Новости цитаты гитлера на немецком

Цитаты Гитлера на немецком языке напоминают о трагических событиях и важности мира. September 1, 1939, justifying the German invasion of Poland. Short video clip excerpt. Главная» Новости» Цитаты гитлера на немецком.

Adolf Hitler: Rede vor dem Reichstag am 1. September 1939

Адольф Гитлер о русских. Give me Five years and you will not recognize Germany again. Немецкие газеты 1941 года. Немецкие газеты Гитлер. Выступление Гитлера на немецком языке. Адольф Гитлер про любовь. Цитаты Адольфа Гитлера про любовь.

Слова Адольфа Гитлера. Adolf Hitler quotes. Высказывание Адольфа Гитлера про молодежь. Высказывания про нацистов. Речь Адольфа Гитлера на немецком. Выступление Адольфа Гитлера на немецком.

Адольф Гитлер цитаты высказывания. Цитата Гитлера про любовь. Гитлер цитаты социалист. Слова Гитлера. Известные цитаты Гитлера. Фашистские высказывания.

Стихи про фашизм. Речь Гитлера текст. Выступление Гитлера с переводом. Высказывания Гитлера о русских. Цитаты Гитлера на русском. Листовки Гитлера.

Текст Гитлера на немецком. Гитлеровские речи на немецком. Гитлер начал вторую мировую войну. Высказывания Гитлера о войне. Цитата Гитлера про войну. Высказывания немцев о украинцах.

Гитлер про украинцев и русских. Нацистские высказывания. Афоризмы Адольфа Гитлера. Выступление Гитлера 1941. Речь Гитлера на русском. Слова Гитлера о русских.

Высказывания Гитлера о славянах. Цитаты Гитлера о евреях. Цитаты Сталина. Высказывания великих людей о Сталине.

Die breite Masse interessiert sie nicht im geringsten. Kapitulieren werden wir nicht! Unser deutsches Volk: Sieg heil! Es war das... Ein Kampf Besonders aber auch gegen das Volk, das...

Und wir haben gearbeitet.

Воспитать широкие массы народа в национальном духе можно только на путях поднятия их социального уровня. Движению нашему не смогли повредить никакие преследования его вождей, никакая клевета, никакая напраслина. Из всех преследований оно выходило все более и более сильным, потому что идеи наши верны, цели наши чисты и готовность наших сторонников к самопожертвованию — вне всякого сомнения. О власти Лишь та государственная власть имеет право на уважение и на поддержку, которая выражает стремления и чувства народа или по крайней мере не приносит ему вреда. Страх — величайшее оружие государства. Когда люди боятся, они подчиняются. Как дети, которые следуют за вами, если пообещать им защиту.

Когда правительственная власть все те средства, какими она располагает, употребляет на то, чтобы вести целый народ к гибели, тогда не только правом, но и обязанностью каждого сына народа является бунт. Никогда ещё в истории ни одно государство не было создано мирной хозяйственной деятельностью. Чтобы излечить какую-либо болезнь, надо сначала понять, каковы её возбудители. То же самое относится и к лечению политических болезней. Учиться истории означает уметь искать и находить факторы и силы, обусловившие те или другие события, которые мы потом должны были признать историческими событиями. Необходимо сделать так, чтобы кара за преступления следовала сразу же после его совершения, если хочешь добиться положительного эффекта. На государстве лежит прямой долг систематически и планомерно выискивать во всей массе народа наиболее способных и одаренных людей и ставить этих людей на службу обществу. Надо положить конец и тому предрассудку, будто вопросы физического воспитания являются частным делом каждого отдельного человека.

О жизненной этике Выбрал свой путь — иди по нему до конца. Победителя никто не спросит, правду он говорил или нет. Перед лицом великой цели никакие жертвы не покажутся слишком большими. Совести нет. Совесть придумали евреи. Поосторожней с людьми, они непредсказуемы. В последнем счёте всегда побеждает только инстинкт самосохранения. Под давлением этого инстинкта вся так называемая человечность, являющаяся только выражением чего-то среднего между глупостью, трусостью и самомнением, тает как снег на весеннем солнце.

На свете живут всемогущие люди и немощные, бедные и богатые, но их трупы воняют одинаково! Даже если вы тысячу раз признаете нас виновными, вечный суд истории оправдает нас и со смехом выбросит вердикт вашего суда. Об оккупации СССР Единственное, что должно быть хорошо организовано на оккупированных русских территориях,— это транспорт. Ибо бесперебойная работа транспорта в стране есть одно из основных предварительных условий для установления над ней контроля и использования ее экономических ресурсов. Необходимо свести славян до языка жестов. Никакой гигиены, никаких прививок. Только водка и табак. Если русские, украинцы, киргизы и пр.

Ибо таким образом более способные туземцы смогут приобщиться к некоторым историческим знаниям, а значит, и усвоят политические идеи, которые в любом случае хоть как-то будут направлены против нас. Гораздо лучше установить в каждой деревне репродуктор и таким образом сообщать людям новости и развлекать их, чем предоставлять им возможность самостоятельно усваивать политические, научные и другие знания. Только чтобы никому в голову не взбрело рассказывать по радио покоренным народам об их истории; музыка, музыка, ничего, кроме музыки. О евреях Само существование евреев построено на той большой лжи, будто евреи представляют собою не расу, а только религиозную общину. Когда я увидел, что евреи являются и вождями социал-демократии, с глаз моих упала пелена.

Гесс рассказал о планах войны против СССР и предлагал сделку: полная свобода действий для Германии в Европе в обмен на сохранение Великобританией колоний.

Вдобавок, Лондону были глубоко безразличны теории об арийской расе, Гиперборее и прочие идеи Общества Туле. Нацисты на тот момент воспринимались как абсолютное зло, дикое агрессивное животное, нарушающее любые договоры и стремящееся к мировому господству силовым путем. Германия виделась британцам не потерянным братом по расе, а злобным врагом, который только что попытался склонить их к капитуляции путем ковровых бомбардировок Лондона с целью убить как можно больше мирных жителей. Поэтому Гесса не удостоили аудиенции у руководства Великобритании. Его сочли вражеским военнопленным, вдобавок, психом, — он привез с собой целый мешок с 28 лекарственными препаратами и набором гомеопатических средств, а также регулярно жаловался, что охранники пытаются его отравить. Версию о психическом расстройстве поддержало и руководство Германии, объявив, что заместитель фюрера сошел с ума и, страдая от галлюцинаций, улетел в неизвестном направлении.

Позиция была странной: получается, подписывают указы и руководят страной невменяемые люди. Среди историков нет консенсуса о том, действительно ли Гесс спланировал свою миссию без согласия фюрера, страдая от психических проблем и переживая удаление от реальной политики. Личный архитектор Гитлера Альберт Шпеер вспоминал , как Гитлеру донесли новость о побеге: «В холле я увидел двух адъютантов Гесса — Лейтгена и Пича с бледными лицами. Они попросили меня пропустить их вперед, потому что они должны передать Гитлеру личное письмо Гесса. Как раз в этот момент из своих верхних помещений вышел Гитлер. Одного из адъютантов пригласили наверх.

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  • Известные фразы гитлера. Цитаты на немецком языке с переводом
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  • Адольф Гитлер знаменитые цитаты
  • Цитаты Гитлера на немецком

Адольф Гитлер цитаты

Reichstag Speech, May 21, 1935. "We recognize, with the understanding and the heartfelt friendship of true Nationalists, the Polish State as the home of a great, nationally-conscious people." "The German Reich and, in particular, the present German Government, have no other wish than to live on friendly. speech to the Reichstag. September 15, 1935. On behalf of the German Reich Government, I have requested Reichstag President Pg. Goring to convene for today a session of the German Reichstag in Nuremberg. The place was chosen because, by virtue of the National Socialist. A speech by Adolf Hitler on foreign policy from 1937. Гитлер использовал популистские темы и использовал страх, негодование и незащищенность широких слоев немецкого общества, которые испытывали трудности и чувство поражения после Первой мировой войны. Цитаты, фразы и афоризмы на немецком с переводом.”.

Адольф Гитлер Фразы На Немецком Скачать mp3

Subsequently, the local group leader of the N. Passau, Herr Eichmeister Fischer, officially the meeting, greeted those who appeared cordially, paying special attention to the Austrians. At 8:12 p. Hitler then took the floor...

Alle Volks-u. Das Orchester liess einen schneidigen Marsch vernehmen. Before mentioning Christianity, Hitler appeared to have made references to the purported dangers of open borders.

The meme said: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. We bolded it below: English Through the limitless sense of sacrifice that already enthralls millions today, a sense of sacrifice that also reaches beyond the borders of the country. She has already driven a symbol beyond the marked German borders.

It is the national color of the coming new generation. The bourgeoisie like it. Parties look beyond the border posts, the new Germany already sees the new form in front of it, which consistently overlooks this junk, a form that will create the prerequisites that are necessary on the outside.

For us, Parliament is a fencing ground on which our world view is represented. In particular, we do not believe that Parliament will save Germany, that a German National Assembly could do that, rather that the idea of a leader can one day save Germany! This movement has received an extraordinary degree of freedom of operation, which in the highest sense of the word allows everything to be put aside that could in any way divide the people.

We have different faiths in Germany, but we are one: which faith conquers the other, that is not the question, rather whether Christianity stands or falls, that is the question!

Врагами — являются. Прощать и забывать, значит выбрасывать ценный опыт в окно. Артур Шопенгауэр Wir denken selten an das, was wir haben, aber immer an das, was uns fehlt. Мы редко думаем о том, что имеем, но всегда о том, чего нам не хватает. Все наши беды от того, что мы не можем быть одиноки. Границы языка — это границы мира. О том, о чем нельзя говорить, нужно молчать.

Редко, когда человек знает, во что же он на самом деле верит. Нельзя оскорбить того, кто не хочет быть оскорбленным. Два величайших тирана в мире: Случай и Время. Иоганн Готфрид Гердер Denn nur die freie Neigung ist Liebe, nur wer sich selber hat, kann sich selber geben. Любовь может быть только добровольной, так как только тот, кто располагает собой, может отдавать себя. Франц Ксавер фон Баадер Для качественного перевода текстов широкой тематики рекомендую обращаться в компанию «Е-Перевод» Begeisterung ist ein guter Treibstoff, doch leider verbrennt er zu schnell. Albert Schweitzer Вдохновение - хорошее топливо, но, к сожалению, оно слишком быстро сгорает. Albert Schweitzer Единственно важное в жизни - это следы , которые мы оставляем, когда идём.

Ambrose Bierce Циник - это человек, который видит вещи такими, какие они есть, и не видит, какими они должны быть. Liebe ist vor allem geistigseelisch. Для многих людей именуется. Не может быть без духовного влечения, но это еще не значит, что она превращается в бледное, бестелесное, платоническое влечение. Телесная близость должна быть воплощением духовной близости и духовного влечения. Wer es zuerst tut, ist verloren.

С тяжелым сердцем я сделал это. Прежде всего, уже потому, что если Германия дает гарантию, то это значит, что она отвечает за нее. Мы не англичане и не евреи. Таким образом, я думал в последний момент сохранить мир в этой области, даже несмотря на принятие на себя тяжелых обязательств.

Однако с целью окончательно разрешить эти проблемы и установить ясность в вопросе русского отношения к Германии1, а также под давлением постоянно усиливающейся мобилизации на нашей восточной границе, я пригласил г. Молотова приехать в Берлин. Советский министр иностранных дел потребовал разрешения2 или же согласия Германии по следующим четырем вопросам; 1 Так в документе. В немецком оригинале «русской позиции в отношении Рейха» — «russische Einstellung dem Reiche» S. В немецком оригинале «уяснения» -«Klaerung» S. Мой ответ: Германская гарантия является общей и непременно обязывающей нас. Однако Россия нам никогда не заявляла, что она имеет интересы в Румынии, за исключением Бессарабии. Уже занятие Северной Буковины явилось нарушением этого заверения. Поэтому я не думал, что Россия теперь вдруг может иметь какие-либо дальнейшие намерения против Румынии. Россия решила долее не терпеть этого.

Готова ли Германия не оказывать Финляндии никакого содействия и, прежде всего, сейчас же отозвать германские войска, направляющиеся на смену в Киркенес? Мой ответ: Германия, теперь, как и прежде, не имеет политических интересов в Финляндии. Однако германское правительство не может потерпеть новой войны России против маленького финского народа, тем более, что мы никогда не сможем поверить в угрозу Финляндии для Советской России. Мы вообще не желаем, чтобы в Балтийском море вновь возник театр военных действий. В немецком оригинале «угрозу со стороны Финляндии» — «von Finnland bedroht» S. Мой ответ: Болгария — суверенное государство, и я не знал, что подобно тому, как Румыния у Германии, Болгария вообще просила бы гарантии у Советской России. Кроме того, я должен обсудить это с моими союзниками. Согласна ли Германия на это или нет? Мой ответ: Германия в любое время готова дать свое согласие на изменение Статута Монтрё1 в пользу черноморских государств. Германия не согласна на присвоение русскими опорных пунктов в проливах.

Здесь я занял единственную позицию, которую я мог занять как ответственный вождь Германии, а также как ответственный представитель европейской культуры и цивилизации. Последствием было усиление советской деятельности, направленной против Германии, и, прежде всего, немедленно начатое внутреннее разлагание2 нового румынского государства и попытка устранения болгарского правительства путем пропаганды. При помощи увлеченных неопытных членов румынского легиона удалось инсценировать в Румынии путч, целью которого было свержение главы государства генерала Анто-неску и создание хаоса в стране, чтобы путем уничтожения законной власти устранить предпосылку для вступления в силу обещанной германской гарантии. В немецком оригинале «Status von Montreux» S. В немецком оригинале «разложение изнутри» — «inneren Aushoehlung» S. Несмотря на это, я все же считал лучшим хранить молчание. Тотчас же после неудачи этого предприятия началась вторичная усиленная концентрация русских войск на германской восточной границе. Бронированные1 и парашютные части перебрасывались во все возрастающем числе непосредственно к германской границе. Германская армия и страна знают, что еще несколько недель тому назад на нашей восточной границе не находилось ни одной танковой или моторизованной дивизии. Однако, если требовалось последнее доказательство, несмотря на все диверсии и маскировку, для подтверждения наличия тем временем создавшейся коалиции между Англией и Советской Россией, то оно было представлено югославским конфликтом В то время, как я старался сделать последнюю попытку умиротворения Балкан и в дружеском сотрудничестве с Дуче пригласил Югославию присоединиться к Пакту трех держав, Англия и Советская Россия в совместной работе организовали путч, который в одну ночь устранил тогдашнее правительство, склонное к взаимопониманию.

Теперь может быть сообщено германскому народу, что сербский государственный переворот, направленный против Германии, произошел не только под знаком английской, но главным образом под знаком советской агитации. Так как мы и тут хранили молчание, советское правительство предприняло еще один шаг. Оно не только организовало путч, но несколько дней спустя заключило всем известное дружеское соглашение с подвластными ему новыми "людьми"2 с целью укрепить сербов в их оппозиции против умиротворения Балкан и возбудить их против Германии. В немецком оригинале — «Panzerverbaende» — Panzerbrigade, Panzerdivison S. Здесь и далее по тексту — «танковые соединения, танковые бригады, танковые дивизии». В немецком оригинале «с новыми ставленниками» — «mil den ihr ergebenen neuen Kreatur» S.

The internal order which we created among the German people offered the conditions necessary to reorganize the army and also made it possible for me to throw off those shackles which we felt to be the deepest disgrace ever branded on a people. It was not the occasion of taking anything from anybody or causing any suffering to anybody. Second: I now state here that, in accordance with the restoration of equality of rights, I shall divest the German Railways and the Reichsbank of the forms under which they have hitherto functioned and shall place them absolutely under the sovereign control of the Government of the German Reich. Third: I hereby declare that the section of the Versailles Treaty which deprived our nation of the rights that it shared on an equal footing with other nations and degraded it to the level of an inferior people found its natural liquidation in virtue of the restoration of equality of status.

Fourth: Above all, I solemnly withdraw the German signature from that declaration which was extracted under duress from a weak government, acting against its better judgment. Members of the German Reichstag: The revindication of the honour of the German people, which was expressed outwardly in the restoration of universal military service, the creation of a new air force, the reconstruction of a German navy and the reoccupation of the Rhineland by our troops, was the boldest task that I ever had to face and the most difficult to accomplish. Today I must humbly thank Providence, whose grace has enabled me, who was once an unknown soldier in the War, to bring to a successful issue the struggle for the restoration of our honor and rights as a nation. I regret to say that it was not possible to carry through all the necessary measures by way of negotiation. But at the same time it must be remembered that the honor of a people cannot be bartered away; it can only be taken away. And if it cannot be bartered away it cannot be restored through barter; it must simply be taken back. That I carried out the measures which were necessary for this purpose without consulting our former enemies in each case, and even without informing them, was due to my conviction that the way in which I chose to act would make it easier for the other side to accept our decisions, for they would have had to accept them in any case. I should like to add here that, at all this has now been accomplished, the so-called period of surprises has come to an end. As a State which is now on an equal juridical footing with all the other States, Germany is more conscious than ever that she has a European task before here, which is to collaborate loyally in getting rid of those problems that are the cause of anxiety to ourselves and also to the other nations. If I may state my views on those general questions that are of actual importance today, the most effective way of doing so will be to refer to the statements that were recently made by Mr.

Eden in the British House of Commons. At this point I should like to express my sincere thanks for the opportunity which has been given me by the outspoken and noteworthy declarations made by the British Foreign Secretary. I think I have read those statements carefully and have understood them correctly. Of course, I do not want to get lost among the details, and so I should like to single out the leading points in Mr. In doing this, I shall first try to correct what seems to me to be a most regrettable error. This error lay in assuming that somehow or other Germany wishes to isolate herself and to allow the events which happen in the rest of the world to pass by without participating in them, or that she does not wish to take any account whatsoever of the general necessities of the time. What are the grounds for the assumption that Germany wants to pursue a policy of isolation? If this a such an attitude, then the most than [sic] can be said is that it has been forced to do so under the coercion of a foreign will imposed upon it. Now, in the first place, I should like to assure Mr. Eden that we Germans do not in the least want to be isolated and that we do not at all feel ourselves isolated.

During recent years Germany has entered into quite a number of political agreements with other States. She has resumed former agreements and improved them. And I may say that she has established close friendly relations with a number of States. Our relations with most of the European States are normal from our standpoint and we are on terms of close friendship with quite a number. Among all those diplomatic connections I would give a special place in the foreground to those excellent relations which we have with those States that were liberated from sufferings similar to those we had to endure and have consequently arrived at similar decisions. Through a number of treaties which we have made, we have relieved many strained relations and thereby made a substantial contribution towards an improvement in European conditions. I need remind you only of our agreement with Poland, which has turned out advantageous for both countries, our agreement with Austria and the excellent and close relations which we have established with Italy. Finally, I may mention our cordial relations with a whole series of nations outside of Europe. The agreement which Germany has made with Japan for combating the movement directed by the Comintern is a vital proof of how little the German Government thinks of isolating itself and how little we feel ourselves actually isolated. Furthermore, I have on several ocassions [sic] declared that it is our wish and hope to arrive at good cordial relations with all our neighbors.

Germany has steadily given its assurance, and I solemnly repeat this assurance here, that between ourselves and France, for example, there are no grounds for quarrel that are humanly thinkable. Furthermore, the German Government has assured Belgium and Holland that it is ready to recognize and guarantee these States as neutral regions in perpetuity. In view of the declarations which we have made in the past and in view of the existing state of affairs, I cannot quite clearly see why Germany should consider herself isolated or why we should pursue a policy of isolation. From the economic standpoint there are no grounds for asserting that Germany is withdrawing from international cooperation. The contrary is the truth. On looking over the speeches which several statesmen have made within the last few months, I find that they might easily give rise to the impression that the whole world is waiting to shower economic favors on Germany but that we, who are represented as obstinately clinging to a policy of isolation, do not wish to partake of those favors To place this whole matter in its true light, I should like to call attention to the following bare facts: — 1 For many years the German people have been trying to make better commercial treaties with their neighbors. And these efforts have not been in vain; for, as a matter of fact, German foreign trade has increased since 1932, both in volume and in value. This is the clearest refutation of the assertion that Germany is pursuing a policy of economic isolation. Credit manipulation may perhaps have a temporary effect, but in the long run economic international relations will be decisively influenced by the volume of mutual exchange of goods. And here the state of affairs at the present moment is not such that the outside world would be able to place huge orders with us or offer prospects of an increase in the exchange of goods even if we were to fulfil the most extraordinary conditions that they might lay down.

Matters should not be made more complicated than they already are. But Germany cannot be blamed for these two things, and especially not National Socialist Germany. When we assumed power the world economic crisis was worse than it is today. I fear however that I must interpret Mr. Therefore I wish it to be clearly understood that our decision to carry out this plan is unalterable. The reasons which led to that decision were inexorable. And since then I have not been able to discover anything whatsoever that might induce us to discontinue the four years plan. I shall take only one practical example: In carrying out the four years plan our synthetic production of rubber and petrol will necessitate an annual increase in our consumption of coal by a margin of something between 20 and 30 million tons. This means that an extra quota of thousands of coal miners are assured of employment for the rest of their active lives. I must really take the liberty of asking this question: Supposing we abondon [sic] the German four years plan, then what statesman can guarantee me some economic equivalent or other, outside of the Reich, for these thirty million tons of coal?

I want bread and work for my people. And certainly I do not wish to have it through the operation of credit guarantees, but through solid and permanent lab our, the products of which I can either exchange for foreign goods or for domestic goods in our internal commercial circulation. If by some manipulation or other Germany were to throw these 20 or 30 million tons of coal annually on the international market for the future, the result would be that the coal exports of other countries would have to decrease. I do not know if a British statesman, for example, could face such a contingency without realizing how serious it would be for his own nation. And yet that is the state of affairs. Germany has an enormous number of men who not only want to work but also to eat. And the standard of living among our people is high. I cannot build the future of the German nation on the assurances of a foreign statesman or on any international help, but only on the real basis of a steady production, for which I must find a market at home or abroad. Perhaps my skepticism in these matters leads me to differ from the British Foreign Secretary in regard to the optimistic tone of his statements. I mean here that if Europe does not awaken to the danger of the Bolshevic infection, then I fear that international commerce will not increase but decrease, despite all the good intentions of individual statesmen.

For this commerce is based not only on the undisturbed and guaranteed stability of production in one individual nation but also on the production of all the nations together. One of the first things which is clear in this matter is that every Bolshevic disturbance must necessarily lead to a more or less permanent destruction of orderly production. Therefore my opinion about the future of Europe is, I am sorry to say, not so optimistic as Mr. I am the responsible leader of the German people and must safeguard its interests in this world as well as I can. And therefore I am bound to judge things objectively as I see them. I should not be acquitted before the bar of our history if I neglected something—no matter on what grounds—which is necessary to maintain the existence of this people. I am pleased, and we are all pleased, at every increase that takes place in our foreign trade. But in view of the obscure political situation I shall not neglect anything that is necessary to guarantee the existence of the German people, although other nations may become the victims of the Bolshevic infection. And I must also repudiate the suggestion that this view is the outcome of mere fancy. For the following is certainly true: The British Foreign Secretary opens out theoretical prospects of existence to us, whereas in reality what is happening is totally different.

The revolutionizing of Spain, for instance, has driven out 15. Should this revolutionizing of Spain spread to other European countries then these damages would not be lessened but increased. I also am a responsible statesman and I must take such possibilities into account. Therefore it is my unalterable determination so to organize German lab our that it will guarantee the maintenance of my people. Eden may rest assured that we shall utilize every possibility offered us of strengthening our economic relations with other nations, but also that we shall avail ourselves of every possibility to improve and enrich the circulation of our own internal trade. I must ask also whether the grounds for assuming that Germany is pursuing a policy of isolation are to be found in the fact that we have left he League of Nations. If such be the grounds, then I would point out that the Geneva League has never been a real League of peoples. A number of great nations do not belong to it or have left it. And nobody has on this account asserted that they were following a policy of isolation. I think therefore that on this point Mr.

Eden misunderstands our intentions and views. For nothing is farther from our wishes than to break off or weaken our political or economic relations with other nations. I have already tried to contribute towards bringing about a good understanding in Europe and I have often given, especially to the British people and their Government, assurance of how ardently we wish for a sincere and cordial cooperation with them. I admit that on one point there is a wide difference between the views of the British Foreign Secretary and our views; and here it seems to me that this is a gap which cannot be filled up. Eden declares that under no circumstances does the British Government wish to see Europe torn into two halves. Unfortunately, this desire for unity has not hitherto been declared or listened to. And now the desire is an illusion. For the fact is that the division into two halves, not only of Europe but also of the whole world, is an accomplished fact. It is to be regretted that the British Government did not adopt its present attitude at an earlier date, that under all circumstances a division of Europe must be avoided; for then the Treaty of Versailles would not have been entered into. This Treaty brought in the first division of Europe, namely a division of the nations into victors on the one side and vanquished on the other, the latter nations being outlawed.

Through this division of Europe nobody suffered more than the German people. That this division was wiped out, so far as concerns Germany, is essentially due to the National Socialist Revolution and this brings some credit to myself. The second division has been brought about by the proclamation of the Bolshevic doctrine, an integral feature of which is that they do not confine it to one nation but try to impose it on all the nations. Here it is not a question of a special form of national life in Russia but of the Bolshevic demand for a world revolution. If Mr. Eden does not look at Bolshevism as we look at it, that may have something to do with the position of Great Britain and also with some happenings that are unknown to us. But I believe that nobody will question the sincerity of our opinions on this matter, for they are not based merely on abstract theory. For Mr. Eden Bolshevism is perhaps a thing which has its seat in Moscow, but for us in Germany this Bolshevism is a pestilence against which we have had to struggle at the cost of much bloodshed. It is a pestilence which tried to turn our country into the same kind of desert as is now the case in Spain; for the habit of murdering hostages began here, in the form in which we now see it in Spain.

National Socialism did not try to come to grips with Bolshevism in Russia, but the Jewish international Bolshevics in Moscow have tried to introduce their system into Germany and are still trying to do so. Against this attempt we have waged a bitter struggle, not only in defence of our own civilization but in defence of European civilization as a whole. In January and February of the year 1933, when the last decisive struggle against this barbarism was being fought out in Germany, had Germany been defeated in that struggle and had the Bolshevic field of destruction and death extended over Central Europe, then perhaps a different opinion would have arisen on the banks of the Thames as to the nature of this terrible menace to humanity. For since it is said that England must be defended on the frontier of the Rhine she would then have found herself in close contact with that harmless democratic world of Moscow, whose innocence they are always trying to impress upon us. Here I should like to state the following once again: — The teaching of Bolshevism is that there must be a world revolution, which would mean world-destruction. If such a doctrine were accepted and given equal rights with other teachings in Europe, this would mean that Europe would be delivered over to it. As far as Germany itself is concerned, let there be no doubts on the following points: — 1 We look on Bolshevism as a world peril for which there must be no toleration. It is in accordance with this attitude of ours that we should avoid close contact with the carriers of these poisonous bacilli. And that is also the reason why we do not want to have any closer relations with them beyond the necessary political and commercial relations; for if we went beyond these we might thereby run the risk of closing the eyes of our people to the danger itself. I consider Bolshevism the most malignant poison that can be given to a people.

And therefore I do not want my own people to come into contact with this teaching. As a citizen of this nation I myself shall not do what I should have to condemn my fellow-citizens for doing. I demand from every German workman that he shall not have any relations with these international mischief-makers and he shall never see me clinking glasses or rubbing shoulders with them. Moreover, any further treaty connections with the present Bolshevic Russia would be completely worthless for us. It is out of the question to think that National Socialist Germany should ever be bound to protect Bolshevism or that we, on our side, should ever agree to accept the assistance of a Bolshevic State. For I fear that the moment any nation should agree to accept such assistance, it would thereby seal its own doom. I must also say here that I do not accept the opinion which holds that in the moment of peril the League of nations could come to the rescue of the member States and hold them up by the arms, as it were. Eden stated in his last address that deeds and not speeches are what matters. On that point I should like to call attention to the fact that up to now the outstanding feature of the League of Nations has been talk rather than action. There was one exception and in that case it would probably have been better to have been content with talk.

In this one case, as might have been foreseen, action was fruitless. Hence, just as I have been forced by economic circumstances to depend on our own resources principally for the maintenance of my people, so also I have been forced in the political sphere. And we ourselves are not to blame for that. Three times I have made concrete offers for armament restriction or at least armament limitation. These offers were rejected. In this connection I may recall the fact that the greatest offer which I then made was that Germany and France together should reduce their standing armies to 300,000 men; that Germany, Great Britain and France, should bring down their air force to parity and that Germany and Great Britain should conclude a naval agreement. Only the last offer was accepted and it was the only contribution in the world to a real limitation of armaments. The other German proposals were either flatly refused or were answered by the conclusion of those alliances which gave Central Europe to Soviet Russia as the field of play for its gigantic forces. Eden speaks of German armaments and expects a limitation of these armaments. We ourselves proposed this limitation long ago.

But it had no effect because, instead of accepting our proposal, treaties were made whereby the greatest military power in the world was, according to the terms of the treaties and in fact, introduced into Central Europe. In speaking of armaments it would be well to mention in the first instance the armaments possessed by that Power which sets the standard for the armaments of all others.

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Подписаться 90,7K подписчиков Байка о том, что на Гитлера работала вся Европа, в которую некоторые ещё верят наивно, легко разрушается приведением конкретных примеров с цифрами. А вот чтобы разрушить миф о некоем небывалом могуществе Вермахта, из-за которого, по версии товарища Сталина и случились все наши беды 1941 года, есть один интересный способ. Для этого надо сравнить германскую армию 1918 года с Вермахтом в году 1939-м. Конечно, речь не про численность, поскольку в 1918 году Германия находилась в состоянии полного истощения всех ресурсов.

At that time I fought, but during those years, my countrymen, there were many setbacks for forbidden parties, one sentence... Then again local groups were dissolved, then again, over all of German states the movement was forbidden.

In short, there was a continuous fight against uninterrupted setbacks. Then, finally, came September, 1930, and we walked into the Reichstag with our 106 mandates-another was added-107 mandates. Then we should have been given part in the government, but that was when the real opposition sidetracking came, and it grew greater uninterruptedly. It was a continuous battle, which eventually... How many party members did we lose at the time?

Then came the year 1932. The first presidential election, again a setback. The second presidential election, the party saw... It was a fight in which all was at stake. Many persons again had to pay with their lives that year.

Many persons went to prison. And then came July, with a... Then everyone cried: "This is the hour in which to take over power," and again the hour passed by, it had to go by. And then came another reversal. And then-a final battle.

And finally the day, the memory of which we are celebrating. Now, my compatriots countrymen , I have related this to you only very briefly, in order to show you above all else that: the victory which we are celebrating today, did not come to us at that time as an easy gift, which fell into our laps. This victory was bound up with great efforts, with sacrifices, with deprivations, with unceasing labors, and also with setbacks. And if you had asked anyone on January 15, "Do you believe that this person"-that was I at that time-"will get into power? And now I must mention something else.

I told you what I found conditions to be in the year 1919 to 1920, when I brought the party into existence; I have depicted for you the situation, after my first great defeat. But I must recall to your memory, in just a few sentences, what I had taken upon myself on that 30th of January. It was a heritage which hardly anyone wanted any more to take over at all. Everything ruined, the economy destroyed; 7,000,000 people without a living, and it was increasing from week to week; 7,000,000 part-time workers. The Reich finances an enormous deficit of nearly three billions.

The peasantry on the verge of complete collapse, on the verge of having land and soil auctioned off. Trade crippled, commerce brought to a halt, our shipping no longer in existence. In general, everything in Germany seemed now to be dead. But I took that over. It was no bright heritage, but I looked upon it as an honor to take over something not at the moment when it is flourishing, but to take it over at the moment when others say: "Everything is already ruined.

Everyone can, of course? It was altogether clear to me that? I would have been beaten to death, I dared and I won. I began to stabilize the German currency by relentless pressure from above. I began, however, to stabilize it so...

German production... All that is easy to tell today, but it was not so easy then, for if it had been so easy, why did my opponents not do it? I immediately began with the repression of all the foreign elements in Germany; I mean our cosmopolites. I began also at this time to bring individual provinces into the Reich. Instead of numberless economic organizations a combination of all in one single bureau.

At first, of course, everyone complained whose interests were thereby threatened. But one thing no one can dispute, from either the right or left: In the end everything went better than before. For one thing, my comrades, you must all admit, wherever you come from: Everywhere today you see works of peace which we could no longer continue on account of war. Everywhere you see great buildings, schools, housing projects, which the war has kept us from carrying on. Before I entered upon this war, I had begun a gigantic program of social, economic, cultural work, in part already completed.

But everywhere I had in mind new plans, new projects. When, on the other hand, I look at my opponents, what have they really done, now? They could rush easily enough into war. War did not rob them of a peaceful state, for they have accomplished nothing. This prattler, this drink-bold Churchill, what has he in reality accomplished in his life?

This perfidious fellow is a lazybones of the first order. If this war had not come, the centuries would have spoken of our generation and also of all of us and also of myself as the creator of great works of peace. But if this war had not come, who would speak of Churchill? Now he will one day be spoken of, to be sure, but as the destroyer of an empire, which he and now we destroyed. One of the most pitiful phrase-mongering natures of world history, incapable of creating anything, of accomplishing anything, or of performing creative acts, capable only of destroying.

Of his accomplice in the White House I would rather not speak at all, moreover-a wretched madman. To be sure, the more we worked, the more we put Germany in order, the greater grew the hatred, unfortunately. For now there came something in addition. Now came the stupid hatred of the social strata abroad, who believed that the German model, the socialistic German model, could break in on them also, circumstances permitting. I have often heard that those in other countries said themselves: "Well, you know,...

I do not even demand at all that they should be carried out. On the contrary, I am not here to concern myself with the happiness of other peoples, but I feel myself responsible exclusively for my own people. That is what I work for. To my sleepless nights I will not add a single one for other lands. Why not?

That only spoils our working class. They do not perceive that the German workingman has worked more than ever before; why should he not then recover? Is it not above all a joke when that man from the White House says: "We have a World Program and this World Program will give mankind freedom and the right to labor. Roosevelt, open your eyes, we have had that in Germany for a long time already. Or when he says that care will be taken of illness.

Go and look at the battle-cry of our party program that is National Socialistic, not its doctrine, my dear sir, those are high ideas like those of a Democrat. Or when he says: "We wish to raise the standard of prosperity, even for the masses. Those are prominent things in our program. For we have also done that without a war. You have a war!

No, this capitalistic babble does not even think of doing such a thing. They see in us only the bad example, and in order to tempt their own people, they must meddle in our party program and there snatch out single sentences, these pitiful blunders, and even then they do it badly. We have had a united world against us here, naturally, not only from the right but also from the left, as those on the left say to us, "If that succeeds; this experiment, it actually creates, it brings it about, that it does away with homelessness. It makes it ready and establishes a school system whereby every talented youngster, irrespective of what kind of position. He completes it and makes a lawyer out of a former farm worker.

He completed it. Why, we live by the fact that that does not exist. We do live by that. War, then, against this National Socialism. We have now been at the helm for nine years.

This struggle will render the verdict, if this Russia is compared with Germany. What have we created in nine years, what is the aspect of the German people, and what has been created there? I do not even want to talk about the capitalist states, they are not at all concerned about their unemployed for that reason? To the American millionaire the unemployed person is something natural, something he does not have to see at all, since he does not go to the neighborhoods where they are, and they do not come to the neighborhood where he sits; they under-took a hunger march on Washington, to be sure, to the White House or to the Capitol, but they are dispersed somewhere by the police before they can do it with rubber truncheons and tear gas, and so on, all of them things which do not exist in autocratic Germany. We have not used these measures against our people at all, we manage without rubber truncheons and without these things, without tear gas.

We are resolute in our renunciation of them, while in the case of the enemy it is understood that at the moment of taking power they increased it... You know them already from my fighting period. I travel with three countries, their... Every attempt to come to an understanding with England was altogether to no purpose. Here there were people...

They saw in Germany an enemy, and that the world had changed essentially since the time of their great Queen Victoria, that people did not know at all that Germany never threatened England but that this England could be maintained only when she had found a close cooperation with Europe. This they did not realize. On the contrary, they fought on every occasion against Europe. It is quite interesting as they themselves, when a man, who is really a man, arrives, he is thrown out immediately? These are unbreakable eggs.

Wherever they step they remain somewhere again, among enemies. On the whole they have been in the cold too long. They have already spoken of the breaking up of the German Reich by next September, and with the help of this advance prophesy, and we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely, with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews. And the further this war spreads, the farther will spread this fight against the world of the... I was more fortunate with the second state, with which I found some relationship.

That is actually no wonder. However, it would be a real wonder, if it were otherwise. Because, already-as I said today in a... A hundred years ago, Germany fought its way to a renaissance as a state, and its independence as a state, and Italy was fighting for its national united... Then these two states separated, and both nations fought without success and then came the...

Both Revolutions had about the same course; each one had severe setbacks, but finally won the fight. Both nations brought about... Both nations concerned people who could not find their daily bread on their own soil. Both nations found themselves one day standing opposite the same people, without wanting to, against the same international union, as already had occurred in 1935, when England suddenly turned against Italy, without any sort of preliminary warning; Italy had taken nothing from England, therefore it was for the reason that: "We do not wish Italy to have its free right to life," just as it was, with Germany, for the reason that: "We do not wish Germany to have its free right to life. What do we want from England?

I offered each of them peace, more, I want to offer friendship. On the other side an old freemason, who only believes in a war, to be able to salvage his bankrupt economy, perhaps, or at least to gain time. Thus both states again stand face to face with the same foe... And then, in addition, there is still a third thing-I have mentioned it today also: in both cases they are men, two men, who have come from the people... In the last few weeks...

I have read about the history of the Italian Fascist Revolution, and it seemed to me as if I had the history of my own party before me, so similar, so identical, that... And now finally the third state has joined us, another state with which we have always wanted to have good relations for the past many years.

I wanted to prevent this.

I know well enough that I should not have been successful if Poland had had a democratic Constitution. For these democracies which indulge in phrases about peace are the most bloodthirsty war agitators. In Poland there ruled no democracy, but a man; and with him I succeeded, in precisely twelve months, in coming to an agreement which, for ten years in the first instance, entirely removed the danger of a conflict.

We are all convinced that this agreement will bring lasting pacification. We realise that here are two peoples which must live together and neither of which can do away with the other. A people of 33 millions will always strive for an outlet to the sea.

A way for understanding, then, had to be found; it has been found; and it will be ever further extended. Certainly things were hard in this area. The nationalities and small national groups frequently quarrelled among themselves.

But the main fact is that the two Governments, and all reasonable and clear-sighted persons among the two peoples and in the two countries, possess the firm will and determination to improve their relations. It was a real work of peace, of more worth than all the chattering in the League of Nations Palace at Geneva. There can scarcely be any difference of opinion to-day among the true friends of peace with regard to the value of this agreement.

One only needs to ask oneself what might have happened to Europe if this agreement, which brought such relief, had not been entered into five years ago. In signing it, this great Polish marshal and patriot rendered his people just as great a service as the leaders of the National Socialist State rendered the German people. During the troubled months of the past year the friendship between Germany and Poland was one of the reassuring factors in the political life of Europe.

The German and Polish statements regarding these negotiations are to be found in the annexed documents. Here, too, the Peace Treaty of Versailles-of course intentionally-inflicted a most severe wound on Germany.

Иоганн Готфрид Гердер Denn nur die freie Neigung ist Liebe, nur wer sich selber hat, kann sich selber geben. Любовь может быть только добровольной, так как только тот, кто располагает собой, может отдавать себя. Франц Ксавер фон Баадер Для качественного перевода текстов широкой тематики рекомендую обращаться в компанию «Е-Перевод» Begeisterung ist ein guter Treibstoff, doch leider verbrennt er zu schnell. Albert Schweitzer Вдохновение - хорошее топливо, но, к сожалению, оно слишком быстро сгорает.

Albert Schweitzer Единственно важное в жизни - это следы , которые мы оставляем, когда идём. Ambrose Bierce Циник - это человек, который видит вещи такими, какие они есть, и не видит, какими они должны быть. Liebe ist vor allem geistigseelisch. Для многих людей именуется. Не может быть без духовного влечения, но это еще не значит, что она превращается в бледное, бестелесное, платоническое влечение. Телесная близость должна быть воплощением духовной близости и духовного влечения.

Wer es zuerst tut, ist verloren. Alles was du im Leben brauchst ist Ignoranz und Uberzeugung, und der Erfolg wird dir sicher sein. У каждого, как у луны, есть темная сторона , которую он никому не показывает. Man vergisst vielleicht, wo man die Friedenspfeife vergraben hat. Aber man vergisst niemals, wo das Beil liegt. Вероятно, можно забыть, где закопана трубка мира.

Но никогда не забывают, где лежит топор. Тот, кто много знает, стремиться к ясности; тот, кто хочет показать, что много знает, стремиться во тьму. То, что делается из , всегда находится по ту сторону и. Надежда — это радуга над падающим вниз ручейком. Wer nie reist, sieht nur eine Seite davon.

служба утерянных цитат - 9

Особого внимания заслуживают интересные высказывания всем известного немецкого политика и оратора Гитлера, который высказывался на многие темы, начиная от народа и заканчивая темой любви. Hitler im Reichstag am 1. September 1939 Quelle: Bundesarchiv Koblenz. Hofbrauhaus interior where Hitler spoke National Socialist German Workers Party Public meeting in the Great Hall of the Hofbräuhaus Friday 15 August 1920 Adolf Hitler ~~Why We Are Antisemites~~ Translation from German by Hasso Castrup (Copenhagen, Denmark), January, 2013, exclusively for. Пользователь Микола Довгенький задал вопрос в категории Лингвистика и получил на него 2 ответа.

Выдержки из стенографической записи высказываний Гитлера

1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,900 Ob du meine Arbeit für richtig hältst, 2 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:08,990 ob du glaubst, dass ich fleißig gewesen bin, dass ich gearbeitet habe. 3 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:11,900 dass ich mich in diesen Jahren für dich eingesetzt habe, 4 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:16,990 dass ich. Adolf Hitler said in a speech: Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa! If international. Главная» Новости» Цитаты гитлера на немецком.

"Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus

Содержание выступления Гитлера перед военачальниками передал в Москву немецкий коммунист и агент Коминтерна Лео Рот. Цитаты Гитлера на немецком. Высказывания о любви Адольфа Гитлера. Афоризмы, цитаты, высказывания знаменитых людей в переводе с немецкого на русский язык. Meine Ehre heißt Treue! Верность – моя честь! (русский текст внизу) Russland hat eine Rede Adolf Hitlers freigegeben, nota bene mit russischen Untertiteln versehen. Die Botschaft an die Machthaber weltweit und an die "Elite" in Amerika kann deutlicher nicht sein: Was AH damals sagte, es trifft exakt auf heute zu. Es mag traurig sein, es ist wahr. Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера на немецком кричит.

Adolf Hitler Speeches

On September 12, 1938, Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of the Reich, addressed the German Reichstag. That morning, The German Reich had crossed the German-Czech frontier, thus initiating the Invasion of Czechoslovakia. Delegates, Men of the German Reichstag! For months we have been suffering under. On September 12, 1938, Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of the Reich, addressed the German Reichstag. That morning, The German Reich had crossed the German-Czech frontier, thus initiating the Invasion of Czechoslovakia. Delegates, Men of the German Reichstag! For months we have been suffering under. Adolf Hitler beeinflusste die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts auf schreckliche Weise. Doch wie wurde er zum Diktator, der die Welt mit einem verheerenden Krieg und dem Holocaust in eine Katastrophe stürzte? Адольф Гитлер — немецкий политик и оратор, основоположник и центральная фигура. I have very often in my lifetime been a prophet and have been mostly derided. At the time of my struggle for power it was in the first instance the Jewish people who only greeted with laughter my prophecies that I would someday take over the leadership of the state and of the entire people of. Адольф Гитлер — немецкий политик и оратор, основоположник и центральная фигура национал-социализма, основатель тоталитарной диктатуры Третьего рейха, глава Национал-социалистической немецкой рабочей п Смотрите видео онлайн «Адольф Гитлер цитаты и.

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