Новости фанфики томми и дрим

Current track: dream x tommy fanficdream x tommy fanfic. When Dream gave Tommy an ultimatum to come fight him one last time for the discs, Tommy and Tubbo traveled out to Dream's meeting place, where they battled. с любовью, администрация группы «фанфики dream team house».

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Dream And Tommy

дрим воскресил томми - скачать музыку бесплатно - 2024 Читать онлайн Сервер Дрима — Сервер Дрима – мирное место. Точнее БЫЛО, ведь после прихода Томми всё изменилось.
Dream And Tommy 22 Авиан Томми такой.
Фанфики По Dream И Tommyinnit - Видео на Ознакомьтесь с наилучшими идеями на тему «Дрим и томми шип» от Pinterest.
Фанфик dreaming Bottom Dream, Top tyDreamnotfound angstKarlNapity angstFather Dream, son Tommy AUDream and Tubbo brother AU.
Фанфик джордж и дрим ошибка 404 - Не ошибается лишь тот, кто ничего не делает! Фанфик "Томми, позволь мне " рассказывает Слэш-историю о таких героях, как и относится к фандому Гарри Поттер, Дэшнер Джеймс «Бегущий по Лабиринту», Бегущий в Лабиринте.

Фанфики турбо и ти

Смотрите видео на тему «Tommy X Dream Fanart Ship» в TikTok. Томми начал расслабляться, руками обвив Дрима в ответ и заскулив, когда его больная ладонь слегка ударилась об спину блондина. Tommy continued to work at the cafe, dealing with Karens and entitled shit heads.

Дрим и томми

Dreamnotfound Истории Дрим СМП такой 22 Авиан Томми такой.
Турбо и т и фанфики - 73 фото После того, как Томми сжигает только что построенный дом Джорджа, Дрим в отместку возводит вокруг нового Л’Манберга обсидиановую стену.
Фанфики о Дрим тиме в майнкрафте: вдохновение для творчества Genlenra фанфики» фанфики дрим» фанфики про томми и дрима (120) фото.

Дрим и томми шип

Дрим и Томми комиксы. Дрим и Томми шип арты. Дрим и Томми. Томми и Дрим арт. Томми smp. Томми Дрим СМП. Дрим и Томми арты. Арты с Томми Dream smp. Томми арт Дрим СМП. Вилбур и Томми.

Томми и Вилбур арты. Томми и Вилбур фанфики. Томми и таббо арты. Вильбур Dream smp. Томми Дрим СМП арты. Томми и Дрим майнкрафт. Дрим и Томми шип. СМП Дрим и Томми шип. Dream x Wilbur.

Dream x Wilbur Soot. Dream Team Уилбур. Дрим и Томми слэш. Tommy innit. MCYT Tommy. Томми ДСМП. Сестра Дрима. Сестра Дрима майнкрафт. Томми Dream smp.

Фф Дрим и Томми. Tommy and tubbo Art Dream Team. Clingy Duo. Уилбур и Томми. Drista Dream. Drista Dream smp. Dream smp Джордж. Дрим и Джордж фанфики. Сапнап Дрим тим.

Джордж Дрим тим фанфики. Томми Фанарт. Dream smp Tommy арты.

Why is he talking to her? Is it a bet? Or does he really like her?

Is that even possible? We were the cutest couple. No enemies or plot twists. Just some sweet moments which you also want to have with your future boyfriend or husband. This year is different; the challenge will be different in many ways. Especially since this is the first girl Drew likes.

A girl that has awakened something in her that she never knew. She blocks off herself to the world, hiding behind her favorite hoodie. All she wants to do is keep a low profile, and graduate well enough to qualify for a college scholarship. And maybe she might not want to be invisible after all. Канон Дрим присутствует почти во всех видео на канале Джорджа, а Джордж — в более чем половине видео Дрима. Они создают на заказ плагины для Minecraft, которые используют, чтобы бросить вызов самим себе в Minecraft.

Обычно они бросают вызов одному человеку, пытаясь победить игру, в то время как за ним охотится другой, или работают вместе, чтобы победить игру. Они также являются совладельцами и вместе создали канал Dream Tech. В видео «Beating Minecraft With One Inventory Slot…» Дрим дарит Джорджу розы в игре, а затем проводит около пяти или более минут, пытаясь заставить Джорджа сказать ему «Я люблю тебя», угрожая отнять у Джорджа меч, если он не скажет этого. Хотя Джордж всё это время смущается, он в конце концов соглашается сказать это, когда у него заканчивается полоска голода. Джордж вырезает это, но начало «Я лю-» можно услышать до вырезания. В этом видео Дрим дал своим друзьям, Sapnap и BadBoyHalo, по 500 долларов, чтобы они потратили их на Amazon, но дал Джорджу 5 000 долларов.

Дрим и Джордж связаны друг с другом в видео «Speedrunning Minecraft As Siamese Twins…»: Дрим управляет телом игрока, а Джордж может ставить и ломать блоки. На протяжении всего видео Джордж неоднократно пугается паркурных трюков Дрима и несколько раз кричит Дриму «eat the bread! Видео якобы спонсировано Джорджем, но на самом деле Дрим пытался заставить больше людей смотреть видео Джорджа и поддержать его, поскольку, как заявил Дрим в начале видео, он очень любит Джорджа. Дрим никогда не объявлял и не говорил о наличии редактора, поэтому вполне вероятно, что этот текст был помещён туда самим Дримом. В видео «Minecraft, But A Black Hole Grows Every Second…» есть много моментов, где шутки зрителей были бы романтическими или сексуальными, если бы были вырваны из контекста. Например, Дрим комментирует, насколько велика чёрная дыра, а Джордж отвечает: «Ты уверен?

Когда Дрима и Джорджа вот-вот засосёт в чёрную дыру, Дрим использует свою единственную жемчужину Эндера, чтобы телепортироваться, оставив Джорджа позади. Несмотря на это, Джордж призывает Дрима выжить ради всех них. Этот момент был назван их поклонниками «сценой на лодке». Когда Джордж нервничает, надевая очки, Дрим подбадривает его, говоря, что он Дрим будет первым, что Джордж увидит в очках. В течение нескольких минут Джордж удивляется, что аватар Дрима на самом деле зелёный, и просит его встать рядом с одуванчиком, чтобы сравнить цвета. На протяжении всего видео Дрим помогает Джорджу описать и определить новые цвета, которые он видит.

Джордж признался Дриму в любви в самом конце своего стрима MC Championship. Они снялись вместе в качестве одной из пар в видеоролике Dangthatsalongname также известного как Скотт Смаджор «Escape Room Valentines Edition». Хотя они не победили в этом легкомысленном соревновании, многие зрители отметили их превосходное общение по сравнению с другими парами. Лайвстримы В «Minecraft Ultimate Tag…» Дрим проигрывает игру и, соответственно, пари и вынужден отдать Джорджу 1000 долларов и номер телефона своей мамы.

Играли в дагонялки, читали вместе по вечерам. Потом вспомнился заселенный Дримтейл. Как над Найтмером издевались и гнобили его.

Как он говорил своему брату, что вск хорошо, однако это было не так. Далее был разрушенный Дримтейл без какого-либо признаку жизни. Он представил себя в темной форме и как он наносил несчисленные удары своему брату, и в конце концов заточил его в каменную тюрьму на целых 496 лет. Найтмер опять перешел на мысли о процветающем Дримтейле. Как они с Дримом сидели под Древом и смотрели куда-то в небо. Затем разрушенный Дримтейл. И Найтмер вспомнил о Киллере с остальными.

Найтмер встал. Он снова посмотрел на свое отражение. Если уж я здесь, то почему бы и не вспомнить прошлое. Не насладиться им еще раз. Ах, Дрим. Если бы не эта история, я бы тебя любил, а не ненавидел… Но увы, я испытываю к тебе только отвращение..... Хех… Но я буду терпеть.

Терпеть, чтобы вспомнить те дни. Найтмер пошел домой. Он пришел и увидел, сидещего в позе лотоса Дрима, который читал ту самую книгу, из детства.

Фанфики дрим и томми Дрим и Томми. Дрим и Томми слэш. Tommy innit. MCYT Tommy. Томми ДСМП. Сестра Дрима. Сестра Дрима майнкрафт.

Томми Dream smp. Фф Дрим и Томми. Tommy and tubbo Art Dream Team. Clingy Duo. Уилбур и Томми. Drista Dream. Drista Dream smp. Dream smp Джордж. Дрим и Джордж фанфики. Сапнап Дрим тим.

Джордж Дрим тим фанфики. Томми Фанарт. Dream smp Tommy арты. Drista Art. Dream x drista. Филза и Вилбур. DSMP Philza. Philza and Technoblade. Вилбур и Томми арт. Томми и Вилбур шип.

Fundy MCYT. Дрим и Вилбур арты. Уилбур Дрим СМП. Fundy and Wilbur. Technoblade x Philza. Филза Дрим СМП. MCYT Вилбур. Вилбур smp Art. Wilbur Soot x Schlatt. Рейнбоу Дрим СМП.

Каллахан Дрим СМП. Dream smp Дрим. Дрим СМП арт.

фанфики про томми и дрима (120) фото

Дрим и Томми фанфики. Tommy/Dream фанфик. Другие фанфики могут исследовать эмоциональную и душевную сторону отношений между Dream и Tommyinnit. Томми жил спокойной жизнью, но в один момент всё изменилось, тогда когда его друг Джордж познакомил его с Дримом. Томми заперт в тюрьме с Дримом Tommy 39 s Trapped In Prison with Dream Команда Мечты. Найтмер подошел к Дриму и грозно посмотрел ему в глаза — ты знал об этом. Группы в ВК: Пабл Элегии () Пабл Андрея () И наш уродливый сын () шутка пранк прикол рофл фанфик беременность шприц #dreamsmp дримсмп дрим смп майнкрафт #tommyinnit томмиинет томми инет томми#dream дрим дрим инет онлайн бесплатно.

фанфики dream_team_house

Джордж арты. Дрим фан арт. Дрим x Джордж. Dream and sapnap. Дрим тим майнкрафт Дрим. Ранбу арт Дрим СМП.

Ранбу и таббо. Ranboo Дрим СМП. Ранбу Dream smp арт. Шип Дрим и George. Дрим и Джордж шип арты.

Dream smp Джордж и Дрим арты. Дрим XD И Джордж. Дрим Джордж и Сапнап арты. Dream Team Джордж. Друзья Дрима.

Джордж из Дрим СМП. Дримсвап Дрим и Инк шип 18. Дрим Санс шипы. Инк Санс и Дрим. Инк Санс и Дрим Санс 18 Инк пассив.

Dream smp Дрим. Фанди Дрим СМП. Dream smp Fundy арты. Джордж и Дрим арт майнкрафт. Синдикат Дрим СМП.

Дрим smp Джордж. Carl Джейкобс. Карл Джейкобс Фанарт. Карл Джейкобс арт.

Bromance turned Romance Bryce and Lance were best friends. But Bryce always had a crush on Lance. Warning: Mature Audiences Only!!

I hope you see something that reminds you of me. And I hope you smile and remember the memories we created together. And I hope your throat tightens up, and it finally hits you…» I felt a tear burning down my cheek»You never should have let me go. I glanced outside, and stared at the rain that fell in sync with my tears. Come back to me, Sinister. They fell in love, and got married. He thought he could protect her from the dangerous life of being a mob bosses wife.

But he was wrong, no one is safe from the drugs, guns and death of organized crime. Sinister Velkov was the Devil himself, but everyone knows…the Devil was once an angel. She deals with his daily remarks and annoyance toward her inability to provide him with a child—the one reason he paid a high price for her and the one requirement of her new life. Then the gang rides in with the latest money making scheme.. Not for any of the logical reasons such as his ability to cause her a great deal of pain or kill her. A Nerd Romance. Sophie Green Is a nerd.

Everyone picks on her. There is only one person who protects her and when he is not around they pick on her twice as much. What would happen if her schools most popular jock in the school, takes a sudden like to her? Will she trust him after all the bullying he has done to her? Why is he talking to her? Is it a bet? Or does he really like her?

Is that even possible? We were the cutest couple. No enemies or plot twists. Just some sweet moments which you also want to have with your future boyfriend or husband. This year is different; the challenge will be different in many ways. Especially since this is the first girl Drew likes. A girl that has awakened something in her that she never knew.

She blocks off herself to the world, hiding behind her favorite hoodie. All she wants to do is keep a low profile, and graduate well enough to qualify for a college scholarship. And maybe she might not want to be invisible after all. Канон Дрим присутствует почти во всех видео на канале Джорджа, а Джордж — в более чем половине видео Дрима. Они создают на заказ плагины для Minecraft, которые используют, чтобы бросить вызов самим себе в Minecraft. Обычно они бросают вызов одному человеку, пытаясь победить игру, в то время как за ним охотится другой, или работают вместе, чтобы победить игру.

Томми и Дрим арт. Томми smp. Томми Дрим СМП. Дрим и Томми арты. Арты с Томми Dream smp. Томми арт Дрим СМП. Вилбур и Томми. Томми и Вилбур арты. Томми и Вилбур фанфики. Томми и таббо арты. Вильбур Dream smp. Томми Дрим СМП арты. Томми и Дрим майнкрафт. Дрим и Томми шип. СМП Дрим и Томми шип. Dream x Wilbur. Dream x Wilbur Soot. Dream Team Уилбур. Фанфики дрим и томми Дрим и Томми. Дрим и Томми слэш. Tommy innit. MCYT Tommy. Томми ДСМП. Сестра Дрима. Сестра Дрима майнкрафт. Томми Dream smp. Фф Дрим и Томми. Tommy and tubbo Art Dream Team. Clingy Duo. Уилбур и Томми. Drista Dream. Drista Dream smp. Dream smp Джордж. Дрим и Джордж фанфики. Сапнап Дрим тим. Джордж Дрим тим фанфики. Томми Фанарт. Dream smp Tommy арты. Drista Art. Dream x drista.

Страстный поцелуй арт. Аниме страсть. Парень и девушка арт. Чимин и Дженни арт. Блэкпинк и БТС арт. Тэхен и Дженни арт. Рон Уизли и Гермиона арт. Гермиона Грейнджер и Рон Уизли арт. Арт Фред Уизли и Гермиона. Фред Уизли и Гермиона Грейнджер арт. Пятый и Эйдан фанфики. Горестный принц. Горестный принц фанфик Рей. Рейло Хогвартс. Локи и тор шипп. Торки тор и Локи. Локи Марвел яой. Гарри Поттер и Гермиона Грейнджер любовь. Гарри Поттера и Гермиона Гренджер. Гарри Поттер и Гермиона Грейндж. Гарри и Гермиона арт. Снарри арт NC 17. Снарри НЦ 17 омегаверс. Снарри НЦ 17 сильный Гарри. Снарри Гарри Актив. Namgi sugamon. Юнги и Намджун арт. Намджун и Юнги арт 18. Т Кейо. Окей Кео. Кей о будем героями. Окей Кео персонажи. Академия Амбрелла пятый и Ваня шип. Пятый и Ваня арт. Ranboo and Michael. Ranboo and tubbo. Ranboo and tubbo Kiss. Ranboo арт. Ванилопа пони. Ральф пони. Фанфики БТС Чимин. Чимин и его девушка арт. Wattpad фанфики. Ваттпад фанфики. Фанфики из ватпада. Алекс Мерсер и ассасин. Алекс Мерсер аниме кроссовер. Алекс Мерсер fem. Алекс Мерсер и Дезмонд. Хенджин и Феликс арты. Хван Хенджин арт. Феликс и Хёнджин фанарты. Stray Kids Хёнликсы поцелуи. Академия Амбрелла Ваня и пятый. Ваня и пятый Академия Амбрелла арты. Академия Амбрелла Ваня арт. Атака титанов Леви и veena. Атака титанов OC veena Леви. Леви Аккерман и veena.

Dream And Tommy

At one point he considered leaving the coffee and seeing who slips on it but he knew it would have been him. His shift dragged to a close soon enough and he started doing his closing routine. Which was just him tuning the world out with his earbuds as he mops and sweeps the floor. He started his playlist up on shuffle. Oh, Bad and Skeppy were back. At least one of them had good humor. Outside was slightly cooler than when he arrived but it still was nice.

He made sure to stay under the streetlights as he walked and stayed on the far side of the sidewalk when passing alleys. On second thought maybe he did. No sooner than that thought crossed his mind, a hand reached out from the alley and grabbed the back of his sweatshirt. Before he knew it he was being pressed against a brick wall with an arm against his back. How desperate do you have to be to stoop that low? Holy shit.

Do you want this knife in your neck? If you do then well, I have no issues with killing a teenager. Tommy turned his pockets inside out and let the wrappers fall to the ground and reflected off the little light seeping into the alley. Well then I guess that you will have to give me something else. He started to struggle against the weight and managed to put some distance between him and the wall. He pulled his feet up and kicked off the wall while simultaneously forcing all his weight against his attacker.

The sense of falling enveloped him but that soon ended as his fall was cushioned by the attacker. His grip loosened on Tommy. Tommy pushed himself off the guy and onto his feet. He stood there watching the guy for a solid minute contemplating life or maybe it was shock before leaving. The second half of his walk he walked on the far side of the sidewalk at a fast pace. No need to tempt fate anymore than he already had..

Джей Шлатт. Шлатт ДСМП. Шлатт smp. Фанфики дрим и томми Джордж арт Дрим тим. Дрим тим Фандом. Dream фанфики.

Dream smp Джордж и Дрим. Ранбу Дрим СМП. Ранбу и таббо. Ранбу арт Дрим СМП. Ранбу Dream smp. Sad-ist Art.

Sad ist Ranboo. Дрим СМП арты дриста и Дрим. Фуллиш Дрим СМП. Дрим и Джордж шип. Дрим и Джордж 18. Дрим и Джордж шип арт.

Турбо Дрим СМП. Туббо ДСМП. Таббо арт Дрим СМП. МСЮТ Фандом. Dream smp Technoblade. Dream Technoblade шипы.

Dream x Technoblade шип. Ranboo and tubbo. Арты Ranboo and tubbo. Dream Team Ranboo. Karl sapnap George Dream. Фанди Dream smp.

Дрим СМП Чиби. Fundy Fan Art. Passerine фанфик Dream smp. Passerine фанфик. Дрим и Джордж. Джордж Дрим СПМ.

Томми MCYT. Фанди майнкрафт. Фанди Дрим СМП. Sapnap and Dream фанфик.

He lost his brother that day, George calling him a jinx. He got it to work!

He helped! The building beside them was smoldering and debris was everywhere as the child ran. Hiccuping sobs and gasping breaths wracked his body, small injuries littered his body as he found a safe hiding place. He let himself sob, screaming and crying on the ground.

And that is freedom. This hit Tommy so hard that he attempted suicide, but ultimately did not go through with it as he realized Dream was never really his friend. Tubbo invited him to come live in Snowchester, and while Tommy turned down the invitation in favor of keeping his house in the main Dream SMP, he still has full citizenship. Tommy started his newest project, the Big Innit Hotel, with the help of Sam Nook, in an attempt to make the server a better place by providing people with a place to go should they become homeless again. He revived Tommy using the necromancy book a few days later. However, when Dream broke out of prison, Tommy was left to deal with the fallout to prevent himself from going through Exile 2. Tommy is deceased in the current iteration of the Dream SMP world. He lost his first life in the Final Control Room, his second when he was killed in a duel with Dream, and his third when Dream beat him to death in his prison cell. He was then brought Back from the Dead by Dream with a single life. He lost that life once again to Dream in the prison while stalling for time, only to be re-revived after a brief Limbo visit. He subsequently died for good in the detonation of Project New Dawn. Dream exploits them as a leverage point. Alone with the Psycho : Tommy has been trapped alone with Dream twice now. Dream used this time to slowly manipulate Tommy into thinking nobody cared about him, and that Dream was his only friend. When Tommy died and went to the Afterlife, he is trapped there with Wilbur. While Wilbur seemed to have calmed down at first, apparently, being stuck there has done his mental state no favors, because when Tommy is brought back to life, he begs Dream not to bring Wilbur back. Tommy: I felt like I was— like I was shredded to dust. Like a powder, and I was put through it, and then I came out, and I was in a... What Angst? I understand. He is... Tommy is very scared. He definitely is. Animal Lover : Tommy has a soft spot for animals, especially cows. He adopts three cows after feeling too bad about killing them for food, starts cooing over a slime in Pogtopia and yells at Quackity for trying to kill it, and is more upset about Dream killing Mushroom Henry his mooshroom gifted to him by Antfrost than he is about the destruction of Logstedshire. The only animals Tommy openly hates are cats, who he repeatedly insults and kills for seemingly no reason. Animal Motifs : Raccoons. At the same time, raccoons are often seen as tricksters and scavangers , a fitting motif for a boy with a tendency to troll and steal from his servermates. In the end, he does kind of succeed in completing his objective that day, not because he does anything outside of considering shooting Schlatt, but rather, because Quackity beats him to the punch. Tommy: Oh, I thought I was gonna be the killer! Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! He often tries to talk about multiple topics at the same time, and loses his train of thought very quickly. He lampshades this. Tommy: Anyway, so I was watching Mumbo Jumbo... AH, God! Okay, focus, brain, focus. So I was watching Mumbo Jumbo and I was like... Do you think... Is he really British? The Baby of the Bunch : Downplayed. Back from the Dead : Dream brings him back to life using the necromancy book, two days after he initially loses his final life. Berserk Button : Harming his pet cow Henry. When Quackity forms a sadistic game revolved around Tommy choosing whether Henry lives or dies, Tommy is so pissed off by the end of it that he spends the rest of his stream hunting down Quackity to murder him. He also kills Tubbo, who had helped Quackity several times over. Bludgeoned to Death : The cause of his third canon death, specifically with a potato. Broken Pedestal : Zig-zagged regarding his thoughts on Wilbur. Even to the very end, Tommy still believed that Wilbur could be brought back from the brink and he even told Tubbo not to let the "real" Wilbur down. Cannot Talk to Women : Downplayed. He goes from this to a more learned young man albeit still Hot-Blooded who is even willing to sacrifice his music discs to end a conflict. Tommy: in a whisper to Tubbo help me ninja is being a fucking weirdo Cold-Blooded Torture : He inflicts this on Connor and Fundy in short order once he allies with Technoblade. Color Motif : Red. Tommy is intensely passionate and emotional, but also deeply concerned with the people who are close to him and can have self-sacrificing tendencies, all of which are qualities associated with red. This is also used to compare and contrast him with Tubbo and Dream , both of whom are sometimes associated with green. Crazy Jealous Guy : A platonic example. Tommy often snaps at Ranboo out of insecurity. Death by Irony : Tommy died from getting beaten to death moments after challenging the idea that a book that can resurrect the dead exists, by the person who claims to wield it. To add insult to injury, he died at the hands of Dream... Death by Despair : Tommy seems to be convinced this is happening to him during his exile.

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Фанфик турбо

Dream blames Tommy for attachment because while before people cared about each other Dream only realized attachments and their use from Tommy. Дрим и Томми фанфики. Эти фанфики о Дрим Тим в майнкрафте погрузят вас в захватывающий и увлекательный мир приключений и фантазии. Dream x Tommy 26130 stories for dream, dreamsmp, ranboo, sapnap, technoblade, tommyinnit, tubbo, wilbursoot, The best collection of stories. Фанфики дрим и томми. Вилбур сууут. Уилбур Дрим СМП. Уилбур суут ДСМП. Wilbur Soot DSMP. Вилбур и Томми. Томми и Вилбур арты. Томми и Вилбур фанфики. Дрим СМП Томми и Вилбур. Фанди и Дрим. Fundy and Dream фанфик. ДНФ Фанарт. Fundy x Dream ship.

Фф томми - 89 фото

Hero Phil Watson Video … From archiveofourown. I read this really well written fic of Tommy, who time traveled to save the SMP of the Egg, but some people dont like … From reddit. Because I am petty- but not the point. These are my favorite Tommy centric … From reddit.

Томми Дрим СМП арты. Томми и Дрим майнкрафт. Дрим и Томми шип. СМП Дрим и Томми шип.

Dream x Wilbur. Dream x Wilbur Soot. Dream Team Уилбур. Фанфики дрим и томми Дрим и Томми. Дрим и Томми слэш. Tommy innit. MCYT Tommy.

Томми ДСМП. Сестра Дрима. Сестра Дрима майнкрафт. Томми Dream smp. Фф Дрим и Томми. Tommy and tubbo Art Dream Team. Clingy Duo.

Уилбур и Томми. Drista Dream. Drista Dream smp. Dream smp Джордж. Дрим и Джордж фанфики. Сапнап Дрим тим. Джордж Дрим тим фанфики.

Томми Фанарт. Dream smp Tommy арты. Drista Art. Dream x drista. Филза и Вилбур. DSMP Philza. Philza and Technoblade.

Вилбур и Томми арт. Томми и Вилбур шип. Fundy MCYT. Дрим и Вилбур арты. Уилбур Дрим СМП. Fundy and Wilbur. Technoblade x Philza.

Филза Дрим СМП.

The sense of falling enveloped him but that soon ended as his fall was cushioned by the attacker. His grip loosened on Tommy. Tommy pushed himself off the guy and onto his feet. He stood there watching the guy for a solid minute contemplating life or maybe it was shock before leaving. The second half of his walk he walked on the far side of the sidewalk at a fast pace. No need to tempt fate anymore than he already had.. The shower was turned up to the hottest he could stand. The feeling of the water hitting his back dispersed the other uncomfortable one. Once it was gone he got out and was ready to sleep.

Plus he gets the bed again. It is 8 in the morning. Tommy is sore as shit from last night and hardly slept. Wilbitch had no right to order a black coffee with 5 shots at this time. Tommy was glad that Wilbur still came around the cafe though he had noticed that on more than one occasion he had come in with a slight limp or his breath caught at odd moments. After living in Pogtopia all his life he picked up on reading people. It was a very important skill. Today was one of those days so he could excuse the black coffee with 5 shots at 8am. The morning rush had already passed leaving only a few people sitting at tables with books or computers out. Wilbur stood in front of him with his shoulders curled in like there was something heavy wieghing on his shoulders, eye bags and leaning more to the right.

That way if he did need help he could do it discreetly and if not just ignore it. He had many ways to ask but chose to write, are you hurt? I can help. Wilburs head shot up and locked eye contact with Tommy as his other hand moved to hover near his left side. I hate myself everytime you walk out that door hurt when I could have done something. You might not care as I only make your coffee but you know my biggest secret.

Quackity sees through it, but plays along and tries to help him anyway. I Just Want to Be Normal : Despite what a lot of the other characters seem to think, Tommy does not want to be a hero. After being revived, people react to him showing up on the server again — quite understandably — with complete shock, and repeatedly ask him for answers. Tommy hates this, saying that he just wanted to be treated as normal, and that he felt like nobody actually cared about him, just the fact that he came back from the dead.

After finding out that Ranboo married Tubbo , Tommy is initially somewhat hostile towards Ranboo due to a fear of being replaced, but he becomes much more civil and amicable about it after learning that Ranboo makes Tubbo happy. Iconic Item : Naturally, Tommy is most often associated with his discs. The Immune : Tommy is one of the few people who are immune to the Crimson. This was most obvious during the Exile arc where, in his correspondence with Ranboo, Tommy would often word-vomit his thoughts onto the page. This only got worse after his exile, as evidenced by the massive bags under his eyes, to the point where he claimed to have stopped sleeping altogether. Jerk with a Heart of Gold : On the surface, Tommy is loud, rude and selfish, swears like a sailor and makes a hobby of riling people up , especially during Season 1. However, Tommy is also fiercely loyal, willing to sacrifice his most prized possessions, his safety, and even his life for those he cares about, and has zero qualms about standing up to those stronger than him to protect the ones he loves. Keet : Initially played straight but later subverted. Early in the SMP, Tommy was a very loud, energetic, and enthusiastic bratty teen, however, his personality became more cynical and somber over time, following the decline of his mental health. Dream takes a liking to the cat, and tries to protect it from Tommy.

Tommy, who hates cats and was trying to piss Dream off as much as possible at that point, hits it repeatedly, tries to bait it into the lava, and eventually kills it. Killed Off for Real : When Tommy makes it clear that he was never going to let himself be intimidated or manipulated by Dream ever again, to the point of denying that the revival book was real, Dream snaps and beats him to death, taking his final life. This is subverted when Dream brings him Back from the Dead a few days later. Leeroy Jenkins : Tommy is very prone to leaping before he looks, causing many instances where he does something in the moment that he either instantly regrets or grows to regret. Tommy decided that this meant he should just shout random words at anyone coming to antagonize them. Major Injury Underreaction : Played for Drama. Motor Mouth : Tommy speaks very quickly, which, combined with his tendency to just say everything that comes to mind, means he can spend ages just talking. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero : The meeting with Dream was going well and Tubbo was able to appease Dream by putting Tommy on an extended probation instead of exiling him. It turned out Dream did not care about his dead horse and went back to demanding that Tommy be exiled — which he eventually was. Tommy tries to kill Dream to get rid of the knowledge of the revive-book.

It goes well, until Tommy gets too eager and pulls out the Axe of Peace too soon, causing Sam to spot him. Quackity is "Big Q", which is the only nickname Tommy has given that actually stuck. Wilbur is "Wil" or "Big Dubs". Tubbo is "Small T" or "Tubzo". Technoblade is "The Blade". Dream is "Big D". Not Used to Freedom : After Exile, Tommy struggles to take matters into his own hands, to the point where Techno remarks that he has "no free will whatsoever". While Tommy improves a lot after Dream gets locked up, he sometimes states that it was a lot easier when he had someone else to make decisions for him which was his initial motivation for trying to get close to Wilbur again. He even tells Eryn that he missed Exile sometimes, likely for this reason. When Wilbur underwent his Pogtopian mental health spiral, however, Tommy was dead serious and extremely concerned.

Tommy is mostly known for being very loud and confident. However, when Tubbo exiled him, Tommy was stunned into horrified silence. Tommy had always been a Determinator , becoming extremely attached to anything and anyone and fighting tooth and nail to keep them. During his stay with Techno, Tommy often kept a full stack of golden apples on him, and would start cramming them into his mouth as soon as he noticed even the slightest hint of a possible threat. This even extended to him eating a golden apple while Dream was in the room looking for him, leading to Techno scolding him for his inability to stay silent. It works. Tommy came out as bicurious during the 2024 Tubbathon... This is... Because the thing is, in Exile, I thought you had all the power. Beat , deep breath [...

It was me that reorganized your beach party, it was me that blew up the Community House! I see an insecure, sad little man. So fuck off. It happens again in early Season 3 in a much more twisted way. The twist is that Tommy was killed by Dream but got resurrected, and no one knew that he came Back from the Dead until he returned from the prison. He also appeared to suffer from Sensory Overload after being stuck in a dark, soundless void for what felt like months, screaming in agony when Dream so much as pinched him, completely amazed at the fact that he felt hungry, and startling hard every time the Elder Guardian made a noise, saying that the sounds were more "pure" this was also reflected on a meta-level, as Tommy turned up his game volume to max after being revived. Safety in Indifference : He showed shades of this mindset after his resurrection. He eventually breaks out of this mindset and adopts a spider as a pet, naming him Shroud after a Twitch streamer of the same name. This likely stemmed from a combination of his own self-hatred and general impression that no one cared when he was dead, and his experience during the Disc War Finale, where Tubbo was moments away from accepting his own death so that Tommy could retrieve his discs. The second iteration involved Ghostbur visiting the prison and Tommy sneaking inside with him while invisible, which went...

Sent Into Hiding : Due to being mistaken for dead , Techno was forced to keep Tommy hidden to avoid anyone knowing that he was still alive. Seriously Scruffy : When he lived alone in Logstedshire, his hair and clothes became very unkempt. Around BadBoyHalo , Tommy makes an effort to swear as much as possible. As a big Anti-Drug Guy, this is really just fucked up to me. Canon Tommy would never smoke, or even second hand smoke.

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