удалось инсценировать государственный переворот, целью которого было свергнуть главу государства генерала Антонеску, ввергнуть страну в хаос и, устранив законную власть, создать предпосылки для того, чтобы обещанные Германией гарантии не могли вступить в силу. Несмотря на это, я продолжал считать, что лучше всего хранить молчание. Сразу же после краха этой авантюры опять усилилась концентрация русских войск на восточной границе Германии. Танковые и парашютные войска во все большем количестве перебрасывались на угрожающе близкое к германской границе расстояние. Германский Вермахт и германская родина знают, что еще несколько недель назад на нашей восточной границе не было ни одной немецкой танковой или моторизованной дивизии. Но если требовалось последнее доказательство того, что, несмотря на все опровержения и маскировку, возникла коалиция между Англией и Советской Россией, то его дал югославский конфликт. Пока я предпринимал последнюю попытку умиротворения Балкан и, разумеется, вместе с дуче предложил Югославии присоединиться к Тройственному пакту, Англия и Советская Россия совместно организовали путч, и за одну ночь устранили тогдашнее правительство, готовое к взаимопониманию. Сегодня об этом можно рассказать немецкому народу: антигерманский государственный переворот в Сербии произошел не только под английскими, но и, прежде всего, под советскими знаменами.
Поскольку мы промолчали и об этом, советское руководство сделало следующий шаг. Оно не только организовало путч, но и несколько дней спустя заключило со своими новыми ставленниками известный договор о дружбе, призванный укрепить волю Сербии оказать сопротивление умиротворению на Балканах и натравить ее на Германию. И это не было платоническим намерением. Москва требовала мобилизации сербской армии. Поскольку я продолжал считать, что лучше не высказываться, кремлевские правители сделали еще один шаг. Правительство германского рейха располагает сегодня документами, из которых явствует, что Россия, чтобы окончательно втянуть Сербию в войну, обещало ей поставить через Салоники оружие, самолеты, боеприпасы и прочие военные материалы против Германии. И это происходило почти в тот самый момент, когда я еще советовал японскому министру иностранных дел д-ру Мацуоке добиваться разрядки с Россией, все еще надеясь послужить этим делу мира. Только быстрый прорыв наших несравненных дивизий к Скопье и занятие самих Салоник воспрепятствовали осуществлению этого советско-англосаксонского заговора.
One should only look at their sunny family life. However, this intimate family life did not prevent Grandfather Abraham from pimping off his own wife to the Pharaoh of Egypt in order to be able to do business. Laughter As was the grandfather, so was the father and so were the sons who never neglected their business. And you can be sure that they are not neglecting the business even as we speak. Who among you was a soldier, he will remember Galicia or Poland: There, at the train stations, these Abrahams were everywhere. Laughter and hand clapping They penetrated into other races for millennia. And we know very well that wherever they stayed long enough symptoms of decay appeared and the peoples could do nothing else than to liberate themselves from the uninvited guest or to disappear themselves. Heavy plagues came over the nations, no less then ten in Egypt — the same plague we experience today firsthand — and finally the Egyptians lost their patience. When the chronicler describes that the Jews were suffering when they finally left, we know differently, for as soon as they were out, they began to long after coming back.
Laughter It seems that they did not have it so badly. And just as you are not going to see this race voluntarily do it, so there was nothing left to the Egyptians but to force them. What hundreds of thousands of others do as a matter of course, means for the Jew another chapter of suffering and persecution. Still later, the Jew was able to infiltrate the then soaring Roman Empire. We can still see his traces in southern Italy. Already 250 years before Christ he was there in all places, and people began to avoid them. Already, then and there, he made the most important decision and became a trader. From numerous Roman texts we know that he traded, like today, with everything from shoelaces to girls. Hear, hear And we know that the danger grew, and that the insurrection after the murder of Julius Caesar was mainly fomented by the Jews.
The Jew knew even then how to make friends with the masters of the Earth. Only when they became shaky in their rule, he suddenly became a populist and discovered his wide open heart for the needs of the broad masses. So it was in Rome, as we know. We know that the Jew used Christianity, not out of love for Christ, but partly because he knew that this new religion questioned all earthly power and so it became an axe at the root of the Roman state, the state which was built on the authority of the public servant. He did the same 2000 years ago, and we know that this new Teaching was nothing else than a resurrection of the old truism that people in a state should have legal rights and, above all, that equal duties should give equal rights. This obvious Teaching was gradually turned against the Jew himself, as the similar Teaching of socialism has to turn on the Hebrew race today, its distorters and corrupters. We know that throughout the middle Ages the Jew infiltrated all European states, behaving like a parasite, using new principles and ways which the people did not know then. And from a nomad he became a greedy and bloodthirsty robber of our time. And he went so far that people after people rebelled and attempted to shake him off.
We know it is untrue when people say that the Jew was forced to this activity; he could easily acquire land. And he did acquire land but not to work it but in order to use it as a trade object, just as he does today. Our forefathers were wiser; they knew that land was holy and they excluded the Jew from it, Lively ovation and if the Jew ever had the intention to tend the land and build a state, he could easily have done so at the time when whole new continents were discovered. He could easily have done it if only he used a small part of his power, craftiness, cunning, brutality and ruthlessness, as well as some of his financial resources. Because if this power was sufficient to subdue whole peoples, it would have been more than sufficient to build their own state. If only he had had the basic condition for this, which is a will to work, but not in the sense of usurious trade but in the sense in which millions work in order to keep a state going. Instead, we see him also today as a destroyer. In these days we see a great transformation: the Jew was once a Court Jew, submissive to his master he knew how to make the master pliable in order to dominate his subjects. For this purpose he whetted the appetites of these great men for unattainable things, extended the credit and soon turned them into debtors.
In this way he himself got power over peoples. And he played this game with the same cruelty as, a few years later, the humanistic and philanthropic Jew whose wealth did not suffer at all when he showed his humanitarianism and his spirit of sacrifice to our people. Because he felt that the ground began to burn under his feet. The ethical duty to work Gradually, he also had to lead an existential struggle against the growing awakening and anger of the people. This forced him to lay his hands on the inner structure of the states if he wanted to remain the master of the peoples. We see the resulting destruction in three areas, namely those same three areas which were preserving and developing the states. The first area was the fight against the principle of the ethical duty to work. The Jew had found another kind of work for himself where he could earn gold without practically moving a finger. He developed a principle which, throughout millennia, made it possible for him to amass fortunes without sweat and toil, unlike all other mortals, and above all — without taking risk.
What is industrial capital? It is a constantly changing factor, a relative concept. Once it was a needle and thread, a workshop and a couple of cents in ready money which a tailor in Nurnberg possessed in the 13th century. It was a sum that made work possible, that is: tools, workshops and a certain amount of money in order to survive for a period of time. Gradually, this small workshop became a big factory. But workshops and tools, machines and factories have, per se, no value able to produce value but are a means to an end. What produces value is work, and the few cents which made it possible to survive difficult times and buy some fabrics, multiplied through time, stand before us today — we call it Capital for continued operation in bad times, that is Working Capital. Here I want to emphasize one thing: Tools, workshop, machine, factory — or working capital, that is, industrial capital — against this you cannot fight at all. You can perhaps make sure that it is not abused but you cannot fight against it.
This is the first major scam that one makes to our people, and they make it to distract us from the real fight, to pull it off from the capital which should and must be fought — from the loan and financial capital. Stormy bravo! This capital arises in a very different way. The smallest master craftsman was dependent on the fate that might affect him every day, on the general situation in the middle Ages, perhaps on the size of his city and its prosperity, the security in this city. Also today is this capital, that is, the industrial capital tied to the state and to the people, depending on the will of the people to work, but depending also on the possibility to procure raw materials in order to be able to offer work and find buyers who will really buy the product. And we know that a collapse of the state, under certain circumstances, renders the greatest values worthless, devalues them, as distinguished from the other capital, the finance and loan capital, which accrues interest very evenly without any regard to whether the owner, for example, of these 10,000 Mark himself passes away or not. The debt remains on the estate. We know that this railway fortunately has now a 20 billion deficit but their bonds must bear interest, and even though they were sold, in part, more than 60 years ago and have already been repaid four times, the debt, the interest, runs further, and while a great nation gains nothing on this company, it still must bleed; the loan capital continues to grow completely irrespective of any outside disturbance. Here we already see the first possibility, namely that this kind of money-making, which is independent of all the events and incidents of daily life, must necessarily, because it is never hindered and always runs evenly, gradually lead to huge capitals which are so enormous that they ultimately have only one fault, namely the difficulty of their further accommodation.
To accommodate this capital, you have to proceed to destroying whole states, to destroy entire cultures, to abolish national industries — not to socialize, but to throw all into the jaws of this international capital — because this capital is international, as the only thing on this Earth that is truly international. It is international because its carrier, the Jews, are international through their distribution across the world. Consent And already here one should knock oneself on the head and say: if this capital is international because its carrier is distributed internationally, it must be madness to think that this capital can be fought internationally with the help of the members of the same race which possesses it. Hear, hear Fire is not extinguished by fire but by water and the international capital belonging to the international Jew can only be broken by a national force. Bravo and applause! So, this capital has grown to incredibly large proportions and today virtually rules the Earth, still eerily growing and — the worst! For it is appalling that the common man who has to bear the burden in order to return the capital sees that, despite his hard work, diligence, thrift and in spite of the real work, he is hardly able to nourish himself and still less to dress, while this international capital devours billions just in interest, which he also must supply, and at the same time a whole racial stratum which does no other work than collect interest and cut coupons, spreads in the state. This is a degradation of any honest work, for every honestly working man must ask today: Does it have a purpose at all that I work? Yes, one of the foundations of our strength is being destroyed, namely the ethical concept of work, and that was the brilliant idea of Karl Marx to falsify the ethical concept of work, and the whole mass of the people who groan under the Capital are to be organized for the destruction of the national economy and for the protection of international finance-and-loan capital.
Stormy applause We know that today 15 billion of industry capital is facing 500 billion of loan capital. These 15 billion of industry capital is invested in creative values, while this 500 billion loan capital, which we always get in spoonful rates of 6 and 7 billion and which we use in periods of 1 to 2 months to supplement our rations a little, these 6 to 7 billion today which are decreed almost worthless scraps of paper, at a later date, should we ever recover, will have to be repaid in high quality money i. This is not only the destruction of a state, but already the application of a chain, of a neck collar for later times. National purity as a source of strength The second pillar against which the Jew as a parasite turns, and must turn, is the national purity as a source of the strength of a nation. The Jew, who is himself a nationalist more than any other nation, who through millennia did not mix with any other race, uses intermingling just for others to degenerate them in the best case; this same Jew preaches every day with thousands of tongues, from 19,000 papers in Germany alone, that all nations on Earth are equal, that international solidarity should bind all the peoples, that no people can lay a claim to a special status etc. What a nation means, he, who himself never dreams of climbing down to those to whom he preaches internationalism, knows well. First a race must be denationalized. First it must unlearn that its power is in its blood, and when it has reached the level where it has no more pride, the result is a product, a second race, which is lower than the previous one and the Jew needs the lower one in order to organize his final world domination. In order to build it and keep it, he lowers the racial level of the other peoples, so that only he is racially pure and able to eventually rule over all the others.
We know that the Hindus in India are a mixed people, stemming from the high Aryan immigrants and from the dark aborigines. And this nation bears the consequences, for it is a slave nation of a race that may seem in many ways almost as a second Jewry. Another problem is the problem of physical decomposition of races. The Jew is trying to eliminate all of which he knows that is somehow strengthening, muscle-steeling, and eliminate above all everything of that which he knows may keep a race so healthy that it will remain determined not to tolerate among themselves national criminals, pests to the national community, but under some circumstances, punish them with death. And that is his great fear and worry; for even the heaviest latches of the safest prison are not so tough, and the prison is not so safe that a few million could not open it eventually. Only one lock is permanent, and that is death, and in front of it he has the most awe. And therefore he seeks to abolish this barbaric punishment everywhere where he lives as a parasite. But wherever he already is, Lord, it is used ruthlessly. Loud applause And, for the breaking of physical strength, he has excellent means at hand.
First of all, he has the trade that should be nothing more than distribution of foodstuffs and other necessary items for daily use. He uses it to withdraw these articles of daily life, when necessary, in order to raise the price on the one hand, but also to withdraw in order to create the conditions for physical weakening which have always worked best: hunger. Everywhere, what we see behind these organizations is not the desire to make a shining organization for food supply, but through them gradually to create hunger.
Adolf Hitler: Rede vor dem Reichstag am 1. September 1939
Выступление Гитлера на немецком текст. Speech (1933) | Текст песни. Тексты песен. Речь гитлера Речи гитлера на немецком с переводом. Еще в 1936 г. Черчилль заявил, по словам американского генерала Вуда, перед комитетом Палаты представителей США, что Германия снова становится слишком сильной и поэтому ее нужно уничтожить. Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года, в котором он разъяснил причины нападения Германии на СССР. причем в оригинале, русский перевод с купюрами я уже. 1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,900 Ob du meine Arbeit für richtig hältst, 2 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:08,990 ob du glaubst, dass ich fleißig gewesen bin, dass ich gearbeitet habe. 3 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:11,900 dass ich mich in diesen Jahren für dich eingesetzt habe, 4 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:16,990 dass ich.
Обращение Адольфа Гитлера к германскому народу 22 июня 1941
I made one more final effort to accept a proposal for mediation... For two whole days I sat with my Government and waited to see whether it was convenient for the Polish Government to send a plenipotentiary or not... Deputies, if the German Government and its Leader patiently endured such treatment Germany would deserve only to disappear from the political stage. But I am wrongly judged if my love of peace and my patience are mistaken for weakness or even cowardice... These proposals for mediation have failed... Hitler then spoke of the Molotov—Ribbentrop Pact , which had been signed just ten days before, on August 23. I no longer see any reason why [Germany and Russia] should still oppose one another.... We have, therefore, resolved to conclude a pact which rules out for ever any use of violence between us...
Ибо никакая другая держава не могла ни вторгнуться, ни вести войну в прибалтийских областях. И все же я должен был молчать. Однако власть имущие в Кремле сейчас же пошли дальше. В то время, как Германия весной 1940 г. Согласно личному заявлению, данному тогда Молотовым, уже весной 1940 г. Так как русское правительство всегда утверждало, что его пригласило само население, цель его присутствия там могла быть истолкована только как демонстрация против Германии. В то время, как наши солдаты, начиная с 10 мая 1940 г. Начиная с августа 1940 г. Однако было достигнуто то, к чему стремилось англосоветское сотрудничество, а именно: ввиду концентрации такого количества германских сил на Востоке, германские власть имущие не сочли возможным предпринять радикальное завершение войны на западе, особенно в отношении воздушной борьбы. Это соответствовало, однако, целям не только английской, но также и советской политики. Потому что Англия, равно как и Советская Россия, намерены продлить эту войну как можно дольше, с целью ослабить Европу и повергнуть ее в еще большее бессилие. Угрожающее выступление России против Румынии должно было также в конечном итоге послужить лишь тому, чтобы захватить в свои руки или же, по крайней мере, уничтожить важную опору не только германской экономической жизни, но и экономической жизни всей Европы. Однако, именно Германия, начиная с 1933 г. Мы были поэтому в высшей степени заинтересованы в их государственной консолидации и порядке. В немецком оригинале «в непосредственной близости с мощным выдвижением большевистских дивизий» «gewaltigen Kraeftaufmarsh bolschewistischer Divisionen» S, 9. В немецком оригинале «сделать их своими торговыми партнёрами» — «als Handelspartner zu gewinnen» S. Вторжение России в Румынию и переход Греции на сторону Англии грозили в короткое время превратить также и эти области в общий театр войны. Вопреки нашим принципам и обычаям, уступая настойчивой просьбе тогдашнего румынского правительства, которое было само виновато в таком развитии событий, я дал ему совет уступить настойчивым советским требованиям и отдать Бессарабию в целях сохранения мира. Однако румынское правительство считало возможным обнаружить это перед своим народом лишь в том случае, если Германия и Италия, в виде возмещения, по крайней мере дадут гарантию, что оставшаяся часть румынского государства более не будет затронута. С тяжелым сердцем я сделал это. Прежде всего, уже потому, что если Германия дает гарантию, то это значит, что она отвечает за нее. Мы не англичане и не евреи. Таким образом, я думал в последний момент сохранить мир в этой области, даже несмотря на принятие на себя тяжелых обязательств. Однако с целью окончательно разрешить эти проблемы и установить ясность в вопросе русского отношения к Германии1, а также под давлением постоянно усиливающейся мобилизации на нашей восточной границе, я пригласил г. Молотова приехать в Берлин. Советский министр иностранных дел потребовал разрешения2 или же согласия Германии по следующим четырем вопросам; 1 Так в документе. В немецком оригинале «русской позиции в отношении Рейха» — «russische Einstellung dem Reiche» S. В немецком оригинале «уяснения» -«Klaerung» S. Мой ответ: Германская гарантия является общей и непременно обязывающей нас. Однако Россия нам никогда не заявляла, что она имеет интересы в Румынии, за исключением Бессарабии. Уже занятие Северной Буковины явилось нарушением этого заверения. Поэтому я не думал, что Россия теперь вдруг может иметь какие-либо дальнейшие намерения против Румынии. Россия решила долее не терпеть этого. Готова ли Германия не оказывать Финляндии никакого содействия и, прежде всего, сейчас же отозвать германские войска, направляющиеся на смену в Киркенес? Мой ответ: Германия, теперь, как и прежде, не имеет политических интересов в Финляндии. Однако германское правительство не может потерпеть новой войны России против маленького финского народа, тем более, что мы никогда не сможем поверить в угрозу Финляндии для Советской России. Мы вообще не желаем, чтобы в Балтийском море вновь возник театр военных действий. В немецком оригинале «угрозу со стороны Финляндии» — «von Finnland bedroht» S. Мой ответ: Болгария — суверенное государство, и я не знал, что подобно тому, как Румыния у Германии, Болгария вообще просила бы гарантии у Советской России. Кроме того, я должен обсудить это с моими союзниками.
And I say that if these tortured creatures cannot obtain rights and assistance by themselves, they can obtain both from us. An end must be made of depriving these people of their rights. I have already said this quite clearly in my speech of February 22. It was a short-sighted piece of work when the statesmen at Versailles brought the abnormal structure of Czechoslovakia into being. It was possible to violate the demands of millions of another nationality only so long as the brother nation itself was suffering from the consequences of general maltreatment by the world. To believe that such a regime could go on sinning without hindrance forever was possible only through a scarcely credible degree of blindness. I declared in my speech of February 22 before the Reichstag that the Reich would not tolerate any further continued oppression of 3,500,000 Germans, and I hope that the foreign statesmen will be convinced that these were no mere words. The National Socialist State has consented to very great sacrifices indeed, very great national sacrifices for the sake of European peace; not only has it not cherished so-called thoughts of revenge, but on the contrary it has banished them from all its public and private life. As always, I attempted to bring about, by the peaceful method of making proposals for revision, an alteration of this intolerable position. It is a lie when the outside world says that we only tried to carry through our revisions by pressure. For twenty years there was the opportunity for the Czechoslovak government of carrying out these revisions by peaceful settlements and understanding. All these proposals, as you know, have been rejected by the Czechs - proposals of giving the Sudeten German minority a humane treatment and the respect they deserve. You know the proposals that I have made to fulfill the necessity of restoring German sovereignty over German territories. You know the endless attempts I made for a peaceful clarification and understanding of the problem of Austria. It was all in vain. I must here state something definitely; German has kept these obligations; the minorities who live in Germany are not persecuted. No Frenchman can stand up and say that any Frenchman living in the Saar territory is oppressed, tortured, or deprived of his rights. Nobody can say this. For six months I have calmly watched developments, although I never ceased to give warnings. In the last few days I have increased these warnings. I left no doubt that people who wanted to compare the Germany of to-day with the former Germany would be deceiving themselves. An attempt was made to justify the oppression of the Germans by claiming that they had committed acts of provocation. I do not know in what these provocations on the part of women and children consist, if they themselves are maltreated, in some cases killed. One thing I do know - that no great Power can with honour long stand by passively and watch such events. I made one more final effort to accept a proposal for mediation on the part of the Italian Government. Mussolini proposed a conference of the major powers in Munich. Mussolini agreed on the cession to Germany of the Sudeten German territory and the measures consequent thereon, and by this agreement the Czechoslovak government was to be hold responsible for the steps necessary to secure its fulfilment. For a whole day I sat in my Government and waited to see whether the Czech government would abide to the agreement the major powers of Europe had concluded in order to prevent a major war in Europe. Deputies, if the German Government and its Leader patiently endured such treatment Germany would deserve only to disappear from the political stage. But I am wrongly judged if my love of peace and my patience are mistaken for weakness or even cowardice. I, therefore, decided last night and informed the British Government that in these circumstances I can no longer find any willingness on the part of the Czechoslovak Government to conduct serious negotiations with us.
These proposals have been refused. Not only were they answered first with mobilization, but with increased terror and pressure against our German compatriots... Poland was not prepared to settle the Corridor question in a reasonable way... I made one more final effort to accept a proposal for mediation... For two whole days I sat with my Government and waited to see whether it was convenient for the Polish Government to send a plenipotentiary or not... Deputies, if the German Government and its Leader patiently endured such treatment Germany would deserve only to disappear from the political stage. But I am wrongly judged if my love of peace and my patience are mistaken for weakness or even cowardice... These proposals for mediation have failed...
Die Rede Adolf Hitlers – Речь Адольфа Гитлера
европейский мир. #речи. Die große Zeit ist jetzt angebrochen. Deutschland ist nun erwacht. Die Macht haben wir nun in Deutschland gewonnen, nun gilt es das deutsche Volk zu gewinnen. Ich weiß, obwohl die hundert tausenden von euch die ihr jetzt zuhört in ganz Deutschland das in hundertausenden von euch in. Лайфхаки. Музыка. Новости и СМИ. Обучение. Подкасты.
Die Rede Adolf Hitlers – Речь Адольфа Гитлера
Was Sie da sagen, ist ungeheuerlich. Sie ist ohne Ehre! У них нет чести! Es hat mir jeden erdenklichen Widerstand in den Weg gelegt! Ich war nie auf einer Akademie.
Как себя вести Немецкому народу необходимо самим стараться соблюдать расовые законы, установленные ранее. Необходимо сохранить иммунитет к еврейскому вирусу, развращающему мир, чтобы стать верховным народом. Немцы должны быть благодарны национал-социалистам за уничтожение евреев в Германии. Нации нужно сохранять единство, не разделяя себя на австрийцев, баварцев и т.
Британия и Италия Британия могла бы быть союзником, но британцы уже не обладали нужными для этого моральными качествами из-за господства евреев над ними. Италия при всех амбициях и лидерстве истинного римлянина — Муссолини не смогла ничего добиться из-за отсутствия материальной мощи. Вырождение и враждебность Франции Франция останется смертельным врагом немецкого народа. Сейчас ее военная мощь уничтожена надолго и в этом плане она угрозы не представляет.
Однако Франция может оставаться источником политической опасности для Германии, нельзя ей доверять.
После развала союза в 90х была опубликована в книге «Застольные разговоры Гитлера», которая в на сегодня в России запрещена. Причинами запрета помимо идеологических высказываний Гитлера, было то, что они содержали пророчества насчет послевоенного развития человечества. Некоторые из них на сегодня оказались пугающе пророческими, и по прочтении этих прогнозов, понятно, почему они запрещены.
Публиковать текст в России нельзя по закону, хотя в интернете он находится в открытом доступе, но пересказывать его с полным сохранением смысла не запрещено. Ниже приведен краткий пересказ последней речи Гитлера 2 апреля 1945 года. Поражение неизбежно Война будет вестись до полного поражения, до разрушения Германии из-за непримиримости сторон. Завоеватели разрубят рейх на куски Американцы и большевики подвергнут страну диким эксцессам.
Германию ждет долгий тяжелый период, который придется пережить, более тяжелый чем после 1918 года, но она снова возродится. Как себя вести Немецкому народу необходимо самим стараться соблюдать расовые законы, установленные ранее.
For a whole day I sat in my Government and waited to see whether the Czech government would abide to the agreement the major powers of Europe had concluded in order to prevent a major war in Europe. Deputies, if the German Government and its Leader patiently endured such treatment Germany would deserve only to disappear from the political stage.
But I am wrongly judged if my love of peace and my patience are mistaken for weakness or even cowardice. I, therefore, decided last night and informed the British Government that in these circumstances I can no longer find any willingness on the part of the Czechoslovak Government to conduct serious negotiations with us. These proposals for mediation have failed because in the meanwhile there, first of all, came as an answer the sudden Czechoslovak general mobilization, followed by more Czech atrocities. These were again repeated last night.
Recently there have been as many as twenty-one incidents in which Czech military formations have killed innocent Sudeten Germans without provocations. Last night there were fourteen, of which one was quite serious. I have, therefore, resolved to speak to Czechoslovakia in the same language that Czechoslovakia for months past has used toward us and the Sudeten German minority. This attitude on the part of the Reich will not change.
The other European States understand in part our attitude. I should like here above all to thank Italy as well as Hungary, which throughout have supported us, but you will understand that for the carrying on of this struggle we do not intend to appeal to foreign help. We will carry out this task ourselves. The neutral States have assured us of their neutrality, just as we had already guaranteed it to them.
When statesmen in the West declare that this affects their interests, I can only regret such a declaration. It cannot for a moment make me hesitate to fulfil my duty. What more is wanted? I have solemnly assured them, and I repeat it, that we ask nothing of those Western States and never will ask anything.
I have declared that the frontier between France and Germany is a final one. I have repeatedly offered friendship and, if necessary, the closest co-operation to Britain, but this cannot be offered from one side only. It must find response on the other side. Germany has no interests in the West, and our western wall is for all time the frontier of the Reich on the west.
Moreover, we have no aims of any kind there for the future. With this assurance we are in solemn earnest, and as long as others do not violate their neutrality we will likewise take every care to respect it. I am determined to solve 1 the Sudeten question and 2 to see to it that a change is made in the relationship between Germany and Czechoslovakia that shall ensure a peaceful co-existence. In this I am resolved to continue to fight until either the present Czechoslovak government is willing to continue to bring about this change or until another Czechoslovak Government is ready to do so.
I am resolved to remove from the German frontiers the element of uncertainty, the everlasting atmosphere of conditions resembling civil war. I will see to it that in the East there is, on the frontier, a peace precisely similar to that on our other frontiers. In this I will take the necessary measures to se that they do not contradict the proposals I have already made known in the Reichstag itself to the rest of the world, that is to say, I will not war against women and children. I have ordered my air force to restrict itself to attacks on military objectives.
If, however, the enemy thinks he can form that draw carte blanche on his side to fight by the other methods he will receive an answer that will deprive him of hearing and sight.